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Releases: 0xLeif/Later


16 Nov 16:17
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.0.0...2.0.0


20 Sep 02:06
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Later is a Swift 6 library that simplifies asynchronous programming by offering simple building blocks for managing concurrency. Later helps you write clean, maintainable code that efficiently handles complex asynchronous tasks.

Key Features

Later offers a range of tools to make asynchronous programming more straightforward and efficient:

  • SendableValue: A generic Sendable value that ensures thread safety using OSAllocatedUnfairLock.
  • Future: Represents a value that will be available asynchronously in the future, enabling you to handle tasks that take time to complete.
  • Deferred: Represents a value that will be computed and available asynchronously when explicitly started, giving you control over when a task begins.
  • Stream: Represents an asynchronous sequence of values emitted over time, perfect for handling data that updates periodically.
  • Publisher: Allows objects to subscribe to changes in state or data, notifying subscribers when updates occur, ensuring your application responds dynamically to changes.
  • Subscribing: A protocol for objects that want to observe changes in state or data, making it easy to react to updates.

Getting Started

To start using Later, follow our Installation Guide which provides step-by-step instructions for adding Later to your Swift project using Swift Package Manager.

After installation, explore our Usage Overview to see how to implement each of the key features in your own code. From simple examples to more in-depth explorations, these guides will help you integrate Later into your asynchronous workflows effectively.


Here’s a breakdown of the Later documentation:

Next Steps

To continue, head over to our Installation Guide and get Later set up in your project. After installation, you can dive into the Usage Overview to see how to start leveraging the power of asynchronous programming with Later.


09 Aug 01:11
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1.0.0-beta.3 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Extend AsyncSequence with forEach function by @0xLeif in #17

Full Changelog: 1.0.0-beta.2...1.0.0-beta.3


09 Aug 00:45
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1.0.0-beta.2 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.0.0-beta.1...1.0.0-beta.2


08 Aug 22:33
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1.0.0-beta.1 Pre-release


Later is a lightweight Swift 6 library designed to simplify asynchronous programming by providing foundational building blocks such as Future, Deferred, Stream, and Publisher. These components enable you to manage and coordinate asynchronous tasks, making it easier to write clean and maintainable code.


  • Future: Represents a value that will be available asynchronously in the future.
  • Deferred: Represents a value that will be computed and available asynchronously when explicitly started.
  • Stream: Represents an asynchronous sequence of values emitted over time.
  • Publisher: Allows objects to subscribe to changes in state or data and notifies subscribers when the state or data changes.
  • Subscribing: A protocol for objects that want to observe changes in state or data.


Swift Package Manager

Add Later to your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0-beta.1")

And add it to your target’s dependencies:

    name: "YourTarget",
    dependencies: ["Later"]



A Future represents a value that will be available asynchronously in the future.

import Later

@Sendable func asyncTask() async throws -> String {
    return "Hello"

let future = Future {
    do {
        let result = try await asyncTask()
        return result
    } catch {
        throw error

do {
    let result = try await future.value
    print(result)  // Prints "Hello"
} catch {
    print("Error: \(error)")


A Deferred represents a value that will be computed and available asynchronously when explicitly started.

import Later

@Sendable func asyncDeferredTask() async throws -> String {
    return "Deferred Hello"

var deferred = Deferred {
    do {
        let result = try await asyncDeferredTask()
        return result
    } catch {
        throw error


do {
    let result = try await deferred.value
    print(result)  // Prints "Deferred Hello"
} catch {
    print("Error: \(error)")


A Stream represents an asynchronous sequence of values emitted over time.

import Later

@Sendable func asyncStreamTask1() async throws -> String {
    return "First value"

@Sendable func asyncStreamTask2() async throws -> String {
    return "Second value"

let stream = Stream<String> { emitter in
    do {
        let value1 = try await asyncStreamTask1()
        emitter.emit(value: value1)
        let value2 = try await asyncStreamTask2()
        emitter.emit(value: value2)
    } catch {
        // Handle error if necessary

Task {
    for try await value in stream {
        print(value)  // Prints "First value" and then "Second value"

Publisher and Subscribing

A Publisher allows objects to subscribe to changes in data and notifies subscribers when the data changes.

import Later

class MySubscriber: Subscribing {
    typealias Value = String
    func didUpdate(newValue: String?) {
        print("New value: \(String(describing: newValue))")

let subscriber = MySubscriber()
let publisher = Publisher(initialValue: "Initial value", subscribers: [subscriber])

// Using Future with Publisher
let future = await publisher.future(
    didSucceed: nil,
    didFail: nil,
    task: {
        return "Future value"

do {
    let value = try await future.value
    print("Future completed with value: \(value)")
} catch {
    print("Future failed with error: \(error)")

// Using Deferred with Publisher
var deferred = await publisher.deferred(
    didSucceed: nil,
    didFail: nil,
    task: {
        return "Deferred value"


do {
    let value = try await deferred.value
    print("Deferred completed with value: \(value)")
} catch {
    print("Deferred failed with error: \(error)")

// Using Stream with Publisher
let stream = await
    didSucceed: nil,
    didFail: nil,
    task: { emitter in
        emitter.emit(value: "Stream value 1")
        emitter.emit(value: "Stream value 2")

var streamValues: [String] = []
for try await value in stream {
    print("Stream emitted value: \(value)")

print("Stream completed with values: \(streamValues)")

Schedule Task

You can schedule tasks to be executed after a specified duration using the Task extension.

Availability: @available(macOS 13.0, iOS 16.0, watchOS 9.0, tvOS 16.0, *)

import Later

func asyncScheduledTask() async throws {
    print("Task executed")

do {
    try await Task.schedule(for: .seconds(5)) {
        try await asyncScheduledTask()
} catch {
    print("Failed to execute task: \(error)")


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue if you have any suggestions or bug reports. Please create an issue before submitting any pull request to make sure the work isn’t already being worked on by someone else.

Full Changelog: