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1403 lines (994 loc) · 66.1 KB

File metadata and controls

1403 lines (994 loc) · 66.1 KB

Changes from 1.1.0 to (unreleased version)

Fixed issues

  • #3926 - Create PORT_NAME environment variable when we define portDefinitions with name

Changes from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0

Recommended Mesos version is 0.28.0


Readiness Checks for applications

Marathon already has the concept of health checks, which periodically monitor the health of an application. During deployments and runtime configuration updates, however, you might want a temporary monitor that waits for your application to be ready. A temporary monitor can be useful for cache-warming, JIT warming, or a migration. Marathon offers a readiness check for these situations.

Readiness checks are performed only during deployment time after a task has been launched. The deployment will wait for the readiness check to succeed, before the deployment continues. For easy integration with other tools, the result of the readiness checks is available via the deployments endpoint or the app/group listing. We are keen to know what you think about this feature.

Support for external volumes (experimental)

Marathon applications normally lose their state when they terminate and are relaunched. In some contexts, for instance, if your application uses MySQL, you’ll want your application to preserve its state. You can use an external storage service, such as Amazon's Elastic Block Store (EBS), to create a persistent volume that follows your application instance. Using an external storage service allows your apps to be more fault-tolerant. If a host fails, Marathon reschedules your app on another host, along with its associated data, without user intervention.

Please Note that you have to setup your Mesos cluster correctly in order to use this feature.

Local Volumes

In prior versions Marathon had to authenticate with Mesos in order to use local volumes. While this is still possible, we removed this prerequisite. Using this version it is enough to set a framework principal without providing credentials.

Fixed issues

  • #3092 - Delayed applications can appear to be running
  • #3369 - Constraint validation message
  • #3477 - Improve ForceExpunge and restart logic
  • #3519 - The default Docker network should be host
  • #3552 - Editing an App: Switching between JSON and normal Editor produces a broken UX
  • #3564 - Add link to Docker section for Ports
  • #3574 - ResidentTasks: ResourceMatching and Constraints by not considering the volumeMatch's Reserved task when inspecting constraints
  • #3579 - Resident Tasks: Flaky test: restart
  • #3587 - Not specifying "network" config causes mesos to thrash
  • #3597 - Upgrading applications with persistent storage
  • #3612 - Marathon should validate that port names contain only letters and numbers
  • #3614 - Don't allow persistent container paths containing slashes
  • #3624 - Constraints are not working for updating. Respect constraints for same version.
  • #3646 - Liquid Exception in docs
  • #3652 - Error paths are mapped incorrectly
  • #3654 - PortMapping labels are not being set
  • #3655 - Apps with no volumes reported as stateful
  • #3659 - JSON editor help button does not work in IE11
  • #3663 - Apps created from inside a group have a double forward-slash in their ID
  • #3671 - Scrolling issue with create modal

Changes from 0.15.3 to 1.0.0

Recommended Mesos version is 0.28.0

Breaking Changes

New default settings for Task Launches

Marathon has a lot of settings to adjust. Our goal is, to have sensible defaults for small and medium size clusters. We realized, that some default values are not sufficient in the field and changed them:

  • --launch_tokens has changed to 100 (was 1000)
  • --max_tasks_per_offer has changed to 5 (was 100)
  • --reconciliation_interval has changed to 600000 (=10 minutes) (was 300000 (=5 minutes))

Updated Auth plugin interface

The Authentication and Authorization plugin interface was redesigned in order to support more sophisticated plugins.


Support for Persistent Storage

You can now launch tasks that use persistent volumes by specifying volumes either via the UI or the REST API. Marathon will reserve all required resources on a matching agent, and subsequently launch a task on that same agent if needed. Data within the volume will be retained even after relaunching the associated task. This release provides basic functionality which we plan to extend in the future, so use it at your own risk.

Check it out and give us feedback!

See the feature documentation for details and configuration examples.

Support for ports metadata

The v2 REST API was extended to support additional ports metadata (protocol, name, and labels) through the portDefinition application field. Marathon will pass this new information to Mesos, who will in turn make it available for service discovery purposes.

Note: the portDefinitions array deprecates the ports array.

Support for HTTP based plugin extensions

Plugins can now implement HTTP endpoints.

Added a leaderDuration metric

The metrics include now a gauge that measures the time elapsed since the last leader election happened. This is helpful to diagnose stability problems and how often leader election happens.

Better error messages

API error messages are now more consistent and easier to understand for both humans and computers.

Lots of documentation updates

Improved Task Kill behavior in deployments by performing kills in batches

When stopping/restarting an application, Marathon will now perform the kills in batches, in order to avoid overwhelming Mesos. The batch size and frequency can be controlled via internal configuration parameters.

Support the TASK_KILLING state available in Mesos 0.28

It is possible to make Marathon let Mesos use the TASK_KILLING state introduced in Mesos 0.28 using the --enable_features task_killing flag. Marathon doesn't use this task state yet.

Fixed issues

  • #929 - Allow tcp,udp ports in portMappings
  • #2751 - Commit suicide on ZK exceptions
  • #3091 - App updates hanging on downscales
  • #3169 - Possible to start app with negative resources
  • #3241 - Serverside validation messages are inconsistent
  • #3338 - Path in health checks validation failure results is broken
  • #3367 - Relative paths for dependencies not working anymore
  • #3377 - Marathon should remove the FrameworkId for special Mesos errors
  • #3385 - Creating an empty group using an existing app ID should return 409
  • #3402 - Race conditions in HttpEventActor
  • #3423 - Report kills due to failed healthcheck.
  • #3439 - Relative paths in dependencies should be resolvable.
  • #3575 - Container IP not correctly displayed

Changes from 0.15.2 to 0.15.3

This is a bug fix release.

Fixed issues

  • #3192 - Adapt default Mem/CPU settings
  • #3251 - Tried to kill an existing app, said it doesn't exist even though it does

Changes from 0.15.1 to 0.15.2

This release includes fixes for two bugs introduced in 0.15.0.

Fixed issues

  • #3172 - "Apply" button is broken (sending both uris and fetch)
  • #3242 - Treat "value" attribute in server-side validation errors as general error

Changes from 0.15.0 to 0.15.1

This release includes fixes for several bugs introduced in 0.15.0.

Fixed issues

  • #3139 - Marathon 0.15.0 forces redeploy of app all the time
  • #3054 - Empty application attributes are accidentally submited by the UI
  • #3141 - Jetty throws exception during load
  • #3164 - Marathon 0.15 error on bad application id is really bad
  • #3160 - Show 400 error for Constraints field
  • #3140 - breaking API change on portIndex

Changes from 0.14.0 to 0.15.0

Recommended Mesos version is 0.26.0

We tested this release against Mesos version 0.26.0. Thus, this is the recommended Mesos version for this release.


