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Output from CESMv1.2.2 simulations with modified treatment of ice nucleation on dust as used in McGraw et al study

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Averaged CESM1.2.2 output from runs used in McGraw et al dust nucleation paper


Contains 5-year temporal averages of all single-level output variables from
CESM1.2.2 simulations with modified ice nucleation and MERRA nudged UV-winds

For larger variables involving multiple vertical levels, contact the authors.

Note: Files contain both standard CESM variables and custom variables. The
      quality of the custom variables is not guaranteed and their use may not
      be straightforward - contact the authors for more info.

Guide to simulation names


example title: 'pdstlgm_ddreoff_bnu1.0_ull_wsldmlid...'

Prescribed dust setting ('pdst'):
pd  = present-day dust scenario
vld = low dust scenario
lgm = high dust scenario (last glacial maximum dust scenario)

Dust direct radiative impacts setting ('ddre'):

Cirrus dust nucleation setting:
bnu = Barahona & Nenes 2009 scheme with Ullrich et al 2017 depositional nucleation
bnd = B&N2009 scheme with David et al 2019 pore condensation & freezing nucleation

Accomodation coefficient:

Updraft settings ('ws')
ld - warm cloud medium updraft
ll - warm cloud weak updraft
lh - warm cloud strong updraft
md - mixed-phase cloud temperature regime medium updraft
ml - mixed-phase cloud temperature regime weak updraft
mh - mixed-phase cloud temperature regime strong updraft
id - cirrus medium updraft
il - cirrus weak updraft
ih - cirrus strong updraft

Mixed-phase cloud regime dust nucleation setting:
ull = Ullrich et al 2017
dm15 = DeMott et al 2015
mey = Meyers et al 1992 (not aerosol sensitive)

other settings:
nodstcirr(b) - cirrus nucleation on dust off
hghim - high dust refractive index
lowim - low dust refractive index
nocldrad - marking has no impact, ignore

modifications shared among runs:
idet - detrainment modified as in Tan et al 2016
aopt - dust optical properties modified to those in Albani et al 2014
nicoff - removed constraints on low/high ice crystal numbers in MG08 microphysics
wbfw1 - WBF process efficiency weakened to 1% of default strength
n2004uv - UV winds nudged to MERRA reanalysis from 2004-2008


Output from CESMv1.2.2 simulations with modified treatment of ice nucleation on dust as used in McGraw et al study






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