diff --git a/Autosnort - Ubuntu/AVATAR/autosnort-ubuntu-AVATAR.sh b/Autosnort - Ubuntu/AVATAR/autosnort-ubuntu-AVATAR.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e695c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Autosnort - Ubuntu/AVATAR/autosnort-ubuntu-AVATAR.sh @@ -0,0 +1,493 @@ +#!/bin/bash +#Autosnort script for Ubuntu 12.04+ + +#Functions, functions everywhere. + +# Logging setup. Ganked this entirely from stack overflow. Uses FIFO/pipe magic to log all the output of the script to a file. Also capable of accepting redirects/appends to the file for logging compiler stuff (configure, make and make install) to a log file instead of losing it on a screen buffer. This gives the user cleaner output, while logging everything in the background, for troubleshooting, analysis, or sending it to me for help. + +logfile=/var/log/autosnort_install.log +mkfifo ${logfile}.pipe +tee < ${logfile}.pipe $logfile & +exec &> ${logfile}.pipe +rm ${logfile}.pipe + +######################################## + +#metasploit-like print statements. Gratuitously ganked from Darkoperator's metasploit install script. status messages, error messages, good status returns. I added in a notification print for areas users should definitely pay attention to. + +function print_status () +{ + echo -e "\x1B[01;34m[*]\x1B[0m $1" +} + +function print_good () +{ + echo -e "\x1B[01;32m[*]\x1B[0m $1" +} + +function print_error () +{ + echo -e "\x1B[01;31m[*]\x1B[0m $1" +} + +function print_notification () +{ + echo -e "\x1B[01;33m[*]\x1B[0m $1" +} +######################################## + +#Script does a lot of error checking. Decided to insert an error check function. If a task performed returns a non zero status code, something very likely went wrong. + +function error_check +{ + +if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then + print_good "$1 successfully completed." +else + print_error "$1 failed. Please check $logfile for more details, or contact deusexmachina667 at gmail dot com for more assistance." +exit 1 +fi + +} +######################################## +#Package installation function. + +function install_packages() +{ + +apt-get update &>> $logfile && apt-get install -y ${@} &>> $logfile +error_check 'Package installation' + +} + +######################################## +#This is a postprocessing function that should get ran after pulled pork is ran. The code is identical in all cases, so it made sense to made a function for code re-use. +#This block of code notifies the user where pulledpork is installed, removes dummy files for so rule stub generation and replaces them with valid snort configuration files (e.g. classification.config, etc.). +#Change with rule tarballs around snort or so: gen-msg.map is no longer distrbuted with rule tarballs. Change to the script to copy it from the source tarball etc directory. + +function pp_postprocessing() +{ + +print_good "Rules processed successfully. Rules located in $snort_basedir/rules." +print_notification "Pulledpork is located in /usr/src/pulledpork." +print_notification "By default, Autosnort runs Pulledpork with the Security over Connectivity ruleset." +print_notification "If you want to change how pulled pork operates and/or what rules get enabled/disabled, Check out the /usr/src/pulledpork/etc directory, and the .conf files contained therein." + +#This cleans up all the dummy files in the snort config file directory, with the exception of the ones we want the script to keep in place. +for configs in `ls -1 $snort_basedir/etc/* | egrep -v "snort.conf|sid-msg.map"`; do + rm -rf $configs +done + +print_status "Moving other snort configuration files.." +cd /tmp +tar -xzvf snortrules-snapshot-*.tar.gz &>> $logfile + +for conffiles in `ls -1 /tmp/etc/* | egrep -v "snort.conf|sid-msg.map"`; do + cp $conffiles $snort_basedir/etc +done + +cp /usr/src/$snortver/etc/gen-msg.map $snort_basedir/etc + +#Restores /etc/crontab_bkup if it exists. This is to prevent dupe crontab entries. + +if [ -f /etc/crontab_bkup ]; then + print_notification "Found /etc/crontab_bkup. Restoring original crontab to prevent duplicate cron entries.." + cp /etc/crontab_bkup /etc/crontab + chmod 644 /etc/crontab + error_check 'crontab restore' +fi + +print_status "Backup up crontab to /etc/crontab_bkup.." + +cp /etc/crontab /etc/crontab_bkup +chmod 600 /etc/crontab_bkup +error_check 'crontab backup' + +print_status "Adding entry to /etc/crontab to run pulledpork Sunday at midnight (once weekly).." + +echo "#This line has been added by Autosnort to run pulledpork for the latest rule updates." >> /etc/crontab +echo " 0 0 * * 7 root /usr/src/pulledpork/pulledpork.pl -c /usr/src/pulledpork/etc/pulledpork.conf" >> /etc/crontab + +print_notification "crontab has been modified. If you want to modify when pulled pork runs to check rule updates, modify /etc/crontab." + +} + +#This script creates a lot of directories by default. This is a function that checks if a directory already exists and if it doesn't creates the directory (including parent dirs if they're missing). + +######################################## + +function dir_check() +{ + +if [ ! -d $1 ]; then + print_notification "$1 does not exist. Creating.." + mkdir -p $1 +else + print_notification "$1 already exists." +fi + +} + +######################################## +##BEGIN MAIN SCRIPT## + +#Pre checks: These are a couple of basic sanity checks the script does before proceeding. + +######################################## + +#These lines establish where autosnort was executed. The config file _should_ be in this directory. the script exits if the config isn't in the same directory as the autosnort-ubuntu shell script. + +print_status "Checking for config file.." +execdir=`pwd` +if [ ! -f "$execdir"/full_autosnort.conf ]; then + print_error "full_autosnort.conf was NOT found in $execdir. The script relies HEAVILY on this config file. Please make sure it is in the same directory you are executing the autosnort-ubuntu script from!" + exit 1 +else + print_good "Found config file." +fi + +source "$execdir"/full_autosnort.conf + +######################################## + +print_status "Checking for root privs.." +if [ $(whoami) != "root" ]; then + print_error "This script must be ran with sudo or root privileges." + exit 1 +else + print_good "We are root." +fi + +######################################## + +#this is a nice little hack I found in stack exchange to suppress messages during package installation. +export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive + +# System updates +print_status "Performing apt-get update and upgrade (May take a while if this is a fresh install).." +apt-get update &>> $logfile && apt-get -y upgrade &>> $logfile +error_check 'System updates' + +######################################## + +#These packages are required at a minimum to build snort and barnyard + their component libraries + +print_status "Installing base packages: libdumbnet-dev ethtool build-essential libpcap0.8-dev libpcre3-dev bison flex autoconf libtool libarchive-tar-perl libcrypt-ssleay-perl libwww-perl.." + +declare -a packages=( libdumbnet-dev ethtool build-essential libpcap0.8-dev libpcre3-dev bison flex autoconf libtool libarchive-tar-perl libcrypt-ssleay-perl libwww-perl ); +install_packages ${packages[@]} + +#Ubuntu and Debian-based distros renamed libdnet to libdumbnet due to a library conflict. We create a symlink from libdumbnet.h to libdnet.h because barnyard 2 is expecting to find dnet.h, and does NOT look for dumbnet.h + +if [ ! -h /usr/include/dnet.h ]; then +print_status "Creating symlink for libsfbpf.so.0 on default ld library path.." +ln -s /usr/include/dumbnet.h /usr/include/dnet.h +fi + +######################################## +# We download the index page from snort.org +# Then