diff --git a/Core/InteropServices/Matrix.cs b/Core/InteropServices/Matrix.cs
index 503295f8f..bff48e993 100644
--- a/Core/InteropServices/Matrix.cs
+++ b/Core/InteropServices/Matrix.cs
@@ -187,23 +187,50 @@ public static Matrix CreateFilled(int rows, int columns, float value)
return r;
- /// Gets an identity matrix of the specified size.
+ /// Gets an identity matrix of the specified balanced size.
/// The rows and columns in the matrix.
- /// An identity matrix.
+ /// An identity matrix with the value of all diagonal entries set to 1.0f.
+ /// The number of rows must be equal to the number of columns.
+ public static Matrix CreateIdentity(int dimensions) => CreateIdentity(dimensions, dimensions);
+ /// Gets an identity matrix of the specified size.
+ /// The number of rows.
+ /// The number of columns.
+ /// An identity matrix with the value of all diagonal entries set to 1.0f.
/// The number of rows must be equal to the number of columns.
- public static Matrix CreateIdentity(int dimensions)
+ public static Matrix CreateIdentity(int rows, int columns)
- if (dimensions < 1)
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(dimensions), "Dimension must be greater than 0.");
- Memory m = new float[dimensions * dimensions];
+ if (rows < 1)
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(rows), "Rows must be greater than 0.");
+ if (columns < 1)
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(columns), "Columns must be greater than 0.");
+ Memory m = new float[rows * columns];
Span sp = m.Span;
- for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
- {
- int c1 = i * dimensions;
- for (int j = 0; j < dimensions; j++)
- sp[c1 + j] = i == j ? 1f : 0f;
- }
- return new(m, dimensions, dimensions);
+ for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(rows, columns); i++)
+ sp[i * columns + i] = 1f;
+ return new(m, rows, columns);
+ }
+ /// Creates a scaling matrix from the list of scalars.
+ ///
+ /// The scalars to use as diagonal values. Note, the resulting matrix will be one dimension larger than the number of scalars in this
+ /// array and that diagonal entry will be set to 1.0f.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// A matrix one dimension larger than the number of scalars in whose diagnoal entries are set to each
+ /// subsequent value of and whose final diagonal entry will be set to 1.0f.
+ ///
+ /// scalars
+ /// scalars - At least one scaling value must be provided.
+ public static Matrix CreateScale(float[] scalars)
+ {
+ if (scalars is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(scalars));
+ if (scalars.Length < 1)
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(scalars), "At least one scaling value must be provided.");
+ Matrix r = CreateIdentity(scalars.Length + 1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < scalars.Length; i++)
+ r[i, i] = scalars[i];
+ return r;
/// Performs an implicit conversion from [,] to .
diff --git a/PInvoke/DXGI/DCommon.cs b/PInvoke/DXGI/DCommon.cs
index 086b73b82..cd61bf9f5 100644
--- a/PInvoke/DXGI/DCommon.cs
+++ b/PInvoke/DXGI/DCommon.cs
@@ -3935,7 +3935,7 @@ HRESULT Open(D3D_INCLUDE_TYPE IncludeType, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] stri
// struct { FLOAT m11; FLOAT m12; FLOAT m21; FLOAT m22; FLOAT dx; FLOAT dy; }; struct { FLOAT _11; FLOAT _12; FLOAT _21; FLOAT _22;
// FLOAT _31; FLOAT _32; }; FLOAT m[3, 2]; }; } D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F;
[PInvokeData("dcommon.h", MSDNShortId = "c8a54bad-4376-479b-8529-1e407623e473"), StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public struct D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F
+ public struct D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F : IEquatable
/// The value in the first row and first column of the matrix.
public float _11;
@@ -3996,6 +3996,30 @@ public struct D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F
/// The determinant of this matrix.
public float Determinant => _11 * _22 - _12 * _21;
+ /// Indicates whether this matrix is the identity matrix.
+ ///
+ /// Type: bool
+ /// true if the matrix is an identity matrix; otherwise, false.
+ ///
+ // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1helper/nf-d2d1helper-matrix3x2f-isidentity
+ // bool IsIdentity();
+ [PInvokeData("d2d1helper.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:d2d1helper.Matrix3x2F.IsIdentity")]
+ public bool IsIdentity => Equals(Identity());
+ /// Uses this matrix to transform the specified point and returns the result.
+ ///
+ /// Type: D2D1_POINT_2F
+ /// The point to transform.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: D2D1_POINT_2F
+ /// The transformed point.
+ ///
+ // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1helper/nf-d2d1helper-matrix3x2f-transformpoint
+ // D2D1_POINT_2F TransformPoint( D2D1_POINT_2F point );
+ [PInvokeData("d2d1helper.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:d2d1helper.Matrix3x2F.TransformPoint")]
+ public D2D_POINT_2F TransformPoint(in D2D_POINT_2F point) => new() { x = point.x * _11 + point.y * _21 + _31, y = point.x * _12 + point.y * _22 + _32 };
/// Performs an implicit conversion from [,] to .
/// The value.
/// The result of the conversion.
@@ -4016,6 +4040,24 @@ public struct D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F
/// The result of the conversion.
public static implicit operator Matrix(D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F value) => new(value.m);
+ /// Multiplies two matrices together to compute the product.
+ /// The first matrix.
+ /// The second matrix.
+ /// The product matrix.
+ public static DXGI_MATRIX_3X2_F operator *(DXGI_MATRIX_3X2_F left, DXGI_MATRIX_3X2_F right) => new() { m = new Matrix(left.m) * new Matrix(right.m) };
+ /// Implements the operator ==.
+ /// The left comparible.
+ /// The right comparible.
+ /// The result of the operator.
+ public static bool operator ==(DXGI_MATRIX_3X2_F left, DXGI_MATRIX_3X2_F right) => left.Equals(right);
+ /// Implements the operator !=.
+ /// The left comparible.
+ /// The right comparible.
+ /// The result of the operator.
+ public static bool operator !=(DXGI_MATRIX_3X2_F left, DXGI_MATRIX_3X2_F right) => !(left == right);
/// Creates an identity matrix.
/// An identity matrix.
@@ -4047,7 +4089,16 @@ public struct D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F
/// the upper-left corner of the square.
- public static D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F Scale(float width, float height, float x, float y) => new() { _11 = width, _22 = height, _31 = x - width * x, _32 = y - height * y };
+ public static D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F Scale(float width, float height, float x = 0f, float y = 0f) => new() { _11 = width, _22 = height, _31 = x - width * x, _32 = y - height * y };
+ ///
+ public override bool Equals(object? obj) => obj is DXGI_MATRIX_3X2_F f && Equals(f);
+ ///
+ public bool Equals(DXGI_MATRIX_3X2_F other) => _11 == other._11 && _12 == other._12 && _21 == other._21 && _22 == other._22 && _31 == other._31 && _32 == other._32;
+ ///
+ public override int GetHashCode() => m.GetHashCode();
/// Describes a 4-by-3 floating point matrix.
@@ -4145,7 +4196,7 @@ public struct D2D_MATRIX_4X3_F
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dcommon/ns-dcommon-d2d_matrix_4x4_f
// typedef struct D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F { union { struct { FLOAT _11; FLOAT _12; FLOAT _13; FLOAT _14; FLOAT _21; FLOAT _22; FLOAT _23; FLOAT _24; FLOAT _31; FLOAT _32; FLOAT _33; FLOAT _34; FLOAT _41; FLOAT _42; FLOAT _43; FLOAT _44; } DUMMYSTRUCTNAME; FLOAT m[4, 4]; } DUMMYUNIONNAME; } D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F;
[PInvokeData("dcommon.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:dcommon.D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F"), StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public struct D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F
+ public struct D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F : IEquatable
public float _11;
@@ -4195,6 +4246,26 @@ public struct D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F
/// ;
public float _44;
+ /// Calculates the determinant of the matrix.
+ ///
+ /// Type: FLOAT
+ /// The determinant.
+ ///
+ // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1helper/nf-d2d1_1helper-matrix4x4f-determinant
+ // FLOAT Determinant();
+ [PInvokeData("d2d1_1helper.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:d2d1_1helper.Matrix4x4F.Determinant")]
+ public float Determinant => new Matrix(m).Determinant;
+ /// Indicates whether this matrix is the identity matrix.
+ ///
+ /// Type: BOOL
+ /// Indicates whether this matrix is the identity matrix.
+ ///
+ // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1helper/nf-d2d1_1helper-matrix4x4f-isidentity
+ // bool IsIdentity();
+ [PInvokeData("d2d1_1helper.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:d2d1_1helper.Matrix4x4F.IsIdentity")]
+ public bool IsIdentity => new Matrix(m).IsIdentity;
public float[,] m
@@ -4222,6 +4293,33 @@ public struct D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F
+ ///
+ public override bool Equals(object? obj) => obj is D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F f && Equals(f);
+ ///
+ public bool Equals(D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F other) => _11 == other._11 && _12 == other._12 && _13 == other._13 && _14 == other._14 && _21 == other._21 && _22 == other._22 && _23 == other._23 && _24 == other._24 && _31 == other._31 && _32 == other._32 && _33 == other._33 && _34 == other._34 && _41 == other._41 && _42 == other._42 && _43 == other._43 && _44 == other._44;
+ ///
+ public override int GetHashCode() => ((float[,])this).GetHashCode();
+ /// Multiplies two matrices together to compute the product.
+ /// The first matrix.
+ /// The second matrix.
+ /// The product matrix.
+ public static D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F operator *(D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F left, D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F right) => new() { m = new Matrix(left.m) * new Matrix(right.m) };
+ /// Implements the operator ==.
+ /// The left comparible.
+ /// The right comparible.
+ /// The result of the operator.
+ public static bool operator ==(D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F left, D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F right) => left.Equals(right);
+ /// Implements the operator !=.
+ /// The left comparible.
+ /// The right comparible.
+ /// The result of the operator.
+ public static bool operator !=(D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F left, D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F right) => !(left == right);
/// Performs an implicit conversion from [,] to .
/// The value.
/// The result of the conversion.
@@ -4241,6 +4339,170 @@ public struct D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F
/// The value.
/// The result of the conversion.
public static implicit operator Matrix(D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F value) => new(value.m);
+ /// A perspective transformation given a depth value.
+ ///
+ /// Type: FLOAT
+ /// The depth for the perspective transform.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: Matrix4x4F
+ /// The result matrix.
+ ///
+ // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1helper/nf-d2d1_1helper-matrix4x4f-perspectiveprojection
+ // Matrix4x4F PerspectiveProjection( FLOAT depth );
+ [PInvokeData("d2d1_1helper.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:d2d1_1helper.Matrix4x4F.PerspectiveProjection")]
+ public static D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F PerspectiveProjection(float depth) => new() { _11 = 1, _22 = 1, _33 = 1, _34 = depth > 0 ? -1 / depth : 0f, _44 = 1 };
+ /// Rotates the transform matrix around the X axis.
+ ///
+ /// Type: FLOAT
+ /// The amount of rotation.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: Matrix4x4F
+ /// The result matrix.
+ ///
+ // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1helper/nf-d2d1_1helper-matrix4x4f-rotationx
+ // Matrix4x4F RotationX( FLOAT degreeX );
+ [PInvokeData("d2d1_1helper.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:d2d1_1helper.Matrix4x4F.RotationX")]
+ public static D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F RotationX(float degreeX) { var angle = degreeX * Math.PI / 180; return new() { _11 = 1, _22 = (float)Math.Cos(angle), _23 = (float)Math.Sin(angle), _32 = (float)-Math.Sin(angle), _33 = (float)Math.Cos(angle), _44 = 1 }; }
+ /// Rotates the transform matrix around the Y axis.
+ ///
+ /// Type: FLOAT
+ /// The amount of rotation.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: Matrix4x4F
+ /// The result matrix.
+ ///
+ // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1helper/nf-d2d1_1helper-matrix4x4f-rotationy
+ // Matrix4x4F RotationY( FLOAT degreeY );
+ [PInvokeData("d2d1_1helper.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:d2d1_1helper.Matrix4x4F.RotationY")]
+ public static D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F RotationY(float degreeY) { var angle = degreeY * Math.PI / 180; return new() { _11 = (float)Math.Cos(angle), _13 = (float)-Math.Sin(angle), _22 = 1, _31 = (float)Math.Sin(angle), _33 = (float)Math.Cos(angle), _44 = 1 }; }
+ /// Rotates the transform matrix around the Z axis.
+ ///
+ /// Type: FLOAT
+ /// The amount of rotation.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: Matrix4x4F
+ /// The result matrix.
+ ///
+ // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1helper/nf-d2d1_1helper-matrix4x4f-rotationz
+ // Matrix4x4F RotationZ( FLOAT degreeZ );
+ [PInvokeData("d2d1_1helper.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:d2d1_1helper.Matrix4x4F.RotationZ")]
+ public static D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F RotationZ(float degreeZ) { var angle = degreeZ * Math.PI / 180; return new() { _11 = (float)Math.Cos(angle), _12 = (float)Math.Sin(angle), _21 = (float)-Math.Sin(angle), _22 = (float)Math.Cos(angle), _33 = 1, _44 = 1 }; }
+ /// Determines the 3-D Rotation matrix for an arbitrary axis.
+ ///
+ /// Type: FLOAT
+ /// The X point of the axis.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: FLOAT
+ /// The Y point of the axis.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: FLOAT
+ /// The Z point of the axis.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: FLOAT
+ /// The amount of rotation.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: Matrix4x4F
+ /// The result matrix
+ ///
+ // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1helper/nf-d2d1_1helper-matrix4x4f-rotationarbitraryaxis
+ // Matrix4x4F RotationArbitraryAxis( FLOAT x, FLOAT y, FLOAT z, FLOAT degree );
+ [PInvokeData("d2d1_1helper.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:d2d1_1helper.Matrix4x4F.RotationArbitraryAxis")]
+ public static D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F RotationArbitraryAxis(float x, float y, float z, float degree)
+ {
+ var magnitude = (float)Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
+ x /= magnitude;
+ y /= magnitude;
+ z /= magnitude;
+ var angle = degree * Math.PI / 180;
+ var c = (float)Math.Cos(angle);
+ var s = (float)Math.Sin(angle);
+ var t = 1 - c;
+ return new()
+ {
+ _11 = 1 + t * (x * x - 1),
+ _12 = t * x * y + s * z,
+ _13 = t * x * z - s * y,
+ _21 = t * x * y - s * z,
+ _22 = 1 + t * (y * y - 1),
+ _23 = t * y * z + s * x,
+ _31 = t * x * z + s * y,
+ _32 = t * y * z - s * x,
+ _33 = 1 + t * (z * z - 1),
+ _44 = 1
+ };
+ }
+ /// Scales the perspective plane of the matrix.
+ ///
+ /// Type: FLOAT
+ /// The scale in the X direction.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: FLOAT
+ /// The scale in the Y direction.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: FLOAT
+ /// The scale in the Z direction.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: Matrix4x4F
+ /// The result matrix.
+ ///
+ // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1helper/nf-d2d1_1helper-matrix4x4f-scale
+ // Matrix4x4F Scale( FLOAT x, FLOAT y, FLOAT z );
+ [PInvokeData("d2d1_1helper.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:d2d1_1helper.Matrix4x4F.Scale")]
+ public static D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F Scale(float x, float y, float z) => new() { _11 = x, _22 = y, _33 = z, _44 = 1 };
+ /// Skews the matrix in the X direction.
+ ///
+ /// Type: FLOAT
+ /// The skew amount.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: Matrix4x4F
+ /// The result matrix.
+ ///
+ // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1helper/nf-d2d1_1helper-matrix4x4f-skewx
+ // Matrix4x4F SkewX( FLOAT degreeX );
+ [PInvokeData("d2d1_1helper.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:d2d1_1helper.Matrix4x4F.SkewX")]
+ public static D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F SkewX(float degreeX) => new() { _11 = 1, _22 = 1, _23 = (float)Math.Tan(degreeX * Math.PI / 180), _33 = 1, _44 = 1 };
+ /// Skews the matrix in the Y direction.
+ ///
+ /// Type: FLOAT
+ /// The skew amount.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: Matrix4x4F
+ /// The result matrix.
+ ///
+ // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1helper/nf-d2d1_1helper-matrix4x4f-skewy
+ // Matrix4x4F SkewY( FLOAT degreeY );
+ [PInvokeData("d2d1_1helper.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:d2d1_1helper.Matrix4x4F.SkewY")]
+ public static D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F SkewY(float degreeY) => new() { _11 = 1, _12 = (float)Math.Tan(degreeY * Math.PI / 180), _22 = 1, _33 = 1, _44 = 1 };
+ /// Creates a translation matrix from the specified X, Y, and Z components.
+ /// The amount to translate on the X axis.
+ /// The amount to translate on the Y axis.
+ /// The amount to translate on the Z axis.
+ /// The translation matrix.
+ [PInvokeData("d2d1_1helper.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:d2d1_1helper.Matrix4x4F.Translation")]
+ public static D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F Translation(float x, float y, float z) => new() { _11 = 1, _22 = 1, _33 = 1, _41 = x, _42 = y, _43 = z, _44 = 1 };
/// Describes a 5-by-4 floating point matrix.
@@ -4368,7 +4630,7 @@ public struct D2D_MATRIX_5X4_F
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dcommon/ns-dcommon-d2d_point_2f typedef struct D2D_POINT_2F { FLOAT x; FLOAT
// y; } D2D_POINT_2F;
[PInvokeData("dcommon.h", MSDNShortId = "2ee55d63-594b-482d-9e31-2378369c6c30"), StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public struct D2D_POINT_2F(float x, float y)
+ public struct D2D_POINT_2F(float x = 0f, float y = 0f) : IEquatable
/// Type: FLOAT
@@ -4382,6 +4644,33 @@ public struct D2D_POINT_2F(float x, float y)
public float y = y;
+ ///
+ public override bool Equals(object? obj) => obj is D2D_POINT_2F f && Equals(f);
+ ///
+ public bool Equals(D2D_POINT_2F other) => x == other.x && y == other.y;
+ ///
+ public override int GetHashCode() => (x, y).GetHashCode();
+ /// Implements the operator *.
+ /// The left point.
+ /// The right matrix.
+ /// The result of the operator.
+ public static D2D_POINT_2F operator *(D2D_POINT_2F left, DXGI_MATRIX_3X2_F right) => right.TransformPoint(left);
+ /// Implements the operator op_Equality.
+ /// The left.
+ /// The right.
+ /// The result of the operator.
+ public static bool operator ==(D2D_POINT_2F left, D2D_POINT_2F right) => left.Equals(right);
+ /// Implements the operator op_Inequality.
+ /// The left.
+ /// The right.
+ /// The result of the operator.
+ public static bool operator !=(D2D_POINT_2F left, D2D_POINT_2F right) => !(left == right);
/// Performs an implicit conversion from to .
@@ -4473,7 +4762,7 @@ public struct D2D_POINT_2U
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dcommon/ns-dcommon-d2d_rect_f typedef struct D2D_RECT_F { FLOAT left; FLOAT
// top; FLOAT right; FLOAT bottom; } D2D_RECT_F;
[PInvokeData("dcommon.h", MSDNShortId = "84bd7ab0-f273-46f8-b261-86cd1d7f3868"), StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public struct D2D_RECT_F(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) : IEquatable
+ public struct D2D_RECT_F(float left = 0f, float top = 0f, float right = 0f, float bottom = 0f) : IEquatable
/// The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
public float left = left;
@@ -4531,6 +4820,18 @@ public struct D2D_RECT_F(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) : IEq
/// The r.
/// The result of the conversion.
public static implicit operator RectangleF(D2D_RECT_F r) => RectangleF.FromLTRB(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom);
+ ///
+ /// Creates a rectangle that has its upper-left corner set to (negative infinity, negative infinity) and its lower-right corner set
+ /// to (infinity, infinity).
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// A rectangle that has its upper-left corner set to (negative infinity, negative infinity) and its lower-right corner set to
+ /// (infinity, infinity).
+ ///
+ // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1helper/nf-d2d1helper-infiniterect D2D1_RECT_F InfiniteRect();
+ [PInvokeData("d2d1helper.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:d2d1helper.InfiniteRect")]
+ public static D2D_RECT_F Infinite => new(-float.MaxValue, -float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);
/// Represents a rectangle defined by the upper-left corner pair of coordinates (left,top) and the lower-right corner pair of coordinates (right, bottom). These coordinates are expressed as a 32-bit integer values.
@@ -4538,7 +4839,7 @@ public struct D2D_RECT_F(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) : IEq
// typedef struct D2D_RECT_U { UINT32 left; UINT32 top; UINT32 right; UINT32 bottom; } D2D_RECT_U;
[PInvokeData("dcommon.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:dcommon.D2D_RECT_U")]
- public struct D2D_RECT_U(uint left, uint top, uint right, uint bottom) : IEquatable
+ public struct D2D_RECT_U(uint left = 0, uint top = 0, uint right = 0, uint bottom = 0) : IEquatable
/// Type: FLOAT
@@ -4671,7 +4972,7 @@ public class PD2D_RECT_F(float left, float top, float right, float bottom)
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dcommon/ns-dcommon-d2d_size_f typedef struct D2D_SIZE_F { FLOAT width; FLOAT
// height; } D2D_SIZE_F;
[PInvokeData("dcommon.h", MSDNShortId = "9d519bb9-3eb8-4d7e-ba00-b6cf5a428a04"), StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public struct D2D_SIZE_F(float width, float height)
+ public struct D2D_SIZE_F(float width = 0f, float height = 0f) : IEquatable
/// Type: FLOAT
@@ -4685,6 +4986,27 @@ public struct D2D_SIZE_F(float width, float height)
public float height = height;
+ ///
+ public override bool Equals(object? obj) => obj is D2D_SIZE_F f && Equals(f);
+ ///
+ public bool Equals(D2D_SIZE_F other) => width == other.width && height == other.height;
+ ///
+ public override int GetHashCode() => (width, height).GetHashCode();
+ /// Implements the operator op_Equality.
+ /// The left.
+ /// The right.
+ /// The result of the operator.
+ public static bool operator ==(D2D_SIZE_F left, D2D_SIZE_F right) => left.Equals(right);
+ /// Implements the operator op_Inequality.
+ /// The left.
+ /// The right.
+ /// The result of the operator.
+ public static bool operator !=(D2D_SIZE_F left, D2D_SIZE_F right) => !(left == right);
/// Performs an implicit conversion from to .
/// The sz.
/// The result of the conversion.
@@ -4700,7 +5022,7 @@ public struct D2D_SIZE_F(float width, float height)
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dcommon/ns-dcommon-d2d_size_u typedef struct D2D_SIZE_U { UINT32 width; UINT32
// height; } D2D_SIZE_U;
[PInvokeData("dcommon.h", MSDNShortId = "d9ea9df5-7c5f-4afa-9859-14d77b017904"), StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public struct D2D_SIZE_U(uint width, uint height)
+ public struct D2D_SIZE_U(uint width = 0, uint height = 0) : IEquatable
/// Type: UINT32
@@ -4714,6 +5036,27 @@ public struct D2D_SIZE_U(uint width, uint height)
public uint height = height;
+ ///
+ public override bool Equals(object? obj) => obj is D2D_SIZE_U u && Equals(u);
+ ///
+ public bool Equals(D2D_SIZE_U other) => width == other.width && height == other.height;
+ ///
+ public override int GetHashCode() => (width, height).GetHashCode();
+ /// Implements the operator op_Equality.
+ /// The left.
+ /// The right.
+ /// The result of the operator.
