This application example shows how to use the state framework of the package @simatic-ax/statemachine
. In this example a simple traffic light will be realized.
Open a command line interface (CLI) and switch to the target folder like:
D: cd \Git
Install the application example on your local PC
Run the following commands in a CLI
if you use apax
apax create @simatic-ax/ae-trafficlight --registry ae-trafficlight
if you use apax
apax create @simatic-ax/template-ae-trafficlight --registry ae-trafficlight
withaxcode ae-trafficlight
and install the dependencies with:
apax install -L
If not open, open a terminal (
) -
Start a PLCSIM Advanced Instance (IP: Address To change the IP you'll find information here
If not done, download a valid hardware configuration (FW >= 2.9 and IP address to the PLCSIM Advanced Instance. The recommend way is using TIA Portal.
Install dependencies
apax install -L
Build in download the project to the PLC
apax dlsim
The project will be compiled and downloaded to the PLCSIM Advanced instance
Open the monitoring file mon.mon
Go online
To change the target IP address, open the apax.yml
and search the entry IP_ADDRESS
, Enter the IP address for your target.
To change the IP address for the debugging, open the file ./vscode/launch.json
and search the entry ip
, Enter the IP address for your device.
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