using shell text manipulation tools (grep, cut, sed, head, tail) we pull: +# The snort and daq version to download +# Some text manipulation to pull a snort.conf file versions to download from labs.snort.org +# The last four supported snort rule tarball versions + +print_status "Checking latest versions of Snort, Daq and Rules via snort.org..." + +cd /tmp +wget https://www.snort.org -O /tmp/snort &> $logfile +error_check 'Download of snort.org index page' +wget https://www.snort.org/configurations -O /tmp/snort_conf &> $logfile +error_check 'Download of snort.conf examples page' + +snorttar=`grep -o snort-[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9].tar.gz /tmp/snort | head -1` +daqtar=`egrep -o "daq-.*.tar.gz" /tmp/snort | head -1 | cut -d"<" -f1` +snortver=`echo $snorttar | sed 's/.tar.gz//g'` +daqver=`echo $daqtar | sed 's/.tar.gz//g'` + +choice1conf=`egrep -o "snort-.*-conf" /tmp/snort_conf | sort -ru | head -1` #snort.conf download attempt 1 +choice2conf=`egrep -o "snort-.*-conf" /tmp/snort_conf | sort -ru | head -2 | tail -1` #snort.conf download attempt 2 +choice2=`grep snortrules-snapshot-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] /tmp/snort |cut -d"-" -f3 |cut -d"." -f1 | sort -ru | head -1 | sed -e 's/[[:digit:]]\{3\}/&./'| sed -e 's/[[:digit:]]\{2\}/&./' | sed -e 's/[[:digit:]]/&./'` #pp config choice 1 +choice3=`grep snortrules-snapshot-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] /tmp/snort |cut -d"-" -f3 |cut -d"." -f1 | sort -ru | head -2 | tail -1 | sed -e 's/[[:digit:]]\{3\}/&./'| sed -e 's/[[:digit:]]\{2\}/&./' | sed -e 's/[[:digit:]]/&./'` #pp config choice 2 +choice4=`grep snortrules-snapshot-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] /tmp/snort |cut -d"-" -f3 |cut -d"." -f1 | sort -ru | head -3 | tail -1 | sed -e 's/[[:digit:]]\{3\}/&./'| sed -e 's/[[:digit:]]\{2\}/&./' | sed -e 's/[[:digit:]]/&./'` + +rm /tmp/snort +rm /tmp/snort_conf +cd /usr/src + +######################################## +#Download, extract, build and install Daq Libraries. + +print_status "Acquiring and unpacking $daqver to /usr/src.." + +wget https://www.snort.org/downloads/snort/$daqtar -O $daqtar &>> $logfile +error_check 'Download of DAQ' + +tar -xzvf $daqtar &>> $logfile +error_check 'Untar of DAQ' + +cd $daqver + +print_status "Configuring, making, compiling and linking DAQ libraries. This will take a moment or two.." + +./configure &>> $logfile +error_check 'Configure DAQ' + +make &>> $logfile +error_check 'Make DAQ' + +make install &>> $logfile +error_check 'Installation of DAQ libraries' + +#seen some strange happenings where if this isn't symlinked or in /usr/lib, snort fails to find it and subsequently bails. + +if [ ! -h /usr/lib/libsfbpf.so.0 ]; then +print_status "Creating symlink for libsfbpf.so.0 on default ld library path.." +ln -s /usr/local/lib/libsfbpf.so.0 /usr/lib/libsfbpf.so.0 +fi + +cd /usr/src + +######################################## +#This is where snort actually gets installed. We create the directory the user wants to install snort in (if it doesn't exist), Download, Unpack, build, compile and install. +#Afterwards we create a snort system user to drop privs down to when snort is running, the snort group, and a /var/log/snort for writing unified 2 files. +#The --prefix option is based on where the user wants to install snort, while --enable-sourcefire provides most of the Snort options users desire. + +print_status "Acquiring and unpacking $snortver to /usr/src.." + +wget https://www.snort.org/downloads/snort/$snorttar -O $snorttar &>> $logfile +error_check 'Download of Snort' + +tar -xzvf $snorttar &>> $logfile +error_check 'Untar of Snort' + +dir_check $snort_basedir +dir_check $snort_basedir/lib + +cd $snortver + +print_status "configuring snort (options --prefix=$snort_basedir and --enable-sourcefire), making and installing. This will take a moment or two." + +./configure --prefix=$snort_basedir --libdir=$snort_basedir/lib --enable-sourcefire &>> $logfile +error_check 'Configure Snort' + +make &>> $logfile +error_check 'Make Snort' + +make install &>> $logfile +error_check 'Installation of Snort' + +dir_check /var/log/snort + +print_status "Checking for snort user and group.." + +getent passwd snort &>> $logfile +if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then + print_notificiation "snort user exists. Verifying group exists.." + id -g snort &>> $logfile + if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then + print_notification "snort group exists." + else + print_noficiation "snort group does not exist. Creating.." + groupadd snort + usermod -G snort snort + fi +else + print_status "Creating snort user and group.." + groupadd snort + useradd -g snort snort -s /bin/false +fi + +print_status "Tightening permissions to /var/log/snort.." +chmod 770 /var/log/snort +chown snort:snort /var/log/snort + +######################################## +#This block of code gets very very hairy, very very fast. +#1. Setup necessary directory structure for snort (make them if they don't exist) +#2. Determine latest the last 4 versions of snort tarballs, and last 2 snort releases +#3. Download a reference snort.conf from labs.snort.org for the current (if available) release or snort, or the one prior +#4. Modify snort.conf as necessary, and generate some dummy files in place to ensure snort doesn't barf generate SO rule stub files. +#5. Grab pulled pork, the packages required to run it, and generate a skeleton pulledpork.conf (while leaving the original intact) +#6. Grab rules via pulled pork. SHOULD support so rules, if the user has a VRT subscription for the current snort release OR the current snort release is more than 30 days old (at which point, the snort tarball release 30 days ago is made free, and the SO rules are compatible) +#7. Replace dummy files, and copy gen-msp.map from snort tarball. + +dir_check $snort_basedir/etc +dir_check $snort_basedir/so_rules +dir_check $snort_basedir/rules +dir_check $snort_basedir/preproc_rules +dir_check $snort_basedir/snort_dynamicrules + +print_status "Attempting to download .conf file for $snortver.." + +wget https://www.snort.org/documents/$choice1conf -O $snort_basedir/etc/snort.conf --no-check-certificate &>> $logfile + +if [ $? != 0 ];then + print_error "Attempt to download $snortver conf file from snort.org failed. attempting to download $choice2conf.." + wget https://www.snort.org/documents/$choice2conf -O $snort_basedir/etc/snort.conf --no-check-certificate &>> $logfile + error_check 'Download of secondary snort.conf' +else + print_good "Successfully downloaded .conf file for $snortver." +fi + +#Trim up snort.conf as necessary to work properly. Snort is actually executed by pulled pork to dump the SO stub files for shared object rules. + +print_status "ldconfig processing and creation of whitelist/blacklist.rules files taking place." + +touch $snort_basedir/rules/white_list.rules +touch $snort_basedir/rules/black_list.rules +ldconfig + +print_status "Modifying snort.conf -- specifying unified 2 output, SO whitelist/blacklist and standard rule locations.." + +sed -i "s#dynamicpreprocessor directory /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicpreprocessor#dynamicpreprocessor directory $snort_basedir/lib/snort_dynamicpreprocessor#" $snort_basedir/etc/snort.conf +sed -i "s#dynamicengine /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicengine/libsf_engine.so#dynamicengine $snort_basedir/lib/snort_dynamicengine/libsf_engine.so#" $snort_basedir/etc/snort.conf +sed -i "s#dynamicdetection directory /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicrules#dynamicdetection directory $snort_basedir/snort_dynamicrules#" $snort_basedir/etc/snort.conf +sed -i "s/# output unified2: filename merged.log, limit 128, nostamp, mpls_event_types, vlan_event_types/output