Integration of Mesos Fetcher Cache

The v2 REST API was extended to support the Mesos fetcher cache. This allows users to configure a list of resource URIs that will be copied into the task sandbox prior to running the task, from either a local or external location. For details on the fetcher cache's capabilities, please see the fetcher cache documentation.

Migration from Marathon version 0.7 or lower removed

It is no longer possible to migrate from Marathon versions prior to version 0.8. If you want to upgrade old versions we recommend to do a step by step migration using the latest stable version following your installed version and so on.

haproxy-marathon-bridge is deprecated and removed from the bin directory

In recent versions we published a simple shell script to update haproxy configuration. marathon-lb is the successor of this script and can be found here: The script can still be found in the examples directory.

Under the Hood

There have been a lot of interesting changes which we only summarize for now. In the next days, we will follow up with extend documentation about them.

New metrics

We will provide some cursory introduction into important metrics soon.

Limit concurrent status update processing

We now limit the maximum number of concurrently processed task status updates. If the limit is reached, further status updates are queued. The queue is limited, too, so that at some point new status updates are rejected and not acknowledged. Eventually, Mesos will resend the status updates that we didn't process.

Task state tracking redesign

We have rewritten the component that holds the task states: the TaskTracker. We removed the old implementation that used concurrent data structures, and now use an actor based implementation. The new implementation is easier to reason about and allows explicit concurrency management as described in the last section.

Explicit queuing of application configuration updates

Marathon has been serializing updates to the app configuration for a while. We made queuing outstanding configuration requests explicit and also limited the maximum size of the queue.

Optimized /v2/tasks (TXT)

Since some service discovery solutions poll this end-point, performance is important. We improved request rates by about 30%.

Changes to the threading model

Prior to this release, Marathon would create new threads when needed. Now we switched to a model where we have some fixed size thread pools and thread pools that will only grow if too many threads have become blocked. This should reduce the number of threads under load.

Model validation

Marathon is now utilizing Accord, a modern approach to model validation which will hopefully leads to better error messages in the future.

Marathon UI

A number of very convenient features and improvements made it into this release.

Perform actions directly from the Applications list

A new contextual dropdown menu in the Applications list gives access to the most useful actions (scale, destroy, suspend, etc.) without having to enter an application's detail view. Additionally, it is now possible to perform scale and delete operations on entire Groups.

Better feedback

The feedback dialogs have been completely redesigned to be clearer and more useful, adding three possible color-coded severity levels: info, warning and error. In addition, the action button labels have been rephrased for improved usability. Buttons that may lead to dangerous actions (such as "force scale") are also not preselected by default anymore.

Application Health

The health status breakdown is now also shown in the application details page.

...and much more

For the complete set of changes, please refer to the Marathon UI CHANGELOG

Fixed issues

  • #2918 - Incorrect Step-wise timers in TaskStatusUpdateProcessorImpl
  • #2919 - StateMetrics.timed(Read/Write) incorrectly used for methods returning Futures
  • #2951 - Incorrect Constraint lead to an application exception, but should give an error response
  • #2957 - Unbounded ThreadPool is used for too many operations
  • #2982 - Double offerLeadership invocation after driver failure
  • #2989 - Report task count metrics
  • #2868 - Marathon sometimes tries (and fails) to assign duplicated service ports
  • #2938 - Don't log giant port lists
  • #2855 - Create app failed when there're multiple same word in the app id
  • #3051 - Can't add dynamic ports using PUT
  • #2892 - Version in task detail component shouldn't be localised
  • #2893 - App page component should display the right number of tasks
  • #2949 - AjaxWrapper does't handle TypeError correctly
  • #3605 - Prevent ctrl-c keyboard shortcut from showing the Create modal dialog
  • #3054 - Empty - non set- application attributes are accidentaly submited by the UI
  • #3064 - Labels dropdown menu not showing up
  • #3063 - After scaling a healthy app to 0, it appears to be Infinity% overcapacity

Changes from 0.13.0 to 0.14.0

Recommended Mesos version is 0.26.0

We tested this release against Mesos version 0.26.0. Thus, this is the recommended Mesos version for this release.

Breaking Changes

Marathon will not start up if there's an error registering with the current framework id. The previous behaviour was to register as a new framework. We changed this in order to avoid orphaning the running tasks in case of transient errors.


Expose additional app definition variables

The following environment variables are now available to the tasks:

  • MARATHON_APP_RESOURCE_CPUS contains the value of the app definition cpus value.
  • MARATHON_APP_RESOURCE_MEM contains the value of the app definition mem value, expressed in megabytes.
  • MARATHON_APP_RESOURCE_DISK value of the app definition disk value, expressed in megabytes.
  • MARATHON_APP_LABELS contains list of labels of the corresponding app definition. For example: label1 label2 label3
  • MARATHON_APP_LABEL_NAME contains value of label "NAME" of the corresponding app definition.

Health Checks: allow port instead of portIndex

Previously, the port to be used for health checks could only be specified by supplying a port index. Now it can also be specified directly using the new port field.

Improved search in the UI

Previously, the user could search through applications using a field which filtered all applications. In 0.14.0 we replace the filter with a search which leads to a detailed search result view. There are various improvements in the search interaction, including the user being returned to their former group context after the search term has been cleared.

Better health status feedback

The health bars in the application list view are now provided in the application detail view. The tooltips in the overview have been consolidated to make them easier to understand. The styles of the deployment table have been updated inline with the applications list view. Additionally, it's possible to filter apps by their health status in the UI.

IP-per-task UI

Some changes have been made in order to support IP-per-task in the API. The relevant part of the app definition is exposed in the configuration page, and the ipAddresses field is integrated in the task detail view.

Direct task log downloads for in the UI

The stderr and stdout logs can now be downloaded directly from the task view in the UI. The contents of each task's sandbox is displayed and files are offered for direct download.

Health Checks: allow port instead of portIndex

Previously, the port to be used for health checks could only be specified by supplying a port index. Now it can also be specified directly using the new port field.

EXPERIMENTAL: IP-per-task support

This can drastically simplify service discovery, since you can use mesos-dns to rely on DNS for service discovery. This enables your applications to use address-only (A) DNS records in combination with known ports to connect to other services -- as you would do it in a traditional static cluster environment.

You can request an IP-per-task with default settings like this:

  "id": "/i-have-my-own-ip",
  // ... more settings ...
  "ipAddress": {}

Marathon passes down the request for the IP to Mesos. You have to make sure that you installed & configured the appropriate Network Isolation Modules & IP Access Manager (IPAM) modules in Mesos. The Marathon support for this feature requires Mesos v0.26.

