package ScalaBasic // object HigherOrderFuncDemo_7 extends App { /** * Higher order func : * -> A func that can get other func as input argument * * 1) test(f: Double => Double, n1: Double) is a higher order func * 2) func input type : Double, output type : Double * 3) input arg type : Double */ // example 1 def test(f: Double => Double, n1: Double) = { f(n1) } def sum(d: Double): Double = { d + d } // run val r1 = test(sum, 7.7) println("r1 = " + r1) println("==============") // example 2 /** * Higher order func : * * 1) minusxy will return a func * -> the func : (y: Int) => x - y * * 2) returned anonymous func uses outer var : x, * the x and anonymous func now as a "closure" */ def minusxy(x: Int) = { (y: Int) => x - y // anonymous func } val r2 = minusxy(3)(5) println("r2 = " + r2) println("==============") // f1 is (y: Int) = { x - y } ( while x = 10 ) val f1 = minusxy(10) // f1 is a anonymous func println("f1 = " + f1) println(f1(1)) println(f1(1)) println(f1(2)) println("==============") // anonymous func : y: Int) = { x - y } ( while x = 20 ) println(minusxy(20)(9)) println("==============") // example 3 def test2(x: Double) = { (y: Double) => x * x * y } val r3 = test2(2.0)(3.0) println("r3 = " + r3) }