feat: Add delete-old flag to automatically remove old generations #195
Garnix CI / check apply [x86_64-linux]
Feb 18, 2024 in 38m 51s
Run results
Build succeeded
Last 100 lines of logs:
�[2malpha # [ 442.770992] systemd-logind[650]: Removed session 24.�[0m
�[2malpha # [ 442.898928] sshd[1763]: Accepted publickey for root from port 60166 ssh2: ECDSA SHA256:+oCBm1A1Mzt3CuOnz392raccJznodBlQkGTcQQa5HUg�[0m
�[2malpha # [ 442.901101] sshd[1763]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=0)�[0m
�[2malpha # [ 442.907515] systemd-logind[650]: New session 25 of user root.�[0m
�[2malpha # [ 442.907897] systemd[1]: Started Session 25 of User root.�[0m
�[2malpha # [ 442.977278] systemd[1]: post-activation-key.service: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2malpha # [ 442.978235] sshd[1763]: Received disconnect from port 60166:11: disconnected by user�[0m
�[2malpha # [ 442.978761] sshd[1763]: Disconnected from user root port 60166�[0m
�[2mdeployer # alpha | Uploaded keys (post-activation)�[0m
�[2mdeployer # | Failed: Child process exited with error code: 1�[0m
�[2malpha # [ 442.979896] sshd[1763]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user root�[0m
�[2malpha # [ 442.982083] systemd-logind[650]: Session 25 logged out. Waiting for processes to exit.�[0m
�[2malpha # [ 442.983119] systemd[1]: session-25.scope: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2malpha # [ 442.985962] systemd-logind[650]: Removed session 25.�[0m
�[2malpha # [ 443.125830] systemd[1]: post-activation-key.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1.�[0m
�[2malpha # [ 443.127681] systemd[1]: Starting post-activation-key.service...�[0m
�[2malpha # [ 443.130549] post-activation-key-pre-start[1774]: flapped down�[0m
�[2malpha # [ 443.131602] systemd[1]: �[0;1;38;5;185mpost-activation-key.service: Found left-over process 1775 (post-activation) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.�[0m�[0m
�[2malpha # [ 443.132519] systemd[1]: �[0;1;38;5;185mpost-activation-key.service: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.�[0m�[0m
�[2malpha # [ 443.133188] systemd[1]: Started post-activation-key.service.�[0m
�[2mdeployer # [ERROR] Failed to complete requested operation - Last 1 lines of logs:�[0m
�[2mdeployer # [ERROR] failure) Child process exited with error code: 1�[0m
�[2mdeployer # [ERROR] Failed to push system closure to beta - Last 5 lines of logs:�[0m
�[2mdeployer # [ERROR] created)�[0m
�[2mdeployer # [ERROR] state) Running�[0m
�[2mdeployer # [ERROR] stderr) ssh: connect to host beta port 22: Connection refused�[0m
�[2mdeployer # [ERROR] stderr) error: failed to start SSH connection to 'root@beta'�[0m
�[2mdeployer # [ERROR] failure) Child process exited with error code: 1�[0m
�[2mdeployer # [ERROR] -----�[0m
�[2mdeployer # [ERROR] Operation failed with error: Child process exited with error code: 1�[0m
�[2mdeployer # Hint: Backtrace available - Use `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace�[0m
(finished: must fail: cd /tmp/bundle &&/nix/store/9gw7im3iapqj9nf75n40ajfrqq0lwl84-colmena-0.5.0-pre/bin/colmena apply --evaluator chunked --eval-node-limit 4 --on @target, in 22.25 seconds)
alpha: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: grep SECOND /etc/deployment�[0m