If an application requires IP-per-task, then it can not request ports to be allocated in the slave.

Currently, this feature does not work in combination with Docker containers. We might still change some aspects of the API and we appreciate your feedback.

Improved migrations from v0.11

It is now possible to resume interrupted ZooKeeper state migrations. That means that Marathon can now recover from transient errors during the migration process.

EXPERIMENTAL: Network security groups

If your IP Access Manager (IPAM) supports it, you can refine your IP configuration using network security groups and labels:

  "id": "/i-have-my-own-ip",
  // ... more settings ...
  "ipAddress": {
    "groups": ["production"],
    "labels": {
      "some-meaningful-config": "potentially interpreted by the IPAM"

Network security groups only allow network traffic between tasks that have at least one of their configured groups in common. This makes it easy to disallow your staging environment to interfere with production traffic.

EXPERIMENTAL: Service Discovery

If an application requires IP-per-task, then it can not request ports to be allocated in the slave. It is however still possible to describe the ports that the Application's tasks expose:

  "id": "/i-have-my-own-ip",
  // ... more settings ...
  "ipAddress": {
    "discovery": {
      "ports": [
        { "number": 80, "name": "http", "protocol": "tcp" }
      // ... more settings ...

Marathon will pass down this information to Mesos (inside the DiscoveryInfo message) when starting new tasks, mesos-dns will then expose this information through IN SRV records.

In the future Marathon will also fill in the DiscoveryInfo message for applications that don't require IP-per-task.

Fixed issues

  • #2405 - Migration of ZK State to 0.13/0.14 does not work
  • #2505 - Provide memory and cpu as environment variables in docker containers
  • #2509 - Leadership not abdicated on ZK connection loss
  • #2558 - If driver finishes with error, Marathon does not abdicate
  • #2620 - Remove dubious functionality to remove orphaned tasks from TaskTracker storage
  • #2647 - Application cmd override causes application to restart repeatedly
  • #2720 - Disabled button has wrong colour
  • #2734 - Invalid validation for multiple ports
  • #2755 - Memory leak in Marathon UI
  • #2812 - Cannot change configuration of Marathon app after deployment
  • #2818 - Remove Set[MarathonTask] from TaskTracker
  • #2820 - Improve --[disable_]ha documentation
  • #2865 - Multiple explicit ports are mixed up in task json
  • #2870 - Marathon healthchecks on wrong address
  • #2872 - Update IPAddress of a running app is not possible

Changes from 0.11.1 to 0.13.0

Breaking Changes

Tasks keys and storage format in ZooKeeper

Marathon tasks are now stored in ZooKeeper using a generic implementation that has been around for a while. In order to accomplish this, the keys under which tasks are stored had to be migrated and do no longer contain redundant information about the app id. Additionally, the task storage format in Zookeeper changed as well. Previous versions of Marathon will not be able to read the tasks' status once these are migrated. Please backup your ZooKeeper state before migrating to this version.

Zookeeper Compression

ZK nodes larger than a certain threshold will now be compressed. This allows Marathon to handle more apps and groups, but breaks backwards compatibility, because older versions of Marathon are not able to parse compressed nodes. You can define the threshold with --zk_compression_threshold which defaults to 64KB. To disable this feature, start Marathon with the --disable_zk_compression flag.

Use logback as logging backend

We moved from log4j to Logback backend. If you are using custom log4j properties, you will have to migrate them to a logback configuration. The to logback.xml Translator can help you with that.


Major changes to the UI layout

This version introduces major changes to the layout. In particular, the application list has been redesigned.

  • A filter sidebar is introduced with the ability to combine filters or clear them.
    • Filter by application status
    • Filter by labels
  • The application list now handles groups
  • Groups are shown at the top of the application list
  • A group route is introduced to display the contents of a group in the application list
  • Breadcrumbs show the groups structure
  • Breadcrumbs will be folded to "..." when there isn't room to render them in full
  • App names are now shown in the app page and app list instead of app IDs
  • The complete app ID is available in the configuration tab
  • Application labels are shown by the application name in the application list
  • Endpoints are shown in the tasks detail page
  • The memory column shows the total amount of memory used by an application with a human readable unit
  • The application status is displayed with a colored icon
  • The instances and health columns have been combined into one called "Running Instances"
  • The control buttons on the application page are shown on the left and are redesigned

Enable extensions to Marathon via Plugins

This version of Marathon ships with the ability to load and use external plugins. With this functionality in place, you can extend and adapt functionality in Marathon to your specific needs. We start this adventure with pluggable authentication and authorization hooks, but want to extend this to various functionality inside of Marathon.

To start with this feature, please read Plugin Documentation or see our Example Plugins.

Please check it out and give us feedback! We are also interested in any recommendations for upcoming plugin hooks.

Pluggable Authentication and Authorization hooks

The probably most wanted feature in Marathon is the ability to have Authentication and Authorization. Since this topic has so distinct requirements for different organizations, it is a perfect match for our new plugin mechanism. This version now implements all the necessary hooks needed to secure most external interfaces to your specific needs. If you are interested in a very simple implementation, you can look into the Example Auth Plugin

Persistent Store Cache

All entities in the persistent store (ZK) are loaded into a cache during leader election. Subsequent reads are delivered from that cache. Updates to entities also update the cache. This cache should improve read access time significantly. You can disable the cache with --disable_store_cache.

Greatly improved API Reference

With this release we integrated RAML based API documentation. The /help endpoint uses the RAML Console to show the API Reference. The Github pages documentation now also uses that specification. We had a lot of feedback for documentation improvements - so please give us your thoughts on that.

Graphite and DataDog reporter

We collect a lot of metrics in Marathon. You can collect those metrics via the /metrics endpoint. With those reporters you can transfer the data into either Graphite or DataDog and see the values over time.

Force action

Previous versions of the UI did not support sending the ?force=true query parameter when the user submitted a scale action or when changing an app's configuration. These actions would be rejected if the app was locked by one or more deployments. In this version, the user is presented with a modal confirmation dialog when a force action is required to proceed.

Authentication errors

Authentication errors (401, 403) are now notified to the user by means of modal dialogs.

Improved application modal

The application create/edit modal has undergone significant architectural and UX improvements. It is now possible to specify application labels, accepted resource roles, the user field and health checks. Additionally, a more fine-grained input validation and error handling has been implemented.

Bookmarkable search results

The text entered in the filter bar is immediately stored in the browser's URL bar, which makes search results bookmarkable for quicker access.

Application detail view: configuration panel

The Configuration panel in the application's detail view sees a number of improvements and bug fixes. The application labels and dependencies are now also shown, and the lifetime durations are shown as "humanized".

