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# Object–relational mapping (ORM)
-| Delivery System | Instruction |
-| --- | --- |
-| [Hibernate](https://hibernate.org/orm/) | [Instruction](../hibernate.md) |
+| Delivery System | Instruction |
+| [Hibernate](https://hibernate.org/orm/) | [Instruction](../hibernate.md) |
| [Spring Data JDBC](https://spring.io/projects/spring-data-jdbc) | [Instruction](../spring-data-jdbc.md) |
+| [JOOQ](https://www.jooq.org/) | [Instruction](../jooq.md) |
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+# JOOQ extension for {{ ydb-short-name }}
+This guide explains how to use [JOOQ](https://www.jooq.org/) with {{ ydb-short-name }}.
+JOOQ is a Java library that allows you to create type-safe SQL queries by generating Java classes from a database schema and providing convenient query builders.
+## Generating Java Classes {#generated-java-classes}
+You can generate Java classes using any of the tools provided on the [official JOOQ website](https://www.jooq.org/doc/latest/manual/code-generation/codegen-configuration/). Two dependencies are required: the [{{ ydb-short-name }} JDBC driver](https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb-jdbc-driver) and the JOOQ extension for {{ ydb-short-name }}, along with two parameters:
+- `database.name`: `tech.ydb.jooq.codegen.YdbDatabase` (mandatory setting)
+- `strategy.name`: `tech.ydb.jooq.codegen.YdbGeneratorStrategy` (recommended setting)
+An example using the `maven` plugin:
+ org.jooq
+ jooq-codegen-maven
+ 3.19.11
+ generate
+ tech.ydb.jdbc
+ ydb-jdbc-driver
+ ${ydb.jdbc.version}
+ tech.ydb.dialects
+ jooq-ydb-dialect
+ ${jooq.ydb.version}
+ tech.ydb.jdbc.YdbDriver
+ jdbc:ydb:grpc://localhost:2136/local
+ tech.ydb.jooq.codegen.YdbGeneratorStrategy
+ tech.ydb.jooq.codegen.YdbDatabase
+ .sys.*
+ ydb
+ ./src/main/java
+Example of generated classes from [YQL tutorial](../../dev/yql-tutorial/create_demo_tables.md) (full file contents are [available on GitHub](https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb-java-examples/tree/master/jdbc/spring-jooq/src/main/java/ydb/default_schema)):
+## Usage {#usage}
+To integrate {{ ydb-short-name }} with JOOQ into your project, you need to add two dependencies: {{ ydb-short-name }} JDBC Driver and the JOOQ extension for {{ ydb-short-name }}.
+Examples for different build systems:
+{% list tabs %}
+- Maven
+ ```xml
+ tech.ydb.jdbc
+ ydb-jdbc-driver
+ ${ydb.jdbc.version}
+ tech.ydb.dialects
+ jooq-ydb-dialect
+ ${jooq.ydb.dialect.version}
+ ```
+- Gradle
+ ```groovy
+ dependencies {
+ // Set actual versions
+ implementation "tech.ydb.dialects:jooq-ydb-dialect:$jooqYdbDialectVersion"
+ implementation "tech.ydb.jdbc:ydb-jdbc-driver:$ydbJdbcVersion"
+ }
+ ```
+{% endlist %}
+To obtain a `YdbDSLContext` class instance (an extension of `org.jooq.DSLContext`), use the `tech.ydb.jooq.YDB` class. For example:
+String url = "jdbc:ydb:://:/path/to/database[?saFile=file:~/sa_key.json]";
+Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
+YdbDSLContext dsl = YDB.using(conn);
+String url = "jdbc:ydb:://:/path/to/database[?saFile=file:~/sa_key.json]";
+try(CloseableYdbDSLContext dsl = YDB.using(url)) {
+ // ...
+`YdbDSLContext` is ready to use.
