How to take Yeditor into your system, use it as you wish..
Yeditor api exists in the main function. example:
var Yeditor = new Yeditor();
var Api = Yeditor.api;
Now Api
reffer to Yeditor api
This class send the editable area content into your server
Add data to ajax request - sending this data with save request
Api.ajax.addParam({name: '<DATA-KEY>', value: '<DATA-VALUE>'});
For 'code' button in the main navigation - we are using CodeMirror so the api expose to you the CodeMirror options of the code button (codemirror) element
// the CodeMirror options will show up
Yeditor has three navigation
- Main - exists at the top of the screen
- Image - exists on each image (when image clicked)
- Background - exists on each element with background (focus on the element)
The api options exists for all the navigation but each nav has own endpoint.
// navigation endpoint for using api options
// Main
// Image
// Background
Return the navigation dom element
Get all the buttons name in the navigation
(helpfull for order the nav in Yeditor main function)
Add custom button into the navigation
@param Object
- user guide:
name: // button name
description: // what the button does - in short
class: // button class use Array ([]) for multiple classes - OPTIONAL
text: // insert text into the button - OPTIONAL
id: // button id - OPTIONAL
element: // button element - DOM (it can be function thet return element) - OPTIONAL
event: [// button event
name: // event name, example: 'click', 'change' - use the origin addEventListener name
fn: // the function itself (what will happen)
// you can add multiple event
Do something with user selection
// for get the current user selection you need to call it like this:
var Selection = new Api.selection();
// now you can use the api selection functions with the Selection variable
return user selection object
return user selection text
return user selection area parent element
Check if the parent of the selection area is editable
return false
if the parent is not editable
Insert element into the current location of the user selection
is Node element
remove the user selection
return document fragment node
Take user selection text and append it into new element - usefull for bold / underline etc..
How @FN
var bold = document.createElement('span'); = 'bold';
bold.innerText = text; // the user selection text - from @text argument
return bold.cloneNode(true);
Helpfull functions for using in images with Yeditor
Get image file and return it as base64 data url
the image file
(function) callback with 2 arguments (url, file)
var imgFile = <IMAGE-FILE>;
var base64 = Api.image.base64(imgFile, function(url, file){
// @url - file base64 data-url
// @file - the original image file @imgFile
Add element background image
background image url
Node element - the element
Insert new image into user selection location
Image url
Get image or backround url by the user definition (Main function options - uploadImage)
If uploadImage
option is not empty (null) - get the file url from your server (by uploadImage fn)
Else return file url as base64
the image file
(function) callback with 1 argument (url)
var imgFile = <IMAGE-FILE>;
Api.image.getURL(imgFile, function(url){
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.src= url;
Image navigation api
return navigation dom element
Show navigation above the current @img
Hide navigation
Set @img
editable by the navigation
image dom element
Set all images inside the @element
as editable by the navigation
The parent dom element - all element children will be editable
return the current editable image
Set @img
as the current editable image
image dom element
Remove current editing image (remove only the class attribute - that mean it is the current editable image)
Background navigation api
return navigation dom element
Show navigation above the current @bg
The element with backgound
Hide navigation
Set @bg
editable by the navigation
dom element with background
Set all backgrounds inside the @element
as editable by the navigation
The parent dom element - all element children will be editable
return the current editable background
Set @bg
as the current editable background
dom element with background
Remove current editing background (remove only the class attribute - that mean it is the current editable background)