+ public static bool operator ==(D2D_SIZE_U left, D2D_SIZE_U right) => left.Equals(right);
+ /// Implements the operator op_Inequality.
+ /// The left.
+ /// The right.
+ /// The result of the operator.
+ public static bool operator !=(D2D_SIZE_U left, D2D_SIZE_U right) => !(left == right);
/// Performs an explicit conversion from to .
/// The sz.
/// The result of the conversion.
@@ -4724,7 +5067,7 @@ public struct D2D_SIZE_U(uint width, uint height)
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dcommon/ns-dcommon-d2d_vector_2f
// typedef struct D2D_VECTOR_2F { FLOAT x; FLOAT y; } D2D_VECTOR_2F;
[PInvokeData("dcommon.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:dcommon.D2D_VECTOR_2F"), StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public struct D2D_VECTOR_2F(float x, float y)
+ public struct D2D_VECTOR_2F(float x = 0f, float y = 0f)
/// The x value of the vector.
public float x = x;
@@ -4747,7 +5090,7 @@ public struct D2D_VECTOR_2F(float x, float y)
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dcommon/ns-dcommon-d2d_vector_3f
// typedef struct D2D_VECTOR_3F { FLOAT x; FLOAT y; FLOAT z; } D2D_VECTOR_3F;
[PInvokeData("dcommon.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:dcommon.D2D_VECTOR_3F"), StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public struct D2D_VECTOR_3F(float x, float y, float z)
+ public struct D2D_VECTOR_3F(float x = 0f, float y = 0f, float z = 0f)
/// The x value of the vector.
public float x = x;
@@ -4758,6 +5101,10 @@ public struct D2D_VECTOR_3F(float x, float y, float z)
/// The z value of the vector.
public float z = z;
+ /// Returns the length of a 3 dimensional vector.
+ /// The length.
+ public readonly float Length => (float)Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
/// Performs an implicit conversion from [] to .
/// The vector.
/// The result of the conversion.
@@ -4773,7 +5120,7 @@ public struct D2D_VECTOR_3F(float x, float y, float z)
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dcommon/ns-dcommon-d2d_vector_4f
// typedef struct D2D_VECTOR_4F { FLOAT x; FLOAT y; FLOAT z; FLOAT w; } D2D_VECTOR_4F;
[PInvokeData("dcommon.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:dcommon.D2D_VECTOR_4F"), StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public struct D2D_VECTOR_4F(float x, float y, float z, float w)
+ public struct D2D_VECTOR_4F(float x = 0f, float y = 0f, float z = 0f, float w = 0f)
/// The x value of the vector.
public float x = x;
@@ -4812,13 +5159,13 @@ public struct D2D_VECTOR_4F(float x, float y, float z, float w)
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dcommon/ns-dcommon-d2d1_pixel_format typedef struct D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT {
// DXGI_FORMAT format; D2D1_ALPHA_MODE alphaMode; } D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT;
[PInvokeData("dcommon.h", MSDNShortId = "e95afd9c-5793-4cb7-bcb8-aae4d28b6532"), StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public struct D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT
/// A value that specifies the size and arrangement of channels in each pixel.
- public DXGI_FORMAT format;
+ public DXGI_FORMAT format = format;
/// Type: D2D1_ALPHA_MODE
@@ -4827,7 +5174,7 @@ public struct D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT
/// and considered opaque, or whether it is unkown.
- public D2D1_ALPHA_MODE alphaMode;
+ public D2D1_ALPHA_MODE alphaMode = alphaMode;
/// Defines a 3D box.
diff --git a/PInvoke/DXGI/DXGI.cs b/PInvoke/DXGI/DXGI.cs
index 22e9c9ed6..478c557bd 100644
--- a/PInvoke/DXGI/DXGI.cs
+++ b/PInvoke/DXGI/DXGI.cs
@@ -932,6 +932,13 @@ public struct D3DCOLORVALUE(float r, float g, float b, float a = 1.0f) : IEquata
public float a = a;
+ /// Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ /// The color.
+ /// The alpha value.
+ public D3DCOLORVALUE(System.Drawing.Color color, float a = 1.0f) : this(color.R / 255f, color.G / 255f, color.B / 255f, a)
+ {
+ }
public override bool Equals(object? obj) => obj is D3DCOLORVALUE dCOLORVALUE && Equals(dCOLORVALUE);
@@ -976,12 +983,12 @@ public override int GetHashCode()
/// The result of the conversion.
public static explicit operator D3DCOLOR(D3DCOLORVALUE cv) => new((byte)(cv.r * 255), (byte)(cv.g * 255), (byte)(cv.b * 255), (byte)(cv.a * 255));
- /// Performs an explicit conversion from to [].
+ /// Performs an explicit conversion from to [].
/// The color value.
/// The result of the conversion.
public static explicit operator float[](D3DCOLORVALUE cv) => [cv.r, cv.g, cv.b, cv.a];
- /// Performs an explicit conversion from [] to .
+ /// Performs an explicit conversion from [] to .
/// The color value array.
/// The result of the conversion.
public static implicit operator D3DCOLORVALUE(float[] cv) => cv is not null && cv.Length == 4 ? new(cv[0], cv[1], cv[2], cv[3]) : throw new ArgumentException("An array of four values is required.", nameof(cv));
diff --git a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces1.cs b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces1.cs
index 529b8b49e..9c08a13b4 100644
--- a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces1.cs
+++ b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces1.cs
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Bitmap : ID2D1Image
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1bitmap-copyfrombitmap HRESULT CopyFromBitmap( const
// D2D1_POINT_2U *destPoint, ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_RECT_U *srcRect );
- void CopyFromBitmap([In, Optional] IntPtr destPoint, [In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr srcRect);
+ void CopyFromBitmap([In, Optional] StructPointer destPoint, [In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] StructPointer srcRect);
/// Copies the specified region from the specified render target into the current bitmap.
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Bitmap : ID2D1Image
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1bitmap-copyfromrendertarget HRESULT
// CopyFromRenderTarget( const D2D1_POINT_2U *destPoint, ID2D1RenderTarget *renderTarget, const D2D1_RECT_U *srcRect );
- void CopyFromRenderTarget([In, Optional] IntPtr destPoint, [In] ID2D1RenderTarget renderTarget, [In, Optional] IntPtr srcRect);
+ void CopyFromRenderTarget([In, Optional] StructPointer destPoint, [In] ID2D1RenderTarget renderTarget, [In, Optional] StructPointer srcRect);
/// Copies the specified region from memory into the current bitmap.
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Bitmap : ID2D1Image
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1bitmap-copyfrommemory HRESULT CopyFromMemory( const
// D2D1_RECT_U *dstRect, const void *srcData, UINT32 pitch );
- void CopyFromMemory([In, Optional] IntPtr dstRect, [In] IntPtr srcData, uint pitch);
+ void CopyFromMemory([In, Optional] StructPointer dstRect, [In] IntPtr srcData, uint pitch);
/// Paints an area with a bitmap.
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ public interface ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createbitmapfromwicbitmap(iwicbitmapsource_constd2d1_bitmap_properties_id2d1bitmap)
// HRESULT CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap( IWICBitmapSource *wicBitmapSource, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties,
// ID2D1Bitmap **bitmap );
- new ID2D1Bitmap CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(IWICBitmapSource wicBitmapSource, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapProperties);
+ new ID2D1Bitmap CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(IWICBitmapSource wicBitmapSource, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapProperties);
/// Creates an ID2D1Bitmap whose data is shared with another resource.
@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ public interface ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createsharedbitmap HRESULT
// CreateSharedBitmap( REFIID riid, void *data, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties, ID2D1Bitmap **bitmap );
- new ID2D1Bitmap CreateSharedBitmap(in Guid riid, [In, Out] IntPtr data, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapProperties);
+ new ID2D1Bitmap CreateSharedBitmap(in Guid riid, [In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown, IidParameterIndex = 0)] object data, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapProperties);
/// Creates an ID2D1BitmapBrush from the specified bitmap.
@@ -649,7 +649,8 @@ public interface ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createbitmapbrush(id2d1bitmap_constd2d1_bitmap_brush_properties_constd2d1_brush_properties_id2d1bitmapbrush)
// HRESULT CreateBitmapBrush( ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *bitmapBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1BitmapBrush **bitmapBrush );
- new ID2D1BitmapBrush CreateBitmapBrush([In, Optional] ID2D1Bitmap? bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties);
+ new ID2D1BitmapBrush CreateBitmapBrush([In, Optional] ID2D1Bitmap? bitmap, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapBrushProperties,
+ [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties);
/// Creates a new ID2D1SolidColorBrush that has the specified color and opacity.
@@ -667,7 +668,7 @@ public interface ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createsolidcolorbrush(constd2d1_color_f__constd2d1_brush_properties__id2d1solidcolorbrush)
// HRESULT CreateSolidColorBrush( const D2D1_COLOR_F & color, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES & brushProperties,
// ID2D1SolidColorBrush **solidColorBrush );
- new ID2D1SolidColorBrush CreateSolidColorBrush(in D3DCOLORVALUE color, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties);
+ new ID2D1SolidColorBrush CreateSolidColorBrush(in D3DCOLORVALUE color, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties);
/// Creates an ID2D1GradientStopCollection from the specified array of D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP structures.
@@ -693,7 +694,7 @@ public interface ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-creategradientstopcollection%28constd2d1_gradient_stop_uint32_d2d1_gamma_d2d1_extend_mode_id2d1gradientstopcollection%29
// HRESULT CreateGradientStopCollection( const D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP *gradientStops, UINT32 gradientStopsCount, D2D1_GAMMA
// colorInterpolationGamma, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode, ID2D1GradientStopCollection **gradientStopCollection );
- new ID2D1GradientStopCollection CreateGradientStopCollection([In] D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP[] gradientStops, uint gradientStopsCount, D2D1_GAMMA colorInterpolationGamma, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode);
+ new ID2D1GradientStopCollection CreateGradientStopCollection([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)] D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP[] gradientStops, uint gradientStopsCount, D2D1_GAMMA colorInterpolationGamma, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode);
/// Creates an ID2D1LinearGradientBrush object for painting areas with a linear gradient.
@@ -719,7 +720,8 @@ public interface ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// HRESULT CreateLinearGradientBrush( const D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *linearGradientBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, ID2D1LinearGradientBrush
// **linearGradientBrush );
- new ID2D1LinearGradientBrush CreateLinearGradientBrush(in D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES linearGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
+ new ID2D1LinearGradientBrush CreateLinearGradientBrush(in D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES linearGradientBrushProperties,
+ [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
/// Creates an ID2D1RadialGradientBrush object that can be used to paint areas with a radial gradient.
@@ -744,7 +746,8 @@ public interface ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// HRESULT CreateRadialGradientBrush( const D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *radialGradientBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, ID2D1RadialGradientBrush
// **radialGradientBrush );
- new ID2D1RadialGradientBrush CreateRadialGradientBrush(in D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES radialGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
+ new ID2D1RadialGradientBrush CreateRadialGradientBrush(in D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES radialGradientBrushProperties,
+ [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
/// Creates a bitmap render target for use during intermediate offscreen drawing that is compatible with the current render target.
@@ -816,7 +819,8 @@ public interface ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createcompatiblerendertarget(constd2d1_size_f_constd2d1_size_u_constd2d1_pixel_format_d2d1_compatible_render_target_options_id2d1bitmaprendertarget)
// HRESULT CreateCompatibleRenderTarget( const D2D1_SIZE_F *desiredSize, const D2D1_SIZE_U *desiredPixelSize, const
// D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT *desiredFormat, D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options, ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget **bitmapRenderTarget );
- new ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget CreateCompatibleRenderTarget([In, Optional] IntPtr desiredSize, [In, Optional] IntPtr desiredPixelSize, [In, Optional] IntPtr desiredFormat, [In, Optional] D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options);
+ new ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget CreateCompatibleRenderTarget([In, Optional] StructPointer desiredSize,
+ [In, Optional] StructPointer desiredPixelSize, [In, Optional] StructPointer desiredFormat, [In, Optional] D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options);
/// Creates a layer resource that can be used with this render target and its compatible render targets.
@@ -833,7 +837,7 @@ public interface ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
/// The layer automatically resizes itself, as needed.
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createlayer(constd2d1_size_f_id2d1layer)
// HRESULT CreateLayer( const D2D1_SIZE_F *size, ID2D1Layer **layer );
- new ID2D1Layer CreateLayer([In, Optional] IntPtr size);
+ new ID2D1Layer CreateLayer([In, Optional] StructPointer size);
/// Create a mesh that uses triangles to describe a shape.
@@ -1174,7 +1178,7 @@ public interface ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// void FillOpacityMask( ID2D1Bitmap *opacityMask, ID2D1Brush *brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content, const D2D1_RECT_F &
// destinationRectangle, const D2D1_RECT_F & sourceRectangle );
- new void FillOpacityMask([In] ID2D1Bitmap opacityMask, [In] ID2D1Brush brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content, [In, Optional] IntPtr destinationRectangle, [In, Optional] IntPtr sourceRectangle);
+ new void FillOpacityMask([In] ID2D1Bitmap opacityMask, [In] ID2D1Brush brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? destinationRectangle, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? sourceRectangle);
/// Draws the specified bitmap after scaling it to the size of the specified rectangle.
@@ -1214,8 +1218,8 @@ public interface ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// void DrawBitmap( ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_RECT_F & destinationRectangle, FLOAT opacity,
// D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, const D2D1_RECT_F & sourceRectangle );
- new void DrawBitmap([In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr destinationRectangle, float opacity = 1.0f,
+ new void DrawBitmap([In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? destinationRectangle, float opacity = 1.0f,
/// Draws the specified text using the format information provided by an IDWriteTextFormat object.
@@ -1708,7 +1712,7 @@ public interface ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-clear(constd2d1_color_f_) void Clear( const
// D2D1_COLOR_F & clearColor );
- new void Clear([In, Optional] IntPtr clearColor);
+ new void Clear([In, Optional] StructPointer clearColor);
/// Initiates drawing on this render target.
/// None
@@ -2157,7 +2161,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DCRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createbitmapfromwicbitmap(iwicbitmapsource_constd2d1_bitmap_properties_id2d1bitmap)
// HRESULT CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap( IWICBitmapSource *wicBitmapSource, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties,
// ID2D1Bitmap **bitmap );
- new ID2D1Bitmap CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(IWICBitmapSource wicBitmapSource, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapProperties);
+ new ID2D1Bitmap CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(IWICBitmapSource wicBitmapSource, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapProperties);
/// Creates an ID2D1Bitmap whose data is shared with another resource.
@@ -2230,7 +2234,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DCRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createsharedbitmap HRESULT
// CreateSharedBitmap( REFIID riid, void *data, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties, ID2D1Bitmap **bitmap );
- new ID2D1Bitmap CreateSharedBitmap(in Guid riid, [In, Out] IntPtr data, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapProperties);
+ new ID2D1Bitmap CreateSharedBitmap(in Guid riid, [In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown, IidParameterIndex = 0)] object data, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapProperties);
/// Creates an ID2D1BitmapBrush from the specified bitmap.
@@ -2261,7 +2265,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DCRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createbitmapbrush(id2d1bitmap_constd2d1_bitmap_brush_properties_constd2d1_brush_properties_id2d1bitmapbrush)
// HRESULT CreateBitmapBrush( ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *bitmapBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1BitmapBrush **bitmapBrush );
- new ID2D1BitmapBrush CreateBitmapBrush([In, Optional] ID2D1Bitmap? bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties);
+ new ID2D1BitmapBrush CreateBitmapBrush([In, Optional] ID2D1Bitmap? bitmap, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapBrushProperties, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties);
/// Creates a new ID2D1SolidColorBrush that has the specified color and opacity.
@@ -2279,7 +2283,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DCRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createsolidcolorbrush(constd2d1_color_f__constd2d1_brush_properties__id2d1solidcolorbrush)
// HRESULT CreateSolidColorBrush( const D2D1_COLOR_F & color, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES & brushProperties,
// ID2D1SolidColorBrush **solidColorBrush );
- new ID2D1SolidColorBrush CreateSolidColorBrush(in D3DCOLORVALUE color, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties);
+ new ID2D1SolidColorBrush CreateSolidColorBrush(in D3DCOLORVALUE color, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties);
/// Creates an ID2D1GradientStopCollection from the specified array of D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP structures.
@@ -2305,7 +2309,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DCRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-creategradientstopcollection%28constd2d1_gradient_stop_uint32_d2d1_gamma_d2d1_extend_mode_id2d1gradientstopcollection%29
// HRESULT CreateGradientStopCollection( const D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP *gradientStops, UINT32 gradientStopsCount, D2D1_GAMMA
// colorInterpolationGamma, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode, ID2D1GradientStopCollection **gradientStopCollection );
- new ID2D1GradientStopCollection CreateGradientStopCollection([In] D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP[] gradientStops, uint gradientStopsCount, D2D1_GAMMA colorInterpolationGamma, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode);
+ new ID2D1GradientStopCollection CreateGradientStopCollection([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)] D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP[] gradientStops, uint gradientStopsCount, D2D1_GAMMA colorInterpolationGamma, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode);
/// Creates an ID2D1LinearGradientBrush object for painting areas with a linear gradient.
@@ -2331,7 +2335,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DCRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// HRESULT CreateLinearGradientBrush( const D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *linearGradientBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, ID2D1LinearGradientBrush
// **linearGradientBrush );
- new ID2D1LinearGradientBrush CreateLinearGradientBrush(in D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES linearGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
+ new ID2D1LinearGradientBrush CreateLinearGradientBrush(in D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES linearGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
/// Creates an ID2D1RadialGradientBrush object that can be used to paint areas with a radial gradient.
@@ -2356,7 +2360,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DCRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// HRESULT CreateRadialGradientBrush( const D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *radialGradientBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, ID2D1RadialGradientBrush
// **radialGradientBrush );
- new ID2D1RadialGradientBrush CreateRadialGradientBrush(in D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES radialGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
+ new ID2D1RadialGradientBrush CreateRadialGradientBrush(in D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES radialGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
/// Creates a bitmap render target for use during intermediate offscreen drawing that is compatible with the current render target.
@@ -2428,7 +2432,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DCRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createcompatiblerendertarget(constd2d1_size_f_constd2d1_size_u_constd2d1_pixel_format_d2d1_compatible_render_target_options_id2d1bitmaprendertarget)
// HRESULT CreateCompatibleRenderTarget( const D2D1_SIZE_F *desiredSize, const D2D1_SIZE_U *desiredPixelSize, const
// D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT *desiredFormat, D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options, ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget **bitmapRenderTarget );
- new ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget CreateCompatibleRenderTarget([In, Optional] IntPtr desiredSize, [In, Optional] IntPtr desiredPixelSize, [In, Optional] IntPtr desiredFormat, [In, Optional] D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options);
+ new ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget CreateCompatibleRenderTarget([In, Optional] StructPointer desiredSize, [In, Optional] StructPointer desiredPixelSize, [In, Optional] StructPointer desiredFormat, [In, Optional] D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options);
/// Creates a layer resource that can be used with this render target and its compatible render targets.
@@ -2445,7 +2449,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DCRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
/// The layer automatically resizes itself, as needed.
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createlayer(constd2d1_size_f_id2d1layer)
// HRESULT CreateLayer( const D2D1_SIZE_F *size, ID2D1Layer **layer );
- new ID2D1Layer CreateLayer([In, Optional] IntPtr size);
+ new ID2D1Layer CreateLayer([In, Optional] StructPointer size);
/// Create a mesh that uses triangles to describe a shape.
@@ -2786,7 +2790,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DCRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// void FillOpacityMask( ID2D1Bitmap *opacityMask, ID2D1Brush *brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content, const D2D1_RECT_F &
// destinationRectangle, const D2D1_RECT_F & sourceRectangle );
- new void FillOpacityMask([In] ID2D1Bitmap opacityMask, [In] ID2D1Brush brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content, [In, Optional] IntPtr destinationRectangle, [In, Optional] IntPtr sourceRectangle);
+ new void FillOpacityMask([In] ID2D1Bitmap opacityMask, [In] ID2D1Brush brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? destinationRectangle, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? sourceRectangle);
/// Draws the specified bitmap after scaling it to the size of the specified rectangle.
@@ -2826,8 +2830,8 @@ public interface ID2D1DCRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// void DrawBitmap( ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_RECT_F & destinationRectangle, FLOAT opacity,
// D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, const D2D1_RECT_F & sourceRectangle );
- new void DrawBitmap([In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr destinationRectangle, float opacity = 1.0f,
+ new void DrawBitmap([In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? destinationRectangle, float opacity = 1.0f,
/// Draws the specified text using the format information provided by an IDWriteTextFormat object.
@@ -3320,7 +3324,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DCRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-clear(constd2d1_color_f_) void Clear( const
// D2D1_COLOR_F & clearColor );
- new void Clear([In, Optional] IntPtr clearColor);
+ new void Clear([In, Optional] StructPointer clearColor);
/// Initiates drawing on this render target.
/// None
diff --git a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces2.cs b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces2.cs
index f199dc04f..614cf09fd 100644
--- a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces2.cs
+++ b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces2.cs
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ public interface ID2D1EllipseGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-getbounds(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_d2d1_rect_f)
// HRESULT GetBounds( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, D2D1_RECT_F *bounds );
- new D2D_RECT_F GetBounds([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform);
+ new D2D_RECT_F GetBounds([In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? worldTransform);
/// Gets the bounds of the geometry after it has been widened by the specified stroke width and style and transformed by the
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ public interface ID2D1EllipseGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-getwidenedbounds%28float_id2d1strokestyle_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_d2d1_rect_f%29
// HRESULT GetWidenedBounds( FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, D2D1_RECT_F *bounds );
- new D2D_RECT_F GetWidenedBounds(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new D2D_RECT_F GetWidenedBounds(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Determines whether the geometry's stroke contains the specified point given the specified stroke thickness, style, and transform.
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ public interface ID2D1EllipseGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// HRESULT StrokeContainsPoint( D2D1_POINT_2F point, FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F
// *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, BOOL *contains );
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
- new bool StrokeContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new bool StrokeContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Indicates whether the area filled by the geometry would contain the specified point given the specified flattening tolerance.
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ public interface ID2D1EllipseGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// HRESULT FillContainsPoint( D2D1_POINT_2F point, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, BOOL
// *contains );
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
- new bool FillContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new bool FillContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Describes the intersection between this geometry and the specified geometry. The comparison is performed by using the
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ public interface ID2D1EllipseGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-comparewithgeometry%28id2d1geometry_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_d2d1_geometry_relation%29
// HRESULT CompareWithGeometry( ID2D1Geometry *inputGeometry, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *inputGeometryTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION *relation );
- new D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION CompareWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, [In, Optional] IntPtr inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION CompareWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, [In, Optional] StructPointer inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Creates a simplified version of the geometry that contains only lines and (optionally) cubic Bezier curves and writes the
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ public interface ID2D1EllipseGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-simplify%28d2d1_geometry_simplification_option_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink%29
// HRESULT Simplify( D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void Simplify(D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink? geometrySink);
+ new void Simplify(D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink? geometrySink);
/// Creates a set of clockwise-wound triangles that cover the geometry after it has been transformed using the specified matrix
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ public interface ID2D1EllipseGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-tessellate%28constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1tessellationsink%29
// HRESULT Tessellate( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1TessellationSink
// *tessellationSink );
- new void Tessellate([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1TessellationSink tessellationSink);
+ new void Tessellate([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1TessellationSink tessellationSink);
/// Combines this geometry with the specified geometry and stores the result in an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink.
