├── /.packer/ # Packer build associated helper templates directory.
│ ├── .banne.hbs # Distribution script top banner comment template.
│ └── .bin.hbs # Distribution script bin file template used in CLI projects.
├── /.tmp/ # Packer temporary artifacts and cache directory.
├── /__mocks__/ # Jest mock script directory. Optional: applicable when test framework is 'jest'.
├── /coverage/ # Coverage directory generated when running unit test on coverage mode.
├── /demo/ # Demo source content. Optional: applicable when watch source serve is enabled.
│ ├── /build/ # Build demo pages/scripts and assets.
│ ├── /helper/ # Watch and build demo helper script directory.
│ │ ├── require.min.js # RequireJS static artifact. Optional: applicable when build mode is 'browser' & bundle format is 'amd'.
│ │ └── system.min.js # SystemJS static artifact. Optional: applicable when build mode is 'browser' & bundle format is 'system'.
│ └── /watch/ # Watch demo pages/scripts and assets.
├── /helpers/ # Unit test helper script files. Optional: applicable only when framework is 'mocha' or 'jasmine' & test environment is not 'browser'.
├── /dist/ # Compiled distribution artifacts directory (Generated by build task).
│ ├── /bundle # Directory containing main bundled (umd | amd | iife | system | ejs | esm) artifact depending on bundle build type.
│ ├── /fesm5 # Directory containing FESM5 artifact. Optional: applicable only when es5 build is enabled.
│ ├── /fesmnext # Directory containing FESMNEXT artifact. Optional: applicable only when esnext build is enabled.
│ ├── /styles # Directory containing compiled style sheets. Optional: applicable only when style support is enabled.
│ ├── /typings # Source type definition files generated by typescript compiler. Optional: applicable only when script preprocessor is 'typescript'.
│ ├── /LICENSE # Project license agreement file copied from project root. Optional: applicable only when included in copy files configuration.
│ ├── /package.json # Dynamically generated Package.json file with publish artifact specific metadata.
│ └── /README.md # Package documentation markup file copied from project root. Optional: applicable only when included in copy files configuration.
├── /node_modules/ # Node modules directory
├── /src/ # Project source directory
│ ├── /** # Contain any sub source and test files and directories.
│ └── /index.{ts,js} # Library entry point file configured in packer config. Exports in this file are exposed by bundled build artifact.
├── .babelrc # Babel configuration file (https://babeljs.io/).
├── .editorconfig # Define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDE's (https://editorconfig.org/).
├── .eslintignore # Configuration to ignore specific files and directorie when running ESLint.
├── .eslintrc.json # ESLint configuration (https://eslint.org/). Optional: applicable only when script preprecessor is 'none'.
├── .gitignore # Contains files to be ignored from git repository (https://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore).
├── .packerrc.js # Packer configuration file containing project build options (https://github.com/yohangz/packer-cli).
├── .prettierignore # Configuration to ignore specific files and directorie when running prettier.
├── .stylelintignore # Configuration to ignore specific files and directorie when running stylelint.
├── .stylelintrc.json # Style lint configuration (https://stylelint.io). Optional: applicable only when style support is enabled.
├── .travis.yml # Travis CI configuration file (https://travis-ci.com/).
├── jasmine.json # Jasmine test framework configuration file (https://jasmine.github.io/). Optional: applicable only when test framework is 'jasmine' & test environment is 'browser'.
├── jest.config.js # Jest test framework configuration file (https://jestjs.io/). Optional: applicable only when test framework is 'jest'.
├── karma.conf.js # Karma unit test runner configuration (https://karma-runner.github.io). Optional: applicable only when test environment is 'browser' & test framework is either 'mocha' or 'jasmine'.
├── LICENSE # License agreement file.
├── mocha.opts # Mocha test framework CLI configuration options file (https://mochajs.org/). Optional: applicable when test framework is 'mocha' & test environment is 'browser'.
├── package.json # Node package configuration file (https://www.npmjs.com/).
├── postcss.config.js # PostCSS configuration file (https://postcss.org/). Optional: applicable only when style support is enabled.
├── README.md # Project documentation markup file.
├── tsconfig.json # Base typescript compiler options and configuration file (https://www.typescriptlang.org/). Optional: only applicable when script preprocessor is 'typescript'.
├── tsconfig.test.json # Typescript compiler options and configuration file by test frameworks (https://www.typescriptlang.org/). Optional: applicable only when test framework is either 'mocha' or 'jasmine' & build mode is not 'browser' & script preprocessor is 'typescript'.
├── tslint.json # TSlint configuration file (https://palantir.github.io/tslint/). Optional: applicable only when script proprocessor is 'typescript'.
└── yarn.lock # Yarn package lock file (https://yarnpkg.com). Optional: applicable only when package manager is 'yarn'.