description |
Commands and programs that all Windows users need to know (but many don't!). |
If you don't know about Mark Russinovich's amazing tools then go and check them out. Many, many use cases for a lot of these tools, from enumeration, persistence, threat-hunting, to ordinary system administration.
TODO: Add more information about Microsoft Sysinternals (issue #23)
- Read about each tool and find the ones that work for Red Teaming
- Add highlights about best tools...psexec, accesschk, etc.
- Add examples of how to use each in a command-line only environment
- Link to relevant sections (privilege escalation, enumeration, etc.)
Sysinternals tools can be linked to directly and run in-memory from
Program name | Description |
assoc | View all the file associations your computer knows
attrib | Change file attributes.
bitsadmin | Initiate upload or download jobs over the network or internet and monitor the current state of those file transfers |
chkdsk | Check the integrity of an entire drive.
color | Change the background color of the command prompt window |
fc | Performs either an ascii or a binary file comparison and lists all of the differences that it finds.
findstr | Search for strings inside of text files
ipconfig /all | Get detailed information about your current network adapters. Includes: IP address, Subnet mask, Default gateway IP, Domain name |
net (issue #24) | The net commands are a suite of command-line utilities in Windows that allow you to manage various aspects of a network and its settings. Below are brief descriptions of some of the net commands along with examples and common use cases |
net user | This command is used to manage user accounts on a computer. You can add, remove, and modify user accounts. Example: Common options: |
net localgroup | This command manages local groups on the computer. You can add, remove, and list members of a local group. Example: Common options: |
net share | This command is used to create, delete, and manage shared resources on the network. Example: Common options: |
net start/stop | These commands are used to start and stop network services. Example: Common options: Service names to specify which service to start or stop. |
net session | This command displays all current sessions (with no options) or disconnects sessions between the computer and others on the network. Example: Common options: |
net use | This command connects, disconnects, and displays information about shared network resources. Example: Common options: |
net view | This command displays a list of computers or network resources. Example: Common options: |
net accounts | This command configures password and logon requirements for users. Example: Common options: |
net statistics | This command displays the statistics log for the server or workstation service. Example: Common options: server to view server service statistics. |
net config | This command displays the configuration of the server or workstation service. Example: Common options: workstation to view workstation service configuration. |
netstat | Provides an overview of network activities and displays which ports are open or have established connections (default display active TCP connections). Common arguments:
ping | Test network connectivity.
powercfg | Configure power options
prompt | Change the command prompt from C:> to something else |
regedit | Edit keys in the Windows registry |
robocopy | A powerful file copy utility |
schtasks | Schedule tasks (similar to Unix cron).
sfc | To check the integrity of protected system files (run cmd.exe as administrator first).
shutdown | Shut down or restart the computer from the command line
systeminfo | Get an overview of important system information
title | Change the title of the command prompt window. |
tracert | Trace route to remote host. Provides you with all of the following information:
{% tabs %}
{% tab title="PowerShell" %}
Set a file as Hidden
. This can also be used to change other file property flags such as Archive
and ReadOnly
$file = (Get-ChildItem $file) #can shorten command with gci or ls
$file.attributes #Show the files attributes
#Flip the bit of the Hidden attribute
$file.attributes = $file.Attributes -bxor ([System.IO.FileAttributes]::Hidden)
#To remove the 'Hidden' attribute
$file.attributes = $file.Attributes -bxor ([System.IO.FileAttributes]::Hidden)
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="cmd.exe" %}
Set a file as Hidden (-h
). This can also be used to change other file property flags such as (a
) Archive and (r
) ReadOnly. Flags must be added separately (-h -a -r
not -har
#show the file attributes
attrib <C:\path\filename>
#add the 'hidden' attribute
attrib +h <C:\path\filename>
#to remove the 'hidden' property
attrib -h <C:\path\filename>
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %} Interesting permissions
D - Delete access
F - Full access (Edit_Permissions+Create+Delete+Read+Write)
N - No access
M - Modify access (Create+Delete+Read+Write)
RX - Read and eXecute access
R - Read-only access
W - Write-only access
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Get-ACL C:\File1 | Set-Acl C:\File2
function Edit-Perms {
$Path = "C:\temp", #Replace with whatever file you want to do this to.