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ public interface ID2D1EllipseGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-combinewithgeometry(id2d1geometry_d2d1_combine_mode_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink)
// HRESULT CombineWithGeometry( ID2D1Geometry *inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F &
// inputGeometryTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void CombineWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, [In, Optional] IntPtr inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void CombineWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, [In, Optional] StructPointer inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Computes the outline of the geometry and writes the result to an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink.
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ public interface ID2D1EllipseGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-outline%28constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink%29
// HRESULT Outline( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink
// *geometrySink );
- new void Outline([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void Outline([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Computes the area of the geometry after it has been transformed by the specified matrix and flattened using the specified tolerance.
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ public interface ID2D1EllipseGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computearea(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_float)
// HRESULT ComputeArea( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, FLOAT *area );
- new float ComputeArea([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new float ComputeArea([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Calculates the length of the geometry as though each segment were unrolled into a line.
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ public interface ID2D1EllipseGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computelength(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_float)
// HRESULT ComputeLength( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, FLOAT *length );
- new float ComputeLength([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new float ComputeLength([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Calculates the point and tangent vector at the specified distance along the geometry after it has been transformed by the
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ public interface ID2D1EllipseGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computepointatlength(float_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_d2d1_point_2f_d2d1_point_2f)
// HRESULT ComputePointAtLength( FLOAT length, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance,
// D2D1_POINT_2F *point, D2D1_POINT_2F *unitTangentVector );
- new void ComputePointAtLength(float length, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, out D2D_POINT_2F point, out D2D_POINT_2F unitTangentVector);
+ new void ComputePointAtLength(float length, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, out D2D_POINT_2F point, out D2D_POINT_2F unitTangentVector);
/// Widens the geometry by the specified stroke and writes the result to an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink after it has been
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ public interface ID2D1EllipseGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-widen(float_id2d1strokestyle_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink)
// HRESULT Widen( FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void Widen(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void Widen(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Gets the D2D1_ELLIPSE structure that describes this ellipse geometry.
@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Factory
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1factory-createdrawingstateblock%28constd2d1_drawing_state_description_idwriterenderingparams_id2d1drawingstateblock%29
// HRESULT CreateDrawingStateBlock( const D2D1_DRAWING_STATE_DESCRIPTION *drawingStateDescription, IDWriteRenderingParams
// *textRenderingParams, ID2D1DrawingStateBlock **drawingStateBlock );
- ID2D1DrawingStateBlock CreateDrawingStateBlock([In, Optional] IntPtr drawingStateDescription, [In, Optional] IDWriteRenderingParams? textRenderingParams);
+ ID2D1DrawingStateBlock CreateDrawingStateBlock([In, Optional] StructPointer drawingStateDescription, [In, Optional] IDWriteRenderingParams? textRenderingParams);
/// Creates a render target that renders to a Microsoft Windows Imaging Component (WIC) bitmap.
diff --git a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces3.cs b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces3.cs
index 42fd4f3ac..d6d81cf61 100644
--- a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces3.cs
+++ b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces3.cs
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Geometry : ID2D1Resource
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-getbounds(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_d2d1_rect_f)
// HRESULT GetBounds( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, D2D1_RECT_F *bounds );
- D2D_RECT_F GetBounds([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform);
+ D2D_RECT_F GetBounds([In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? worldTransform);
/// Gets the bounds of the geometry after it has been widened by the specified stroke width and style and transformed by the
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Geometry : ID2D1Resource
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-getwidenedbounds%28float_id2d1strokestyle_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_d2d1_rect_f%29
// HRESULT GetWidenedBounds( FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, D2D1_RECT_F *bounds );
- D2D_RECT_F GetWidenedBounds(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ D2D_RECT_F GetWidenedBounds(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Determines whether the geometry's stroke contains the specified point given the specified stroke thickness, style, and transform.
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Geometry : ID2D1Resource
// HRESULT StrokeContainsPoint( D2D1_POINT_2F point, FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F
// *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, BOOL *contains );
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
- bool StrokeContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ bool StrokeContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Indicates whether the area filled by the geometry would contain the specified point given the specified flattening tolerance.
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Geometry : ID2D1Resource
// HRESULT FillContainsPoint( D2D1_POINT_2F point, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, BOOL
// *contains );
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
- bool FillContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ bool FillContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Describes the intersection between this geometry and the specified geometry. The comparison is performed by using the
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Geometry : ID2D1Resource
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-comparewithgeometry%28id2d1geometry_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_d2d1_geometry_relation%29
// HRESULT CompareWithGeometry( ID2D1Geometry *inputGeometry, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *inputGeometryTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION *relation );
- D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION CompareWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, [In, Optional] IntPtr inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION CompareWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, [In, Optional] StructPointer inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Creates a simplified version of the geometry that contains only lines and (optionally) cubic Bezier curves and writes the
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Geometry : ID2D1Resource
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-simplify%28d2d1_geometry_simplification_option_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink%29
// HRESULT Simplify( D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- void Simplify(D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink? geometrySink);
+ void Simplify(D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink? geometrySink);
/// Creates a set of clockwise-wound triangles that cover the geometry after it has been transformed using the specified matrix
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Geometry : ID2D1Resource
// https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-tessellate%28constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1tessellationsink%29
// HRESULT Tessellate( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1TessellationSink
// *tessellationSink );
- void Tessellate([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1TessellationSink? tessellationSink);
+ void Tessellate([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1TessellationSink? tessellationSink);
/// Combines this geometry with the specified geometry and stores the result in an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink.
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Geometry : ID2D1Resource
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-combinewithgeometry(id2d1geometry_d2d1_combine_mode_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink)
// HRESULT CombineWithGeometry( ID2D1Geometry *inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F &
// inputGeometryTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- void CombineWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, [In, Optional] IntPtr inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink? geometrySink);
+ void CombineWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, [In, Optional] StructPointer inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink? geometrySink);
/// Computes the outline of the geometry and writes the result to an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink.
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Geometry : ID2D1Resource
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-outline%28constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink%29
// HRESULT Outline( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink
// *geometrySink );
- void Outline([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink? geometrySink);
+ void Outline([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink? geometrySink);
/// Computes the area of the geometry after it has been transformed by the specified matrix and flattened using the specified tolerance.
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Geometry : ID2D1Resource
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computearea(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_float)
// HRESULT ComputeArea( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, FLOAT *area );
- float ComputeArea([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ float ComputeArea([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Calculates the length of the geometry as though each segment were unrolled into a line.
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Geometry : ID2D1Resource
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computelength(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_float)
// HRESULT ComputeLength( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, FLOAT *length );
- float ComputeLength([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ float ComputeLength([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Calculates the point and tangent vector at the specified distance along the geometry after it has been transformed by the
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Geometry : ID2D1Resource
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computepointatlength(float_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_d2d1_point_2f_d2d1_point_2f)
// HRESULT ComputePointAtLength( FLOAT length, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance,
// D2D1_POINT_2F *point, D2D1_POINT_2F *unitTangentVector );
- void ComputePointAtLength(float length, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, out D2D_POINT_2F point, out D2D_POINT_2F unitTangentVector);
+ void ComputePointAtLength(float length, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, out D2D_POINT_2F point, out D2D_POINT_2F unitTangentVector);
/// Widens the geometry by the specified stroke and writes the result to an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink after it has been
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Geometry : ID2D1Resource
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-widen(float_id2d1strokestyle_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink)
// HRESULT Widen( FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- void Widen(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink? geometrySink);
+ void Widen(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink? geometrySink);
/// Represents a composite geometry, composed of other ID2D1Geometry objects.
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ public interface ID2D1GeometryGroup : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-getbounds(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_d2d1_rect_f)
// HRESULT GetBounds( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, D2D1_RECT_F *bounds );
- new D2D_RECT_F GetBounds([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform);
+ new D2D_RECT_F GetBounds([In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? worldTransform);
/// Gets the bounds of the geometry after it has been widened by the specified stroke width and style and transformed by the
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ public interface ID2D1GeometryGroup : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-getwidenedbounds%28float_id2d1strokestyle_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_d2d1_rect_f%29
// HRESULT GetWidenedBounds( FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, D2D1_RECT_F *bounds );
- new D2D_RECT_F GetWidenedBounds(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new D2D_RECT_F GetWidenedBounds(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Determines whether the geometry's stroke contains the specified point given the specified stroke thickness, style, and transform.
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ public interface ID2D1GeometryGroup : ID2D1Geometry
// HRESULT StrokeContainsPoint( D2D1_POINT_2F point, FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F
// *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, BOOL *contains );
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
- new bool StrokeContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new bool StrokeContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Indicates whether the area filled by the geometry would contain the specified point given the specified flattening tolerance.
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ public interface ID2D1GeometryGroup : ID2D1Geometry
// HRESULT FillContainsPoint( D2D1_POINT_2F point, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, BOOL
// *contains );
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
- new bool FillContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new bool FillContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Describes the intersection between this geometry and the specified geometry. The comparison is performed by using the
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ public interface ID2D1GeometryGroup : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-comparewithgeometry%28id2d1geometry_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_d2d1_geometry_relation%29
// HRESULT CompareWithGeometry( ID2D1Geometry *inputGeometry, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *inputGeometryTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION *relation );
- new D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION CompareWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, [In, Optional] IntPtr inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION CompareWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, [In, Optional] StructPointer inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Creates a simplified version of the geometry that contains only lines and (optionally) cubic Bezier curves and writes the
@@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ public interface ID2D1GeometryGroup : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-simplify%28d2d1_geometry_simplification_option_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink%29
// HRESULT Simplify( D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void Simplify(D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink? geometrySink);
+ new void Simplify(D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink? geometrySink);
/// Creates a set of clockwise-wound triangles that cover the geometry after it has been transformed using the specified matrix
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ public interface ID2D1GeometryGroup : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-tessellate%28constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1tessellationsink%29
// HRESULT Tessellate( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1TessellationSink
// *tessellationSink );
- new void Tessellate([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1TessellationSink? tessellationSink);
+ new void Tessellate([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1TessellationSink? tessellationSink);
/// Combines this geometry with the specified geometry and stores the result in an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink.
@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ public interface ID2D1GeometryGroup : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-combinewithgeometry(id2d1geometry_d2d1_combine_mode_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink)
// HRESULT CombineWithGeometry( ID2D1Geometry *inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F &
// inputGeometryTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void CombineWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, [In, Optional] IntPtr inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink? geometrySink);
+ new void CombineWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, [In, Optional] StructPointer inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink? geometrySink);
/// Computes the outline of the geometry and writes the result to an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink.
@@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ public interface ID2D1GeometryGroup : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-outline%28constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink%29
// HRESULT Outline( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink
// *geometrySink );
- new void Outline([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink? geometrySink);
+ new void Outline([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink? geometrySink);
/// Computes the area of the geometry after it has been transformed by the specified matrix and flattened using the specified tolerance.
@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ public interface ID2D1GeometryGroup : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computearea(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_float)
// HRESULT ComputeArea( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, FLOAT *area );
- new float ComputeArea([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new float ComputeArea([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Calculates the length of the geometry as though each segment were unrolled into a line.
@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ public interface ID2D1GeometryGroup : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computelength(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_float)
// HRESULT ComputeLength( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, FLOAT *length );
- new float ComputeLength([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new float ComputeLength([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Calculates the point and tangent vector at the specified distance along the geometry after it has been transformed by the
@@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ public interface ID2D1GeometryGroup : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computepointatlength(float_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_d2d1_point_2f_d2d1_point_2f)
// HRESULT ComputePointAtLength( FLOAT length, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance,
// D2D1_POINT_2F *point, D2D1_POINT_2F *unitTangentVector );
- new void ComputePointAtLength(float length, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, out D2D_POINT_2F point, out D2D_POINT_2F unitTangentVector);
+ new void ComputePointAtLength(float length, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, out D2D_POINT_2F point, out D2D_POINT_2F unitTangentVector);
/// Widens the geometry by the specified stroke and writes the result to an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink after it has been
@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ public interface ID2D1GeometryGroup : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-widen(float_id2d1strokestyle_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink)
// HRESULT Widen( FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void Widen(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink? geometrySink);
+ new void Widen(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink? geometrySink);
/// Indicates how the intersecting areas of the geometries contained in this geometry group are combined.
@@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@ public interface ID2D1HwndRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createbitmapfromwicbitmap(iwicbitmapsource_constd2d1_bitmap_properties_id2d1bitmap)
// HRESULT CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap( IWICBitmapSource *wicBitmapSource, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties,
// ID2D1Bitmap **bitmap );
- new ID2D1Bitmap CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(IWICBitmapSource wicBitmapSource, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapProperties);
+ new ID2D1Bitmap CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(IWICBitmapSource wicBitmapSource, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapProperties);
/// Creates an ID2D1Bitmap whose data is shared with another resource.
@@ -1440,7 +1440,7 @@ public interface ID2D1HwndRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createsharedbitmap HRESULT
// CreateSharedBitmap( REFIID riid, void *data, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties, ID2D1Bitmap **bitmap );
- new ID2D1Bitmap CreateSharedBitmap(in Guid riid, [In, Out] IntPtr data, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapProperties);
+ new ID2D1Bitmap CreateSharedBitmap(in Guid riid, [In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown, IidParameterIndex = 0)] object data, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapProperties);
/// Creates an ID2D1BitmapBrush from the specified bitmap.
@@ -1471,7 +1471,7 @@ public interface ID2D1HwndRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createbitmapbrush(id2d1bitmap_constd2d1_bitmap_brush_properties_constd2d1_brush_properties_id2d1bitmapbrush)
// HRESULT CreateBitmapBrush( ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *bitmapBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1BitmapBrush **bitmapBrush );
- new ID2D1BitmapBrush CreateBitmapBrush([In, Optional] ID2D1Bitmap? bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties);
+ new ID2D1BitmapBrush CreateBitmapBrush([In, Optional] ID2D1Bitmap? bitmap, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapBrushProperties, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties);
/// Creates a new ID2D1SolidColorBrush that has the specified color and opacity.
@@ -1489,7 +1489,7 @@ public interface ID2D1HwndRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createsolidcolorbrush(constd2d1_color_f__constd2d1_brush_properties__id2d1solidcolorbrush)
// HRESULT CreateSolidColorBrush( const D2D1_COLOR_F & color, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES & brushProperties,
// ID2D1SolidColorBrush **solidColorBrush );
- new ID2D1SolidColorBrush CreateSolidColorBrush(in D3DCOLORVALUE color, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties);
+ new ID2D1SolidColorBrush CreateSolidColorBrush(in D3DCOLORVALUE color, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties);
/// Creates an ID2D1GradientStopCollection from the specified array of D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP structures.
@@ -1515,7 +1515,7 @@ public interface ID2D1HwndRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-creategradientstopcollection%28constd2d1_gradient_stop_uint32_d2d1_gamma_d2d1_extend_mode_id2d1gradientstopcollection%29
// HRESULT CreateGradientStopCollection( const D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP *gradientStops, UINT32 gradientStopsCount, D2D1_GAMMA
// colorInterpolationGamma, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode, ID2D1GradientStopCollection **gradientStopCollection );
- new ID2D1GradientStopCollection CreateGradientStopCollection([In] D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP[] gradientStops, uint gradientStopsCount, D2D1_GAMMA colorInterpolationGamma, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode);
+ new ID2D1GradientStopCollection CreateGradientStopCollection([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)] D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP[] gradientStops, uint gradientStopsCount, D2D1_GAMMA colorInterpolationGamma, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode);
/// Creates an ID2D1LinearGradientBrush object for painting areas with a linear gradient.
@@ -1541,7 +1541,7 @@ public interface ID2D1HwndRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// HRESULT CreateLinearGradientBrush( const D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *linearGradientBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, ID2D1LinearGradientBrush
// **linearGradientBrush );
- new ID2D1LinearGradientBrush CreateLinearGradientBrush(in D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES linearGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection? gradientStopCollection);
+ new ID2D1LinearGradientBrush CreateLinearGradientBrush(in D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES linearGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection? gradientStopCollection);
/// Creates an ID2D1RadialGradientBrush object that can be used to paint areas with a radial gradient.
@@ -1566,7 +1566,7 @@ public interface ID2D1HwndRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// HRESULT CreateRadialGradientBrush( const D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *radialGradientBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, ID2D1RadialGradientBrush
// **radialGradientBrush );
- new ID2D1RadialGradientBrush CreateRadialGradientBrush(in D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES radialGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection? gradientStopCollection);
+ new ID2D1RadialGradientBrush CreateRadialGradientBrush(in D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES radialGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection? gradientStopCollection);
/// Creates a bitmap render target for use during intermediate offscreen drawing that is compatible with the current render target.
@@ -1638,7 +1638,7 @@ public interface ID2D1HwndRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createcompatiblerendertarget(constd2d1_size_f_constd2d1_size_u_constd2d1_pixel_format_d2d1_compatible_render_target_options_id2d1bitmaprendertarget)
// HRESULT CreateCompatibleRenderTarget( const D2D1_SIZE_F *desiredSize, const D2D1_SIZE_U *desiredPixelSize, const
// D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT *desiredFormat, D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options, ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget **bitmapRenderTarget );
- new ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget CreateCompatibleRenderTarget([In, Optional] IntPtr desiredSize, [In, Optional] IntPtr desiredPixelSize, [In, Optional] IntPtr desiredFormat, [In, Optional] D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options);
+ new ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget CreateCompatibleRenderTarget([In, Optional] StructPointer desiredSize, [In, Optional] StructPointer desiredPixelSize, [In, Optional] StructPointer desiredFormat, [In, Optional] D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options);
/// Creates a layer resource that can be used with this render target and its compatible render targets.
@@ -1655,7 +1655,7 @@ public interface ID2D1HwndRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
/// The layer automatically resizes itself, as needed.
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createlayer(constd2d1_size_f_id2d1layer)
// HRESULT CreateLayer( const D2D1_SIZE_F *size, ID2D1Layer **layer );
- new ID2D1Layer CreateLayer([In, Optional] IntPtr size);
+ new ID2D1Layer CreateLayer([In, Optional] StructPointer size);
/// Create a mesh that uses triangles to describe a shape.
@@ -1996,7 +1996,7 @@ public interface ID2D1HwndRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// void FillOpacityMask( ID2D1Bitmap *opacityMask, ID2D1Brush *brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content, const D2D1_RECT_F &
// destinationRectangle, const D2D1_RECT_F & sourceRectangle );
- new void FillOpacityMask([In] ID2D1Bitmap opacityMask, [In] ID2D1Brush brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content, [In, Optional] IntPtr destinationRectangle, [In, Optional] IntPtr sourceRectangle);
+ new void FillOpacityMask([In] ID2D1Bitmap opacityMask, [In] ID2D1Brush brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? destinationRectangle, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? sourceRectangle);
/// Draws the specified bitmap after scaling it to the size of the specified rectangle.
@@ -2036,8 +2036,8 @@ public interface ID2D1HwndRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// void DrawBitmap( ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_RECT_F & destinationRectangle, FLOAT opacity,
// D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, const D2D1_RECT_F & sourceRectangle );
- new void DrawBitmap([In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr destinationRectangle, float opacity = 1.0f,
+ new void DrawBitmap([In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? destinationRectangle, float opacity = 1.0f,
/// Draws the specified text using the format information provided by an IDWriteTextFormat object.
@@ -2530,7 +2530,7 @@ public interface ID2D1HwndRenderTarget : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-clear(constd2d1_color_f_) void Clear( const
// D2D1_COLOR_F & clearColor );
- new void Clear([In, Optional] IntPtr clearColor);
+ new void Clear([In, Optional] StructPointer clearColor);
/// Initiates drawing on this render target.
/// None
diff --git a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces4.cs b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces4.cs
index ce3f64a60..35a698630 100644
--- a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces4.cs
+++ b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces4.cs
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-getbounds(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_d2d1_rect_f)
// HRESULT GetBounds( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, D2D1_RECT_F *bounds );
- new D2D_RECT_F GetBounds([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform);
+ new D2D_RECT_F GetBounds([In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? worldTransform);
/// Gets the bounds of the geometry after it has been widened by the specified stroke width and style and transformed by the
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-getwidenedbounds%28float_id2d1strokestyle_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_d2d1_rect_f%29
// HRESULT GetWidenedBounds( FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, D2D1_RECT_F *bounds );
- new D2D_RECT_F GetWidenedBounds(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new D2D_RECT_F GetWidenedBounds(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Determines whether the geometry's stroke contains the specified point given the specified stroke thickness, style, and transform.
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// HRESULT StrokeContainsPoint( D2D1_POINT_2F point, FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F
// *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, BOOL *contains );
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
- new bool StrokeContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new bool StrokeContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Indicates whether the area filled by the geometry would contain the specified point given the specified flattening tolerance.
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// HRESULT FillContainsPoint( D2D1_POINT_2F point, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, BOOL
// *contains );
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
- new bool FillContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new bool FillContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Describes the intersection between this geometry and the specified geometry. The comparison is performed by using the
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-comparewithgeometry%28id2d1geometry_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_d2d1_geometry_relation%29
// HRESULT CompareWithGeometry( ID2D1Geometry *inputGeometry, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *inputGeometryTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION *relation );
- new D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION CompareWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, [In, Optional] IntPtr inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION CompareWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, [In, Optional] StructPointer inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Creates a simplified version of the geometry that contains only lines and (optionally) cubic Bezier curves and writes the
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-simplify%28d2d1_geometry_simplification_option_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink%29
// HRESULT Simplify( D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void Simplify(D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void Simplify(D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Creates a set of clockwise-wound triangles that cover the geometry after it has been transformed using the specified matrix
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-tessellate%28constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1tessellationsink%29
// HRESULT Tessellate( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1TessellationSink
// *tessellationSink );
- new void Tessellate([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1TessellationSink tessellationSink);
+ new void Tessellate([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1TessellationSink tessellationSink);
/// Combines this geometry with the specified geometry and stores the result in an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink.
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-combinewithgeometry(id2d1geometry_d2d1_combine_mode_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink)
// HRESULT CombineWithGeometry( ID2D1Geometry *inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F &
// inputGeometryTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void CombineWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, [In, Optional] IntPtr inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void CombineWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, [In, Optional] StructPointer inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Computes the outline of the geometry and writes the result to an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink.
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-outline%28constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink%29
// HRESULT Outline( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink
// *geometrySink );
- new void Outline([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void Outline([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Computes the area of the geometry after it has been transformed by the specified matrix and flattened using the specified tolerance.
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computearea(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_float)
// HRESULT ComputeArea( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, FLOAT *area );
- new float ComputeArea([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new float ComputeArea([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Calculates the length of the geometry as though each segment were unrolled into a line.
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computelength(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_float)
// HRESULT ComputeLength( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, FLOAT *length );
- new float ComputeLength([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new float ComputeLength([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Calculates the point and tangent vector at the specified distance along the geometry after it has been transformed by the
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computepointatlength(float_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_d2d1_point_2f_d2d1_point_2f)
// HRESULT ComputePointAtLength( FLOAT length, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance,
// D2D1_POINT_2F *point, D2D1_POINT_2F *unitTangentVector );
- new void ComputePointAtLength(float length, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, out D2D_POINT_2F point, out D2D_POINT_2F unitTangentVector);
+ new void ComputePointAtLength(float length, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, out D2D_POINT_2F point, out D2D_POINT_2F unitTangentVector);
/// Widens the geometry by the specified stroke and writes the result to an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink after it has been
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-widen(float_id2d1strokestyle_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink)
// HRESULT Widen( FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void Widen(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void Widen(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Retrieves the geometry sink that is used to populate the path geometry with figures and segments.
