Releases: zopencommunity/autoconfport
autoconf (Build 1736) - (STABLE)
Autoconf is an extensible package of M4 macros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages.
Test Status: Blue (587 tests pass out of 599 tests - 98.00% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: m4 perl
Build Dependencies: autoconf automake bash comp_xlclang curl flex git gzip jq m4 make perl sed tar texinfo zlib zoslib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o autoconf-2.71.20231114_002453.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf autoconf-2.71.20231114_002453.zos.pax.Z && cd autoconf-2.71 && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install autoconf
autoconf (Build 1654) - (STABLE)
Autoconf is an extensible package of M4 macros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages.
Test Status: Blue (587 tests pass out of 599 tests - 98.00% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: m4 perl
Build Dependencies: autoconf automake bash comp_xlclang curl flex git gzip jq m4 make perl sed tar texinfo zlib zoslib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o autoconf-2.71.20231109_012459.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf autoconf-2.71.20231109_012459.zos.pax.Z && cd autoconf-2.71 && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install autoconf
autoconf (Build 1543) - (STABLE)
Autoconf is an extensible package of M4 macros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages.
Test Status: Blue (587 tests pass out of 599 tests - 98.00% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: m4 perl
Build Dependencies: autoconf automake bash comp_xlclang curl flex git gzip m4 make perl sed tar texinfo zlib zoslib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o autoconf-2.71.20231102_230025.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf autoconf-2.71.20231102_230025.zos.pax.Z && cd autoconf-2.71 && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install autoconf
autoconf (Build 1510) - (STABLE)
Autoconf is an extensible package of M4 macros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages.
Test Status: Blue (587 tests pass out of 599 tests - 98.00% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: m4 perl
Build Dependencies: autoconf automake bash comp_xlclang curl flex git gzip m4 make perl sed tar texinfo zlib zoslib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o autoconf-2.71.20231023_191302.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf autoconf-2.71.20231023_191302.zos.pax.Z && cd autoconf-2.71 && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install autoconf
autoconf 2.71 2.71 (Build 1397) - (STABLE)
Autoconf is an extensible package of M4 macros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages.
Test Status: Blue (586 tests pass out of 599 tests - 97.83% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: m4 perl
Build Dependencies: autoconf automake comp_xlclang curl git gzip m4 make perl tar texinfo zlib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o autoconf-2.71.20230927_135608.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf autoconf-2.71.20230927_135608.zos.pax.Z && cd autoconf-2.71 && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install autoconf
autoconf 2.71 (Build 828)
Autoconf is an extensible package of M4 macros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages.
Test Status: Blue (586 tests pass out of 599 tests - 97.83% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: No dependencies
Build Dependencies: autoconf automake curl git gzip m4 make perl tar texinfo zlib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o autoconf-2.71.20230327_202120.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf autoconf-2.71.20230327_202120.zos.pax.Z && cd autoconf-2.71 && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install autoconf
autoconf 2.71 (Build 963)
Autoconf is an extensible package of M4 macros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages.
Test Status: Blue (586 tests pass out of 599 tests - 97.83% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: No dependencies
Build Dependencies: autoconf automake curl git gzip m4 make perl tar texinfo zlib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o autoconf-2.71.20230424_201410.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf autoconf-2.71.20230424_201410.zos.pax.Z && cd autoconf-2.71 && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install autoconf
autoconf 2.71 (Build 1043)
Autoconf is an extensible package of M4 macros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages.
Test Status: Blue (586 tests pass out of 599 tests - 97.83% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: No dependencies
Build Dependencies: autoconf automake comp_xlclang curl git gzip m4 make perl tar texinfo zlib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o autoconf-2.71.20230604_225130.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf autoconf-2.71.20230604_225130.zos.pax.Z && cd autoconf-2.71 && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install autoconf
autoconf 2.71 (Build 699)
Autoconf is an extensible package of M4 macros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages.
Test Status: Blue (586 tests pass out of 599 tests - 97.83% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: No dependencies
Build Dependencies: autoconf automake curl git gzip m4 make perl tar texinfo zlib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o autoconf-2.71.20230306_203846.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf autoconf-2.71.20230306_203846.zos.pax.Z && cd autoconf-2.71 && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install autoconf
autoconf 2.71 (Build 633)
Autoconf is an extensible package of M4 macros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages.
Test Status: Blue (586 tests pass out of 599 tests - 97.83% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: No dependencies
Build Dependencies: autoconf automake curl git gzip m4 make perl tar texinfo zlib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o autoconf-2.71.20230221_083918.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf autoconf-2.71.20230221_083918.zos.pax.Z && cd autoconf-2.71 && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install autoconf