Define the number of maximum apps

A new flag (--max_apps) has been introduced, which allows Marathon to limit the maximum number of applications that may be created. This limit is disabled by default.

Under the Hood

Introduce a plugin-interface module

We now publish a separate marathon-plugin-interface.jar with every Marathon release on our maven repository. This artifact holds all the inerfaces needed to develop your own Marathon plugin.

Consolidate logging to use slf4j

We moved completely to slf4j as Logging API.

Several performance improvements

  • A separate thread pool is used for health check operations
  • Group and app creation is more efficient.

Introduce configurable zk node compression

We introduced zk compression which improves performance significantly. Compression can be turned on/off via cmd line flags and is enabled by default.

Tasks are now stored via the standard EntityRepository

The storage of tasks was handled separately in previous versions of Marathon. With this change in place we handle all entities via the same interface. This allows for globally available extensions (e.g. the store cache).

Fixed Issues

  • #1429 - Non-integer is accepted as instance count
  • #1563 - Inconsistent /help <-> documentation
  • #1588 - Incorrect healthcheck triggers 500 Server error
  • #1730 - Add uptime metric
  • #1835 - No error received when a DELETE is sent to a task in deployment
  • #1904 - App scaled below minimumHealthCapacity
  • #1985 - Docker container settings dialog needs better error handling
  • #1988 - Move from log4j to logback
  • #2157 - Row is off-centre if upper row is empty in lists
  • #2174 - REST api returns code 500 for invalid JSON and fails silently to proxy the error
  • #2177 - Error Handling/validation required for COMMAND health check
  • #2202 - App not present right after its creation
  • #2216 - Do not show (x) in keyword search input until user begins typing
  • #2256 - Misleading log message if offer doesn't match because of filtered roles
  • #2262 - Better error handling on application configuration change/creation
  • #2264 - Cannot submit job with id containing internal slashes
  • #2266 - Link "Mesos details" is broken
  • #2270 - Overlapping text in Deployment view
  • #2280 - Scaling check ignores task versions
  • #2294 - Make boolean command line flags use Scallop's 'toggle'
  • #2299 - Writes to EntityRepositories should be visible in following reads
  • #2307 - Investigate MarathonSchedulerServiceTest failure
  • #2338 - Parameters in the Docker container settings are not taken into account
  • #2353 - Never recover from race condition when scaling up
  • #2360 - PUT /v2/groups triggers restart while PUT /v2/apps does not
  • #2369 - Large file URIs cause "Failed to fetch all URIs for container" error when pulling from HDFS
  • #2381 - Marathon stops apps instead of restart
  • #2398 - Blank docker image is created in app modal
  • #2402 - Runtime privilege checkbox does not work
  • #2405 - Migration of ZK State to 0.13 does not work
  • #2421 - Invalid calling object (Win 8 IE10, Win 7 IE11)
  • #2422 - Handle apps error response attribute on HTTP 422
  • #2441 - AppRestart deployments don't wait for old tasks to be killed
  • #2494 - Remove mentions of Marathon gem from docs
  • #2459 - Framework Id not visible in the UI
  • #2477 - Marathon forgets all tasks on restart

Changes from 0.11.0 to 0.11.1


This release includes fixes for critical bugs introduced in v0.11.0 and several performance improvements that allow Marathon to handle a larger number of groups and applications.

Performance Improvements

This release introduces the following improvements which allow Marathon to handle a larger number of applications. Because this is a bugfix release and they are not backwards compatible, they are are available, but disabled by default:

  • ZK nodes larger than a certain threshold can now be compressed. This allows Marathon to handle more apps and groups, but breaks backwards compatibility, because older versions of Marathon are not able to parse compressed nodes.

    To enable this feature, start Marathon with the --zk_compression flag.

  • A new flag (--max_apps) has been introduced, which allows Marathon to limit the maximum number of applications that may be created. This limit is disabled by default, but we performed scale tests on this release and recommend setting the limit to 500.

Fixed issues

  • #2353 - Never recover from race condition when scaling up
  • #2369 - Large file URIs cause "Failed to fetch all URIs for container" error when pulling from HDFS
  • #2360 - PUT /v2/groups triggers restart while PUT /v2/apps does not
  • #2381 - Marathon stops apps instead of restart
  • #2402 - Runtime privilege checkbox does not work
  • #2398 - Blank docker image is created in app modal
  • #2338 - Parameters in the Docker container settings are not taken into account

Changes from 0.10.0 to 0.11.0

Attention! There have been some severe issues reported for 0.11. We will release fixes for them in 0.11.1.

Breaking Changes

  • Java 8 or higher is needed to run Marathon, since Java 6 and 7 support has reached end of life.
  • --revive_offers_for_new_apps is now the default. If you want to avoid resetting filters if new tasks need to be started, you can disable this by --disable_revive_offers_for_new_apps.


Marathon uses Java 8

Java 8 has been out for more than a year now. The support for older versions of Java has reached end of life. We switched completely to the latest stable JVM release. We compile, test and run Marathon against Java 8. Note for the Marathon Docker image: the base image of Marathon is now the standard java:8-jdk docker image.

Faster reconciliation and links to task Mesos sandboxes

Marathon now saves the slaveID of newly launched tasks. That leads to faster reconciliation for lost tasks and allows the UI to link to the mesos UI.

If the auto-discovered mesos UI is not reachable from wherever you access the Marathon UI from, you can use the --mesos_leader_ui_url configuration to change the base URL of these links.

New versioning information in API and UI

We now have "versionInfo" with "lastConfigChangeAt" and "lastScalingAt" in the apps JSON of our API. "lastConfigChangeAt" is the timestamp of the last change to the application that was not just a restart or a scaling operation. "lastScalingAt" is the time stamp of the last scaling or restart operation.

Additional task statistics in the /v2/apps and /v2/apps/{app id} endpoints (Optional)

If you pass embed=apps.taskStats/embed=app.taskStats as a query parameter, you get additional taskStats embedded in you app JSON.

Task statistics are provided for the following groups of tasks. If no tasks for the group exist, no statistics are offered:

  • "withLatestConfig" contains statistics about all tasks that run with the same config as the latest app version.
  • "startedAfterLastScaling" contains statistics about all tasks that were started after the last scaling or restart operation.
  • "withOutdatedConfig" contains statistics about all tasks that were started before the last config change which was not simply a restart or scaling operation.
  • "totalSummary" contains statistics about all tasks.

