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(NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE REPO YOU WANT) Ghostty discord bot


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Ghostty Discord Bot

The Ghostty Discord Bot, humorlessly named "Ghostty Bot."

It originally powered the invite system during Ghostty's private beta period, successfully inviting ~5,000 people. It now serves as the community's helper bot, making development discussion and community moderation more efficient.

Bot setup


The bot is tailor-made for the Ghostty community and will most definitely be unsuitable for other servers. If you're looking to use similar features, you should consider looking for a more general-purpose bot, or forking this project and modifying it to suit your needs. That said, the core intent of this guide is to help contributors set up their development environment for building and testing new features. Contributions are the goal, not standalone usage.

1. Preparing a Discord application

1.1. Creating a Discord application

  1. Go to the Discord Developer Portal.
  2. Click on the "New Application" button.
  3. Pick a name for your bot.

1.2. Getting a Discord token

On your newly created bot's dashboard:

  1. Go to "Bot" on the sidebar.
  2. Click on the "Reset Token" button.
  3. Save the newly generated token for later.
  4. Under "Privileged Gateway Intents", enable:
    • Server Members Intent
    • Message Content Intent

1.3. Inviting the bot to your server

  1. Go to "OAuth2" on the sidebar.
  2. Under "OAuth2 URL Generator", select the bot scope.
  3. Under "Bot Permissions" that appears, choose the following permissions:
    • Attach Files
    • Manage Messages
    • Manage Roles
    • Manage Threads
    • Manage Webhooks
    • Send Messages
    • Use External Apps
      (your URL should contain a 1125917892061184 bitfield for permissions)
  4. Use the generated URL at the bottom of the page to invite the bot to your server.

2. Getting a GitHub token

A GitHub token is necessary for the bot's Entity Mentions feature.

You can get one in two ways:

  • On GitHub, go to Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens > Tokens (classic) > Generate new token, or use this link: Generate new token. As the bot only accesses public repositories, it doesn't require any scopes.
  • If you have the gh CLI installed and authenticated, run gh auth token.

3. Preparing a Discord server

The following channels will be necessary:

  • #help: a forum channel with the following tags:
    • Moved to GitHub
    • Solved
    • Stale
    • Duplicate
  • #media: a text channel
  • #showcase: a text channel
  • #botlog-everything: a log channel

The following roles will be necessary (both requiring the Manage Messages permission):

  • mod
  • helper

4. Preparing the .env file

Create a .env file in the root of the project based on .env.example. Below are explanations for each variable:

  • BOT_ACCEPT_INVITE_URL: a URL to visit to accept the Ghostty invite
  • channel/role IDs from step 3:
    • BOT_HELP_CHANNEL_TAG_IDS: a comma-seperated list of tag_name:tag_id pairs. The tag names are moved, solved, stale and duplicate.
  • BOT_TOKEN: the Discord bot token from step 1.
  • GITHUB_ORG: the GitHub organization name.
  • GITHUB_REPOS: a comma-separated list of prefix:repo_name pairs used for entity mention prefixes. The main/bot/web prefixes aren't exactly fixed, but some of the bot logic assumes these names (e.g. defaulting to main).
  • GITHUB_TOKEN: the GitHub token from step 2.
  • SENTRY_DSN: the Sentry DSN (optional).

5. Running the bot

This bot runs on Python 3.12+ and is managed with uv. To get started:

  1. Install uv.
  2. Run the bot:
    $ uv run -m app
  3. After you've made your changes, run the linter, formatter and type-checker:
    $ uv run ruff check
    $ uv run ruff format
    $ uv run pyright app

Project structure

Project structure graph
  • components/ is a place for all dedicated features, such as message filters or entity mentions. Most new features should become modules belonging to this package.
  • handles reading and parsing the environment variables and the local .env file. Although a standalone module, it's typically accessed through a re-export for brevity:
    -from app import config
    -from app.setup import bot
    +from app.setup import bot, config
  • loads the components package and houses the code for handling the most standard bot events (e.g. on_ready, on_message, on_error).
  • creates the Discord and GitHub clients.
  • contains utility functions not exactly tied to a specific feature.
  • initializes Sentry (optional) and starts the bot.



A command for linking Ghostty documentation with autocomplete and an optional message option:

/docs command autocomplete /docs command message option


A command group to mark help channel posts as resolved, with various options for different resolution scenarios:

Command Applied tag Argument Additional information
/close solved Solved Config option (optional) Links to config documentation (if option provided)
/close wontfix Stale - Adds "WONTFIX" to post title
/close stale Stale - -
/close moved Moved to GitHub GitHub entity number Links to the GitHub entity
/close duplicate Duplicate Help post ID/link or GitHub entity number Links to original post or GitHub entity

Entity mentions

Automatic links to Ghostty's GitHub issues/PRs/discussions ("entities") when a message contains GitHub-like mentions (#1234). It reacts to message edits and deletions for 24 hours, while also providing a "🗑️ Delete" button for 30 seconds in case of false positives. Mentioning entities in other ghostty-org repos is supported with prefixes:

On top of that, any GitHub repository can be mentioned, either with owner/repo#1 (e.g. astral-sh/uv#8020), or repo#1, where the bot will try finding the most popular repo with that name (e.g. rust#105586).

The bot also keeps a TTR cache to avoid looking up the same entity multiple times (with data being refetched 30 minutes since last use), making the bot more responsive (the example below can take ~2s on first lookup and ~5ms on subsequent lookups).

Entity mentions example

Message filters

This feature takes care of keeping the #showcase and #media channels clean. The bot will delete any message:

  • without an attachment in #showcase
  • without a link in #media

It will also DM users about the deletion and provide an explanation to make it less confusing:

Message filter notification

Moving messages

Used for moving messages to more fitting channels (e.g. off-topic questions in #development to #tech).

Move message example

Ghostty troubleshooting questions can be turned into #help posts with a related feature:

Turn into #help post example


(NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE REPO YOU WANT) Ghostty discord bot







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