This is an e-commerce application with a microservice-architecture and the event-sourcing pattern implemented. There are a total of 5 microservices which are:
- Customer Service
- Rating Service
- Inventory Service
- Order Service
- Invoice Service
- Java 1.8+
- NPM (version used in development is 6.4.1)
- docker-compose (tested with v1.2.3)
- docker (tested with v18.09)
First clone the JHipster Registry from their repository
$ git clone
Start the registry
$ cd jhipster-registry
$ mvnw (or ./mvnw with linux)
This application is using Kafka as an event store. Therefore kafka and docker has to be started. After docker is running you can run kafka with:
$ docker-compose -f kafka.yml up
(it is rare but it can happen that starting kafka fails, then just try again until there is no error message )
After the JHipster Registry and Kafka is running you can start the API Gateway and the microservices. It is recommended to start the API Gateway first. The first time running mvnw on the shop might fail. Just try again and it should work fine.
$ cd shop
$ mvnw (or ./mvnw with linux)
$ npm start
Start the microservices
$ cd customers/orders/ratings/invoices/inventory
$ mvnw (or ./mvnw with linux)
- Once the application is running you can access it at http://localhost:9000.
- Login as admin/admin
- Create product categories
- Create products and link them to categories
- Register
- Login (only possible after admin has activated the account)
- Shop!