a template repository for a dynamic statistical comparison
- Clone this repo.
- Put at least one datamaker function in a .R file in the datamakers directory (all .R files in this directory will be sourced before scenarios.R). See the file datamakers/eg_datamaker.R for example.
- Put at least one method function in a .R file in the methods directory (all .R files in this directory will be sourced before methods.R). See the file methods/eg_method.R
- edit the file scenarios.R to define your scenarios
- edit the file methods.R to define your methods
- edit the file score.R to define your scoring function
- replace the text in this README.md file with a description of the DSC. Include background, and definitions of the structure of the objects 'meta', 'input', and 'output' that is used by your DSC.
- Run your DSC by running 'source("run_dsc.R")' in R. [Make sure you have installed the 'dscr' package first!]