+## YQL statements
+The following statements are available from the YQL syntax in `YdbDSLContext`:
+- [`UPSERT`](../../yql/reference/syntax/upsert_into.md):
+// generated SQL:
+// upsert into `episodes` (`series_id`, `season_id`, `episode_id`, `title`, `air_date`)
+// values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
+public void upsert(YdbDSLContext context) {
+ context.upsertInto(EPISODES)
+ .set(record)
+ .execute();
+- [`REPLACE`](../../yql/reference/syntax/replace_into.md):
+// generated SQL:
+// replace into `episodes` (`series_id`, `season_id`, `episode_id`, `title`, `air_date`)
+// values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
+public void replace(YdbDSLContext context) {
+ ydbDSLContext.replaceInto(EPISODES)
+ .set(record)
+ .execute();
+- `VIEW index_name`:
+// generated SQL:
+// select `series`.`series_id`, `series`.`title`, `series`.`series_info`, `series`.`release_date`
+// from `series` view `title_name` where `series`.`title` = ?
+var record = ydbDSLContext.selectFrom(SERIES.useIndex(Indexes.TITLE_NAME.name))
+ .where(SERIES.TITLE.eq(title))
+ .fetchOne();
+In all other respects, the {{ ydb-short-name }} dialect follows the [JOOQ documentation](https://www.jooq.org/doc/latest/manual/).
+### Spring Boot Configuration
+Extend `JooqAutoConfiguration.DslContextConfiguration` with your own `YdbDSLContext`. For example:
+public class YdbJooqConfiguration extends JooqAutoConfiguration.DslContextConfiguration {
+ @Override
+ public YdbDSLContextImpl dslContext(org.jooq.Configuration configuration) {
+ return YdbDSLContextImpl(configuration);
+ }
+A complete example of a simple Spring Boot application can be found on [GitHub](https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb-java-examples/tree/master/jdbc/spring-jooq).
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@@ -2,4 +2,6 @@ items:
- name: Spring Data JDBC
href: spring-data-jdbc.md
- name: Hibernate
- href: hibernate.md
\ No newline at end of file
+ href: hibernate.md
+- name: JOOQ
+ href: jooq.md
\ No newline at end of file
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# Объектно-реляционное отображение (ORM)
-| Система | Инструкция |
-| --- | --- |
-| [Hibernate](https://hibernate.org/orm/) | [Инструкция](../hibernate.md) |
-| [Spring Data JDBC](https://spring.io/projects/spring-data-jdbc) | [Инструкция](../spring-data-jdbc.md) |
\ No newline at end of file
+| Система | Инструкция |
+| [Hibernate](https://hibernate.org/orm/) | [Инструкция](../hibernate.md) |
+| [Spring Data JDBC](https://spring.io/projects/spring-data-jdbc) | [Инструкция](../spring-data-jdbc.md) |
+| [JOOQ](https://www.jooq.org/) | [Инструкция](../jooq.md) |
\ No newline at end of file
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+# Расширение JOOQ для использования с {{ ydb-short-name }}
+Это руководство предназначено для использования [JOOQ](https://www.jooq.org/) с {{ ydb-short-name }}.
+JOOQ — это библиотека для Java, которая позволяет создавать типобезопасные SQL-запросы путём генерации Java-классов из схемы базы данных и использования удобных конструкторов запросов.
+## Генерация Java-классов
+Генерировать Java-классы можно с помощью любых инструментов, представленных на [официальном сайте JOOQ](https://www.jooq.org/doc/latest/manual/code-generation/codegen-configuration/), используя две зависимости: {{ ydb-short-name }} JDBC Driver и расширение JOOQ для {{ ydb-short-name }}. Также необходимо указать два параметра:
+- `database.name`: `tech.ydb.jooq.codegen.YdbDatabase` (обязательная настройка)
+- `strategy.name`: `tech.ydb.jooq.codegen.YdbGeneratorStrategy` (рекомендуется к использованию)
+Рассмотрим на примере `maven` плагина:
+ org.jooq
+ jooq-codegen-maven
+ 3.19.11
+ generate
+ tech.ydb.jdbc
+ ydb-jdbc-driver
+ ${ydb.jdbc.version}
+ tech.ydb.dialects
+ jooq-ydb-dialect
+ ${jooq.ydb.version}
+ tech.ydb.jdbc.YdbDriver
+ jdbc:ydb:grpc://localhost:2136/local
+ tech.ydb.jooq.codegen.YdbGeneratorStrategy
+ tech.ydb.jooq.codegen.YdbDatabase
+ .sys.*
+ ydb
+ ./src/main/java
+Пример сгенерированных классов из [туториала по YQL](../../dev/yql-tutorial/create_demo_tables.md) (их полный код [доступен на GitHub](https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb-java-examples/tree/master/jdbc/spring-jooq/src/main/java/ydb/default_schema)):
+## Использование
+Для интеграции {{ ydb-short-name }} с JOOQ в ваш проект потребуется добавить две зависимости: {{ ydb-short-name }} JDBC Driver и расширение JOOQ для {{ ydb-short-name }}.
