This project tries to find the lowest SHA256 possible given a string based on the rules of
It uses goroutines to calculate different strings hash concurrently.
- {username}/{nonce}
- username: 1-32 characters from a-zA-Z0-9_-
- nonce: 1-64 characters from Base64 (a-zA-Z0-9+/)
The hash of the full string will be considered, not just the nonce
For example for the following string: "0x00cl/i5+8250U/Hi/HN/OinJeJj/eam3VRRI9d" the hash is "0000000003b98cfcf91b9b3e637354916d9cb960638373758d81072349bcb778"
$ go build
$ ./shallenge
$ ./shallenge -h
-h Print this help message.
-n int
Number of workers to spawn (default 8)
-p string
String to add as suffix to the random generated word (default "i5+8250U/Hello+HN/")
-v Print the version number.