unified2: filename snort.u2, limit 128/" $snort_basedir/etc/snort.conf +sed -i "s#var WHITE_LIST_PATH ../rules#var WHITE_LIST_PATH $snort_basedir/rules#" $snort_basedir/etc/snort.conf +sed -i "s#var BLACK_LIST_PATH ../rules#var BLACK_LIST_PATH $snort_basedir/rules#" $snort_basedir/etc/snort.conf +sed -i "s/include \$RULE\_PATH/#include \$RULE\_PATH/" $snort_basedir/etc/snort.conf +echo "# unified snort.rules entry" >> $snort_basedir/etc/snort.conf +echo "include \$RULE_PATH/snort.rules" >> $snort_basedir/etc/snort.conf + +#making a copy of our fully configured snort.conf, and touching some files into existence, so snort doesn't barf when executed to generate the so rule stubs. +#These are blank files (except unicode.map, which snort will NOT start without the real deal), but if they don't exist, snort barfs when pp uses it to generate SO stub files. + +touch $snort_basedir/etc/reference.config +touch $snort_basedir/etc/classification.config +cp /usr/src/$snortver/etc/unicode.map $snort_basedir/etc/unicode.map +touch $snort_basedir/etc/threshold.conf +touch $snort_basedir/rules/snort.rules + +print_good "snort.conf configured. location: $snort_basedir/etc/snort.conf" + +#Pulled Pork. Download, unpack, and configure. + +cd /usr/src + +if [ -d /usr/src/pulledpork ]; then + rm -rf /usr/src/pulledpork +fi + +print_status "Acquiring Pulled Pork.." + +git clone https://github.com/shirkdog/pulledpork.git &>> $logfile +error_check 'Download of pulledpork' + +print_good "Pulledpork successfully installed to /usr/src." + +print_status "Generating pulledpork.conf." + +cd pulledpork/etc + +#Create a copy of the original conf file (in case the user needs it), ask the user for an oink code, then fill out a really stripped down pulledpork.conf file with only the lines needed to run the perl script +cp pulledpork.conf pulledpork.conf.orig + +echo "rule_url=https://www.snort.org/reg-rules/|snortrules-snapshot.tar.gz|$o_code" > pulledpork.tmp +echo "rule_url=https://www.snort.org/reg-rules/|opensource.gz|$o_code" >> pulledpork.tmp +echo "rule_url=https://snort.org/downloads/community/|community-rules.tar.gz|Community" >> pulledpork.tmp +echo "rule_url=http://talosintel.com/feeds/ip-filter.blf|IPBLACKLIST|open" >> pulledpork.tmp +echo "ignore=deleted.rules,experimental.rules,local.rules" >> pulledpork.tmp +echo "temp_path=/tmp" >> pulledpork.tmp +echo "rule_path=$snort_basedir/rules/snort.rules" >> pulledpork.tmp +echo "local_rules=$snort_basedir/rules/local.rules" >> pulledpork.tmp +echo "sid_msg=$snort_basedir/etc/sid-msg.map" >> pulledpork.tmp +echo "sid_msg_version=2" >> pulledpork.tmp +echo "sid_changelog=/var/log/sid_changes.log" >> pulledpork.tmp +echo "sorule_path=$snort_basedir/snort_dynamicrules/" >> pulledpork.tmp +echo "snort_path=$snort_basedir/bin/snort" >> pulledpork.tmp +echo "distro=Ubuntu-12-04" >> pulledpork.tmp +echo "config_path=$snort_basedir/etc/snort.conf" >> pulledpork.tmp +echo "black_list=$snort_basedir/rules/black_list.rules" >>pulledpork.tmp +echo "IPRVersion=$snort_basedir/rules/iplists" >>pulledpork.tmp +echo "ips_policy=security" >> pulledpork.tmp +echo "version=0.7.2" >> pulledpork.tmp +cp pulledpork.tmp pulledpork.conf + +#Run pulledpork. If the first rule download fails, we try again, and so on until there are no other snort rule tarballs to attempt to download. + +cd /usr/src/pulledpork + +print_status "Attempting to download rules for $snortver.." +perl pulledpork.pl -c /usr/src/pulledpork/etc/pulledpork.conf -vv &>> $logfile +if [ $? == 0 ]; then + pp_postprocessing +else + print_error "Rule download for $snortver has failed. Trying text-only rule download for $choice2.." + perl pulledpork.pl -S $choice2 -c /usr/src/pulledpork/etc/pulledpork.conf -T -vv &>> $logfile + if [ $? == 0 ]; then + pp_postprocessing + else + print_error "Rule download for $choice2 has failed. Trying text-only rule download $choice3.." + perl pulledpork.pl -S $choice3 -c /usr/src/pulledpork/etc/pulledpork.conf -T -vv &>> $logfile + if [ $? == 0 ]; then + pp_postprocessing + else + print_error "Rule download for $choice3 has failed. Trying text-only rule download for $choice4 (Final shot!)" + perl pulledpork.pl -S $choice4 -c /usr/src/pulledpork/etc/pulledpork.conf -T -vv &>> $logfile + if [ $? == 0 ]; then + pp_postprocessing + else + print_error "Rule download for $choice4 has failed; Either you've downloaded rules for another sensor from the same public IP address in the last 15 minutes, your Oink Code is invalid, or you have another issue. Check $logfile, Troubleshoot your connectivity issues to snort.org, and ensure you wait a minimum of 15 minutes before trying again." + exit 1 + fi + fi + fi +fi + +######################################## + +#GRO and LRO are checksum offloading techniques that some network cards use to offload checking frame, packet and/or tcp header checksums and can lead to invalid checksums. Snort doesn't like packets with invalid checksums and will ignore them. These commands disable GRO and LRO. + +print_notification "Disabling offloading options on the sniffing interfaces.." +ethtool -K $snort_iface_1 rx off &>> $logfile +ethtool -K $snort_iface_1 tx off &>> $logfile +ethtool -K $snort_iface_1 sg off &>> $logfile +ethtool -K $snort_iface_1 tso off &>> $logfile +ethtool -K $snort_iface_1 ufo off &>> $logfile +ethtool -K $snort_iface_1 gso off &>> $logfile +ethtool -K $snort_iface_1 gro off &>> $logfile +ethtool -K $snort_iface_1 lro off &>> $logfile +ethtool -K $snort_iface_2 rx off &>> $logfile +ethtool -K $snort_iface_2 tx off &>> $logfile +ethtool -K $snort_iface_2 sg off &>> $logfile +ethtool -K $snort_iface_2 tso off &>> $logfile +ethtool -K $snort_iface_2 ufo off &>> $logfile +ethtool -K $snort_iface_2 gso off &>> $logfile +ethtool -K $snort_iface_2 gro off &>> $logfile +ethtool -K $snort_iface_2 lro off &>> $logfile + +######################################## +#Finally got around doing service persistence the right way. We check to see if the init script is already installed. If it isn't we verify the user has the init script in the right place for us to copy, then copy it into place. + +cd "$execdir" +if [ -f /etc/init.d/snortd ]; then + print_notification "Snortd init script already installed." +else + if [ ! -f "$execdir"/snortd ]; then + print_error" Unable to find $execdir/snortd. Please ensure snortd file is there and try again." + exit 1 + else + print_good "Found snortd init script." + fi + + cp snortd snortd_2 &>> $logfile + sed -i "s#snort_basedir#$snort_basedir#g" snortd_2 + sed -i "s#snort_iface1#$snort_iface_1#g" snortd_2 + sed -i "s#snort_iface2#$snort_iface_2#g" snortd_2 + cp snortd_2 /etc/init.d/snortd &>> $logfile + chown root:root /etc/init.d/snortd &>> $logfile + chmod 700 /etc/init.d/snortd &>> $logfile + update-rc.d snortd defaults &>> $logfile + error_check 'Init Script installation' + print_notification "Init script located in /etc/init.d/snortd" + rm -rf snortd_2 &>> $logfile +fi + +######################################## + +print_status "Rebooting now.." +init 6 +print_notification "The log file for autosnort is located at: $logfile" +print_good "We're all done here. Have a nice day." + +exit 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Autosnort - Ubuntu/AVATAR/full_autosnort.conf b/Autosnort - Ubuntu/AVATAR/full_autosnort.