@@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-getbounds(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_d2d1_rect_f)
// HRESULT GetBounds( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, D2D1_RECT_F *bounds );
- new D2D_RECT_F GetBounds([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform);
+ new D2D_RECT_F GetBounds([In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? worldTransform);
/// Gets the bounds of the geometry after it has been widened by the specified stroke width and style and transformed by the
@@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-getwidenedbounds%28float_id2d1strokestyle_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_d2d1_rect_f%29
// HRESULT GetWidenedBounds( FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, D2D1_RECT_F *bounds );
- new D2D_RECT_F GetWidenedBounds(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new D2D_RECT_F GetWidenedBounds(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Determines whether the geometry's stroke contains the specified point given the specified stroke thickness, style, and transform.
@@ -902,7 +902,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// HRESULT StrokeContainsPoint( D2D1_POINT_2F point, FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F
// *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, BOOL *contains );
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
- new bool StrokeContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new bool StrokeContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Indicates whether the area filled by the geometry would contain the specified point given the specified flattening tolerance.
@@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// HRESULT FillContainsPoint( D2D1_POINT_2F point, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, BOOL
// *contains );
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
- new bool FillContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new bool FillContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Describes the intersection between this geometry and the specified geometry. The comparison is performed by using the
@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-comparewithgeometry%28id2d1geometry_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_d2d1_geometry_relation%29
// HRESULT CompareWithGeometry( ID2D1Geometry *inputGeometry, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *inputGeometryTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION *relation );
- new D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION CompareWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, [In, Optional] IntPtr inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION CompareWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, [In, Optional] StructPointer inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Creates a simplified version of the geometry that contains only lines and (optionally) cubic Bezier curves and writes the
@@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-simplify%28d2d1_geometry_simplification_option_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink%29
// HRESULT Simplify( D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void Simplify(D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void Simplify(D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Creates a set of clockwise-wound triangles that cover the geometry after it has been transformed using the specified matrix
@@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-tessellate%28constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1tessellationsink%29
// HRESULT Tessellate( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1TessellationSink
// *tessellationSink );
- new void Tessellate([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1TessellationSink tessellationSink);
+ new void Tessellate([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1TessellationSink tessellationSink);
/// Combines this geometry with the specified geometry and stores the result in an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink.
@@ -1061,7 +1061,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-combinewithgeometry(id2d1geometry_d2d1_combine_mode_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink)
// HRESULT CombineWithGeometry( ID2D1Geometry *inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F &
// inputGeometryTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void CombineWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, [In, Optional] IntPtr inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void CombineWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, [In, Optional] StructPointer inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Computes the outline of the geometry and writes the result to an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink.
@@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-outline%28constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink%29
// HRESULT Outline( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink
// *geometrySink );
- new void Outline([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void Outline([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Computes the area of the geometry after it has been transformed by the specified matrix and flattened using the specified tolerance.
@@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computearea(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_float)
// HRESULT ComputeArea( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, FLOAT *area );
- new float ComputeArea([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new float ComputeArea([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Calculates the length of the geometry as though each segment were unrolled into a line.
@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computelength(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_float)
// HRESULT ComputeLength( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, FLOAT *length );
- new float ComputeLength([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new float ComputeLength([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Calculates the point and tangent vector at the specified distance along the geometry after it has been transformed by the
@@ -1199,7 +1199,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computepointatlength(float_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_d2d1_point_2f_d2d1_point_2f)
// HRESULT ComputePointAtLength( FLOAT length, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance,
// D2D1_POINT_2F *point, D2D1_POINT_2F *unitTangentVector );
- new void ComputePointAtLength(float length, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, out D2D_POINT_2F point, out D2D_POINT_2F unitTangentVector);
+ new void ComputePointAtLength(float length, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, out D2D_POINT_2F point, out D2D_POINT_2F unitTangentVector);
/// Widens the geometry by the specified stroke and writes the result to an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink after it has been
@@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-widen(float_id2d1strokestyle_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink)
// HRESULT Widen( FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void Widen(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void Widen(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Retrieves the rectangle that describes the rectangle geometry's dimensions.
@@ -1330,7 +1330,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RenderTarget : ID2D1Resource
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createbitmapfromwicbitmap(iwicbitmapsource_constd2d1_bitmap_properties_id2d1bitmap)
// HRESULT CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap( IWICBitmapSource *wicBitmapSource, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties,
// ID2D1Bitmap **bitmap );
- ID2D1Bitmap CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(IWICBitmapSource wicBitmapSource, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapProperties);
+ ID2D1Bitmap CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(IWICBitmapSource wicBitmapSource, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapProperties);
/// Creates an ID2D1Bitmap whose data is shared with another resource.
@@ -1403,7 +1403,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RenderTarget : ID2D1Resource
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createsharedbitmap HRESULT
// CreateSharedBitmap( REFIID riid, void *data, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties, ID2D1Bitmap **bitmap );
- ID2D1Bitmap CreateSharedBitmap(in Guid riid, [In, Out] IntPtr data, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapProperties);
+ ID2D1Bitmap CreateSharedBitmap(in Guid riid, [In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown, IidParameterIndex = 0)] object data, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapProperties);
/// Creates an ID2D1BitmapBrush from the specified bitmap.
@@ -1434,7 +1434,8 @@ public interface ID2D1RenderTarget : ID2D1Resource
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createbitmapbrush(id2d1bitmap_constd2d1_bitmap_brush_properties_constd2d1_brush_properties_id2d1bitmapbrush)
// HRESULT CreateBitmapBrush( ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *bitmapBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1BitmapBrush **bitmapBrush );
- ID2D1BitmapBrush CreateBitmapBrush([In, Optional] ID2D1Bitmap? bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties);
+ ID2D1BitmapBrush CreateBitmapBrush([In, Optional] ID2D1Bitmap? bitmap, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapBrushProperties,
+ [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties);
/// Creates a new ID2D1SolidColorBrush that has the specified color and opacity.
@@ -1452,7 +1453,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RenderTarget : ID2D1Resource
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createsolidcolorbrush(constd2d1_color_f__constd2d1_brush_properties__id2d1solidcolorbrush)
// HRESULT CreateSolidColorBrush( const D2D1_COLOR_F & color, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES & brushProperties,
// ID2D1SolidColorBrush **solidColorBrush );
- ID2D1SolidColorBrush CreateSolidColorBrush(in D3DCOLORVALUE color, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties);
+ ID2D1SolidColorBrush CreateSolidColorBrush(in D3DCOLORVALUE color, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties);
/// Creates an ID2D1GradientStopCollection from the specified array of D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP structures.
@@ -1478,7 +1479,8 @@ public interface ID2D1RenderTarget : ID2D1Resource
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-creategradientstopcollection%28constd2d1_gradient_stop_uint32_d2d1_gamma_d2d1_extend_mode_id2d1gradientstopcollection%29
// HRESULT CreateGradientStopCollection( const D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP *gradientStops, UINT32 gradientStopsCount, D2D1_GAMMA
// colorInterpolationGamma, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode, ID2D1GradientStopCollection **gradientStopCollection );
- ID2D1GradientStopCollection CreateGradientStopCollection([In] D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP[] gradientStops, uint gradientStopsCount, D2D1_GAMMA colorInterpolationGamma, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode);
+ ID2D1GradientStopCollection CreateGradientStopCollection([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)] D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP[] gradientStops, uint gradientStopsCount,
+ D2D1_GAMMA colorInterpolationGamma, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode);
/// Creates an ID2D1LinearGradientBrush object for painting areas with a linear gradient.
@@ -1504,7 +1506,8 @@ public interface ID2D1RenderTarget : ID2D1Resource
// HRESULT CreateLinearGradientBrush( const D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *linearGradientBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, ID2D1LinearGradientBrush
// **linearGradientBrush );
- ID2D1LinearGradientBrush CreateLinearGradientBrush(in D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES linearGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
+ ID2D1LinearGradientBrush CreateLinearGradientBrush(in D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES linearGradientBrushProperties,
+ [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
/// Creates an ID2D1RadialGradientBrush object that can be used to paint areas with a radial gradient.
@@ -1529,7 +1532,8 @@ public interface ID2D1RenderTarget : ID2D1Resource
// HRESULT CreateRadialGradientBrush( const D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *radialGradientBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, ID2D1RadialGradientBrush
// **radialGradientBrush );
- ID2D1RadialGradientBrush CreateRadialGradientBrush(in D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES radialGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
+ ID2D1RadialGradientBrush CreateRadialGradientBrush(in D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES radialGradientBrushProperties,
+ [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
/// Creates a bitmap render target for use during intermediate offscreen drawing that is compatible with the current render target.
@@ -1601,7 +1605,8 @@ public interface ID2D1RenderTarget : ID2D1Resource
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createcompatiblerendertarget(constd2d1_size_f_constd2d1_size_u_constd2d1_pixel_format_d2d1_compatible_render_target_options_id2d1bitmaprendertarget)
// HRESULT CreateCompatibleRenderTarget( const D2D1_SIZE_F *desiredSize, const D2D1_SIZE_U *desiredPixelSize, const
// D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT *desiredFormat, D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options, ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget **bitmapRenderTarget );
- ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget CreateCompatibleRenderTarget([In, Optional] IntPtr desiredSize, [In, Optional] IntPtr desiredPixelSize, [In, Optional] IntPtr desiredFormat, [In, Optional] D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options);
+ ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget CreateCompatibleRenderTarget([In, Optional] StructPointer desiredSize, [In, Optional] StructPointer desiredPixelSize,
+ [In, Optional] StructPointer desiredFormat, [In, Optional] D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options);
/// Creates a layer resource that can be used with this render target and its compatible render targets.
@@ -1618,7 +1623,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RenderTarget : ID2D1Resource
/// The layer automatically resizes itself, as needed.
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createlayer(constd2d1_size_f_id2d1layer)
// HRESULT CreateLayer( const D2D1_SIZE_F *size, ID2D1Layer **layer );
- ID2D1Layer CreateLayer([In, Optional] IntPtr size);
+ ID2D1Layer CreateLayer([In, Optional] StructPointer size);
/// Create a mesh that uses triangles to describe a shape.
@@ -1959,7 +1964,8 @@ public interface ID2D1RenderTarget : ID2D1Resource
// void FillOpacityMask( ID2D1Bitmap *opacityMask, ID2D1Brush *brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content, const D2D1_RECT_F &
// destinationRectangle, const D2D1_RECT_F & sourceRectangle );
- void FillOpacityMask([In] ID2D1Bitmap opacityMask, [In] ID2D1Brush brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content, [In, Optional] IntPtr destinationRectangle, [In, Optional] IntPtr sourceRectangle);
+ void FillOpacityMask([In] ID2D1Bitmap opacityMask, [In] ID2D1Brush brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content,
+ [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? destinationRectangle, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? sourceRectangle);
/// Draws the specified bitmap after scaling it to the size of the specified rectangle.
@@ -1999,8 +2005,9 @@ public interface ID2D1RenderTarget : ID2D1Resource
// void DrawBitmap( ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_RECT_F & destinationRectangle, FLOAT opacity,
// D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, const D2D1_RECT_F & sourceRectangle );
- void DrawBitmap([In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr destinationRectangle, float opacity = 1.0f,
+ void DrawBitmap([In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? destinationRectangle, float opacity = 1.0f,
+ [In] PD2D_RECT_F? sourceRectangle = null);
/// Draws the specified text using the format information provided by an IDWriteTextFormat object.
@@ -2493,7 +2500,7 @@ void DrawGlyphRun(D2D_POINT_2F baselineOrigin, in DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN glyphRun, [In
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-clear(constd2d1_color_f_) void Clear( const
// D2D1_COLOR_F & clearColor );
- void Clear([In, Optional] IntPtr clearColor);
+ void Clear([In, Optional] StructPointer clearColor);
/// Initiates drawing on this render target.
/// None
@@ -2754,7 +2761,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RoundedRectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-getbounds(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_d2d1_rect_f)
// HRESULT GetBounds( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, D2D1_RECT_F *bounds );
- new D2D_RECT_F GetBounds([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform);
+ new D2D_RECT_F GetBounds([In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? worldTransform);
/// Gets the bounds of the geometry after it has been widened by the specified stroke width and style and transformed by the
@@ -2789,7 +2796,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RoundedRectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-getwidenedbounds%28float_id2d1strokestyle_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_d2d1_rect_f%29
// HRESULT GetWidenedBounds( FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, D2D1_RECT_F *bounds );
- new D2D_RECT_F GetWidenedBounds(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new D2D_RECT_F GetWidenedBounds(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Determines whether the geometry's stroke contains the specified point given the specified stroke thickness, style, and transform.
@@ -2828,7 +2835,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RoundedRectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// HRESULT StrokeContainsPoint( D2D1_POINT_2F point, FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F
// *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, BOOL *contains );
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
- new bool StrokeContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new bool StrokeContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Indicates whether the area filled by the geometry would contain the specified point given the specified flattening tolerance.
@@ -2859,7 +2866,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RoundedRectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// HRESULT FillContainsPoint( D2D1_POINT_2F point, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, BOOL
// *contains );
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
- new bool FillContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new bool FillContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Describes the intersection between this geometry and the specified geometry. The comparison is performed by using the
@@ -2899,7 +2906,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RoundedRectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-comparewithgeometry%28id2d1geometry_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_d2d1_geometry_relation%29
// HRESULT CompareWithGeometry( ID2D1Geometry *inputGeometry, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *inputGeometryTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION *relation );
- new D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION CompareWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, [In, Optional] IntPtr inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION CompareWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, [In, Optional] StructPointer inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Creates a simplified version of the geometry that contains only lines and (optionally) cubic Bezier curves and writes the
@@ -2932,7 +2939,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RoundedRectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-simplify%28d2d1_geometry_simplification_option_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink%29
// HRESULT Simplify( D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void Simplify(D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void Simplify(D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Creates a set of clockwise-wound triangles that cover the geometry after it has been transformed using the specified matrix
@@ -2957,7 +2964,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RoundedRectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-tessellate%28constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1tessellationsink%29
// HRESULT Tessellate( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1TessellationSink
// *tessellationSink );
- new void Tessellate([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1TessellationSink tessellationSink);
+ new void Tessellate([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1TessellationSink tessellationSink);
/// Combines this geometry with the specified geometry and stores the result in an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink.
@@ -2987,7 +2994,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RoundedRectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-combinewithgeometry(id2d1geometry_d2d1_combine_mode_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink)
// HRESULT CombineWithGeometry( ID2D1Geometry *inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F &
// inputGeometryTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void CombineWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, [In, Optional] IntPtr inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void CombineWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, [In, Optional] StructPointer inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Computes the outline of the geometry and writes the result to an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink.
@@ -3033,7 +3040,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RoundedRectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-outline%28constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink%29
// HRESULT Outline( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink
// *geometrySink );
- new void Outline([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void Outline([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Computes the area of the geometry after it has been transformed by the specified matrix and flattened using the specified tolerance.
@@ -3059,7 +3066,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RoundedRectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computearea(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_float)
// HRESULT ComputeArea( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, FLOAT *area );
- new float ComputeArea([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new float ComputeArea([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Calculates the length of the geometry as though each segment were unrolled into a line.
@@ -3083,7 +3090,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RoundedRectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computelength(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_float)
// HRESULT ComputeLength( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, FLOAT *length );
- new float ComputeLength([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new float ComputeLength([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Calculates the point and tangent vector at the specified distance along the geometry after it has been transformed by the
@@ -3125,7 +3132,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RoundedRectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computepointatlength(float_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_d2d1_point_2f_d2d1_point_2f)
// HRESULT ComputePointAtLength( FLOAT length, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance,
// D2D1_POINT_2F *point, D2D1_POINT_2F *unitTangentVector );
- new void ComputePointAtLength(float length, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, out D2D_POINT_2F point, out D2D_POINT_2F unitTangentVector);
+ new void ComputePointAtLength(float length, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, out D2D_POINT_2F point, out D2D_POINT_2F unitTangentVector);
/// Widens the geometry by the specified stroke and writes the result to an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink after it has been
@@ -3158,7 +3165,7 @@ public interface ID2D1RoundedRectangleGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-widen(float_id2d1strokestyle_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink)
// HRESULT Widen( FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void Widen(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void Widen(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Retrieves a rounded rectangle that describes this rounded rectangle geometry.
@@ -3319,4 +3326,65 @@ public interface ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink
HRESULT Close();
+ /// Creates an ID2D1Bitmap whose data is shared with another resource.
+ /// The interface ID of the object supplying the source data.
+ /// The render target that will create the bitmap.
+ ///
+ /// An ID2D1Bitmap, IDXGISurface, or an IWICBitmapLock that contains the data to share with the new ID2D1Bitmap. For more
+ /// information, see the Remarks section.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The pixel format and DPI of the bitmap to create . The DXGI_FORMAT portion of the pixel format must match the DXGI_FORMAT of data or
+ /// the method will fail, but the alpha modes don't have to match. To prevent a mismatch, you can pass NULL or the value obtained
+ /// from the D2D1::PixelFormat helper function. The DPI settings do not have to match those of data. If both dpiX and dpiY are 0.0f, the
+ /// DPI of the render target is used.
+ ///
+ /// When this method returns, contains the address of a pointer to the new bitmap. This parameter is passed uninitialized.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The CreateSharedBitmap method is useful for efficiently reusing bitmap data and can also be used to provide interoperability
+ /// with Direct3D.
+ ///
+ /// Sharing an ID2D1Bitmap
+ ///
+ /// By passing an ID2D1Bitmap created by a render target that is resource-compatible, you can share a bitmap with that render target;
+ /// both the original ID2D1Bitmap and the new ID2D1Bitmap created by this method will point to the same bitmap data. For
+ /// more information about when render target resources can be shared, see the Sharing Render Target Resources section of the Resources Overview.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// You may also use this method to reinterpret the data of an existing bitmap and specify a new DPI or alpha mode. For example, in the
+ /// case of a bitmap atlas, an ID2D1Bitmap may contain multiple sub-images, each of which should be rendered with a different
+ /// CreateSharedBitmap method to reinterpret the bitmap using the desired alpha mode without having to load a separate copy of
+ /// the bitmap into memory.
+ ///
+ /// Sharing an IDXGISurface
+ ///
+ /// When using a DXGI surface render target (an ID2D1RenderTarget object created by the CreateDxgiSurfaceRenderTarget method), you can
+ /// pass an IDXGISurface surface to the CreateSharedBitmap method to share video memory with Direct3D and manipulate Direct3D
+ /// content as an ID2D1Bitmap. As described in the Resources Overview, the render target and the IDXGISurface must be using the same
+ /// Direct3D device.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Note also that the IDXGISurface must use one of the supported pixel formats and alpha modes described in Supported Pixel Formats and
+ /// Alpha Modes.
+ ///
+ /// For more information about interoperability with Direct3D, see the Direct2D and Direct3D Interoperability Overview.
+ /// Sharing an IWICBitmapLock
+ ///
+ /// An IWICBitmapLock stores the content of a WIC bitmap and shields it from simultaneous accesses. By passing an IWICBitmapLock
+ /// to the CreateSharedBitmap method, you can create an ID2D1Bitmap that points to the bitmap data already stored in the IWICBitmapLock.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// To use an IWICBitmapLock with the CreateSharedBitmap method, the render target must use software rendering. To force a render
+ /// target to use software rendering, set to D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE_SOFTWARE the type field of the D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_PROPERTIES
+ /// structure that you use to create the render target. To check whether an existing render target uses software rendering, use the
+ /// IsSupported method.
+ ///
+ ///
+ // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createsharedbitmap HRESULT
+ // CreateSharedBitmap( REFIID riid, void *data, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties, ID2D1Bitmap **bitmap );
+ public static ID2D1Bitmap CreateSharedBitmap(this ID2D1RenderTarget target, T data, [In, Optional] D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES? bitmapProperties) where T : class =>
+ target.CreateSharedBitmap(typeof(T).GUID, data, new(bitmapProperties, out _));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces5.cs b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces5.cs
index 58bd4f832..8240734a7 100644
--- a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces5.cs
+++ b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.Interfaces5.cs
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ public interface ID2D1TransformedGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-getbounds(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_d2d1_rect_f)
// HRESULT GetBounds( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, D2D1_RECT_F *bounds );
- new D2D_RECT_F GetBounds([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform);
+ new D2D_RECT_F GetBounds([In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? worldTransform);
/// Gets the bounds of the geometry after it has been widened by the specified stroke width and style and transformed by the
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ public interface ID2D1TransformedGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-getwidenedbounds%28float_id2d1strokestyle_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_d2d1_rect_f%29
// HRESULT GetWidenedBounds( FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, D2D1_RECT_F *bounds );
- new D2D_RECT_F GetWidenedBounds(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new D2D_RECT_F GetWidenedBounds(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Determines whether the geometry's stroke contains the specified point given the specified stroke thickness, style, and transform.
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ public interface ID2D1TransformedGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// HRESULT StrokeContainsPoint( D2D1_POINT_2F point, FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F
// *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, BOOL *contains );
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
- new bool StrokeContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new bool StrokeContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Indicates whether the area filled by the geometry would contain the specified point given the specified flattening tolerance.
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ public interface ID2D1TransformedGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// HRESULT FillContainsPoint( D2D1_POINT_2F point, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, BOOL
// *contains );
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
- new bool FillContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new bool FillContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Describes the intersection between this geometry and the specified geometry. The comparison is performed by using the
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ public interface ID2D1TransformedGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-comparewithgeometry%28id2d1geometry_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_d2d1_geometry_relation%29
// HRESULT CompareWithGeometry( ID2D1Geometry *inputGeometry, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *inputGeometryTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION *relation );
- new D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION CompareWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, [In, Optional] IntPtr inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION CompareWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, [In, Optional] StructPointer inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Creates a simplified version of the geometry that contains only lines and (optionally) cubic Bezier curves and writes the
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ public interface ID2D1TransformedGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-simplify%28d2d1_geometry_simplification_option_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink%29
// HRESULT Simplify( D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void Simplify(D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void Simplify(D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Creates a set of clockwise-wound triangles that cover the geometry after it has been transformed using the specified matrix
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ public interface ID2D1TransformedGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-tessellate%28constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1tessellationsink%29
// HRESULT Tessellate( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1TessellationSink
// *tessellationSink );
- new void Tessellate([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1TessellationSink tessellationSink);
+ new void Tessellate([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1TessellationSink tessellationSink);
/// Combines this geometry with the specified geometry and stores the result in an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink.
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ public interface ID2D1TransformedGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-combinewithgeometry(id2d1geometry_d2d1_combine_mode_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink)
// HRESULT CombineWithGeometry( ID2D1Geometry *inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F &
// inputGeometryTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void CombineWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, [In, Optional] IntPtr inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void CombineWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, [In, Optional] StructPointer inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Computes the outline of the geometry and writes the result to an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink.
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ public interface ID2D1TransformedGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-outline%28constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink%29
// HRESULT Outline( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink
// *geometrySink );
- new void Outline([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void Outline([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Computes the area of the geometry after it has been transformed by the specified matrix and flattened using the specified tolerance.
@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ public interface ID2D1TransformedGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computearea(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_float)
// HRESULT ComputeArea( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, FLOAT *area );
- new float ComputeArea([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new float ComputeArea([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Calculates the length of the geometry as though each segment were unrolled into a line.
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ public interface ID2D1TransformedGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computelength(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_float)
// HRESULT ComputeLength( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, FLOAT *length );
- new float ComputeLength([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new float ComputeLength([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Calculates the point and tangent vector at the specified distance along the geometry after it has been transformed by the
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ public interface ID2D1TransformedGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computepointatlength(float_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_d2d1_point_2f_d2d1_point_2f)
// HRESULT ComputePointAtLength( FLOAT length, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance,
// D2D1_POINT_2F *point, D2D1_POINT_2F *unitTangentVector );
- new void ComputePointAtLength(float length, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, out D2D_POINT_2F point, out D2D_POINT_2F unitTangentVector);
+ new void ComputePointAtLength(float length, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, out D2D_POINT_2F point, out D2D_POINT_2F unitTangentVector);
/// Widens the geometry by the specified stroke and writes the result to an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink after it has been
@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ public interface ID2D1TransformedGeometry : ID2D1Geometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-widen(float_id2d1strokestyle_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink)
// HRESULT Widen( FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void Widen(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void Widen(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Retrieves the source geometry of this transformed geometry object.
diff --git a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.cs b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.cs
index 6b89d6e1b..c9ee552e3 100644
--- a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.cs
+++ b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1.cs
@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@ namespace Vanara.PInvoke;
/// Items from the D2d1.dll
public static partial class D2d1
+ ///
+ public const float D2D1_DEFAULT_FLATTENING_TOLERANCE = 0.25f;
+ ///
+ public const ulong D2D1_INVALID_TAG = ulong.MaxValue;
/// Specifies how the edges of nontext primitives are rendered.
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/ne-d2d1-d2d1_antialias_mode typedef enum D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE {
@@ -852,7 +858,7 @@ public enum D2D1_WINDOW_STATE : uint
// factoryType, REFIID riid, const D2D1_FACTORY_OPTIONS *pFactoryOptions, void **ppIFactory );
[DllImport(Lib.D2d1, SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)]
[PInvokeData("d2d1.h", MSDNShortId = "8c0a685a-8f33-4072-a715-bb423cb44f03")]
- public static extern HRESULT D2D1CreateFactory(D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE factoryType, in Guid riid, [In, Optional] IntPtr pFactoryOptions, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out object ppIFactory);
+ public static extern HRESULT D2D1CreateFactory(D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE factoryType, in Guid riid, [In, Optional] StructPointer pFactoryOptions, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out object ppIFactory);
/// Creates a factory object that can be used to create Direct2D resources.
/// The type of the factory interface to create.
@@ -971,19 +977,19 @@ public static D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP[] GetGradientStops(this IDWritePaintReader rdr,
// point; D2D1_SIZE_F size; FLOAT rotationAngle; D2D1_SWEEP_DIRECTION sweepDirection; D2D1_ARC_SIZE arcSize; } D2D1_ARC_SEGMENT;
[PInvokeData("d2d1.h", MSDNShortId = "3f391265-20b4-4897-aa0b-d14b71cd5f0a")]
- public struct D2D1_ARC_SEGMENT
+ public struct D2D1_ARC_SEGMENT(in DXGI.D2D_POINT_2F point, in DXGI.D2D_SIZE_F size, float rotationAngle, D2d1.D2D1_SWEEP_DIRECTION sweepDirection, D2d1.D2D1_ARC_SIZE arcSize)
/// Type: D2D1_POINT_2F
/// The end point of the arc.
- public D2D_POINT_2F point;
+ public D2D_POINT_2F point = point;
/// Type: D2D1_SIZE_F
/// The x-radius and y-radius of the arc.
- public D2D_SIZE_F size;
+ public D2D_SIZE_F size = size;
/// Type: FLOAT
@@ -991,19 +997,19 @@ public struct D2D1_ARC_SEGMENT
/// A value that specifies how many degrees in the clockwise direction the ellipse is rotated relative to the current coordinate system.
- public float rotationAngle;
+ public float rotationAngle = rotationAngle;
/// A value that specifies whether the arc sweep is clockwise or counterclockwise.
- public D2D1_SWEEP_DIRECTION sweepDirection;
+ public D2D1_SWEEP_DIRECTION sweepDirection = sweepDirection;
/// Type: D2D1_ARC_SIZE
/// A value that specifies whether the given arc is larger than 180 degrees.
- public D2D1_ARC_SIZE arcSize;
+ public D2D1_ARC_SIZE arcSize = arcSize;
/// Represents a cubic bezier segment drawn between two points.
@@ -1027,25 +1033,25 @@ public struct D2D1_ARC_SEGMENT
// D2D1_POINT_2F point1; D2D1_POINT_2F point2; D2D1_POINT_2F point3; } D2D1_BEZIER_SEGMENT;
[PInvokeData("d2d1.h", MSDNShortId = "cf8df7d2-c4fe-4a46-a4b2-7e0eed67df2a")]
- public struct D2D1_BEZIER_SEGMENT
+ public struct D2D1_BEZIER_SEGMENT(in DXGI.D2D_POINT_2F point1, in DXGI.D2D_POINT_2F point2, in DXGI.D2D_POINT_2F point3)
/// Type: D2D1_POINT_2F
/// The first control point for the Bezier segment.
- public D2D_POINT_2F point1;
+ public D2D_POINT_2F point1 = point1;
/// Type: D2D1_POINT_2F
/// The second control point for the Bezier segment.
- public D2D_POINT_2F point2;
+ public D2D_POINT_2F point2 = point2;
/// Type: D2D1_POINT_2F
/// The end point for the Bezier segment.
- public D2D_POINT_2F point3;
+ public D2D_POINT_2F point3 = point3;
/// Describes the extend modes and the interpolation mode of an ID2D1BitmapBrush.
@@ -1054,25 +1060,27 @@ public struct D2D1_BEZIER_SEGMENT
// interpolationMode; } D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES;
[PInvokeData("d2d1.h", MSDNShortId = "e252d1b4-2f34-4479-94fc-636d4115b00c")]
/// Type: D2D1_EXTEND_MODE
/// A value that describes how the brush horizontally tiles those areas that extend past its bitmap.
- public D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendModeX;
+ public D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendModeX = extendModeX;
/// Type: D2D1_EXTEND_MODE
/// A value that describes how the brush vertically tiles those areas that extend past its bitmap.
- public D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendModeY;
+ public D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendModeY = extendModeY;
/// A value that specifies how the bitmap is interpolated when it is scaled or rotated.
- public D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode;
+ public D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode = interpolationMode;
/// Describes the pixel format and dpi of a bitmap.
@@ -1080,25 +1088,25 @@ public struct D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES
[PInvokeData("d2d1.h", MSDNShortId = "050246fd-f91a-4a2a-858a-5f0447e3ecbf")]
- public struct D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES
+ public struct D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES(D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT pixelFormat = default, float dpiX = 96f, float dpiY = 96f)
/// The bitmap's pixel format and alpha mode.
- public D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT pixelFormat;
+ public D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT pixelFormat = pixelFormat;
/// Type: FLOAT
/// The horizontal dpi of the bitmap.
- public float dpiX;
+ public float dpiX = dpiX;
/// Type: FLOAT
/// The vertical dpi of the bitmap.
- public float dpiY;
+ public float dpiY = dpiY;
/// Describes the opacity and transformation of a brush.
@@ -1125,7 +1133,16 @@ public struct D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES
/// Type: D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F
/// The transformation that is applied to the brush.
- public D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F transform;
+ public D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F transform;
+ /// Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ /// The opacity.
+ /// The transform.
+ public D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES(float opacity = 1.0f, D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F? transform = null)
+ {
+ this.opacity = opacity;
+ this.transform = transform.GetValueOrDefault(D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F.Identity());
+ }
/// Describes the drawing state of a render target.
@@ -1134,37 +1151,39 @@ public struct D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES
// tag2; D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F transform; } D2D1_DRAWING_STATE_DESCRIPTION;
[PInvokeData("d2d1.h", MSDNShortId = "ba4adc4b-4d86-40c4-8911-1c800d3c6f3e")]
+ D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE textAntialiasMode = D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE.D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE_DEFAULT, ulong tag1 = 0, ulong tag2 = 0,
+ in D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F? transform = null)
/// The antialiasing mode for subsequent nontext drawing operations.
- public D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE antialiasMode;
+ public D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE antialiasMode = antialiasMode;
/// The antialiasing mode for subsequent text and glyph drawing operations.
- public D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE textAntialiasMode;
+ public D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE textAntialiasMode = textAntialiasMode;
/// Type: ulong
/// A label for subsequent drawing operations.
- public ulong tag1;
+ public ulong tag1 = tag1;
/// Type: ulong
/// A label for subsequent drawing operations.
- public ulong tag2;
+ public ulong tag2 = tag2;
/// Type: D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F
/// The transformation to apply to subsequent drawing operations.
- public D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F transform;
+ public D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F transform = transform.GetValueOrDefault(D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F.Identity());
/// Contains the center point, x-radius, and y-radius of an ellipse.
@@ -1172,25 +1191,25 @@ public struct D2D1_DRAWING_STATE_DESCRIPTION
// FLOAT radiusX; FLOAT radiusY; } D2D1_ELLIPSE;
[PInvokeData("d2d1.h", MSDNShortId = "6fed6c49-ba83-4c2b-af8a-04156ee317f0")]
- public struct D2D1_ELLIPSE
+ public struct D2D1_ELLIPSE(in DXGI.D2D_POINT_2F point, float radiusX, float radiusY)
/// Type: D2D1_POINT_2F
/// The center point of the ellipse.
- public D2D_POINT_2F point;
+ public D2D_POINT_2F point = point;
/// Type: FLOAT
/// The X-radius of the ellipse.
- public float radiusX;
+ public float radiusX = radiusX;
/// Type: FLOAT
/// The Y-radius of the ellipse.
- public float radiusY;
+ public float radiusY = radiusY;
/// Contains the debugging level of an ID2D1Factory object.
@@ -1234,7 +1253,7 @@ public struct D2D1_FACTORY_OPTIONS
// position; D2D1_COLOR_F color; } D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP;
[PInvokeData("d2d1.h", MSDNShortId = "f6798542-382a-4074-bbe1-707bc00b3575")]
- public struct D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP
+ public struct D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP(float position, in D3DCOLORVALUE color)
/// Type: FLOAT
@@ -1243,13 +1262,13 @@ public struct D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP
/// if the gradient stop is to be seen explicitly.
- public float position;
+ public float position = position;
/// Type: D2D1_COLOR_F
/// The color of the gradient stop.
- public D3DCOLORVALUE color;
+ public D3DCOLORVALUE color = color;
/// Contains the HWND, pixel size, and presentation options for an ID2D1HwndRenderTarget.
@@ -1264,19 +1283,19 @@ public struct D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP
[PInvokeData("d2d1.h", MSDNShortId = "4300843a-a24f-4f9e-a396-67172f083638")]
/// Type: HWND
/// The HWND to which the render target issues the output from its drawing commands.
- public HWND hwnd;
+ public HWND hwnd = hwnd;
/// Type: D2D1_SIZE_U
/// The size of the render target, in pixels.
- public D2D_SIZE_U pixelSize;
+ public D2D_SIZE_U pixelSize = pixelSize;
@@ -1285,7 +1304,7 @@ public struct D2D1_HWND_RENDER_TARGET_PROPERTIES
/// for the device to refresh before presenting.
- public D2D1_PRESENT_OPTIONS presentOptions;
+ public D2D1_PRESENT_OPTIONS presentOptions = presentOptions;
/// Contains the content bounds, mask information, opacity settings, and other options for a layer resource.
@@ -1294,37 +1313,38 @@ public struct D2D1_HWND_RENDER_TARGET_PROPERTIES
// FLOAT opacity; ID2D1Brush *opacityBrush; D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS layerOptions; } D2D1_LAYER_PARAMETERS;
[PInvokeData("d2d1.h", MSDNShortId = "ce575df6-9464-4672-9a0e-ff7e016d9354")]
- public struct D2D1_LAYER_PARAMETERS
+ public struct D2D1_LAYER_PARAMETERS(in D2D_RECT_F? contentBounds = null, ID2D1Geometry? geometricMask = null, D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE maskAntialiasMode = D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE.D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE_PER_PRIMITIVE,
+ in D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F? maskTransform = null, float opacity = 1f, ID2D1Brush? opacityBrush = null, D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS layerOptions = D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS.D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS_NONE)
/// Type: D2D1_RECT_F
/// The content bounds of the layer. Content outside these bounds is not guaranteed to render.
- public D2D_RECT_F contentBounds;
+ public D2D_RECT_F contentBounds = contentBounds.GetValueOrDefault(D2D_RECT_F.Infinite);
/// Type: ID2D1Geometry*
/// The geometric mask specifies the area of the layer that is composited into the render target.
- public IntPtr geometricMask;
+ public IUnknownPointer geometricMask = new(geometricMask);
/// A value that specifies the antialiasing mode for the geometricMask.
- public D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE maskAntialiasMode;
+ public D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE maskAntialiasMode = maskAntialiasMode;
/// Type: D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F
/// A value that specifies the transform that is applied to the geometric mask when composing the layer.
- public D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F maskTransform;
+ public D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F maskTransform = maskTransform.GetValueOrDefault(D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F.Identity());
/// Type: FLOAT
/// An opacity value that is applied uniformly to all resources in the layer when compositing to the target.
- public float opacity;
+ public float opacity = opacity;
/// Type: ID2D1Brush*
@@ -1333,13 +1353,13 @@ public struct D2D1_LAYER_PARAMETERS
/// mapped brush pixel is multiplied against the corresponding layer pixel.
- public IntPtr opacityBrush;
+ public IUnknownPointer opacityBrush = new(opacityBrush);
/// A value that specifies whether the layer intends to render text with ClearType antialiasing.
- public D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS layerOptions;
+ public D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS layerOptions = layerOptions;
/// Contains the starting point and endpoint of the gradient axis for an ID2D1LinearGradientBrush.
@@ -1362,19 +1382,19 @@ public struct D2D1_LAYER_PARAMETERS
[PInvokeData("d2d1.h", MSDNShortId = "753278f0-d8a1-4dc5-b976-a00f8aab357e")]
+ public struct D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES(in DXGI.D2D_POINT_2F startPoint, in DXGI.D2D_POINT_2F endPoint)
/// Type: D2D1_POINT_2F
/// In the brush's coordinate space, the starting point of the gradient axis.
- public D2D_POINT_2F startPoint;
+ public D2D_POINT_2F startPoint = startPoint;
/// Type: D2D1_POINT_2F
/// In the brush's coordinate space, the endpoint of the gradient axis.
- public D2D_POINT_2F endPoint;
+ public D2D_POINT_2F endPoint = endPoint;
/// Contains the control point and end point for a quadratic Bezier segment.
@@ -1382,19 +1402,19 @@ public struct D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES
[PInvokeData("d2d1.h", MSDNShortId = "5060cb17-b6f4-4796-b91d-602fd81591c2")]
+ public struct D2D1_QUADRATIC_BEZIER_SEGMENT(in DXGI.D2D_POINT_2F point1, in DXGI.D2D_POINT_2F point2)
/// Type: D2D1_POINT_2F
/// The control point of the quadratic Bezier segment.
- public D2D_POINT_2F point1;
+ public D2D_POINT_2F point1 = point1;
/// Type: D2D1_POINT_2F
/// The end point of the quadratic Bezier segment.
- public D2D_POINT_2F point2;
+ public D2D_POINT_2F point2 = point2;
/// Contains the gradient origin offset and the size and position of the gradient ellipse for an ID2D1RadialGradientBrush.
@@ -1413,31 +1433,31 @@ public struct D2D1_QUADRATIC_BEZIER_SEGMENT
[PInvokeData("d2d1.h", MSDNShortId = "194f7624-ac3b-4054-8d6f-5b4c99ef6546")]
+ public struct D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES(in DXGI.D2D_POINT_2F center, in DXGI.D2D_POINT_2F gradientOriginOffset, float radiusX, float radiusY)
/// Type: D2D1_POINT_2F
/// In the brush's coordinate space, the center of the gradient ellipse.
- public D2D_POINT_2F center;
+ public D2D_POINT_2F center = center;
/// Type: D2D1_POINT_2F
/// In the brush's coordinate space, the offset of the gradient origin relative to the gradient ellipse's center.
- public D2D_POINT_2F gradientOriginOffset;
+ public D2D_POINT_2F gradientOriginOffset = gradientOriginOffset;
/// Type: FLOAT
/// In the brush's coordinate space, the x-radius of the gradient ellipse.
- public float radiusX;
+ public float radiusX = radiusX;
/// Type: FLOAT
/// In the brush's coordinate space, the y-radius of the gradient ellipse.
- public float radiusY;
+ public float radiusY = radiusY;
@@ -1479,7 +1499,9 @@ public struct D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES
[PInvokeData("d2d1.h", MSDNShortId = "360900bd-1353-4a92-865c-ad34d5e98123")]
+ D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT pixelFormat = default, float dpiX = 0f, float dpiY = 0f, D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_USAGE usage = D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_USAGE.D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_USAGE_NONE,
@@ -1489,7 +1511,7 @@ public struct D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_PROPERTIES
/// otherwise, it uses software rendering. Note that WIC bitmap render targets do not support hardware rendering.
- public D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE type;
+ public D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE type = type;
@@ -1499,7 +1521,7 @@ public struct D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_PROPERTIES
/// modes supported by each render target, see Supported Pixel Formats and Alpha Modes.
- public D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT pixelFormat;
+ public D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT pixelFormat = pixelFormat;
/// Type: FLOAT
@@ -1508,7 +1530,7 @@ public struct D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_PROPERTIES
/// Remarks section.
- public float dpiX;
+ public float dpiX = dpiX;
/// Type: FLOAT
@@ -1516,7 +1538,7 @@ public struct D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_PROPERTIES
/// The vertical DPI of the render target. To use the default DPI, set dpiX and dpiY to 0. For more information, see the Remarks section.
- public float dpiY;
+ public float dpiY = dpiY;
@@ -1526,7 +1548,7 @@ public struct D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_PROPERTIES
/// remoting if it is available.
- public D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_USAGE usage;
+ public D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_USAGE usage = usage;
@@ -1538,7 +1560,7 @@ public struct D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_PROPERTIES
/// the device is adequate. This field is used only when creating ID2D1HwndRenderTarget and ID2D1DCRenderTarget objects.
- public D2D1_FEATURE_LEVEL minLevel;
+ public D2D1_FEATURE_LEVEL minLevel = minLevel;
/// Contains the dimensions and corner radii of a rounded rectangle.
@@ -1560,25 +1582,25 @@ public struct D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_PROPERTIES
// rect; FLOAT radiusX; FLOAT radiusY; } D2D1_ROUNDED_RECT;
[PInvokeData("d2d1.h", MSDNShortId = "7069ca65-170e-42fc-8c1a-849a2f25c36f")]
- public struct D2D1_ROUNDED_RECT
+ public struct D2D1_ROUNDED_RECT(in D2D_RECT_F rect, float radiusX, float radiusY)
/// Type: D2D1_RECT_F
/// The coordinates of the rectangle.
- public D2D_RECT_F rect;
+ public D2D_RECT_F rect = rect;
/// Type: FLOAT
/// The x-radius for the quarter ellipse that is drawn to replace every corner of the rectangle.
- public float radiusX;
+ public float radiusX = radiusX;
/// Type: FLOAT
/// The y-radius for the quarter ellipse that is drawn to replace every corner of the rectangle.
- public float radiusY;
+ public float radiusY = radiusY;
/// Describes the stroke that outlines a shape.
@@ -1588,25 +1610,28 @@ public struct D2D1_ROUNDED_RECT
// FLOAT miterLimit; D2D1_DASH_STYLE dashStyle; FLOAT dashOffset; } D2D1_STROKE_STYLE_PROPERTIES;
[PInvokeData("d2d1.h", MSDNShortId = "67f3701f-febd-4afe-803e-c5d9dbcd1b21")]
+ D2D1_LINE_JOIN lineJoin = D2D1_LINE_JOIN.D2D1_LINE_JOIN_MITER, float miterLimit = 10f, D2D1_DASH_STYLE dashStyle = D2D1_DASH_STYLE.D2D1_DASH_STYLE_SOLID,
+ float dashOffset = 0f)
/// Type: D2D1_CAP_STYLE
/// The cap applied to the start of all the open figures in a stroked geometry.
- public D2D1_CAP_STYLE startCap;
+ public D2D1_CAP_STYLE startCap = startCap;
/// Type: D2D1_CAP_STYLE
/// The cap applied to the end of all the open figures in a stroked geometry.
- public D2D1_CAP_STYLE endCap;
+ public D2D1_CAP_STYLE endCap = endCap;
/// Type: D2D1_CAP_STYLE
/// The shape at either end of each dash segment.
- public D2D1_CAP_STYLE dashCap;
+ public D2D1_CAP_STYLE dashCap = dashCap;
/// Type: D2D1_LINE_JOIN
@@ -1615,7 +1640,7 @@ public struct D2D1_STROKE_STYLE_PROPERTIES
/// segment should have a smooth join.
- public D2D1_LINE_JOIN lineJoin;
+ public D2D1_LINE_JOIN lineJoin = lineJoin;
/// Type: FLOAT
@@ -1624,13 +1649,13 @@ public struct D2D1_STROKE_STYLE_PROPERTIES
/// equal to 1.0f.
- public float miterLimit;
+ public float miterLimit = miterLimit;
/// Type: D2D1_DASH_STYLE
/// A value that specifies whether the stroke has a dash pattern and, if so, the dash style.
- public D2D1_DASH_STYLE dashStyle;
+ public D2D1_DASH_STYLE dashStyle = dashStyle;
/// Type: FLOAT
@@ -1640,7 +1665,7 @@ public struct D2D1_STROKE_STYLE_PROPERTIES
/// stroke width, toward the end of the stroked geometry.
- public float dashOffset;
+ public float dashOffset = dashOffset;
/// Contains the three vertices that describe a triangle.
@@ -1683,7 +1708,7 @@ public struct DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN
/// Type: IDWriteFontFace*
/// The physical font face object to draw with.
- public IntPtr fontFace;
+ public IUnknownPointer fontFace;
/// Type: FLOAT
@@ -1701,19 +1726,19 @@ public struct DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN
/// Type: const UINT16*
/// A pointer to an array of indices to render for the glyph run.
- public IntPtr glyphIndices;
+ public ArrayPointer glyphIndices;
/// Type: const FLOAT*
/// A pointer to an array containing glyph advance widths for the glyph run.
- public IntPtr glyphAdvances;
+ public ArrayPointer glyphAdvances;
/// Type: const DWRITE_GLYPH_OFFSET*
/// A pointer to an array containing glyph offsets for the glyph run.
- public IntPtr glyphOffsets;
+ public ArrayPointer glyphOffsets;
/// Type: BOOL
diff --git a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1EffectAuthor.cs b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1EffectAuthor.cs
index 5e3484aac..89dc41be2 100644
--- a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1EffectAuthor.cs
+++ b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1EffectAuthor.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-namespace Vanara.PInvoke;
+using System;
+namespace Vanara.PInvoke;
public static partial class D2d1
diff --git a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1_1.cs b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1_1.cs
index 74168704b..d61ad1922 100644
--- a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1_1.cs
+++ b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1_1.cs
@@ -511,61 +511,79 @@ public enum D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE : uint
/// An arbitrary-length string.