$User = "$env:username", #Format: "$domain\$useraccount" User account to grant permisions too.
$Rights = "Read, ReadAndExecute, ListDirectory", #Comma seperated list.
$InheritSettings = "Containerinherit, ObjectInherit", #Controls how permissions are inherited by children
$PropogationSettings = "None", #Usually set to none but can setup rules that only apply to children.
$RuleType = "Allow" #Allow or Deny.
$acl = Get-Acl $path
$perm = $user, $Rights, $InheritSettings, $PropogationSettings, $RuleType
$rule = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule -ArgumentList $perm
$acl | Set-Acl -Path $path
Setting | Description |
AppendData | Specifies the right to append data to the end of a file. |
ChangePermissions | Specifies the right to change the security and audit rules associated with a file or folder. |
CreateDirectories | Specifies the right to create a folder. |
CreateFiles | Specifies the right to create a file. |
Delete | Specifies the right to delete a folder or file. |
DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles | Specifies the right to delete a folder and any files contained within that folder. |
ExecuteFile | Specifies the right to run an application file. |
FullControl | Specifies the right to exert full control over a folder or file, and to modify access control and audit rules. This value represents the right to do anything with a file and is the combination of all rights in this enumeration. |
ListDirectory | Specifies the right to read the contents of a directory. |
Modify | Specifies the right to read, write, list folder contents, delete folders and files, and run application files. This right includes the ReadAndExecute right, the Write right, and the Delete right. |
Read | Specifies the right to open and copy folders or files as read-only. This right includes the ReadData right, ReadExtendedAttributes right, ReadAttributes right, and ReadPermissions right. |
ReadAndExecute | Specifies the right to open and copy folders or files as read-only, and to run application files. This right includes the Read right and the ExecuteFile right. |
ReadAttributes | Specifies the right to open and copy file system attributes from a folder or file. For example, this value specifies the right to view the file creation or modified date. This does not include the right to read data, extended file system attributes, or access and audit rules. |
ReadData | Specifies the right to open and copy a file or folder. This does not include the right to read file system attributes, extended file system attributes, or access and audit rules. |
ReadExtendedAttributes | Specifies the right to open and copy extended file system attributes from a folder or file. For example, this value specifies the right to view author and content information. This does not include the right to read data, file system attributes, or access and audit rules. |
ReadPermissions | Specifies the right to open and copy access and audit rules from a folder or file. This does not include the right to read data, file system attributes, and extended file system attributes. |
Synchronize | Specifies whether the application can wait for a file handle to synchronize with the completion of an I/O operation. |
TakeOwnership | Specifies the right to change the owner of a folder or file. Note that owners of a resource have full access to that resource. |
Traverse | Specifies the right to list the contents of a folder and to run applications contained within that folder. |
Write | Specifies the right to create folders and files, and to add or remove data from files. This right includes the WriteData right, AppendData right, WriteExtendedAttributes right, and WriteAttributes right. |
WriteAttributes | Specifies the right to open and write file system attributes to a folder or file. This does not include the ability to write data, extended attributes, or access and audit rules. |
WriteData | Specifies the right to open and write to a file or folder. This does not include the right to open and write file system attributes, extended file system attributes, or access and audit rules. |
WriteExtendedAttributes | Specifies the right to open and write extended file system attributes to a folder or file. This does not include the ability to write data, attributes, or access and audit rules. |
Setting | Description |
ContainerInherit | The ACE is inherited by child container objects. |
None | The ACE is not inherited by child objects. |
ObjectInherit | The ACE is inherited by child leaf objects. |
{% hint style="info" %}
Set the $InheritSettings
to None
if targeting a file instead of a folder.
{% endhint %}
Setting | Description |
InheritOnly | Specifies that the ACE is propagated only to child objects. This includes both container and leaf child objects. |
None | Specifies that no inheritance flags are set. |
NoPropagateInherit | Specifies that the ACE is not propagated to child objects. |
$path = "C:\temp" #Replace with whatever file you want to do this to.
$acl = Get-Acl $path
$rules = $acl.Access | where IsInherited -eq $false #Gets all non inherited rules.
