coronary_refine.m: This function processes each probability map of coronary arteries
under 'rpath'. The processing steps include but not limited to thresholding,
filling holes, thinning, detecting bifurcation or end points,
reconnecting disconnected branches, removing isolated branches, and
obtains a coronary artery tree finally.
coronary_show.m:This function loads existing coronary artery tree 'coro_tree', and plot
it in different color according to the ids of branches. Before sorting,
the order of points in each branch is unknown, thus a scatter plot is needed.
#### FinalDelete.m:最后删除没有连接起来的短线
mha_read_header.m:Function for reading the header of a Insight Meta-Image (.mha,.mhd) file
mha_read_volume.m:Function for reading the volume of a Insight Meta-Image (.mha, .mhd) file
img_thin_054.mat 对应实验结果 Line_55_My.mat
img_thin_066.mat 对应实验结果 Line_66_My.mat