+Примеры для различных систем сборки:
+{% list tabs %}
+- Maven
+ ```xml
+ tech.ydb.jdbc
+ ydb-jdbc-driver
+ ${ydb.jdbc.version}
+ tech.ydb.dialects
+ jooq-ydb-dialect
+ ${jooq.ydb.dialect.version}
+ ```
+- Gradle
+ ```groovy
+ dependencies {
+ // Set actual versions
+ implementation "tech.ydb.dialects:jooq-ydb-dialect:$jooqYdbDialectVersion"
+ implementation "tech.ydb.jdbc:ydb-jdbc-driver:$ydbJdbcVersion"
+ }
+ ```
+{% endlist %}
+Для получения `YdbDSLContext` (расширение `org.jooq.DSLContext`) используйте класс `tech.ydb.jooq.YDB`. Например:
+String url = "jdbc:ydb:://:/path/to/database[?saFile=file:~/sa_key.json]";
+Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
+YdbDSLContext dsl = YDB.using(conn);
+String url = "jdbc:ydb:://:/path/to/database[?saFile=file:~/sa_key.json]";
+try(CloseableYdbDSLContext dsl = YDB.using(url)) {
+ // ...
+`YdbDSLContext` готов к использованию.
+## YQL команды
+В `YdbDSLContext` доступны следующие команды, специфичные для синтаксиса YQL:
+- [`UPSERT`](../../yql/reference/syntax/upsert_into.md):
+// generated SQL:
+// upsert into `episodes` (`series_id`, `season_id`, `episode_id`, `title`, `air_date`)
+// values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
+public void upsert(YdbDSLContext context) {
+ context.upsertInto(EPISODES)
+ .set(record)
+ .execute();
+- [`REPLACE`](../../yql/reference/syntax/replace_into.md):
+// generated SQL:
+// replace into `episodes` (`series_id`, `season_id`, `episode_id`, `title`, `air_date`)
+// values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
+public void replace(YdbDSLContext context) {
+ ydbDSLContext.replaceInto(EPISODES)
+ .set(record)
+ .execute();
+- `VIEW index_name`:
+// generated SQL:
+// select `series`.`series_id`, `series`.`title`, `series`.`series_info`, `series`.`release_date`
+// from `series` view `title_name` where `series`.`title` = ?
+var record = ydbDSLContext.selectFrom(SERIES.useIndex(Indexes.TITLE_NAME.name))
+ .where(SERIES.TITLE.eq(title))
+ .fetchOne();
+В остальном диалект {{ ydb-short-name }} соответствует [документации JOOQ](https://www.jooq.org/doc/latest/manual/).
+### Конфигурация Spring Boot
+Расширим `JooqAutoConfiguration.DslContextConfiguration` собственным `YdbDSLContext`. Например:
+public class YdbJooqConfiguration extends JooqAutoConfiguration.DslContextConfiguration {
+ @Override
+ public YdbDSLContextImpl dslContext(org.jooq.Configuration configuration) {
+ return YdbDSLContextImpl(configuration);
+ }
+Полный пример простого приложения Spring Boot можно найти [на GitHub](https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb-java-examples/tree/master/jdbc/spring-jooq).
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@@ -2,4 +2,6 @@ items:
- name: Hibernate
href: hibernate.md
- name: Spring Data JDBC
- href: spring-data-jdbc.md
\ No newline at end of file
+ href: spring-data-jdbc.md
+- name: JOOQ
+ href: jooq.md
\ No newline at end of file