Example JSON:

  // ...
  "taskStats": {
      "startedAfterLastScaling" : {
        "stats" : {
          "counts" : { // equivalent to tasksStaged, tasksRunning, tasksHealthy, tasksUnhealthy
            "staged" : 1,
            "running" : 100,
            "healthy" : 90,
            "unhealthy" : 4
          // "lifeTime" is only included if there are running tasks.
          "lifeTime" : {
            // Measured from `"startedAt"` (timestamp of the Mesos TASK_RUNNING status update) of each running task
            // until now.
            "averageSeconds" : 20.0,
            "medianSeconds" : 10.0
      "withLatestConfig" : {
        "stats" : { /* ... same structure as above ... */ }
      "withOutdatedConfig" : {
        "stats" : { /* ... same structure as above ... */ }
      "totalSummary" : {
        "stats" : { /* ... same structure as above ... */ }
  // ...

The calculation of these statistics is currently performed for every request and expensive if you have very many tasks.

Specific "embed" parameters for app related information

In this release, we introduce "embed" parameters for all GET requests in the app end-point that specify which information to embed. Right now, we deliver all information by default that we delivered before but we encourage you to specify embed parameters for the information that you need.

In the future, we will only deliver information you explicitly requested by default, even though we will allow some compatibility configuration option. This improves performance by not returning information that you might not need.

Smarter resource offer handling

When Marathon needed to launch tasks for multiple apps, it would first launch all needed tasks for the first one and then proceed to the next app. One big deployment could block all others. In this new version, Marathon will spread the offers among all apps that currently need to launch tasks.

When Marathon detects new tasks that it has to launch, it will now explicitly request new offers with the reviveOffers Mesos scheduler API call. This should result in more speedy task launches. If for any reason you dislike this behavior, you can disable it with --disable_revive_offers_for_new_apps (not recommended).

The order in which mesos receives reviveOffers and declineOffer calls is not guaranteed. Therefore, as long as we still need offers to launch tasks, we repeat the reviveOffers call for --revive_offers_repetitions times so that our last reviveOffers will be received after all relevant declineOffer calls with high probability.

  • --revive_offers_repetitions (Optional. Default: 3): Repeat every reviveOffer request this many times, delayed by the --min_revive_offers_interval.

When Marathon has no current use for an offer, it will decline the offer for a configurable period. A short duration might lead to resource starvation for other frameworks if you run many frameworks in your cluster. You should only need to reduce it if you use --disable_revive_offers_for_new_apps.

  • --decline_offer_duration (Default: 120 seconds) The duration (milliseconds) for which to decline offers by default

New task launching tuning parameters

To prevent overloading Mesos itself, you can now restrict how many tasks Marathon launches per time interval. By default, we allow 1000 unconfirmed task launches every 30 seconds. In addition, Marathon considers TASK_RUNNING status updates from Mesos as launch confirmations and allows launching one more task for every confirmed launch.

  • --launch_token_refresh_interval (Optional. Default: 30000): The interval (ms) in which to refresh the launch tokens to --launch_token_count.
  • --launch_tokens (Optional. Default: 1000): Launch tokens per interval.

As a result of this, the --max_tasks_per_offer_cycle options is deprecated and has no effect anymore.

To prevent overloading Marathon and maintain speedy offer processing, there is also a timeout for matching each incoming resource offer, i.e. finding suitable tasks to launch for incoming offers.

  • --offer_matching_timeout (Optional. Default: 1000): Offer matching timeout (ms). Stop trying to match additional tasks for this offer after this time. All already matched tasks are launched.

All launched tasks are stored before launching them. There is also a new timeout for this:

  • v0.11.0 --save_tasks_to_launch_timeout (Optional. Default: 3000): Timeout (ms) after matching an offer for saving all matched tasks that we are about to launch. When reaching the timeout, only the tasks that we could save within the timeout are also launched. All other task launches are temporarily rejected and retried later.

If the mesos master fails over or in other unusual circumstances, a launch task request might get lost. You can configure how long Marathon waits for the first TASK_STAGING update.

  • v0.11.0 --task_launch_confirm_timeout (Optional. Default: 10000): Time, in milliseconds, to wait for a task to enter the TASK_STAGING state before killing it.

No pseudo-deterministic assignment of host ports anymore

If you specify non-zero "ports" in your app JSON, they are used as service ports. The old code contained logic that would assign these ports as host ports if available in the processed offer. That misled people into thinking that these ports corresponded to host ports. The new code always randomizes host ports assignment without "requirePorts" or explicit "hostPort" configuration.

Last task failures are persisted

Marathon has exposed the "lastTaskFailure" via the API for a while but this information was not persisted across restarts or on fail over. Now it is.

Logging command line parameters on startup

Marathon will now log all command line parameters on startup. Example:

2015-08-02 11:48:08,047] INFO Starting Marathon 0.11.0-SNAPSHOT with --zk zk://master.mesos:2181/marathon --master master.mesos:5050

Improved logging of deployment plans


DeploymentPlan 2015-09-02T07:56:12.105Z
step 1:
  * Start(App(app1, cmd="cmd")), instances=0)
step 2:
  * Scale(App(app1, cmd="cmd")), instances=2)

Improved logging of offer rejections

Example for missing port:

[2015-08-04 20:11:20,510] INFO Offer [20150804-173037-16777343-5050-4340-O110]. Cannot find range with host port 8080 for app [/product/frontend]
[2015-08-04 20:11:29,422] INFO Offer [20150804-173037-16777343-5050-4340-O110]. Insufficient resources for [/product/frontend] (need cpus=1.0, mem=64.0, disk=1.0, ports=([8080] required + 1 dynamic), available in offer:

Example for missing basic resources:

[2015-08-04 20:17:27,986] INFO Offer [20150804-173037-16777343-5050-4340-O110]. Not all basic resources satisfied: cpu NOT SATISFIED (30.0 > 8.0), disk SATISFIED (0.0 <= 0.0), mem SATISFIED (16.0 <= 15360.0)
[2015-08-04 20:17:27,989] INFO Offer [20150804-173037-16777343-5050-4340-O110]. Insufficient for [/test] (need cpus=30.0, mem=16.0, disk=0.0, ports=(1 dynamic), available in offer:

Immediately store changed apps

In the past, Marathon would update the data for the group endpoint when it accepted a new deployment request like a change an app configuration. Marathon would only update the data in the app endpoint when it started the related deployment step. This could cause confusion for our users and thus we will now update both immediately when accepting the deployment.

No automatic reset of the app backoff when detecting a running task

When encountering task failures, Marathon uses the backoff duration to throttle launching tasks. See "backoffSeconds", "backoffFactor" and "maxLaunchDelaySeconds" in the REST API documentation for further information.

There was an undocumented feature that reset the backoff completely whenever Marathon received a TASK_RUNNING notification from Mesos. This led to problems when an application crashed fast after startup.

In the new Marathon version, the backoff delay is never reset automatically. You can reset it manually, though.