+ [CorrespondingType(typeof(string))]
/// A 32-bit integer value constrained to be either 0 or 1.
+ [CorrespondingType(typeof(BOOL))]
/// An unsigned 32-bit integer.
+ [CorrespondingType(typeof(uint))]
/// A signed 32-bit integer.
+ [CorrespondingType(typeof(int))]
/// A 32-bit float.
+ [CorrespondingType(typeof(float))]
/// Two 32-bit float values.
+ [CorrespondingType(typeof(D2D_VECTOR_2F))]
/// Three 32-bit float values.
+ [CorrespondingType(typeof(D2D_VECTOR_3F))]
/// Four 32-bit float values.
+ [CorrespondingType(typeof(D2D_VECTOR_4F))]
/// An arbitrary number of bytes.
+ [CorrespondingType(typeof(IntPtr))]
/// A returned COM or nano-COM interface.
+ [CorrespondingType(typeof(IntPtr))]
/// An enumeration. The value should be treated as a UINT32 with a defined array of fields to specify the bindings to human-readable strings.
+ [CorrespondingType(typeof(uint))]
/// An enumeration. The value is the count of sub-properties in the array. The set of array elements will be contained in the sub-property.
+ [CorrespondingType(typeof(uint))]
/// A CLSID.
+ [CorrespondingType(typeof(Guid))]
/// A 3x2 matrix of float values.
+ [CorrespondingType(typeof(D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F))]
/// A 4x2 matrix of float values.
+ [CorrespondingType(typeof(D2D_MATRIX_4X3_F))]
/// A 4x4 matrix of float values.
+ [CorrespondingType(typeof(D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F))]
/// A 5x4 matrix of float values.
+ [CorrespondingType(typeof(D2D_MATRIX_5X4_F))]
/// A nano-COM color context interface pointer.
+ [CorrespondingType(typeof(IntPtr))]
@@ -827,7 +845,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Bitmap1 : ID2D1Bitmap
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1bitmap-copyfrombitmap HRESULT CopyFromBitmap( const
// D2D1_POINT_2U *destPoint, ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_RECT_U *srcRect );
- new void CopyFromBitmap([In, Optional] IntPtr destPoint, [In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr srcRect);
+ new void CopyFromBitmap([In, Optional] StructPointer destPoint, [In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] StructPointer srcRect);
/// Copies the specified region from the specified render target into the current bitmap.
@@ -864,7 +882,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Bitmap1 : ID2D1Bitmap
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1bitmap-copyfromrendertarget HRESULT CopyFromRenderTarget(
// const D2D1_POINT_2U *destPoint, ID2D1RenderTarget *renderTarget, const D2D1_RECT_U *srcRect );
- new void CopyFromRenderTarget([In, Optional] IntPtr destPoint, [In] ID2D1RenderTarget renderTarget, [In, Optional] IntPtr srcRect);
+ new void CopyFromRenderTarget([In, Optional] StructPointer destPoint, [In] ID2D1RenderTarget renderTarget, [In, Optional] StructPointer srcRect);
/// Copies the specified region from memory into the current bitmap.
@@ -907,7 +925,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Bitmap1 : ID2D1Bitmap
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1bitmap-copyfrommemory HRESULT CopyFromMemory( const
// D2D1_RECT_U *dstRect, const void *srcData, UINT32 pitch );
- new void CopyFromMemory([In, Optional] IntPtr dstRect, [In] IntPtr srcData, uint pitch);
+ new void CopyFromMemory([In, Optional] StructPointer dstRect, [In] IntPtr srcData, uint pitch);
/// Gets the color context information associated with the bitmap.
@@ -1670,7 +1688,7 @@ public interface ID2D1CommandSink
// https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1commandsink-clear HRESULT Clear( const D2D1_COLOR_F
// *color );
- HRESULT Clear([In, Optional] IntPtr color);
+ HRESULT Clear([In, Optional] StructPointer color);
/// Indicates the glyphs to be drawn.
@@ -1706,7 +1724,7 @@ public interface ID2D1CommandSink
// D2D1_POINT_2F baselineOrigin, const DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN *glyphRun, const DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN_DESCRIPTION *glyphRunDescription,
// ID2D1Brush *foregroundBrush, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode );
- HRESULT DrawGlyphRun(D2D_POINT_2F baselineOrigin, in DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN glyphRun, [In, Optional] IntPtr glyphRunDescription, [In] ID2D1Brush foregroundBrush, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode);
+ HRESULT DrawGlyphRun(D2D_POINT_2F baselineOrigin, in DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN glyphRun, [In, Optional] StructPointer glyphRunDescription, [In] ID2D1Brush foregroundBrush, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode);
/// Draws a line drawn between two points.
@@ -1840,7 +1858,7 @@ public interface ID2D1CommandSink
// *bitmap, const D2D1_RECT_F *destinationRectangle, FLOAT opacity, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, const D2D1_RECT_F
// *sourceRectangle, const D2D1_MATRIX_4X4_F *perspectiveTransform );
- HRESULT DrawBitmap([In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr destinationRectangle, float opacity, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, [In, Optional] IntPtr sourceRectangle, [In, Optional] IntPtr perspectiveTransform);
+ HRESULT DrawBitmap([In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? destinationRectangle, float opacity, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? sourceRectangle, [In, Optional] StructPointer perspectiveTransform);
/// Draws the provided image to the command sink.
@@ -1879,7 +1897,7 @@ public interface ID2D1CommandSink
// *image, const D2D1_POINT_2F *targetOffset, const D2D1_RECT_F *imageRectangle, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode,
// D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE compositeMode );
- HRESULT DrawImage([In] ID2D1Image image, [In, Optional] IntPtr targetOffset, [In, Optional] IntPtr imageRectangle, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE compositeMode);
+ HRESULT DrawImage([In] ID2D1Image image, [In, Optional] StructPointer targetOffset, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? imageRectangle, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE compositeMode);
/// Draw a metafile to the device context.
@@ -1899,7 +1917,7 @@ public interface ID2D1CommandSink
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1commandsink-drawgdimetafile HRESULT DrawGdiMetafile(
// ID2D1GdiMetafile *gdiMetafile, const D2D1_POINT_2F *targetOffset );
- HRESULT DrawGdiMetafile([In] ID2D1GdiMetafile gdiMetafile, [In, Optional] IntPtr targetOffset);
+ HRESULT DrawGdiMetafile([In] ID2D1GdiMetafile gdiMetafile, [In, Optional] StructPointer targetOffset);
/// Indicates a mesh to be filled by the command sink.
@@ -1944,7 +1962,7 @@ public interface ID2D1CommandSink
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1commandsink-fillopacitymask HRESULT FillOpacityMask(
// ID2D1Bitmap *opacityMask, ID2D1Brush *brush, const D2D1_RECT_F *destinationRectangle, const D2D1_RECT_F *sourceRectangle );
- HRESULT FillOpacityMask([In] ID2D1Bitmap opacityMask, [In] ID2D1Brush brush, [In, Optional] IntPtr destinationRectangle, [In, Optional] IntPtr sourceRectangle);
+ HRESULT FillOpacityMask([In] ID2D1Bitmap opacityMask, [In] ID2D1Brush brush, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? destinationRectangle, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? sourceRectangle);
/// Indicates to the command sink a geometry to be filled.
@@ -2237,7 +2255,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createbitmapfromwicbitmap(iwicbitmapsource_constd2d1_bitmap_properties_id2d1bitmap)
// HRESULT CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap( IWICBitmapSource *wicBitmapSource, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties, ID2D1Bitmap
// **bitmap );
- new ID2D1Bitmap CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(IWICBitmapSource wicBitmapSource, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapProperties);
+ new ID2D1Bitmap CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(IWICBitmapSource wicBitmapSource, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapProperties);
/// Creates an ID2D1Bitmap whose data is shared with another resource.
@@ -2310,7 +2328,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createsharedbitmap HRESULT CreateSharedBitmap(
// REFIID riid, void *data, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties, ID2D1Bitmap **bitmap );
- new ID2D1Bitmap CreateSharedBitmap(in Guid riid, [In, Out] IntPtr data, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapProperties);
+ new ID2D1Bitmap CreateSharedBitmap(in Guid riid, [In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown, IidParameterIndex = 0)] object data, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapProperties);
/// Creates an ID2D1BitmapBrush from the specified bitmap.
@@ -2341,7 +2359,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createbitmapbrush(id2d1bitmap_constd2d1_bitmap_brush_properties_constd2d1_brush_properties_id2d1bitmapbrush)
// HRESULT CreateBitmapBrush( ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *bitmapBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1BitmapBrush **bitmapBrush );
- new ID2D1BitmapBrush CreateBitmapBrush([In, Optional] ID2D1Bitmap? bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties);
+ new ID2D1BitmapBrush CreateBitmapBrush([In, Optional] ID2D1Bitmap? bitmap, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapBrushProperties, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties);
/// Creates a new ID2D1SolidColorBrush that has the specified color and opacity.
@@ -2359,7 +2377,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createsolidcolorbrush(constd2d1_color_f__constd2d1_brush_properties__id2d1solidcolorbrush)
// HRESULT CreateSolidColorBrush( const D2D1_COLOR_F & color, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES & brushProperties,
// ID2D1SolidColorBrush **solidColorBrush );
- new ID2D1SolidColorBrush CreateSolidColorBrush(in D3DCOLORVALUE color, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties);
+ new ID2D1SolidColorBrush CreateSolidColorBrush(in D3DCOLORVALUE color, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties);
/// Creates an ID2D1GradientStopCollection from the specified array of D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP structures.
@@ -2385,7 +2403,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-creategradientstopcollection%28constd2d1_gradient_stop_uint32_d2d1_gamma_d2d1_extend_mode_id2d1gradientstopcollection%29
// HRESULT CreateGradientStopCollection( const D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP *gradientStops, UINT32 gradientStopsCount, D2D1_GAMMA
// colorInterpolationGamma, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode, ID2D1GradientStopCollection **gradientStopCollection );
- new ID2D1GradientStopCollection CreateGradientStopCollection([In] D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP[] gradientStops, uint gradientStopsCount, D2D1_GAMMA colorInterpolationGamma, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode);
+ new ID2D1GradientStopCollection CreateGradientStopCollection([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)] D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP[] gradientStops, uint gradientStopsCount, D2D1_GAMMA colorInterpolationGamma, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode);
/// Creates an ID2D1LinearGradientBrush object for painting areas with a linear gradient.
@@ -2411,7 +2429,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext : ID2D1RenderTarget
// HRESULT CreateLinearGradientBrush( const D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *linearGradientBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, ID2D1LinearGradientBrush
// **linearGradientBrush );
- new ID2D1LinearGradientBrush CreateLinearGradientBrush(in D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES linearGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
+ new ID2D1LinearGradientBrush CreateLinearGradientBrush(in D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES linearGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
/// Creates an ID2D1RadialGradientBrush object that can be used to paint areas with a radial gradient.
@@ -2436,7 +2454,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext : ID2D1RenderTarget
// HRESULT CreateRadialGradientBrush( const D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *radialGradientBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, ID2D1RadialGradientBrush
// **radialGradientBrush );
- new ID2D1RadialGradientBrush CreateRadialGradientBrush(in D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES radialGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
+ new ID2D1RadialGradientBrush CreateRadialGradientBrush(in D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES radialGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
/// Creates a bitmap render target for use during intermediate offscreen drawing that is compatible with the current render target.
@@ -2505,7 +2523,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createcompatiblerendertarget(constd2d1_size_f_constd2d1_size_u_constd2d1_pixel_format_d2d1_compatible_render_target_options_id2d1bitmaprendertarget)
// HRESULT CreateCompatibleRenderTarget( const D2D1_SIZE_F *desiredSize, const D2D1_SIZE_U *desiredPixelSize, const
// D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT *desiredFormat, D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options, ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget **bitmapRenderTarget );
- new ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget CreateCompatibleRenderTarget([In, Optional] IntPtr desiredSize, [In, Optional] IntPtr desiredPixelSize, [In, Optional] IntPtr desiredFormat, [In, Optional] D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options);
+ new ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget CreateCompatibleRenderTarget([In, Optional] StructPointer desiredSize, [In, Optional] StructPointer desiredPixelSize, [In, Optional] StructPointer desiredFormat, [In, Optional] D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options);
/// Creates a layer resource that can be used with this render target and its compatible render targets.
@@ -2522,7 +2540,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext : ID2D1RenderTarget
/// The layer automatically resizes itself, as needed.
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createlayer(constd2d1_size_f_id2d1layer)
// HRESULT CreateLayer( const D2D1_SIZE_F *size, ID2D1Layer **layer );
- new ID2D1Layer CreateLayer([In, Optional] IntPtr size);
+ new ID2D1Layer CreateLayer([In, Optional] StructPointer size);
/// Create a mesh that uses triangles to describe a shape.
@@ -2861,7 +2879,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext : ID2D1RenderTarget
// void FillOpacityMask( ID2D1Bitmap *opacityMask, ID2D1Brush *brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content, const D2D1_RECT_F &
// destinationRectangle, const D2D1_RECT_F & sourceRectangle );
- new void FillOpacityMask([In] ID2D1Bitmap opacityMask, [In] ID2D1Brush brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content, [In, Optional] IntPtr destinationRectangle, [In, Optional] IntPtr sourceRectangle);
+ new void FillOpacityMask([In] ID2D1Bitmap opacityMask, [In] ID2D1Brush brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? destinationRectangle, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? sourceRectangle);
/// Draws the specified bitmap after scaling it to the size of the specified rectangle.
@@ -2901,8 +2919,8 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext : ID2D1RenderTarget
// void DrawBitmap( ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_RECT_F & destinationRectangle, FLOAT opacity, D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE
// interpolationMode, const D2D1_RECT_F & sourceRectangle );
- new void DrawBitmap([In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr destinationRectangle, float opacity = 1.0f,
+ new void DrawBitmap([In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? destinationRectangle, float opacity = 1.0f,
/// Draws the specified text using the format information provided by an IDWriteTextFormat object.
@@ -3391,7 +3409,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-clear(constd2d1_color_f_) void Clear( const
// D2D1_COLOR_F & clearColor );
- new void Clear([In, Optional] IntPtr clearColor);
+ new void Clear([In, Optional] StructPointer clearColor);
/// Initiates drawing on this render target.
/// None
@@ -3632,7 +3650,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1devicecontext-createbitmapfromwicbitmap(iwicbitmapsource_id2d1bitmap1)
// HRESULT CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap( IWICBitmapSource *wicBitmapSource, ID2D1Bitmap1 **bitmap );
- ID2D1Bitmap1 CreateBitmap1FromWicBitmap(IWICBitmapSource wicBitmapSource, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapProperties);
+ ID2D1Bitmap1 CreateBitmap1FromWicBitmap(IWICBitmapSource wicBitmapSource, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapProperties);
/// Creates a color context.
@@ -3769,7 +3787,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext : ID2D1RenderTarget
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1devicecontext-createbitmapfromdxgisurface(idxgisurface_constd2d1_bitmap_properties1__id2d1bitmap1)
// HRESULT CreateBitmapFromDxgiSurface( IDXGISurface *surface, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES1 & bitmapProperties, ID2D1Bitmap1
// **bitmap );
- ID2D1Bitmap1 CreateBitmapFromDxgiSurface(IDXGISurface surface, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapProperties);
+ ID2D1Bitmap1 CreateBitmapFromDxgiSurface(IDXGISurface surface, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapProperties);
/// Creates an effect for the specified class ID.
@@ -3934,7 +3952,7 @@ ID2D1GradientStopCollection1 CreateGradientStopCollection([In, MarshalAs(Unmanag
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1devicecontext-createimagebrush(id2d1image_constd2d1_image_brush_properties__constd2d1_brush_properties__id2d1imagebrush)
// HRESULT CreateImageBrush( ID2D1Image *image, const D2D1_IMAGE_BRUSH_PROPERTIES & imageBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES & brushProperties, ID2D1ImageBrush **imageBrush );
- ID2D1ImageBrush CreateImageBrush([Optional] ID2D1Image? image, in D2D1_IMAGE_BRUSH_PROPERTIES imageBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties);
+ ID2D1ImageBrush CreateImageBrush([Optional] ID2D1Image? image, in D2D1_IMAGE_BRUSH_PROPERTIES imageBrushProperties, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties);
/// Creates a bitmap brush, the input image is a Direct2D bitmap object.
@@ -3956,7 +3974,7 @@ ID2D1GradientStopCollection1 CreateGradientStopCollection([In, MarshalAs(Unmanag
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1devicecontext-createbitmapbrush%28id2d1bitmap_constd2d1_bitmap_brush_properties1_constd2d1_brush_properties_id2d1bitmapbrush1%29
// HRESULT CreateBitmapBrush( ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES1 *bitmapBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1BitmapBrush1 **bitmapBrush );
- ID2D1BitmapBrush1 CreateBitmapBrush1([Optional] ID2D1Bitmap? bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties);
+ ID2D1BitmapBrush1 CreateBitmapBrush1([Optional] ID2D1Bitmap? bitmap, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapBrushProperties, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties);
/// Creates a ID2D1CommandList object.
@@ -4356,7 +4374,7 @@ ID2D1GradientStopCollection1 CreateGradientStopCollection([In, MarshalAs(Unmanag
// D2D1_POINT_2F baselineOrigin, const DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN *glyphRun, const DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN_DESCRIPTION *glyphRunDescription,
// ID2D1Brush *foregroundBrush, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode );
- void DrawGlyphRun(D2D_POINT_2F baselineOrigin, in DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN glyphRun, [In, Optional] IntPtr glyphRunDescription, ID2D1Brush foregroundBrush, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode);
+ void DrawGlyphRun(D2D_POINT_2F baselineOrigin, in DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN glyphRun, [In, Optional] StructPointer glyphRunDescription, ID2D1Brush foregroundBrush, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode);
/// Draws an image to the device context.
@@ -4410,7 +4428,7 @@ ID2D1GradientStopCollection1 CreateGradientStopCollection([In, MarshalAs(Unmanag
// void DrawImage( ID2D1Effect *effect, const D2D1_POINT_2F *targetOffset, const D2D1_RECT_F *imageRectangle,
// D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE compositeMode );
- void DrawImage(ID2D1Image image, [In, Optional] IntPtr targetOffset, [In, Optional] IntPtr imageRectangle, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE compositeMode);
+ void DrawImage(ID2D1Image image, [In, Optional] StructPointer targetOffset, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? imageRectangle, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE compositeMode);
/// Draw a metafile to the device context.
@@ -4425,7 +4443,7 @@ ID2D1GradientStopCollection1 CreateGradientStopCollection([In, MarshalAs(Unmanag
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1devicecontext-drawgdimetafile(id2d1gdimetafile_d2d1_point_2f)
// void DrawGdiMetafile( ID2D1GdiMetafile *gdiMetafile, D2D1_POINT_2F targetOffset );
- void DrawGdiMetafile(ID2D1GdiMetafile gdiMetafile, [In, Optional] IntPtr targetOffset);
+ void DrawGdiMetafile(ID2D1GdiMetafile gdiMetafile, [In, Optional] StructPointer targetOffset);
/// Draws a bitmap to the render target.
@@ -4472,7 +4490,7 @@ ID2D1GradientStopCollection1 CreateGradientStopCollection([In, MarshalAs(Unmanag
// void DrawBitmap( ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_RECT_F & destinationRectangle, FLOAT opacity, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE
// interpolationMode, const D2D1_RECT_F *sourceRectangle, const D2D1_MATRIX_4X4_F *perspectiveTransform );
- void DrawBitmap(ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr destinationRectangle, float opacity, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, [In, Optional] IntPtr sourceRectangle, [In, Optional] IntPtr perspectiveTransform);
+ void DrawBitmap(ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? destinationRectangle, float opacity, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? sourceRectangle, [In, Optional] StructPointer perspectiveTransform);
/// Push a layer onto the clip and layer stack of the device context.
@@ -5320,7 +5338,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Factory1 : ID2D1Factory
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1factory-createdrawingstateblock%28constd2d1_drawing_state_description_idwriterenderingparams_id2d1drawingstateblock%29
// HRESULT CreateDrawingStateBlock( const D2D1_DRAWING_STATE_DESCRIPTION *drawingStateDescription, IDWriteRenderingParams
// *textRenderingParams, ID2D1DrawingStateBlock **drawingStateBlock );
- new ID2D1DrawingStateBlock CreateDrawingStateBlock([In, Optional] IntPtr drawingStateDescription, [In, Optional] IDWriteRenderingParams? textRenderingParams);
+ new ID2D1DrawingStateBlock CreateDrawingStateBlock([In, Optional] StructPointer drawingStateDescription, [In, Optional] IDWriteRenderingParams? textRenderingParams);
/// Creates a render target that renders to a Microsoft Windows Imaging Component (WIC) bitmap.
@@ -6273,7 +6291,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry1 : ID2D1PathGeometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-getbounds(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_d2d1_rect_f)
// HRESULT GetBounds( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, D2D1_RECT_F *bounds );
- new D2D_RECT_F GetBounds([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform);
+ new D2D_RECT_F GetBounds([In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? worldTransform);
/// Gets the bounds of the geometry after it has been widened by the specified stroke width and style and transformed by the
@@ -6306,7 +6324,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry1 : ID2D1PathGeometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-getwidenedbounds%28float_id2d1strokestyle_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_d2d1_rect_f%29
// HRESULT GetWidenedBounds( FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, D2D1_RECT_F *bounds );
- new D2D_RECT_F GetWidenedBounds(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new D2D_RECT_F GetWidenedBounds(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Determines whether the geometry's stroke contains the specified point given the specified stroke thickness, style, and transform.
@@ -6345,7 +6363,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry1 : ID2D1PathGeometry
// HRESULT StrokeContainsPoint( D2D1_POINT_2F point, FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F
// *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, BOOL *contains );
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
- new bool StrokeContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new bool StrokeContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Indicates whether the area filled by the geometry would contain the specified point given the specified flattening tolerance.
@@ -6376,7 +6394,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry1 : ID2D1PathGeometry
// HRESULT FillContainsPoint( D2D1_POINT_2F point, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, BOOL
// *contains );
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
- new bool FillContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new bool FillContainsPoint(D2D_POINT_2F point, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Describes the intersection between this geometry and the specified geometry. The comparison is performed by using the specified
@@ -6416,7 +6434,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry1 : ID2D1PathGeometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-comparewithgeometry%28id2d1geometry_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_d2d1_geometry_relation%29
// HRESULT CompareWithGeometry( ID2D1Geometry *inputGeometry, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *inputGeometryTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION *relation );
- new D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION CompareWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, [In, Optional] IntPtr inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION CompareWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, [In, Optional] StructPointer inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Creates a simplified version of the geometry that contains only lines and (optionally) cubic Bezier curves and writes the result
@@ -6449,7 +6467,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry1 : ID2D1PathGeometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-simplify%28d2d1_geometry_simplification_option_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink%29
// HRESULT Simplify( D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void Simplify(D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void Simplify(D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION simplificationOption, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Creates a set of clockwise-wound triangles that cover the geometry after it has been transformed using the specified matrix and
@@ -6474,7 +6492,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry1 : ID2D1PathGeometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-tessellate%28constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1tessellationsink%29
// HRESULT Tessellate( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1TessellationSink
// *tessellationSink );
- new void Tessellate([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1TessellationSink tessellationSink);
+ new void Tessellate([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1TessellationSink tessellationSink);
/// Combines this geometry with the specified geometry and stores the result in an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink.
