In this document, we show how to prepare document index using a small subset of KILT passages for quick start. You can make full size index of KILT passages or your own documents in the same way.
export data=/path/to/data
mkdir -p ${data}
export kilt_corpus_dir=${data}/text/corpus/kilt
mkdir -p ${kilt_corpus_dir}
Download the following files in the kilt_corpus_dir
directory from KILT web page. See KILT/retrievers for the detail.
- kilt_w100_title.tsv (direct link:
- mapping_KILT_title.p (direct link:
mkdir data
python scripts/
python scripts/
cd ..
See KILT for the detail.
python scripts/ --corpus_path ${kilt_corpus_dir}/kilt_w100_title.tsv --mapping_path ${kilt_corpus_dir}/mapping_KILT_title.p --output_path ${kilt_corpus_dir}/doc_id_to_wikipedia_id_mapping.p
In this example, we use intfloat/e5-large-v2 as an embedding model. We process only 499992 passages out of 22 million passages. This takes about 25 mins with single A100(40GB).
export emb_dir=${data}/dense/e5/8b/corpus/kilt
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python scripts/ --data_dir ${kilt_corpus_dir} --subset 499992 --out_dir ${emb_dir} --use_8bit
This script creates the following files:
- Header lines and unnecessary quotation marks are removed from the original tsv file.
python scripts/ --embeddings ${emb_dir}/subset_1024_499992.npmmap --index_type flat
This script creates the following index file:
python scripts/ --embeddings ${emb_dir}/subset_1024_499992.npmmap --index_type hnsw
This script creates the following index file:
python scripts/ --wiki_passages_file ${kilt_corpus_dir}/kilt_w100_title_modified_subset_499992.tsv
This script create the following index directory:
- Note that the directory name is automatically created from
by replacing '/text/' with '/bm25/'.
- Note that the directory name is automatically created from
python scripts/ --npmmap_file ${emb_dir}/subset_1024_499992.npmmap --index_dir ${emb_dir}/index/diskann/subset_499992 --num_threads 16
When we use the build indices for the small subset of corpus, we can not find useful information to answer the most of questions in datasets. So here, we pick up only answerable questions from dataset.
python scripts/ --dataset_path KILT/data/nq-train-kilt.jsonl --corpus_path ${kilt_corpus_dir}/kilt_w100_title_modified_subset_499992.tsv --mapping_path ${kilt_corpus_dir}/mapping_KILT_title.p --number_of_questions 100 --output_path data/text/query/kilt/nq-train-kilt_100.jsonl
python scripts/ --dataset_path KILT/data/nq-dev-kilt.jsonl --corpus_path ${kilt_corpus_dir}/kilt_w100_title
_modified_subset_499992.tsv --mapping_path ${kilt_corpus_dir}/mapping_KILT_title.p --n
umber_of_questions 100 --output_path data/text/query/kilt/nq-dev-kilt_100.jsonl
Below is the directory structure after completing all the above indexing processes .
├── bm25
│ └── corpus
│ └── kilt
│ └── kilt_w100_title_modified_subset_499992
│ └── (BM25 index files)
├── dense
│ └── e5
│ └── 8b
│ └── corpus
│ └── kilt
│ ├── index
│ │ ├── diskann
│ │ │ └── subset_499992
│ │ │ └── (DiskANN index files)
│ │ ├── faiss-flat
│ │ │ └── subset_1024_499992.index
│ │ └── faiss-hnsw
│ │ └── subset_m16_efc40_1024_499992.index
│ └── subset_1024_499992.npmmap
└── text
├── corpus
│ └── kilt
│ ├── bm25_preprocessed
│ │ └── kilt_w100_title_modified_subset_499992
│ │ └── preprocessed_corpus.json
│ ├── doc_id_to_wikipedia_id_mapping.p
│ ├── kilt_w100_title_modified_subset_499992.tsv
│ ├── kilt_w100_title.tsv
│ └── mapping_KILT_title.p
└── query
└── kilt
├── nq-dev-kilt_100.jsonl
└── nq-train-kilt_100.jsonl
Prepared index data so far can be registered in config files as below.
Note that we assume ${data} = ./data
in these example files.
Congratulations! You are now ready to use RᴀLLᴇ GUI. Please refer to the instruction or screencast for the usage.