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248 lines (182 loc) · 6.87 KB

File metadata and controls

248 lines (182 loc) · 6.87 KB
pkg = name: 'zappajs-client'
debug = (require 'debug')
request = require 'superagent'
socketio = require ''
domready = require 'domready'
{observable} = riot = require 'riot'
invariate = require 'invariate'
riot.route = require 'riot-route'

zappa = (options,f) ->
  if typeof options is 'function'
    [options,f] = [{},options]
  options ?= {}

  context = {}


The ZappaJS-Client context contains the following objects:

  • @io, the Socket.IO client.

  • @request, a Promisified superagent REST client.

  • @riot, the riotjs module.

  • @ev, a riot-observable -- basically you can run .on and .trigger on it.

    ev = context.ev = observable()
    unless is false
      io = = socketio ? {}
    context.request = request
    context.riot = riot
    context.include = (m) ->
      m.include?.call context, context

These objects are always available inside handlers as well!

  build_ctx = (o) ->
    ctx =
      ev: context.ev
      request: context.request
      riot: context.riot
      emit: context.emit
      on: context.on
    ctx[k] = v for own k,v of o

The ZappaJS-Client context also contains:

  • @include m executes m.include within the ZappaJS context itself.


When all the ZappaJS-Client handshake is done, and once the DOM is ready, the callback of @ready is called with its context set to the ZappaJS-Client context.

@ready ->
  @emit 'ready'
  @request.get '/data.json'
  .then (data) -> alert data
  # etc.
  context.ready = (f) ->
    context.ev.on 'ready', ->
      ctx = build_ctx
        include: context.include
        settings: context.settings
        get: context.get
        route: context.route
        start: context.start
        share: share
      f.apply ctx


The router is riot's router. However it is not started until you explicitely call @start(), so feel free to use your own router instead if you'd like.

  • @start() is required to start the Riot router.

    context.start = ->
  • @get can be used the same way as ZappaJS' @get; except it works on the hash-path, not the URI path. You can use @route if you prefer to use the riotjs name instead of @get.

    context.get = context.route = invariate (k,v) ->
      riot.route k, ->

Route context

  • params contains the (positional) parameters in an array.
  • query contains the optional query parameters as an object.

Use '..' at the end of a path to match query arguments.

For example to capture /foo?bar=3

@get '/foo..': ->
      ctx = build_ctx
        params: arguments
        query: riot.route.query()
      v.apply ctx, arguments


A client is included, you can handle incoming messages from the server using @on and send messages back using @emit.

  context.on = invariate (event,action) ->
    io.on event, (data,ack) ->

Message handler context

The same context is provided for @on handler as in server-side ZappaJS:

  • @event contains the event's name;
  • @data contains the optional event's data;
  • @ack is provided if the sender requested acknowledgment.

Additionally, @data and @ack are provided as regular arguments if you'd rather use that.

      ctx = build_ctx
        event: event
        data: data
        ack: ack
      action.apply ctx, arguments

  context.emit = invariate.acked (event,data,ack) -> io, event, data, (ack_data) ->

Ack context

When emitting event, you might provide a ack callback.

  • @event contains the event's name;

  • @data contains the optional ack data.

        ctx = build_ctx
          event: event
          data: ack_data
        ack.apply ctx, arguments

Disable on options

  if is false
    context.on = ->
      debug 'Socket.IO is disabled'
    context.emit = ->
      debug 'Socket.IO is disabled'

Apply User Function

  if f? context, context


If the io option is false, do not wait for IO connect.

  if is false
    domready ->
      debug 'DOM is ready'
      ev.trigger 'ready'
    return context

Automatically binding ExpressJS and Socket.IO

The main purpose of ZappaJS-Client is to automatically bind the ExpressJs and the Socket.IO @session objects on the server side, so that all code on the server gains access to the same session object. This works even if the ExpressJS and the Socket.IO code are running on different servers.


The goal of the share function is to bind the socket ID with the ExpressJS session, then provide the session ID back to the socket.IO server.

  share = (next) ->
    zappa_prefix = context.settings.zappa_prefix ? '/zappa'
    channel_name = context.settings.zappa_channel ? '__local'
    zappa_server = options.zappa_server ? ''

Let the Express server save its and bind it to the key.

    uri = "#{zappa_server}#{zappa_prefix}/socket/#{channel_name}/#{}"
    debug "Requesting #{uri}"
    .get uri
    .accept 'json'
    .catch (error) ->
      body: key: null
    .then ({body:{key}}) ->

Let the server know how to retrieve the by providing it the key.

      if key?
        debug "Sending __zappa_key to server", {key}
        io.emit '__zappa_key', {key}, next
        next? key: null

On IO connect

When the IO socket is connected,

  io.on 'connect', ->
    debug "Connect"

retrieve the Zappa application settings,

    io.emit '__zappa_settings', null, (settings) ->

      debug 'Received settings', settings
      context.settings = settings

then bind the socket in the ExpressJS session, and provides the ExpressJS session ID to the Socket.IO server.

      share ({key}) ->
        debug 'Received key', key

We do not save the key inside the context until all the steps are completed. Note: The key is normally not needed.

        context.key = key

Finally, once the DOM is ready, trigger a ready event so that our client-side application may start.

        domready ->
          debug 'DOM is ready'
          ev.trigger 'ready'

    debug "Waiting for Zappa settings"


module.exports = zappa
module.exports.request = request = socketio
module.exports.riot = riot