- Bump grunt version to 1.5.2
- Pin colors to 1.4.0
- Update to lodash 4.17.21
- Update to Bower 1.3.x and Node to 0.10 (thanks, @johnkchiu), speed up task loading (thanks, @c089), flexible layouts (thanks, @grawk)
- Fix paths handling of glob patterns in components' "main" files.
- Added bowerOptions (thanks to @xzyfer), fixed paths handling using glob module (thanks to @leon)
- Update to Bower 1.2.x, fixed logging issue.
- Update to Bower 1.1.x, fixed compatibility issue with new Bower's API.
- Update to Bower 1.0.x, added wildcard/regex support, improve docs.
- Update to bower 0.9.x, docs improvement, Windows-compatible paths in tests.
- Fix backward-compatibility issue (related to cleanup option).
- Split 'install' to 'install' and 'copy' steps to support flexible workflow, add support for grunt's --base option.
- Added support for flexible assets layout, honor native Bower's configuration, reduce log output.
- Updated dependencies, minor fixes.
- Initial release.