New MARATHON_APP_DOCKER_IMAGE environment variable

Any task of an app definition with a docker image attribute (container.docker.image) will now be started with an environment variable MARATHON_APP_DOCKER_IMAGE containing its value.

Define the maximum number of apps that can be created.

This version of Marathon adds the capability to restrict the maximum number of apps, that may be created. Use the --max_apps command line parameter to define this number. It is disabled per default.

Important bug fixes

  • #1553 - Marathon will now correctly reload task state information after a fail over
  • #1924 - Marathon will accept offers without disk resources if no disk resources are required
  • #1671 - Mesos will now use the hostname given by the --hostname parameter to communicate with Marathon
  • #1926 - Our leader proxy code used buffered IO without intermediate flushing which did not play well with streaming events from our /v2/events endpoint
  • #1877 - Marathon will now exit on startup failures instead of keeping running without being able to answer to requests. For example: Marathon will now exit if the specified http port is already used for something else.

Known issues

Applications might not be returned for a little while even after POST /v2/apps returned 201. This is side-effect of storing the tasks information in ZooKeeper and we plan to fix it in the next releases.

Under the Hood

Jetty 9 as Servlet Engine

The latest Jetty servlet engine is used in this version of Marathon. Jetty 9 has a completely overhauled I/O layer, Servlet API 3.0, SPDY/3 and WebSocket support.

Improved SSE handling

As part of the Jetty 9 update, the SSE support for /v2/events has been improved. The event name event: event-name is added to every data: json entry for easier filtering and handling.

Play JSON everywhere

We finished our transition from Jackson JSON serialization to Play JSON. Play JSON provides a type safe interface which make it easier to write correct code.

Details for Marathon UI

New application modal, including Docker-specific fields

The application modal has undergone significant changes, simplifying the app creation process and giving the user access to more advanced features. In particular, a section of the form is dedicated to Docker specific fields, allowing the user to create Dockerized applications directly from the UI.

Edit application configurations

Previous versions of Marathon did not allow users to make modifications to application configurations after the application had been created. It's now possible to edit an application using the same improved modal that is used to create applications.

Usability improvements to the applications view

The applications view is the 'dashboard' for Marathon UI. This version brings significant improvements to its utility, especially by revealing more about application health.

Search bar

Applications can be filtered by name using the search bar in the top left-hand corner of the applications view.

Show total resource usage

Previously, only the configured resource usage was shown in the applications view, so an application with 100 running tasks would show the same resource usage as an identical application with only 1 running task. Now, the combined resource usage is shown, allowing users to sort applications by their total assigned resources.

Sort applications by health

Unhealthy apps can be found quickly by sorting the application table by health status.

Better progress information feedback

A tooltip is displayed when the user hovers the application progress bar, showing individual health statuses.

More information on applications and deployments

In previous versions of Marathon, only an application's configuration and healthcheck status were available from the UI. Marathon 0.11 brings the following features:

Debug app tab

A new tab is available in the application detail view. It displays the most recent changes to the application configuration, the most recent task failure, and the relevant statistics.

Health checks in configuration tab.

Application health checks are now shown in the application configuration tab.

Direct Mesos sandbox access

Where available, the new 'Mesos details' link in the task detail view shows a link to the relevant sandbox in the Mesos UI.

Other features

User- and debug-friendly version strings

The Marathon version string is now shown in the user's local time. In addition, The UI version string is available when the user hovers the version string, and in a separate alert when the user hits the 'g v' shortcut.

Custom alerts

Where browser-native dialogs were previously used, Marathon now uses custom dialogs which are consistent with the UI style and which do not interrupt the UI when in the foreground.

Not Found page

When the user follows a bad link, they encounter a Not Found page rather than being redirected to the applications view.

UI build uses a webjar

Instead of relying on git submodules, the UI is now released as a webjar which Marathon pulls in during its own build. This allows developers to use the latest stable UI assets and simplifies the build process. This has had the side-effect that the ui is now served from the /ui/ endpoint instead of the root.

Fixed issues

  • #548 - UI showing empty list after scaling when on page > 1
    • The task list shows the last available page if tasks count decreases after scaling.
  • #1872 - Kill & Scale should be available for more than one task
  • #1960 - Task detail error message doesn't show up on non existent task
  • #1989 - HealthBar isn't working correctly on non existing health data
  • #2014 - Avoid concurrent http requests on same endpoint
  • #1996 - Duplicable fields in app creation modal can send null values
  • #2030 - Shortcut for app creation no longer works
  • #2062 - Resetting app delay can block all network requests in Firefox
  • #2123 - Health check information isn't shown on task in task list and task detail

List of Contributors

Commits Contributor
169 Felix Gertz
70 Philip Norman
50 Pierluigi Cau
5 Sp3c1
4 Kamil Warguła
4 Daniel Fuentes

Generated by git shortlog -s -n --no-merges v0.10.0..v0.11.0 for the marathon-ui repository

Changes from 0.9.0 to 0.10.0

Recommended Mesos version is 0.22.1

We tested this release against Mesos version 0.22.1. Thus, this is the recommended Mesos version for this release.


This will be the last release that supports Java 6, since Java 6 and Java 7 have reached End of Life. Starting with 0.11.0 we will rely on Java 8.


Administratively zeroing the task launch delay

It is now possible to reset the task launch delay via the REST endpoint /v2/queue/{app_id}/delay. The UI displays two additional possible statuses: "Delayed" and "Waiting". The "Delayed" status also displays a tooltip showing the remaining time until the next launch attempt. The App page now allows the user to reset the task launch delay for a "Delayed" app, thus forcing a new immediate launch attempt.

The FrameworkId is invalidated, if the scheduler reports an error

If the scheduler reports an error, the framework id is removed from the backing persistence store. This is important because on certain kinds of framework errors (such as exceeding the framework failover timeout), the scheduler may never re-register with the saved FrameworkID until the leading Mesos master process is killed.

Maintain constraints while scaling down

Constraints in Marathon is a powerful mechanism. While the constraints are maintained when scaling up, previous versions of Marathon did not do so while scaling down. This version picks instances to kill based on defined constraints and will not violate those.

Custom prefix for automatically created environment variables

It is now possible to specify a custom prefix via the --env_vars_prefix command line flag. This prefix will be added to the name of task's environment variables created automatically by Marathon (e.g., PORT, PORTS)

Note: This prefix will not be added to variables that are already prefixed, such as MESOS_TASK_ID and MARATHON_APP_ID

Handle requests with missing Accept and Content-Type headers correctly

If an HTTP request is made without setting appropriate request headers, the Accept and Content-Type header is set automatically to application/json.

