Through previous docs make sure the PTF docker, sonic-mgmt docker, DUT (running on SONiC.202012 image in this case) are all set.
In this section, we will prepare SAI test cases on the PTF docker.
- Logon to your PTF docker, make sure the PTF docker could access to GitHub, then type following commands to clone SAI repo:
- SAI v1.7 will be used for this example since v1.7 is one of supported SAI versions in SONiC.202012, for more information please check Check SAI header with SONiC branch
rm -rf ./SAI
git init SAI
cd SAI
git remote add origin
git fetch origin
git checkout -b v1.7 origin/v1.7
It will have the following result:
root@314fb9c4a38f:/tmp# rm -rf ./SAI
root@314fb9c4a38f:/tmp# git init SAI
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/SAI/.git/
root@314fb9c4a38f:/tmp# cd SAI
root@314fb9c4a38f:/tmp/SAI# git remote add origin
root@314fb9c4a38f:/tmp/SAI# git fetch origin
remote: Enumerating objects: 7962, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (534/534), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (302/302), done.
remote: Total 7962 (delta 339), reused 350 (delta 231), pack-reused 7428
Receiving objects: 100% (7962/7962), 63.32 MiB | 30.71 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (5490/5490), done.
* [new branch] master -> origin/master
* [new branch] rajeevsharma1-patch-1 -> origin/rajeevsharma1-patch-1
* [new branch] revert-648-vlanigmpcontrol -> origin/revert-648-vlanigmpcontrol
* [new branch] v0.9.1 -> origin/v0.9.1
* [new branch] v0.9.2 -> origin/v0.9.2
* [new branch] v0.9.4 -> origin/v0.9.4
* [new branch] v0.9.5 -> origin/v0.9.5
* [new branch] v0.9.6 -> origin/v0.9.6
* [new branch] v1.0 -> origin/v1.0
* [new branch] v1.1 -> origin/v1.1
* [new branch] v1.2 -> origin/v1.2
* [new branch] v1.3 -> origin/v1.3
* [new branch] v1.4 -> origin/v1.4
* [new branch] v1.5 -> origin/v1.5
* [new branch] v1.6 -> origin/v1.6
* [new branch] v1.7 -> origin/v1.7
* [new branch] v1.8 -> origin/v1.8
* [new branch] v1.9 -> origin/v1.9
root@314fb9c4a38f:/tmp/SAI# git checkout -b v1.7 origin/v1.7
Branch v1.7 set up to track remote branch v1.7 from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'v1.7'
root@314fb9c4a38f:/tmp/SAI# ls -l
total 160
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 106691 Oct 20 06:40 Doxyfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2700 Oct 20 06:40 LICENSE.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1116 Oct 20 06:40 Makefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 463 Oct 20 06:40
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Oct 20 06:40 bm
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Oct 20 06:40 data
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 20 06:40 debian
drwxr-xr-x 32 root root 4096 Oct 20 06:40 doc
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 20 06:40 experimental
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Oct 20 06:40 flexsai
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 20 06:40 inc
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 20 06:40 meta
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Oct 20 06:40 stub
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Oct 20 06:40 test
- Logon to the DUT and stop all services before start saiserver:
- It'd be better stop other services/containers running on DUT, especially syncd and swss.
sudo systemctl stop <services_name>
- After Example: Check sonic version and get a saiserver docker with a related builder, the docker registry should have the docker-saiserver-brcm images.
- Pull the image from registry, in this case the os version is: 202012
admin@s6000:~$ docker pull <docker-registry>/docker-saiserver-brcm:202012
Status: Downloaded newer image for <docker-registry>/docker-saiserver-brcm:202012
- Tag the images with name docker-saiserver-brcm
admin@s6000:~$ docker tag ${SONIC_REG}/docker-saiserver-brcm:202012 docker-saiserver-brcm
- Execute step2 from Example: Start SaiServer Docker from a DUT
admin@s6000:~$ SONIC_CFGGEN="sonic-cfggen"
admin@s6000:~$ SONIC_DB_CLI="sonic-db-cli"
admin@s6000:~$ PLATFORM=${PLATFORM:-`$SONIC_CFGGEN -H -v DEVICE_METADATA.localhost.platform`}
admin@s6000:~$ HWSKU=${HWSKU:-`$SONIC_CFGGEN -d -v 'DEVICE_METADATA["localhost"]["hwsku"]'`}
admin@s6000:~$ DOCKERNAME=saiserver
admin@s6000:~$ DOCKERIMG=docker-saiserver-brcm:latest
admin@s6000:~$ docker create --privileged --net=host \
> -v /usr/share/sonic/device/$PLATFORM/$HWSKU:/usr/share/sonic/hwsku:ro \
admin@s6000:~$ docker start $DOCKERNAME
- Check current running docker containers with
docker ps
, docker-saiserver-brcm:latest container is running means DUT has the target saiserver docker up.
admin@s6000:~$ docker ps
59b7fec7645f docker-saiserver-brcm:latest "/usr/local/bin/supe…" 25 seconds ago Up 16 seconds saiserver
- Use
docker exec -it saiserver bash
to logon to saiserver docker bash
admin@s6000:~$ docker exec -it saiserver bash
- Also make sure the port 9092 is up, which the saiserver is listening to
admin@s6000:~$ sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN
<some other ports>
tcp6 0 0 :::9092 :::* LISTEN 1224720/saiserver
Now the saiserver on DUT should be ready for SAI testing.
On your PTF docker, prepare a file named default_interface_to_front_map.ini an example could be found at Example. execute the following command to start SAI test:
ptf --test-dir <path_to_test_folder> sail2.L2AccessToAccessVlanTest --interface '1@eth1' --interface '2@eth2' -t "server='<DUT ipaddr>';port_map_file='<path_to_default_interface_to_front_map.ini>'"
It will have the result like this:
root@314fb9c4a38f:/tmp/SAI/test/saithrift# ptf --test-dir tests sail2.L2AccessToAccessVlanTest --interface '1@eth1' --interface '2@eth2' -t "server='<DUT ipaddr>';port_map_file='default_interface_to_front_map.ini'"
WARNING: No route found for IPv6 destination :: (no default route?)
sail2.L2AccessToAccessVlanTest ...
Sending L2 packet port 1 -> port 2 [access vlan=10])
Ran 1 test in 1.662s