The following standard word abbreviations should be used in naming records, fields, and SQRs:
Word(s) Abbreviation Description Abbreviate ABRV Abbreviation Academic ACAD Accept ACPT Acceptance Accepted Access ACCS Accident ACDNT Accomplish ACMP Accomplishment Accomplishments Account* ACCT* Accounting* ACCTG* Accounts Payable AP Advanced Placement Accounts Receivable AR Accredited ACRD Accrual ACRL Accumulated* ACCUM* Accumulation ACUM Accumulative Achieve ACHV Achievement Acquisition* ACQ* Act ACT Active Activity American College Test Action* ACTN* Actual ACTL Add ADD Added Additional* ADDL* Address* ADDR* Narrative data which describes a person, place or thing's location Ad hoc ADHC Adjudicate ADJD Adjudicated Adjudication Adjusted Gross Income AGI Adjustment* ADJ* Administered ADM Administrated Administration Admissible ADMS Admission Admittance ADMT Admitted Advanced Placement AP Accounts Payable Advice ADVC Affiliation AFFL After AFT Age AGE Agency AGCY Agent AGNT Aid AID Alien ALN All ALL Allocate ALLOC* Allocation* Alpha ALPH Alter ALT Alternate Alumni ALMN Alumnus AM AM "Ante Meridiem" (morning) American College Test ACT Act Active Activity Amount* AMT* Monetary value(s) Analysis ANLS Annual* ANNL* Anonymous ANON Answer ANS Apartment APT Appeal APEL Appealed Applicant* APP* Application* APPL* Appointment APPT Approval APRV Approve Area AREA Array ARAY Arrears ARRS Ascending ASC Assign ASGN Assigned Assignment Association ASSC Assumption ASMP Athlete ATHL Athletic Attach ATCH Attempt ATMPT Attend ATND Attendance Attention ATTN Attribute ATTR Audit ADT Audited Authority AUTH Authorize Auxiliary AUX Availability AVL Available Average AVG The mean of two or more numbers Average Cumulative Grade ACG Award AWRD Awarded Balance* BAL* The net value (balance) of an account Bank BNK Bargain BARG Base BAS Basic Batch BTCH Before BEF Begin BEGN Beginning Beginning of Term BOT Benefits BEN Bid BID Bill BILL Billing Billing and Receivables System BRS Birth BRTH Board BRD Break BRK Budget BUD Budgetable Budget Balance Account BBA Build BLD Building Business BUS Business Unit* BU* Buy BUY Buyer Calculate CALC* Calculated Calculation* Calendar* CAL* Call CALL Campaign CMPN Campus CMPS Cancel CAN Canceled Capacity CAP Capitalization CPLZ Card CRD Career CAR Carrier CRIR Cartridge CART Case CSE Cash CSH Catalog CTLG Category* CATG* Census CENS Center CTR Certificate CERT Certification Change CHG Changed Chapter CHAP Charge CRG Chartfield CHARTF Check CHK Checked Citizen CTZN Citizenship City CTY Class CLAS Clear CLR Cleared CLEP CLEP Close CLO Club CLB COBRA* CBR* Code* CD* Data which represents encoded values (translate or code table) Collect CLCT Collection College COLG Column CLMN Combination COMB Combine Command CMD Comment CMT An explanatory, illustrative or critical note, remark or observation Committee CMMTTEE Company* CO* Comparative* COMPA* Competitor CPTR Complete CMPL Completion Compliance Component CMPT When the meaning is "part", use abbreviation "PRT". Composite COMP Compensation Conditional COND Confidential CNFD Confirm CONF* Confirmation* Constant CNST , CST Data which is unchanging or invariable Contact CTCT Continue CONT Continuing Continuous Contract CNTR Contractor Control* CNTL* Conversation* CONVR* Conversion* CNV* Convert* Converted Correspondence CRSP Cost COST Count CNT A number of people or things that have been "counted", such as inventory cycle count Counter Country CTRY County CNTY Course* CRSE* Coverage* COVRG* Create CRE Credential CRDL Credit* CR* , CRDT Use "CR" for field names relating to financial data , Use "CRDT" for field names relating to academic work CREF CREF Cross CRS Cross List XLST Cross Listed Cross Reference XREF Cumulative CUM Currency* CURR* Current* CUR* Cursor CRSR Custodian CSTN Customer* CUST* Daily DLY Data DATA Data Processing DP Date* DT* A calendar day, month, and year (including century) Date-Time Stamp DTTM Day* DD_,DY_ A day of the week (Sunday, Monday, etc.) Dead DEAD Death Deceased Debit* DR* Decimal DEC Deduct DED* Deduction* Default* DFLT* Deficit DFCT Definition* DEFN* Degree DEG Delete DEL Deliver DLVR Delivery Demo DMO Zone ZN