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76e31c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Autosnort - Ubuntu/AVATAR/full_autosnort.conf @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +##full_autosnort configuration file## +# The options below are configuration options that need to be filled out (unless otherwise noted) for the script to run successfully. Each variable/configuration option will have an explanation as to what it is for, why it needs to be set, and valid configuration options. +# After Autosnort completes and you confirm everything is running correctly, you may delete, shred, burn, or consume this file however you see fit. +# But in all seriousness, after the script completes, store this file some place SAFE, or delete it. + +##snort_basedir## +# This option is sets the directory where you would like snort to be installed. +# Do not place any trailing slashes (/) at the end of the desired directory path. +# See the default setting for a valid example +##Options## +# Any valid unix directory path, Autosnort will create parent directories if they do not exist. MUST BE AN ABSOLUTE PATH. +#default setting: /opt/snort +snort_basedir=/opt/snort + +##snort_iface_1## +# This is the name of the first interface you will be using snort to sniff traffic on. +# This option MUST be set. +# Example: +# snort_iface_1=eth1 +#default setting: snort_iface_1=eth1 +snort_iface_1=eth1 + +##snort_iface_2## +# This is the name of the second interface you will be using snort to sniff traffic on. +# This option MUST be set. +# Example: +# snort_iface_2=eth2 +#default setting: snort_iface_2=eth2 +snort_iface_2=eth2 + + +##o_code## +# This setting is the oink code that will be used by pulled pork to download your rules. +# You MUST input a valid oink code for the script to function normally. +# This can be a registered user oink code, or VRT rule subscription oink code; doesn't matter. +# If you have no idea what an oink code is, or how to get one visit snort.org and create an account (it's free) +# After registering your account, and logging in under your account settings should be the ability to check your subscriptions and oink codes. The oink code is a series of numbers and letters. +# Example: +# o_code=2426170067b2e110c1f3fdee444118fcc15180f0 +# the above is not a valid oink code; do not use it. +o_code= diff --git a/Autosnort - Ubuntu/AVATAR/snortd b/Autosnort - Ubuntu/AVATAR/snortd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ca4e2f --- /dev/null +++ b/Autosnort - Ubuntu/AVATAR/snortd @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +#!/bin/bash +### BEGIN INIT INFO +# Provides: snort +# Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs $network $named $syslog $time +# Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs $network $named $syslog $time +# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 +# Default-Stop: 0 1 6 +# Short-Description: start and stop snort +# Description: Snort is a powerful open-source Intrusion Detection System. +### END INIT INFO + +#The location of the snort binary +SNORTD=snort_basedir/bin/snort +#Command line execution options for snort +OPTIONS="-D -u snort -g snort -c snort_basedir/etc/snort.conf -Q --daq afpacket --daq-mode inline -i snort_iface1:snort_iface2" + +do_start() +{ + echo "Starting Snort" + /sbin/ifconfig snort_iface1 up -arp -multicast promisc + /sbin/ifconfig snort_iface2 up -arp -multicase promisc + $SNORTD $OPTIONS + if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then + echo "Snort successfully started." + logger "Snort Started!" + else + echo "Snort failed to start!" + fi + return 0 +} + +do_status() +{ + pidof snort + if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then + echo "Snort is running with a pid of `pidof snort`" + else + echo "Snort is not running." + fi +} + +do_stop() +{ + echo "Stopping Snort" + kill $(pidof snort) 2> /dev/null + if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then + echo "Snort successfully killed." + logger "Killed Snort." + else + echo "Snort could not be killed! (Permissions? Already dead?)" + fi + return 0 +} + +case "$1" in + start) + do_start + ;; + stop) + do_stop + ;; + restart) + do_stop + do_start + ;; + status) + do_status + ;; + *) + echo "Usage: snortd {start|stop|restart|status}" >&2 + exit 3 + ;; +esac +exit 0 \ No newline at end of file