@@ -6504,7 +6522,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry1 : ID2D1PathGeometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-combinewithgeometry(id2d1geometry_d2d1_combine_mode_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink)
// HRESULT CombineWithGeometry( ID2D1Geometry *inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F &
// inputGeometryTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void CombineWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, [In, Optional] IntPtr inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void CombineWithGeometry([In] ID2D1Geometry inputGeometry, D2D1_COMBINE_MODE combineMode, [In, Optional] StructPointer inputGeometryTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Computes the outline of the geometry and writes the result to an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink.
@@ -6550,7 +6568,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry1 : ID2D1PathGeometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-outline%28constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f_float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink%29
// HRESULT Outline( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F *worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink
// *geometrySink );
- new void Outline([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void Outline([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Computes the area of the geometry after it has been transformed by the specified matrix and flattened using the specified tolerance.
@@ -6576,7 +6594,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry1 : ID2D1PathGeometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computearea(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_float)
// HRESULT ComputeArea( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, FLOAT *area );
- new float ComputeArea([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new float ComputeArea([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Calculates the length of the geometry as though each segment were unrolled into a line.
@@ -6600,7 +6618,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry1 : ID2D1PathGeometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computelength(constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_float)
// HRESULT ComputeLength( const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance, FLOAT *length );
- new float ComputeLength([In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
+ new float ComputeLength([In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance);
/// Calculates the point and tangent vector at the specified distance along the geometry after it has been transformed by the
@@ -6642,7 +6660,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry1 : ID2D1PathGeometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-computepointatlength(float_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_d2d1_point_2f_d2d1_point_2f)
// HRESULT ComputePointAtLength( FLOAT length, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT flatteningTolerance,
// D2D1_POINT_2F *point, D2D1_POINT_2F *unitTangentVector );
- new void ComputePointAtLength(float length, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, out D2D_POINT_2F point, out D2D_POINT_2F unitTangentVector);
+ new void ComputePointAtLength(float length, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, out D2D_POINT_2F point, out D2D_POINT_2F unitTangentVector);
/// Widens the geometry by the specified stroke and writes the result to an ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink after it has been
@@ -6675,7 +6693,7 @@ public interface ID2D1PathGeometry1 : ID2D1PathGeometry
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1geometry-widen(float_id2d1strokestyle_constd2d1_matrix_3x2_f__float_id2d1simplifiedgeometrysink)
// HRESULT Widen( FLOAT strokeWidth, ID2D1StrokeStyle *strokeStyle, const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F & worldTransform, FLOAT
// flatteningTolerance, ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink *geometrySink );
- new void Widen(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] IntPtr worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
+ new void Widen(float strokeWidth, [In, Optional] ID2D1StrokeStyle? strokeStyle, [In, Optional] StructPointer worldTransform, float flatteningTolerance, [In] ID2D1SimplifiedGeometrySink geometrySink);
/// Retrieves the geometry sink that is used to populate the path geometry with figures and segments.
@@ -7761,31 +7779,259 @@ public static D2D1_POINT_DESCRIPTION ComputePointAndSegmentAtLength(this ID2D1Pa
[PInvokeData("d2d1_1.h", MSDNShortId = "0E305151-63EA-4865-B9C4-5F685D17FD5A")]
public static extern float D2D1Vec3Length(float x, float y, float z);
+ /// Gets the property name that corresponds to the given index.
+ /// The instance.
+ /// The index of the property for which the name is being returned.
+ /// When this method returns, contains the name being retrieved.
+ /// This method returns an empty string if index is invalid.
+ // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1properties-getpropertyname(uint32_pwstr_uint32) HRESULT
+ // GetPropertyName( UINT32 index, PWSTR name, UINT32 nameCount );
+ public static string GetPropertyName(this ID2D1Properties props, uint index)
+ {
+ var len = props.GetPropertyNameLength(index);
+ if (len == 0)
+ return string.Empty;
+ StringBuilder sb = new((int)len + 1);
+ props.GetPropertyName(index, sb, (uint)sb.Capacity);
+ return sb.ToString();
+ }
+ /// Gets the value of the specified property by index.
+ /// The type of the data to get.
+ /// The instance.
+ /// The index of the property from which the data is to be obtained.
+ /// TBD
+ /// When this method returns, contains a pointer to the data requested.
+ // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1properties-getvalue(uint32_d2d1_property_type_byte_uint32)
+ // HRESULT GetValue( UINT32 index, D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE type, BYTE *data, UINT32 dataSize );
+ public static T? GetValue(this ID2D1Properties props, uint index, D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE type = D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE.D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ using SafeCoTaskMemHandle mem = new(props.GetValueSize(index));
+ if (mem.Size == 0)
+ return default;
+ props.GetValue(index, type, mem, (uint)mem.Size);
+ return mem.ToType(CharSet.Unicode);
+ }
+ /// Gets the property value by name.
+ /// The type of the data to get.
+ /// The instance.
+ /// The property name to get.
+ /// TBD
+ /// When this method returns, contains the buffer with the data value.
+ ///
+ /// If name does not exist, no information is retrieved.
+ /// Any error not in the standard set returned by a property implementation will be mapped into the standard error range.
+ ///
+ // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1properties-getvaluebyname(pcwstr_d2d1_property_type_byte_uint32)
+ // HRESULT GetValueByName( PCWSTR name, D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE type, BYTE *data, UINT32 dataSize );
+ public static T? GetValueByName(this ID2D1Properties props, string name, D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE type = D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE.D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE_UNKNOWN) =>
+ GetValue(props, props.GetPropertyIndex(name), type);
+ ///
+ /// Sets a bitmap as an effect input, while inserting a DPI compensation effect to preserve visual appearance as the device context's
+ /// DPI changes.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: ID2D1DeviceContext*
+ /// The device context that is the creator of the effect.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: ID2D1Effect*
+ /// The function sets the input of this effect.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: UINT32
+ /// The index of the input to be set.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: ID2D1Bitmap*
+ /// The input bitmap.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The interpolation mode for the DPI compensation effect.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: D2D1_BORDER_MODE
+ /// The border mode for the DPI compensation effect.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Type: HRESULT
+ /// If this function succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.
+ ///
+ // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1helper/nf-d2d1_1helper-setdpicompensatedeffectinput HRESULT
+ // SetDpiCompensatedEffectInput( [in] ID2D1DeviceContext *deviceContext, [in] ID2D1Effect *effect, UINT32 inputIndex, [in, optional]
+ // ID2D1Bitmap *inputBitmap, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, D2D1_BORDER_MODE borderMode );
+ [PInvokeData("d2d1_1helper.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:d2d1_1helper.SetDpiCompensatedEffectInput")]
+ public static HRESULT SetDpiCompensatedEffectInput([In] ID2D1DeviceContext deviceContext, [In] ID2D1Effect effect,
+ uint inputIndex, [In, Optional] ID2D1Bitmap? inputBitmap,
+ {
+ if (inputBitmap is null)
+ {
+ effect.SetInput(inputIndex, default);
+ return HRESULT.S_OK;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ ID2D1Effect dpiCompensationEffect = deviceContext.CreateEffect(CLSID_D2D1DpiCompensation)!;
+ dpiCompensationEffect.SetInput(0, inputBitmap);
+ D2D1_POINT_2F bitmapDpi = new();
+ inputBitmap.GetDpi(out bitmapDpi.x, out bitmapDpi.y);
+ effect.SetInputEffect(inputIndex, dpiCompensationEffect);
+ Marshal.ReleaseComObject(dpiCompensationEffect);
+ return HRESULT.S_OK;
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ return ex.HResult;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Sets the given input effect by index.
+ /// This method gets the output of the given effect and then passes the output image to the SetInput method.
+ ///
+ /// The instance.
+ /// The index of the input to set.
+ /// The input effect to set.
+ /// Whether to invalidate the graph at the location of the effect input
+ /// None
+ // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1effect-setinputeffect void SetInputEffect( UINT32 index,
+ // [in, optional] ID2D1Effect *inputEffect, BOOL invalidate );
+ [PInvokeData("d2d1_1.h", MSDNShortId = "NF:d2d1_1.ID2D1Effect.SetInputEffect")]
+ public static void SetInputEffect(this ID2D1Effect effect, uint index, ID2D1Effect? inputEffect = null, bool invalidate = true)
+ {
+ ID2D1Image? output = null;
+ inputEffect?.GetOutput(out output);
+ effect.SetInput(index, output, invalidate);
+ if (output is not null)
+ Marshal.ReleaseComObject(output);
+ }
+ /// Sets the corresponding property by index.
+ /// The type of the data to set.
+ /// The index type.
+ /// The instance.
+ /// The index of the property to set.
+ /// TBD
+ /// The data to set.
+ ///
+ /// If the property does not exist, the request is ignored and D2DERR_INVALID_PROPERTY is returned.
+ /// Any error not in the standard set returned by a property implementation will be mapped into the standard error range.
+ ///
+ // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1properties-setvalue(uint32_d2d1_property_type_constbyte_uint32)
+ // HRESULT SetValue( UINT32 index, D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE type, const BYTE *data, UINT32 dataSize );
+ public static void SetValue(this ID2D1Properties props, TE index, D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE type, in T data) where T : struct where TE : struct, IConvertible
+ {
+ using var mem = SafeCoTaskMemHandle.CreateFromStructure(data);
+ props.SetValue(index.ToUInt32(null), type, mem, (uint)mem.Size);
+ }
+ /// Sets the corresponding property by index.
+ /// The type of the data to set.
+ /// The index type.
+ /// The instance.
+ /// The index of the property to set.
+ /// The data to set.
+ ///
+ /// If the property does not exist, the request is ignored and D2DERR_INVALID_PROPERTY is returned.
+ /// Any error not in the standard set returned by a property implementation will be mapped into the standard error range.
+ ///
+ // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1properties-setvalue(uint32_d2d1_property_type_constbyte_uint32)
+ // HRESULT SetValue( UINT32 index, D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE type, const BYTE *data, UINT32 dataSize );
+ public static void SetValue(this ID2D1Properties props, TE index, in T data) where T : struct where TE : struct, IConvertible =>
+ SetValue(props, index, D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE.D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE_UNKNOWN, data);
+ /// Sets the corresponding property by index.
+ /// The instance.
+ /// The index of the property to set.
+ /// The data to set.
+ ///
+ /// If the property does not exist, the request is ignored and D2DERR_INVALID_PROPERTY is returned.
+ /// Any error not in the standard set returned by a property implementation will be mapped into the standard error range.
+ ///
+ // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1properties-setvalue(uint32_d2d1_property_type_constbyte_uint32)
+ // HRESULT SetValue( UINT32 index, D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE type, const BYTE *data, UINT32 dataSize );
+ public static void SetValue(this ID2D1Properties props, uint index, string data)
+ {
+ using SafeLPWSTR mem = new(data);
+ props.SetValue(index, D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE.D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, mem, (uint)mem.Size);
+ }
+ /// Sets the named property to the given value.
+ /// The type of the data to set.
+ /// The instance.
+ /// The name of the property to set.
+ /// TBD
+ /// The data to set.
+ ///
+ /// If the property does not exist, the request is ignored and the method returns D2DERR_INVALID_PROPERTY.
+ /// Any error not in the standard set returned by a property implementation will be mapped into the standard error range.
+ ///
+ // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1properties-setvaluebyname%28pcwstr_d2d1_property_type_constbyte_uint32%29
+ // HRESULT SetValueByName( PCWSTR name, D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE type, const BYTE *data, UINT32 dataSize );
+ public static void SetValueByName(this ID2D1Properties props, string name, D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE type, in T data) where T : struct
+ {
+ using var mem = SafeCoTaskMemHandle.CreateFromStructure(data);
+ props.SetValueByName(name, type, mem, (uint)mem.Size);
+ }
+ /// Sets the named property to the given value.
+ /// The instance.
+ /// The name of the property to set.
+ /// TBD
+ /// The data to set.
+ ///
+ /// If the property does not exist, the request is ignored and the method returns D2DERR_INVALID_PROPERTY.
+ /// Any error not in the standard set returned by a property implementation will be mapped into the standard error range.
+ ///
+ // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1properties-setvaluebyname%28pcwstr_d2d1_property_type_constbyte_uint32%29
+ // HRESULT SetValueByName( PCWSTR name, D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE type, const BYTE *data, UINT32 dataSize );
+ public static void SetValueByName(this ID2D1Properties props, string name, D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE type, string data)
+ {
+ using SafeLPWSTR mem = new(data);
+ props.SetValueByName(name, type, mem, (uint)mem.Size);
+ }
/// Describes the extend modes and the interpolation mode of an ID2D1BitmapBrush.
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/ns-d2d1_1-d2d1_bitmap_brush_properties1 typedef struct
// interpolationMode; } D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES1;
[PInvokeData("d2d1_1.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:d2d1_1.D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES1")]
/// Type: D2D1_EXTEND_MODE
/// A value that describes how the brush horizontally tiles those areas that extend past its bitmap.
- public D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendModeX;
+ public D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendModeX = extendModeX;
/// Type: D2D1_EXTEND_MODE
/// A value that describes how the brush vertically tiles those areas that extend past its bitmap.
- public D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendModeY;
+ public D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendModeY = extendModeY;
/// A value that specifies how the bitmap is interpolated when it is scaled or rotated.
- public D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode;
+ public D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode = interpolationMode;
/// This structure allows a ID2D1Bitmap1 to be created with bitmap options and color context information available.
@@ -7797,37 +8043,38 @@ public struct D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES1
// D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT pixelFormat; FLOAT dpiX; FLOAT dpiY; D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS bitmapOptions; ID2D1ColorContext *colorContext; } D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES1;
[PInvokeData("d2d1_1.h", MSDNShortId = "c9371ce3-f6fc-4fe6-ada6-0aa64a8f29a2")]
- public struct D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES1
+ in D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT pixelFormat = default, float dpiX = 96f, float dpiY = 96f, ID2D1ColorContext? colorContext = null)
/// The DXGI format and alpha mode to create the bitmap with.
- public D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT pixelFormat;
+ public D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT pixelFormat = pixelFormat;
/// Type: FLOAT
/// The bitmap dpi in the x direction.
- public float dpiX;
+ public float dpiX = dpiX;
/// Type: FLOAT
/// The bitmap dpi in the y direction.
- public float dpiY;
+ public float dpiY = dpiY;
/// The special creation options of the bitmap.
- public D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS bitmapOptions;
+ public D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS bitmapOptions = bitmapOptions;
/// Type: ID2D1ColorContext*
/// The optionally specified color context information.
- public IntPtr colorContext;
+ public IUnknownPointer colorContext = new(colorContext);
/// Specifies the options with which the Direct2D device, factory, and device context are created.
@@ -7854,49 +8101,59 @@ public struct D2D1_CREATION_PROPERTIES
// D2D1_TAG tag2; D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F transform; D2D1_PRIMITIVE_BLEND primitiveBlend; D2D1_UNIT_MODE unitMode; } D2D1_DRAWING_STATE_DESCRIPTION1;
[PInvokeData("d2d1_1.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:d2d1_1.D2D1_DRAWING_STATE_DESCRIPTION1")]
/// The antialiasing mode for subsequent nontext drawing operations.
- public D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE antialiasMode;
+ public D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE antialiasMode = antialiasMode;
/// The antialiasing mode for subsequent text and glyph drawing operations.
- public D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE textAntialiasMode;
+ public D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE textAntialiasMode = textAntialiasMode;
/// Type: D2D1_TAG
/// A label for subsequent drawing operations.
- public D2D1_TAG tag1;
+ public D2D1_TAG tag1 = tag1;
/// Type: D2D1_TAG
/// A label for subsequent drawing operations.
- public D2D1_TAG tag2;
+ public D2D1_TAG tag2 = tag2;
/// Type: D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F
/// The transformation to apply to subsequent drawing operations.
- public D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F transform;
+ public D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F transform = transform.GetValueOrDefault(D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F.Identity());
/// The blend mode for the device context to apply to subsequent drawing operations.
- public D2D1_PRIMITIVE_BLEND primitiveBlend;
+ public D2D1_PRIMITIVE_BLEND primitiveBlend = primitiveBlend;
/// Type: D2D1_UNIT_MODE
- public D2D1_UNIT_MODE unitMode;
+ public D2D1_UNIT_MODE unitMode = unitMode;
+ /// Initializes a new instance of the struct.
+ /// The primitive blend.
+ /// The unit mode.
+ D2D1_UNIT_MODE unitMode = D2D1_UNIT_MODE.D2D1_UNIT_MODE_DIPS) : this(desc.antialiasMode, desc.textAntialiasMode, desc.tag1, desc.tag2, desc.transform, primitiveBlend, unitMode) { }
/// Describes features of an effect.
@@ -7928,31 +8185,32 @@ public struct D2D1_EFFECT_INPUT_DESCRIPTION
[PInvokeData("d2d1_1.h", MSDNShortId = "c7bcae4d-cdef-4bfc-aa5a-68b85497a7f6")]
+ public struct D2D1_IMAGE_BRUSH_PROPERTIES(in D2D_RECT_F sourceRectangle, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendModeX = D2D1_EXTEND_MODE.D2D1_EXTEND_MODE_CLAMP,
/// Type: D2D1_RECT_F
/// The source rectangle in the image space from which the image will be tiled or interpolated.
- public D2D_RECT_F sourceRectangle;
+ public D2D_RECT_F sourceRectangle = sourceRectangle;
/// Type: D2D1_EXTEND_MODE
/// The extend mode in the image x-axis.
- public D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendModeX;
+ public D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendModeX = extendModeX;
/// Type: D2D1_EXTEND_MODE
/// The extend mode in the image y-axis.
- public D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendModeY;
+ public D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendModeY = extendModeY;
/// The interpolation mode to use when scaling the image brush.
- public D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode;
+ public D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode = interpolationMode;
/// Contains the content bounds, mask information, opacity settings, and other options for a layer resource.
@@ -7961,37 +8219,39 @@ public struct D2D1_IMAGE_BRUSH_PROPERTIES
// FLOAT opacity; ID2D1Brush *opacityBrush; D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS1 layerOptions; } D2D1_LAYER_PARAMETERS1;
[PInvokeData("d2d1_1.h", MSDNShortId = "D7CC93F8-D871-4DFC-84A3-CA60EB52FF0A")]
- public struct D2D1_LAYER_PARAMETERS1
+ public struct D2D1_LAYER_PARAMETERS1(in D2D_RECT_F? contentBounds = null, ID2D1Geometry? geometricMask = null,
+ float opacity = 1f, ID2D1Brush? opacityBrush = null, D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS1 layerOptions = D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS1.D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS1_NONE)
/// Type: D2D1_RECT_F
/// The content bounds of the layer. Content outside these bounds is not guaranteed to render.
- public D2D_RECT_F contentBounds;
+ public D2D_RECT_F contentBounds = contentBounds.GetValueOrDefault(D2D_RECT_F.Infinite);
/// Type: ID2D1Geometry*
/// The geometric mask specifies the area of the layer that is composited into the render target.
- public IntPtr geometricMask;
+ public IUnknownPointer geometricMask = new(geometricMask);
/// A value that specifies the antialiasing mode for the geometricMask.
- public D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE maskAntialiasMode;
+ public D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE maskAntialiasMode = maskAntialiasMode;
/// Type: D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F
/// A value that specifies the transform that is applied to the geometric mask when composing the layer.
- public D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F maskTransform;
+ public D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F maskTransform = maskTransform.GetValueOrDefault(D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F.Identity());
/// Type: FLOAT
/// An opacity value that is applied uniformly to all resources in the layer when compositing to the target.
- public float opacity;
+ public float opacity = opacity;
/// Type: ID2D1Brush*
@@ -8000,13 +8260,13 @@ public struct D2D1_LAYER_PARAMETERS1
/// brush pixel is multiplied against the corresponding layer pixel.
- public IntPtr opacityBrush;
+ public IUnknownPointer opacityBrush = new(opacityBrush);
/// Additional options for the layer creation.
- public D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS1 layerOptions;
+ public D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS1 layerOptions = layerOptions;
/// Describes mapped memory from the ID2D1Bitmap1::Map API.
@@ -8050,29 +8310,31 @@ public struct D2D1_POINT_DESCRIPTION
/// The creation properties for a ID2D1PrintControl object.
+ /// Initializes a new instance of the struct.
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/ns-d2d1_1-d2d1_print_control_properties typedef struct
[PInvokeData("d2d1_1.h", MSDNShortId = "5A4D4DDC-4161-44A2-9EB6-E4C14696B810")]
+ float rasterDPI = 150f, D2D1_COLOR_SPACE colorSpace = D2D1_COLOR_SPACE.D2D1_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB)
/// The mode to use for subsetting fonts for printing, defaults to D2D1_PRINT_FONT_SUBSET_MODE_DEFAULT.
- public D2D1_PRINT_FONT_SUBSET_MODE fontSubset;
+ public D2D1_PRINT_FONT_SUBSET_MODE fontSubset = fontSubset;
/// Type: FLOAT
/// DPI for rasterization of all unsupported Direct2D commands or options, defaults to 150.0.
- public float rasterDPI;
+ public float rasterDPI = rasterDPI;
/// Type: D2D1_COLOR_SPACE
/// Color space for vector graphics, defaults to D2D1_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB.
- public D2D1_COLOR_SPACE colorSpace;
+ public D2D1_COLOR_SPACE colorSpace = colorSpace;
/// Describes limitations to be applied to an imaging effect renderer.
@@ -8158,54 +8420,59 @@ public struct D2D1_RESOURCE_USAGE
// FLOAT miterLimit; D2D1_DASH_STYLE dashStyle; FLOAT dashOffset; D2D1_STROKE_TRANSFORM_TYPE transformType; } D2D1_STROKE_STYLE_PROPERTIES1;
[PInvokeData("d2d1_1.h", MSDNShortId = "NS:d2d1_1.D2D1_STROKE_STYLE_PROPERTIES1")]
+ D2d1.D2D1_LINE_JOIN lineJoin = D2d1.D2D1_LINE_JOIN.D2D1_LINE_JOIN_MITER, float miterLimit = 10f,
+ D2d1.D2D1_DASH_STYLE dashStyle = D2d1.D2D1_DASH_STYLE.D2D1_DASH_STYLE_SOLID, float dashOffset = 0f,
/// Type: D2D1_CAP_STYLE
/// The cap to use at the start of each open figure.
- public D2D1_CAP_STYLE startCap;
+ public D2D1_CAP_STYLE startCap = startCap;
/// Type: D2D1_CAP_STYLE
/// The cap to use at the end of each open figure.
- public D2D1_CAP_STYLE endCap;
+ public D2D1_CAP_STYLE endCap = endCap;
/// Type: D2D1_CAP_STYLE
/// The cap to use at the start and end of each dash.
- public D2D1_CAP_STYLE dashCap;
+ public D2D1_CAP_STYLE dashCap = dashCap;
/// Type: D2D1_LINE_JOIN
/// The line join to use.
- public D2D1_LINE_JOIN lineJoin;
+ public D2D1_LINE_JOIN lineJoin = lineJoin;
/// Type: FLOAT
/// The limit beyond which miters are either clamped or converted to bevels.
- public float miterLimit;
+ public float miterLimit = miterLimit;
/// Type: D2D1_DASH_STYLE
/// The type of dash to use.
