Welcome to my NixOS Mobile Configuration! This repository represents my personal NixOS configuration for my oneplus6, crafted to suit my needs and preferences. I have included the steps I took to get NixOS running on my phone. I hope you find this useful!
⭐ & ❤️ from: 0xKyran
note: The repo requires a lot of cleanup, but it works for now.
- oneplus 6 (non T)
- nix
- aarch64 machine
- android-tools
- tmux
- btop / htop
- vim / neovim
note: if you dont have an AARCH machine see aws-server
- setup your phone:
- enable developer options, USB debugging and OEM unlock on your oneplus6
- run
adb reboot bootloader
to reboot your phone into the bootloader - run
fastboot oem unlock
to unlock your bootloader
note: this will wipe and reset your phone and you will need to re-enable developer options and USB debugging
- Setup partitions
- download TWRP
- run
adb reboot bootloader
to reboot your phone into the bootloader - run
fastboot boot twrp-3.7.0_11-0-enchilada.img
to boot into TWRP - download copy-partitions-20220613-signed.zip
- in TWRP go to Advanced -> ADB Sideload and swipe to start sideload
- run
adb sideload copy-partitions-20220613-signed.zip
- return to the bootloader
- remove the following partitions:
fastboot erase dtbo_a
fastboot erase dtbo_b
- building image
- clone this repo with
git clone git@github.com:0xKyran/nixos-mobile.git
- Allow unfree and insecure packages with:
- build the images with
nix-build --argstr device oneplus-enchilada -A build.android-fastboot-images
- cd into the
directory - run
to flash the boot image - run
fastboot flash userdata system.img
to flash the system image - run
fastboot reboot
to reboot your phone into NixOS
If you dont have an AARCH64 machine you can use an AWS server to build the images.
- create an AWS server with the following specs:
- t4g.[instance size]
- 80GB storage
- nixOS AARCH64 image, see amis in Ami-list
- SSH access, with a key you have access to (with port 22 open in your security group)
This is the configuration I used: configuration.nix
- ssh into your server
- follow the installation steps
note: You have to use a aarch64 instance, I used t4g.2xlarge but you can use a smaller instance if you want.
note: You will need some storage, I used 80GB but you can use less if you want.
note: Bigger instances will build faster but have a higher cost per hour.