(finished: must succeed: grep SECOND /etc/deployment, in 0.01 seconds)
beta: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: grep FIRST /etc/deployment�[0m
(finished: must succeed: grep FIRST /etc/deployment, in 0.01 seconds)
gamma: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: grep SECOND /etc/deployment�[0m
(finished: must succeed: grep SECOND /etc/deployment, in 0.01 seconds)
(finished: subtest: Check that we can correctly deploy to remaining nodes despite failures, in 22.31 seconds)
�[1m�[32msubtest: Check that key contents are not in the Nix store�[0m
deployer: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: ls /nix/store�[0m
(finished: must succeed: ls /nix/store, in 0.03 seconds)
deployer: 345 store paths were created
(finished: subtest: Check that key contents are not in the Nix store, in 0.13 seconds)
�[1m�[32msubtest: Check that our Nix store test is actually working�[0m
deployer: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; writeText "forbidden-text.txt" "this must not appear in the nix store"'�[0m
�[2mdeployer # this derivation will be built:�[0m
�[2mdeployer # /nix/store/4rmgqp8b9b19j130qz3flpr4g4lx11ab-forbidden-text.txt.drv�[0m
�[2mdeployer # building '/nix/store/4rmgqp8b9b19j130qz3flpr4g4lx11ab-forbidden-text.txt.drv'...�[0m
(finished: must succeed: nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; writeText "forbidden-text.txt" "this must not appear in the nix store"', in 0.28 seconds)
deployer: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: ls /nix/store�[0m
(finished: must succeed: ls /nix/store, in 0.03 seconds)
deployer: 347 store paths were created
deployer: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: grep -r 'this must not appear in the nix store' /nix/store/zqsjpng867y436l9bj8vbc8xmrbnjmcb-source.drv /nix/store/h2v1d4d448w11s9jdcaxf67p69sqsbrw-source.drv /nix/store/h4c3vvy6y5lbvb4vpz7ym2wc05vdl03s-python3.10-async-timeout-4.0.2.drv /nix/store/dz9aqvysx4lv8jyarrs63hlxivxs7l36-etc.drv /nix/store/k11r74ncnmwdr436bbz5kmv2zj18kimy-unit-script-post-activation-key-start /nix/store/s78mgql8m7zz82wmw1qjbb8xs1x31cq5-string-hosts /nix/store/a3m6r4d67513vzlv7rdyqb05f8cn37sp-unit-dbus.service.drv /nix/store/dyf5wvhl8rzcdpp0z64yh0a0wj7hbswk-python3.10-pycares-4.3.0.drv /nix/store/ssy9s2kqdpddgjv76nhjaqsck08jg779-__fis…
(finished: must succeed: grep -r 'this must not appear in the nix store' /nix/store/zqsjpng867y436l9bj8vbc8xmrbnjmcb-source.drv /nix/store/h2v1d4d448w11s9jdcaxf67p69sqsbrw-source.drv /nix/store/h4c3vvy6y5lbvb4vpz7ym2wc05vdl03s-python3.10-async-timeout-4.0.2.drv /nix/store/dz9aqvysx4lv8jyarrs63hlxivxs7l36-etc.drv /nix/store/k11r74ncnmwdr436bbz5kmv2zj18kimy-unit-script-post-activation-key-start /nix/store/s78mgql8m7zz82wmw1qjbb8xs1x31cq5-string-hosts /nix/store/a3m6r4d67513vzlv7rdyqb05f8cn37sp-unit-dbus.service.drv /nix/store/dyf5wvhl8rzcdpp0z64yh0a0wj7hbswk-python3.10-pycares-4.3.0.drv /nix/store/ssy9s2kqdpddgjv76nhjaqsck08jg779-__fish_build_…
(finished: subtest: Check that our Nix store test is actually working, in 0.41 seconds)
�[1m�[32msubtest: Check that we can build nodes with dots in their names�[0m