- public D2D1_DASH_STYLE dashStyle;
+ public D2D1_DASH_STYLE dashStyle = dashStyle;
/// Type: FLOAT
/// The location of the first dash, relative to the start of the figure.
- public float dashOffset;
+ public float dashOffset = dashOffset;
/// The rule that determines what render target properties affect the nib of the stroke.
- public D2D1_STROKE_TRANSFORM_TYPE transformType;
+ public D2D1_STROKE_TRANSFORM_TYPE transformType = transformType;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1_2.cs b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1_2.cs
index 52c0e4444..3b63e034a 100644
--- a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1_2.cs
+++ b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1_2.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-namespace Vanara.PInvoke;
+using System.Drawing;
+namespace Vanara.PInvoke;
public static partial class D2d1
@@ -188,7 +190,7 @@ public interface ID2D1CommandSink1 : ID2D1CommandSink
// https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1commandsink-clear HRESULT Clear( const D2D1_COLOR_F
// *color );
- new HRESULT Clear([In, Optional] IntPtr color);
+ new HRESULT Clear([In, Optional] StructPointer color);
/// Indicates the glyphs to be drawn.
@@ -224,7 +226,7 @@ public interface ID2D1CommandSink1 : ID2D1CommandSink
// D2D1_POINT_2F baselineOrigin, const DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN *glyphRun, const DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN_DESCRIPTION *glyphRunDescription,
// ID2D1Brush *foregroundBrush, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode );
- new HRESULT DrawGlyphRun(D2D_POINT_2F baselineOrigin, in DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN glyphRun, [In, Optional] IntPtr glyphRunDescription, [In] ID2D1Brush foregroundBrush, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode);
+ new HRESULT DrawGlyphRun(D2D_POINT_2F baselineOrigin, in DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN glyphRun, [In, Optional] StructPointer glyphRunDescription, [In] ID2D1Brush foregroundBrush, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode);
/// Draws a line drawn between two points.
@@ -358,7 +360,7 @@ public interface ID2D1CommandSink1 : ID2D1CommandSink
// *bitmap, const D2D1_RECT_F *destinationRectangle, FLOAT opacity, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, const D2D1_RECT_F
// *sourceRectangle, const D2D1_MATRIX_4X4_F *perspectiveTransform );
- new HRESULT DrawBitmap([In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr destinationRectangle, float opacity, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, [In, Optional] IntPtr sourceRectangle, [In, Optional] IntPtr perspectiveTransform);
+ new HRESULT DrawBitmap([In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? destinationRectangle, float opacity, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? sourceRectangle, [In, Optional] StructPointer perspectiveTransform);
/// Draws the provided image to the command sink.
@@ -397,7 +399,7 @@ public interface ID2D1CommandSink1 : ID2D1CommandSink
// *image, const D2D1_POINT_2F *targetOffset, const D2D1_RECT_F *imageRectangle, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode,
// D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE compositeMode );
- new HRESULT DrawImage([In] ID2D1Image image, [In, Optional] IntPtr targetOffset, [In, Optional] IntPtr imageRectangle, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE compositeMode);
+ new HRESULT DrawImage([In] ID2D1Image image, [In, Optional] StructPointer targetOffset, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? imageRectangle, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE compositeMode);
/// Draw a metafile to the device context.
@@ -417,7 +419,7 @@ public interface ID2D1CommandSink1 : ID2D1CommandSink
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1commandsink-drawgdimetafile HRESULT DrawGdiMetafile(
// ID2D1GdiMetafile *gdiMetafile, const D2D1_POINT_2F *targetOffset );
- new HRESULT DrawGdiMetafile([In] ID2D1GdiMetafile gdiMetafile, [In, Optional] IntPtr targetOffset);
+ new HRESULT DrawGdiMetafile([In] ID2D1GdiMetafile gdiMetafile, [In, Optional] StructPointer targetOffset);
/// Indicates a mesh to be filled by the command sink.
@@ -462,7 +464,7 @@ public interface ID2D1CommandSink1 : ID2D1CommandSink
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1commandsink-fillopacitymask HRESULT FillOpacityMask(
// ID2D1Bitmap *opacityMask, ID2D1Brush *brush, const D2D1_RECT_F *destinationRectangle, const D2D1_RECT_F *sourceRectangle );
- new HRESULT FillOpacityMask([In] ID2D1Bitmap opacityMask, [In] ID2D1Brush brush, [In, Optional] IntPtr destinationRectangle, [In, Optional] IntPtr sourceRectangle);
+ new HRESULT FillOpacityMask([In] ID2D1Bitmap opacityMask, [In] ID2D1Brush brush, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? destinationRectangle, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? sourceRectangle);
/// Indicates to the command sink a geometry to be filled.
@@ -884,7 +886,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createbitmapfromwicbitmap(iwicbitmapsource_constd2d1_bitmap_properties_id2d1bitmap)
// HRESULT CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap( IWICBitmapSource *wicBitmapSource, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties, ID2D1Bitmap
// **bitmap );
- new ID2D1Bitmap CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(IWICBitmapSource wicBitmapSource, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapProperties);
+ new ID2D1Bitmap CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(IWICBitmapSource wicBitmapSource, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapProperties);
/// Creates an ID2D1Bitmap whose data is shared with another resource.
@@ -957,7 +959,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createsharedbitmap HRESULT CreateSharedBitmap(
// REFIID riid, void *data, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES *bitmapProperties, ID2D1Bitmap **bitmap );
- new ID2D1Bitmap CreateSharedBitmap(in Guid riid, [In, Out] IntPtr data, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapProperties);
+ new ID2D1Bitmap CreateSharedBitmap(in Guid riid, [In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown, IidParameterIndex = 0)] object data, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapProperties);
/// Creates an ID2D1BitmapBrush from the specified bitmap.
@@ -988,7 +990,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createbitmapbrush(id2d1bitmap_constd2d1_bitmap_brush_properties_constd2d1_brush_properties_id2d1bitmapbrush)
// HRESULT CreateBitmapBrush( ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *bitmapBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1BitmapBrush **bitmapBrush );
- new ID2D1BitmapBrush CreateBitmapBrush([In, Optional] ID2D1Bitmap? bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties);
+ new ID2D1BitmapBrush CreateBitmapBrush([In, Optional] ID2D1Bitmap? bitmap, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapBrushProperties, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties);
/// Creates a new ID2D1SolidColorBrush that has the specified color and opacity.
@@ -1006,7 +1008,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createsolidcolorbrush(constd2d1_color_f__constd2d1_brush_properties__id2d1solidcolorbrush)
// HRESULT CreateSolidColorBrush( const D2D1_COLOR_F & color, const D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES & brushProperties,
// ID2D1SolidColorBrush **solidColorBrush );
- new ID2D1SolidColorBrush CreateSolidColorBrush(in D3DCOLORVALUE color, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties);
+ new ID2D1SolidColorBrush CreateSolidColorBrush(in D3DCOLORVALUE color, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties);
/// Creates an ID2D1GradientStopCollection from the specified array of D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP structures.
@@ -1032,7 +1034,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-creategradientstopcollection%28constd2d1_gradient_stop_uint32_d2d1_gamma_d2d1_extend_mode_id2d1gradientstopcollection%29
// HRESULT CreateGradientStopCollection( const D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP *gradientStops, UINT32 gradientStopsCount, D2D1_GAMMA
// colorInterpolationGamma, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode, ID2D1GradientStopCollection **gradientStopCollection );
- new ID2D1GradientStopCollection CreateGradientStopCollection([In] D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP[] gradientStops, uint gradientStopsCount, D2D1_GAMMA colorInterpolationGamma, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode);
+ new ID2D1GradientStopCollection CreateGradientStopCollection([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)] D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP[] gradientStops, uint gradientStopsCount, D2D1_GAMMA colorInterpolationGamma, D2D1_EXTEND_MODE extendMode);
/// Creates an ID2D1LinearGradientBrush object for painting areas with a linear gradient.
@@ -1058,7 +1060,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
// HRESULT CreateLinearGradientBrush( const D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *linearGradientBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, ID2D1LinearGradientBrush
// **linearGradientBrush );
- new ID2D1LinearGradientBrush CreateLinearGradientBrush(in D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES linearGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
+ new ID2D1LinearGradientBrush CreateLinearGradientBrush(in D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES linearGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
/// Creates an ID2D1RadialGradientBrush object that can be used to paint areas with a radial gradient.
@@ -1083,7 +1085,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
// HRESULT CreateRadialGradientBrush( const D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *radialGradientBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1GradientStopCollection *gradientStopCollection, ID2D1RadialGradientBrush
// **radialGradientBrush );
- new ID2D1RadialGradientBrush CreateRadialGradientBrush(in D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES radialGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
+ new ID2D1RadialGradientBrush CreateRadialGradientBrush(in D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES radialGradientBrushProperties, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties, [In] ID2D1GradientStopCollection gradientStopCollection);
/// Creates a bitmap render target for use during intermediate offscreen drawing that is compatible with the current render target.
@@ -1152,7 +1154,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createcompatiblerendertarget(constd2d1_size_f_constd2d1_size_u_constd2d1_pixel_format_d2d1_compatible_render_target_options_id2d1bitmaprendertarget)
// HRESULT CreateCompatibleRenderTarget( const D2D1_SIZE_F *desiredSize, const D2D1_SIZE_U *desiredPixelSize, const
// D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT *desiredFormat, D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options, ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget **bitmapRenderTarget );
- new ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget CreateCompatibleRenderTarget([In, Optional] IntPtr desiredSize, [In, Optional] IntPtr desiredPixelSize, [In, Optional] IntPtr desiredFormat, [In, Optional] D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options);
+ new ID2D1BitmapRenderTarget CreateCompatibleRenderTarget([In, Optional] StructPointer desiredSize, [In, Optional] StructPointer desiredPixelSize, [In, Optional] StructPointer desiredFormat, [In, Optional] D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS options);
/// Creates a layer resource that can be used with this render target and its compatible render targets.
@@ -1169,7 +1171,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
/// The layer automatically resizes itself, as needed.
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-createlayer(constd2d1_size_f_id2d1layer)
// HRESULT CreateLayer( const D2D1_SIZE_F *size, ID2D1Layer **layer );
- new ID2D1Layer CreateLayer([In, Optional] IntPtr size);
+ new ID2D1Layer CreateLayer([In, Optional] StructPointer size);
/// Create a mesh that uses triangles to describe a shape.
@@ -1508,7 +1510,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
// void FillOpacityMask( ID2D1Bitmap *opacityMask, ID2D1Brush *brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content, const D2D1_RECT_F &
// destinationRectangle, const D2D1_RECT_F & sourceRectangle );
- new void FillOpacityMask([In] ID2D1Bitmap opacityMask, [In] ID2D1Brush brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content, [In, Optional] IntPtr destinationRectangle, [In, Optional] IntPtr sourceRectangle);
+ new void FillOpacityMask([In] ID2D1Bitmap opacityMask, [In] ID2D1Brush brush, D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT content, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? destinationRectangle, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? sourceRectangle);
/// Draws the specified bitmap after scaling it to the size of the specified rectangle.
@@ -1548,8 +1550,8 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
// void DrawBitmap( ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_RECT_F & destinationRectangle, FLOAT opacity, D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE
// interpolationMode, const D2D1_RECT_F & sourceRectangle );
- new void DrawBitmap([In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr destinationRectangle, float opacity = 1.0f,
+ new void DrawBitmap([In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? destinationRectangle, float opacity = 1.0f,
/// Draws the specified text using the format information provided by an IDWriteTextFormat object.
@@ -2038,7 +2040,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1rendertarget-clear(constd2d1_color_f_) void Clear( const
// D2D1_COLOR_F & clearColor );
- new void Clear([In, Optional] IntPtr clearColor);
+ new void Clear([In, Optional] StructPointer clearColor);
/// Initiates drawing on this render target.
/// None
@@ -2279,7 +2281,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1devicecontext-createbitmapfromwicbitmap(iwicbitmapsource_id2d1bitmap1)
// HRESULT CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap( IWICBitmapSource *wicBitmapSource, ID2D1Bitmap1 **bitmap );
- new ID2D1Bitmap1 CreateBitmap1FromWicBitmap(IWICBitmapSource wicBitmapSource, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapProperties);
+ new ID2D1Bitmap1 CreateBitmap1FromWicBitmap(IWICBitmapSource wicBitmapSource, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapProperties);
/// Creates a color context.
@@ -2416,7 +2418,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1devicecontext-createbitmapfromdxgisurface(idxgisurface_constd2d1_bitmap_properties1__id2d1bitmap1)
// HRESULT CreateBitmapFromDxgiSurface( IDXGISurface *surface, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES1 & bitmapProperties, ID2D1Bitmap1
// **bitmap );
- new ID2D1Bitmap1 CreateBitmapFromDxgiSurface(IDXGISurface surface, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapProperties);
+ new ID2D1Bitmap1 CreateBitmapFromDxgiSurface(IDXGISurface surface, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapProperties);
/// Creates an effect for the specified class ID.
@@ -2581,7 +2583,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1devicecontext-createimagebrush(id2d1image_constd2d1_image_brush_properties__constd2d1_brush_properties__id2d1imagebrush)
// HRESULT CreateImageBrush( ID2D1Image *image, const D2D1_IMAGE_BRUSH_PROPERTIES & imageBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES & brushProperties, ID2D1ImageBrush **imageBrush );
- new ID2D1ImageBrush CreateImageBrush([Optional] ID2D1Image? image, in D2D1_IMAGE_BRUSH_PROPERTIES imageBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties);
+ new ID2D1ImageBrush CreateImageBrush([Optional] ID2D1Image? image, in D2D1_IMAGE_BRUSH_PROPERTIES imageBrushProperties, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties);
/// Creates a bitmap brush, the input image is a Direct2D bitmap object.
@@ -2603,7 +2605,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1devicecontext-createbitmapbrush%28id2d1bitmap_constd2d1_bitmap_brush_properties1_constd2d1_brush_properties_id2d1bitmapbrush1%29
// HRESULT CreateBitmapBrush( ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES1 *bitmapBrushProperties, const
// D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES *brushProperties, ID2D1BitmapBrush1 **bitmapBrush );
- new ID2D1BitmapBrush1 CreateBitmapBrush1([Optional] ID2D1Bitmap? bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr bitmapBrushProperties, [In, Optional] IntPtr brushProperties);
+ new ID2D1BitmapBrush1 CreateBitmapBrush1([Optional] ID2D1Bitmap? bitmap, [In, Optional] StructPointer bitmapBrushProperties, [In, Optional] StructPointer brushProperties);
/// Creates a ID2D1CommandList object.
@@ -3003,7 +3005,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
// D2D1_POINT_2F baselineOrigin, const DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN *glyphRun, const DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN_DESCRIPTION *glyphRunDescription,
// ID2D1Brush *foregroundBrush, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode );
- new void DrawGlyphRun(D2D_POINT_2F baselineOrigin, in DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN glyphRun, [In, Optional] IntPtr glyphRunDescription, ID2D1Brush foregroundBrush, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode);
+ new void DrawGlyphRun(D2D_POINT_2F baselineOrigin, in DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN glyphRun, [In, Optional] StructPointer glyphRunDescription, ID2D1Brush foregroundBrush, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode);
/// Draws an image to the device context.
@@ -3057,7 +3059,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
// void DrawImage( ID2D1Effect *effect, const D2D1_POINT_2F *targetOffset, const D2D1_RECT_F *imageRectangle,
// D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE compositeMode );
- new void DrawImage(ID2D1Image image, [In, Optional] IntPtr targetOffset, [In, Optional] IntPtr imageRectangle, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE compositeMode);
+ new void DrawImage(ID2D1Image image, [In, Optional] StructPointer targetOffset, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? imageRectangle, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE compositeMode);
/// Draw a metafile to the device context.
@@ -3072,7 +3074,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1devicecontext-drawgdimetafile(id2d1gdimetafile_d2d1_point_2f)
// void DrawGdiMetafile( ID2D1GdiMetafile *gdiMetafile, D2D1_POINT_2F targetOffset );
- new void DrawGdiMetafile(ID2D1GdiMetafile gdiMetafile, [In, Optional] IntPtr targetOffset);
+ new void DrawGdiMetafile(ID2D1GdiMetafile gdiMetafile, [In, Optional] StructPointer targetOffset);
/// Draws a bitmap to the render target.
@@ -3119,7 +3121,7 @@ public interface ID2D1DeviceContext1 : ID2D1DeviceContext
// void DrawBitmap( ID2D1Bitmap *bitmap, const D2D1_RECT_F & destinationRectangle, FLOAT opacity, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE
// interpolationMode, const D2D1_RECT_F *sourceRectangle, const D2D1_MATRIX_4X4_F *perspectiveTransform );
- new void DrawBitmap(ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr destinationRectangle, float opacity, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, [In, Optional] IntPtr sourceRectangle, [In, Optional] IntPtr perspectiveTransform);
+ new void DrawBitmap(ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? destinationRectangle, float opacity, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? sourceRectangle, [In, Optional] StructPointer perspectiveTransform);
/// Push a layer onto the clip and layer stack of the device context.
@@ -3559,7 +3561,7 @@ public interface ID2D1Factory2 : ID2D1Factory1
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/nf-d2d1-id2d1factory-createdrawingstateblock%28constd2d1_drawing_state_description_idwriterenderingparams_id2d1drawingstateblock%29
// HRESULT CreateDrawingStateBlock( const D2D1_DRAWING_STATE_DESCRIPTION *drawingStateDescription, IDWriteRenderingParams
// *textRenderingParams, ID2D1DrawingStateBlock **drawingStateBlock );
- new ID2D1DrawingStateBlock CreateDrawingStateBlock([In, Optional] IntPtr drawingStateDescription, [In, Optional] IDWriteRenderingParams? textRenderingParams);
+ new ID2D1DrawingStateBlock CreateDrawingStateBlock([In, Optional] StructPointer drawingStateDescription, [In, Optional] IDWriteRenderingParams? textRenderingParams);
/// Creates a render target that renders to a Microsoft Windows Imaging Component (WIC) bitmap.
@@ -4023,6 +4025,54 @@ public interface ID2D1GeometryRealization : ID2D1Resource
new void GetFactory(out ID2D1Factory factory);
+ /// Computes the appropriate flattening tolerance to pass to APIs that take a flattening tolerance (for instance, ID2D1DeviceContext1::CreateFilledGeometryRealization).
+ /// [in, ref] The matrix that will be applied subsequently to the geometry being flattened.
+ ///
+ /// Default: 96.0f
+ /// The horizontal DPI of the render target that the geometry will be rendered onto (a choice of 96 implies no DPI correction).
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Default: 96.0f
+ /// The vertical DPI of the render target that the geometry will be rendered onto (a choice of 96 implies no DPI correction).
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Default: 1.0f
+ ///
+ /// The maximum amount of additional scaling (on top of any scaling implied by the matrix or the DPI) that will be applied to the geometry.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The flattening tolerance.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Flattening tolerances affect how finely curved segments such as arcs and Beziers will be tessellated. When rendering a geometry
+ /// realization or the output of a geometry operation with the identity transform, the default flattening tolerance
+ /// (D2D1_DEFAULT_FLATTENING_TOLERANCE) is appropriate. Using the default tolerance with a large scale transform, however, can cause
+ /// visible faceting. To guard against this, callers should use ComputeFlatteningTolerance and pass in the expected transform
+ /// that the content will be rendered with and the DPI of the render target the content will be rendered onto.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Note  The DPI is used only to infer the corresponding scale transform. No attempt is made to validate dpi values (e.g.
+ /// ensure they are positive).
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// In some scenarios content may be dynamically resized. In this case, the caller may wish to realize the geometry at a higher zoom
+ /// level than is currently required. This can be achieved by passing in a maxZoomFactor equal to or greater than the maximum scale the
+ /// geometry will be rendered at. Note that the maxZoomFactor is appended to any scale that may be present in the matrix parameter.
+ ///
+ ///
+ // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/desktop/legacy/dn280327(v=vs.85)
+ // FLOAT ComputeFlatteningTolerance(_In_ const D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F &matrix, FLOAT dpiX, FLOAT dpiY, FLOAT maxZoomFactor );
+ [PInvokeData("D2d1_1.h")]
+ public static float ComputeFlatteningTolerance(in D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F matrix, float dpiX = 96.0f, float dpiY = 96.0f, float maxZoomFactor = 1.0f)
+ {
+ D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F dpiDependentTransform = D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F.Scale(dpiX / 96.0f, dpiY / 96.0f);
+ float absMaxZoomFactor = (maxZoomFactor > 0) ? maxZoomFactor : -maxZoomFactor;
+ return D2D1_DEFAULT_FLATTENING_TOLERANCE / (absMaxZoomFactor * D2D1ComputeMaximumScaleFactor(dpiDependentTransform));
+ }
/// Computes the maximum factor by which a given transform can stretch any vector.
/// The input transform matrix.
/// The scale factor.
diff --git a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1_3.Interfaces1.cs b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1_3.Interfaces1.cs
index a56ece626..dcfb8d981 100644
--- a/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1_3.Interfaces1.cs
+++ b/PInvoke/Direct2D/D2d1_3.Interfaces1.cs
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ public interface ID2D1CommandSink2 : ID2D1CommandSink1
// https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/windows/win32/api/d2d1_1/nf-d2d1_1-id2d1commandsink-clear HRESULT Clear( const D2D1_COLOR_F
// *color );
- new HRESULT Clear([In, Optional] IntPtr color);
+ new HRESULT Clear([In, Optional] StructPointer color);
/// Indicates the glyphs to be drawn.
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ public interface ID2D1CommandSink2 : ID2D1CommandSink1
// D2D1_POINT_2F baselineOrigin, const DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN *glyphRun, const DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN_DESCRIPTION *glyphRunDescription,
// ID2D1Brush *foregroundBrush, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode );
- new HRESULT DrawGlyphRun(D2D_POINT_2F baselineOrigin, in DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN glyphRun, [In, Optional] IntPtr glyphRunDescription, [In] ID2D1Brush foregroundBrush, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode);
+ new HRESULT DrawGlyphRun(D2D_POINT_2F baselineOrigin, in DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN glyphRun, [In, Optional] StructPointer glyphRunDescription, [In] ID2D1Brush foregroundBrush, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode);
/// Draws a line drawn between two points.
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ public interface ID2D1CommandSink2 : ID2D1CommandSink1
// *bitmap, const D2D1_RECT_F *destinationRectangle, FLOAT opacity, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, const D2D1_RECT_F
// *sourceRectangle, const D2D1_MATRIX_4X4_F *perspectiveTransform );
- new HRESULT DrawBitmap([In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] IntPtr destinationRectangle, float opacity, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, [In, Optional] IntPtr sourceRectangle, [In, Optional] IntPtr perspectiveTransform);
+ new HRESULT DrawBitmap([In] ID2D1Bitmap bitmap, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? destinationRectangle, float opacity, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? sourceRectangle, [In, Optional] StructPointer perspectiveTransform);
/// Draws the provided image to the command sink.
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ public interface ID2D1CommandSink2 : ID2D1CommandSink1
// *image, const D2D1_POINT_2F *targetOffset, const D2D1_RECT_F *imageRectangle, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode,
// D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE compositeMode );
- new HRESULT DrawImage([In] ID2D1Image image, [In, Optional] IntPtr targetOffset, [In, Optional] IntPtr imageRectangle, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE compositeMode);
+ new HRESULT DrawImage([In] ID2D1Image image, [In, Optional] StructPointer targetOffset, [In, Optional] PD2D_RECT_F? imageRectangle, D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE compositeMode);