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v1.1.0 - Moon Update!

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@0xStarcat 0xStarcat released this 14 Oct 22:23
· 36 commits to master since this release


  • Added observerInstance.Date.dateString property which returns the formatted date string of the observer
  • Added new moon position properties include phase & shape descriptions and orbit calculations (mean ascending node + mean descending node and mean perigee + mean apogee):
new Ephemeris: {
  moon: {
    position: {
      phaseDecimal: float // property which returns a 0.0 - 0.99 representation of the phase.
      phaseDaysDistance: float // positive float indicating distance from closest phase quarter
      shapeDirectionString: string // 'Waxing' or 'Waning' depending on the phaseDecimal value
      shapeString: string // 'Crescent' or 'Gibbous' depending on the illuminatedFraction
      quarterApproximationValue: float // the amount (in days) in either direction of a quarter event to allow for determining the approximate quarter phase. Defaults to 1.5 days in either direction of a quarter event.
      quarterApproximationString: string // QUARTER EVENT<'New Moon', 'First Quarter', 'Full Moon', 'Last Quarter'> determined by the phaseDecimal and quarterApproximationValue
      quarterApproximationDirectionString: string // "Entering" or "Leaving" the quarter approximation
      withinQuarterApproximation: boolean // true/false determined by whether phaseDecimal is inside of quarterApproximationValue
    orbit: {
      meanAscendingNode: {
        apparentLongitude: float
        apparentLongitudeString: string
        apparentLongitude30String: string
      meanDescendingNode: {...},
      meanPerigee: {...},
      meanApogee: {...}