Option to restrict the number of concurrent HTTP requests

With this version of Marathon it is possible to restrict the number of concurrent HTTP requests, that are handled concurrently in the service layer. This enables the Marathon service to apply back pressure when receiving too many requests and helps prevent Denial of Service attacks. If the limit of concurrent requests is reached, a HTTP 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable is returned, which means that this operation can be retried. You can turn on this feature by setting the parameter --http_max_concurrent_requests.

Serialize all concurrent change requests

In former versions of Marathon it was possible that multiple concurrent changes of the same application definition would lead to an inconsistent state of that application. All changes of groups or application definitions now get serialized, so the resulting state is always consistent.

Enhance the reported metrics

The metrics endpoint (/metrics) gives valuable insight into the system behavior. We now have meters for all service objects as well as the number applications and groups in the system.

Decouple API (un)marshalling types from internal models

With this change we can control API changes and are free to change internal models. This will change nothing in the current API, but will help a lot while we create the v3 API.


Added integration tests for all API endpoints

We now have an integration test suite, that covers all endpoints with almost all possible parameter combinations. This test suite runs with every commit on every pull request. This test suite is our safety net to ensure compatibility while introducing new functionality in future versions.

Code coverage reporting using coveralls

See our github page or go directly to to see our code coverage reporting. With every Pull Request we try to make sure, this coverage will be increased.

Improved the release process of Marathon itself

Several changes are made to the sbt build file, but also to the infrastructure that is performing the release. We now have a more reliable way of pushing distributions.

Improve the way in which unused offers are declined, in order to avoid starvation in a multi-framework context.

We have observed that running a large number of frameworks could lead to starvation, in which some frameworks would not receive any offers from the Mesos master. This release includes changes to mitigate offer starvation. This is done by making the amount of time for which an offer will be declined configurable. This value defaults to 5 seconds (Mesos default), but should be set to a higher value in a multi-framework environment, in order to reduce starvation. If there is need for an offer (e.g., when a new app is added), then all already declined offers will be actively revived. --decline_offer_duration allows configuring the duration for which unused offers are declined. --revive_offers_for_new_apps if specified, then revive offers will be called when a new app is added to the TaskQueue --min_revive_offers_interval if --revive_offers_for_new_apps is specified, do not call reviveOffers more often than this interval.

Fixed Issues

  • #1710 - Too many simultaneous requests will kill Marathon
  • #1709 - Concurrent changes to the same AppDefinition will lead to inconsistent state
  • #1669 - Inconsistent content-type and response from REST API
  • #1660 - The GUI doesn't allow creating apps with 0 instances, but it is possible through the v2 API
  • #1647 - Keep the rest-api return format consistent when request headers without "Accept: application/json"
  • #1397 - Kill tasks with scaling does not update group
  • #1654 - Marathon 0.8.1 - API - /v2/tasks
  • #555 - Constraints not satisfied when scaling down
  • #650 - deployment_success/failed should contain deployment info
  • #1316 - Invalidate framework ID if registration triggers an error
  • #1254 - Add flag to define Marathon PORT prefix
  • #1853 - App can't be deleted because it "does not exist", although /apps still returns it
  • #1924 - Launch tasks that require no disk resource
  • #1927 - Improve logging of unsatisfied resource requirements
  • #1931 - Flag for reviveOffers and the duration for which to reject offers

Changes from 0.8.2 to 0.9.0

Recommended Mesos version is 0.22.1

We tested this release against Mesos version 0.22.1. Thus, this is the recommended Mesos version for this release.

Breaking changes

Please look at the following changes to check whether you have to verify your setup before upgrading:

  • Disk resource limits are passed to Mesos.

  • New format for the http_endpoints command line parameter.

  • New default for the zk_max_versions command line parameter. In Marathon, most state is versioned. This includes app definitions and group definitions. Marathon already allowed restricting the number of versions that are kept by --zk_max_versions but you had to specify that explicitly.

    Starting with this version, Marathon will by default keep only 25 versions. That means that Marathon will start to remove old versions in order to enforce the limit.

  • Removed the deprecated zk_hosts and zk_state command line parameters. Use the zk parameter instead.


Restrict applications to certain Mesos roles

Prior Marathon versions already support registering with a --mesos_role. This causes Mesos to offer resources of the specified role to Marathon in addition to resources without any role designation ("*"). Marathon would use resources of any role for tasks of any app.

Now you can specify which roles Marathon should consider for launching apps per default via the --default_accepted_resource_roles configuration argument. You can override the default by specifying a list of accepted roles for your app via the "acceptedResourceRoles" attribute of the app definition.

Event stream as server sent events

Prior Marathon versions already notified other services of events via event subscriptions. Services could register an HTTP endpoint at which they received all events.

The new Marathon now provides an event stream endpoint where you receive all events conveniently as Server Sent Events.

Abstraction for persistent storage added with ZooKeeper access directly in the JVM

A new storage abstraction has been created, which allows for different storage providers. It is completely non-blocking and provides consistent usage patterns.

The new ZooKeeper Storage Provider is implemented in a backward compatible fashion - the same data format and storage layout is used as prior versions of Marathon.

You can use this version of Marathon without migrating data while it is also possible to switch back to an older version. The new persistent storage layer is enabled by default, no further action is needed.

Satisfy ports from any offered port range

In prior Marathon versions, matching port resources to the demands of a task had various restrictions:

  • Marathon could not launch a task if it required port resources with different Mesos roles.
  • Dynamically assigned non-docker host ports had to come from a single port range.

Now the port resources of a task can be satisfied by any combination of port ranges with any matching offered role.

Randomize dynamic docker host ports

If a task reuses recently freed port resources, it can happen that dependencies of old tasks still expect the old task to be reachable at the old port for a limited time span. For this reason, Marathon has already randomized assignment of dynamic non-docker host ports to minimize the risk of launching a new task on ports recently used by other tasks.

Now Marathon also randomly assigns dynamic docker host ports.

Disk resource limits are passed to Mesos

If you specify a non-zero disk resource limit, this limit is now passed to Mesos on task launch.

If you rely on disk limits, you also need to configure Mesos appropriately. This includes configuring the correct isolator and enabling disk quotas enforcement with --enforce_container_disk_quota.

Improved proxying to current leader

One of the Marathon instances is always elected as a leader and is the only instance processing your requests. For convenience, Marathon has long proxied all requests to non-leaders to the current leader so that you do not have to lookup the current leader yourself or are annoyed by redirects.

This proxying has now been improved and gained additional configuration parameters:

  • --leader_proxy_connection_timeout (Optional. Default: 5000): Maximum time, in milliseconds, for connecting to the current Marathon leader from this Marathon instance.
  • --leader_proxy_read_timeout (Optional. Default: 10000): Maximum time, in milliseconds, for reading from the current Marathon leader.