deployer: �[1m�[32mmust succeed: cd /tmp/bundle &&/nix/store/9gw7im3iapqj9nf75n40ajfrqq0lwl84-colmena-0.5.0-pre/bin/colmena build --evaluator chunked --eval-node-limit 4 --on gamma.tld�[0m
�[2mdeployer # [INFO ] Using configuration: /tmp/bundle/hive.nix�[0m
�[2mdeployer # [INFO ] Enumerating nodes...�[0m
�[2mgamma # [ 445.305939] systemd[1]: Stopping User Manager for UID 0...�[0m
�[2mgamma # [ 445.308526] systemd[1440]: Activating special unit Exit the Session...�[0m
�[2mgamma # [ 445.308905] systemd[1440]: Stopped target Main User Target.�[0m
�[2mgamma # [ 445.312372] systemd[1440]: Stopped target Basic System.�[0m
�[2mdeployer # [INFO ] Selected 1 out of 5 hosts.�[0m
�[2mgamma # [ 445.315185] systemd[1440]: Stopped target Paths.�[0m
�[2mgamma # [ 445.315500] systemd[1440]: Stopped target Sockets.�[0m
�[2mgamma # [ 445.315796] systemd[1440]: Stopped target Timers.�[0m
�[2mdeployer # gamma.tld | Evaluating gamma.tld�[0m
�[2mgamma # [ 445.318968] systemd[1440]: Closed D-Bus User Message Bus Socket.�[0m
�[2mgamma # [ 445.319330] systemd[1440]: Removed slice User Application Slice.�[0m
�[2mgamma # [ 445.319640] systemd[1440]: Reached target Shutdown.�[0m
�[2mgamma # [ 445.319915] systemd[1440]: Finished Exit the Session.�[0m
�[2mgamma # [ 445.320451] systemd[1440]: Reached target Exit the Session.�[0m
�[2mgamma # [ 445.320769] systemd[1]: user@0.service: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2mgamma # [ 445.321111] systemd[1]: Stopped User Manager for UID 0.�[0m
�[2mgamma # [ 445.329315] systemd[1]: Stopping User Runtime Directory /run/user/0...�[0m
�[2mgamma # [ 445.337099] systemd[1]: run-user-0.mount: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2mgamma # [ 445.339687] systemd[1]: user-runtime-dir@0.service: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2mgamma # [ 445.343155] systemd[1]: Stopped User Runtime Directory /run/user/0.�[0m
�[2mdeployer # gamma.tld | Evaluated gamma.tld�[0m
�[2mdeployer # gamma.tld | Building gamma.tld�[0m
�[2mdeployer # gamma.tld | /nix/store/g61xk1s18spxx4m00hn1p7hlwa49614l-nixos-system-gamma-23.11pre-git�[0m
�[2mdeployer # gamma.tld | Built "/nix/store/g61xk1s18spxx4m00hn1p7hlwa49614l-nixos-system-gamma-23.11pre-git"�[0m
�[2mdeployer # | All done!�[0m
(finished: must succeed: cd /tmp/bundle &&/nix/store/9gw7im3iapqj9nf75n40ajfrqq0lwl84-colmena-0.5.0-pre/bin/colmena build --evaluator chunked --eval-node-limit 4 --on gamma.tld, in 6.27 seconds)
(finished: subtest: Check that we can build nodes with dots in their names, in 6.27 seconds)
(finished: run the VM test script, in 459.70 seconds)
test script finished in 459.76s
kill machine (pid 8)
�[2malpha # qemu-kvm: terminating on signal 15 from pid 6 (/nix/store/pzf6dnxg8gf04xazzjdwarm7s03cbrgz-python3-3.10.12/bin/python3.10)�[0m
kill machine (pid 33)
�[2mbeta # qemu-kvm: terminating on signal 15 from pid 6 (/nix/store/pzf6dnxg8gf04xazzjdwarm7s03cbrgz-python3-3.10.12/bin/python3.10)�[0m
kill machine (pid 53)
�[2mdeployer # qemu-kvm: terminating on signal 15 from pid 6 (/nix/store/pzf6dnxg8gf04xazzjdwarm7s03cbrgz-python3-3.10.12/bin/python3.10)�[0m
kill machine (pid 78)
�[2mgamma # qemu-kvm: terminating on signal 15 from pid 6 (/nix/store/pzf6dnxg8gf04xazzjdwarm7s03cbrgz-python3-3.10.12/bin/python3.10)�[0m
(finished: cleanup, in 0.49 seconds)
kill vlan (pid 7)