#Filter your $rules however you want to remove permissions.
#For example, to target a specific user or group:
$targetrule = $rules | where IdentityReference -eq "$Domain\$User" #Leave domain off for local accounts.
$acl | Set-Acl -Path $path
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="cmd.exe" %}
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net use z: \\$ip\$sharename
#Adding /persistent:yes will make this survive reboots.
A great example is to mount the Sysinternals Live drive to use the tools directly from Microsoft:
net use z: \\tools\ /persistent:yes
You can thank me later.
net use z: /delete
The command set
will display all current environment variables and their values in cmd.exe. In PowerShell use Get-ChildItem env:
(or one of its aliases!) to list environment variables.
Many of the environment variables in the cmd.exe column can be used in other places inside Windows as well, such as the Address Bar of a browser or Explorer window.
You can find more about Windows environment variables on the PowerShell page.
Below is a comparison between the environment variables used in PowerShell versus those used in the classic cmd.exe environment (which are also used in many other places throughout Windows, such as Task Scheduler, Event logs, and more).
Meaning | PowerShell | cmd.exe |
Current User's AppData\Roaming Folder | $env:APPDATA | %APPDATA% |
C:\Program Files\Common Files | $env:CommonProgramFiles | %CommonProgramFiles% |
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files | $env:CommonProgramFiles(x86) | %CommonProgramFiles(x86)% |
C:\Program Files\Common Files | $env:CommonProgramW6432 | %CommonProgramW6432% |
Computer Name | $env:COMPUTERNAME | %COMPUTERNAME% |
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe | $env:ComSpec | %ComSpec% |
C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\DriverData | $env:DriverData | %DriverData% |
Current User's home folder | $env:HOMEPATH | %HOMEPATH% |
Current User's AppData\Local folder | $env:LOCALAPPDATA | %LOCALAPPDATA% |
UNC Path of Logon Server | $env:LOGONSERVER | %LOGONSERVER% |
Number of Processor (cores) | $env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS | %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% |
Current User's Onedrive folder | $env:OneDrive | %OneDrive% |
Current User's Onedrive folder | $env:OneDriveConsumer | %OneDriveConsumer% |
Operating System Family | $env:OS | %OS% |
PATH to search when unspecified | $env:Path | %Path% |
File Extensions that Windows will search PATH for | $env:PATHEXT | %PATHEXT% |
Processor Level | $env:PROCESSOR_LEVEL | %PROCESSOR_LEVEL% |
C:\ProgramData | $env:ProgramData | %ProgramData% |
C:\Program Files | $env:ProgramFiles | %ProgramFiles% |
C:\Program Files (x86) | $env:ProgramFiles(x86) | %ProgramFiles(x86)% |
C:\Program Files | $env:ProgramW6432 | %ProgramW6432% |
PATH for PowerShell Modules | $env:PSModulePath | %PSModulePath% |
C:\Users\Public | $env:PUBLIC | %PUBLIC% |
C: | $env:SystemDrive | %SystemDrive% |
C:\WINDOWS | $env:SystemRoot | %SystemRoot% |
Current User's AppData\Local\Temp Folder | $env:TEMP | %TEMP% |
Current User's AppData\Local\Temp Folder | $env:TMP | %TMP% |
Domain Name | $env:USERDOMAIN | %USERDOMAIN% |
User Name | $env:USERNAME | %USERNAME% |
User Home Folder | $env:USERPROFILE | %USERPROFILE% |
C:\WINDOWS | $env:windir | %windir% |
(TODO: Make tables)
CTRL+N (open new session), CTRL+R (Execute Commands), CTRL+SHIFT+ESC (Task Manager), Windows+E (open explorer), CTRL-B, CTRL-I (Favourites), CTRL-H (History), CTRL-L, CTRL-O (File/Open Dialog), CTRL-P (Print Dialog), CTRL-S (Save As)
Hidden Administrative menu: CTRL-ALT-F8, CTRL-ESC-F9
shell:Administrative Tools
shell:Common Administrative Tools
--> Control Panelshell:::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
--> This PC/My Computershell:::{208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D}
--> Network Places
PowerShell is a large and important enough topic that it has its own page.
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