Furthermore, leader proxying now uses HTTPS to talk to the leader if --http_disable was specified.

These bugs are now obsolete:

  • #1540 A marathon instance should never proxy to itself.
  • #1541 Proxying Marathon requests should use timeouts.
  • #1556 Proxying doesn't work for HTTPS.

Relative URL paths in the UI

The UI now uses relative URL paths making it easier to run Marathon behind a reverse proxy.

Restrict the number of versions by default

In Marathon, most state is versioned. This includes app definitions and group definitions. Marathon already allowed restricting the number of versions that are kept by --zk_max_versions but you had to specify that explicitly.

Since some of our users were running into problems with too many versions, we decided to restrict to a maximum number of 25 versions by default. We recommend to set this to an even lower number, e.g. 3, since higher numbers impact performance negatively.

New format for the http_endpoints command line parameter

We changed the format of the http_endpoints command line parameter from a space-separated to a comma-separated list of endpoints, in order to be more consistent with the documentation and with the format used in other parameters.

WARNING: If you use the http_endpoints parameter with multiple space separated URLs, you will need to migrate to the comma-separated format.

Do not delay task launches anymore as a result of failed health checks

Marathon uses an exponential back off strategy to delay further task launches after task failures. This should prevent keeping the cluster busy with task launches which are set up to fail anyway. The delay was also increased when health checks failed leading to delayed recovery.

Since health checks typically (depending on configuration) take a while to determine that a task is unhealthy, this already delays restarting sufficiently.

Removed deprecated command line arguments zk_hosts and zk_state

The command line arguments zk_hosts and zk_state were deprecated for some time and got removed in this version. Use the --zk command line argument to define the ZooKeeper connection string.

Is a replacement for the haproxy-marathon-bridge. It reads Marathon task information and generates haproxy configuration. It supports advanced functions like sticky sessions, HTTP to HTTPS redirection, SSL offloading, VHost support and templating.

Be more careful about using ulimit in startup script

The startup script now only increases the maximum number of open files if the limit is too low and if the script is started as root.

Fixed Bugs

  • #1259 - Reject null bodies in REST API
  • #1540 - A marathon instance should never proxy to itself
  • #1541 - Proxying Marathon requests should use timeouts
  • #1556 - Proxying doesn't work for HTTPS
  • #1365 - servicePorts are not copied into ports
  • #1389 - Don't set ulimit in marathon-framework
  • #1452 - Remove ulimit changes from shell script
  • #1446 - Validation for app creation & update should not differ
  • #1456 - Marathon delaying app start by 70min after cluster reboot
  • #1481 - App stays in locked state
  • #1520 - Marathon don't match correctly the resources for a defined role
  • #1522 - Disk resource quota not communicated to Mesos on task launch
  • #1583 - Task uses invalid resources: disk(*):0
  • #1564 - args[] does not work
  • #1569 - http_endpoints not being split on comma
  • #1572 - Remove $$EnhancerByGuice$$... from class names in metrics

Changes from 0.8.1 to 0.8.2

New health check option ignoreHttp1xx

When set to true, the health check for the given app will ignore HTTP response codes 100 to 199, in contrast to considering it as unhealthy. With this unbounded task startup times can be handled: the tasks are neither healthy nor unhealthy as long as e.g. "100 - continue" is returned.

HTTPS support for health checks

Health checks now work with HTTPS.

Faster (configurable) task distribution

Mesos frequently sends resource offers to Marathon (and all other frameworks). Each offer will represent the available resources of a single node in the cluster. Before this change, Marathon would only start a single task per resource offer, which led to slow task launching in smaller clusters. In order to speed up task launching and use the resource offers Marathon receives from Mesos more efficiently, we added a new offer matching algorithm which tries to start as many tasks as possible per task offer cycle. The maximum number of tasks to start is configurable with the following startup parameters:

--max_tasks_per_offer (default 1): The maximum number of tasks to start on a single offer per cycle

--max_tasks_per_offer_cycle (default 1000): The maximum number of tasks to start in total per cycle


Given a cluster with 200 nodes and the default settings for task launching. If we want to start 2000 tasks, it would take at least 10 cycles, because we are only starting 1 task per offer, leading to a total maximum of 200. If we change the max_tasks_per_offer setting to 10, we could start 1000 tasks per offer (the default setting for max_tasks_per_offer_cycle), reducing the necessary cycles to 2. If we also adjust the max_tasks_per_offer_cycle to 2000, we could start all tasks in a single cycle (given we receive offers for all nodes).


Starting too many tasks at once can lead to a higher number of status updates being sent to Marathon than it can currently handle. We will improve the number of events Marathon can handle in a future version. A maximum of 1000 tasks has proven to be a good default for now. max_tasks_per_offer should be adjusted so that NUM_MESOS_SLAVES * max_tasks_per_offer == max_tasks_per_offer_cycle . E.g. in a cluster of 200 nodes it should be set to 5.

Security settings configurable through env variables

Security settings are now configurable through the following environment variables:

$MESOSPHERE_HTTP_CREDENTIALS for HTTP authentication (e.g. export MESOSPHERE_HTTP_CREDENTIALS=user:password)


Isolated deployment rollbacks

Marathon allows rolling back running deployments via the DELETE /v2/deployments/{deploymentId} command or the "rollback" button in the GUI.

In prior Marathon versions, deployment rollbacks reverted all applications to the state before the selected deployment. If you performed concurrent deployments, these would also be reverted.

Now Marathon isolates the changes of the selected deployment and calculates a deployment plan which prevents changing unrelated apps.

Empty groups can be overwritten by apps

Instead of declining the creation of an app with the same name as a previously existing group, the group will now be removed if empty and replaced with the app.

Performance improvements

App and task related API calls should be considerably faster with large amounts of tasks now.

Changes from 0.8.0 to 0.8.1

New option dryRun on endpoint PUT /v2/groups/{id}

When sending a group definition to this endpoint with dryRun=true, it will return the deployment steps Marathon would execute to deploy this group.

New endpoint POST /v2/tasks/delete

Takes a JSON object containing an array of task ids and kills them. If ?scale=true the tasks will not be restarted and the instances field of the affected apps will be adjusted.

POST /v2/apps rejects existing ids

If an app with an already existing id is posted to this endpoint, it will now be rejected

PUT /v2/apps/{id} always returns deployment info

In versions <= 0.8.0 it used to return the complete app definition if the resource didn't exist before. To be consistent in the response, it has been changed to always return the deployment info instead. However it still return a 201 - Created if the resource didn't exist.

GET /v2/queue includes delay

In 0.8.0 the queueing behavior has changed and the output of this endpoint did not contain the delay field anymore. In 0.8.1 we re-added this field.