jQuery plugin for creating "Wheel of Fortune" styled input texts (separating chars)
Example For Use:
//Optional values and their defaults
placeholder: null, // The element to put the characters in
pattern: [], // The pattern of the text - can also be provided using data-pattern on the element
hideElem: true, // Hide the original element
wordSpace: 15, // Space between words in pixels (uses margin)
spaceClass: "word-space", // Class added to the last char in every word (except the last word)
showCaretSymbol: false, // Whether to show the caret symbol on the char focused
allowBlanks: true, // If falsy - no char is allowed to be empty in the middle
blurOnLastChar: false, // Whether to blur out of the last characters when it is filled with value
placeholderClass: 'fortune-wheel', // class added to the characters holder
eventFull: 'change-full', // name for event triggered (after change) when the pattern is full
eventNotFull: 'change-not-full', // name for event triggered (after change) when the pattern is not full yet
allowNumbers: false, // Whether to allow numbers input (doesn't work well when in RTL)
trimValue: true, // Whether to trim the result when it is returned
filledClass: 'filled', // A class added to input when it is fill
//restrict: "א-תa-zA-Z", // Regular expression's set of characthers allowed to be entered
byWords: true, // Split the pattern to words instead of chars
full: function(val){ // Callback when full
$("#result_demo").text("Full: "+val);
partial: function(val){ //callback when change partially
$("#result_demo").text("NOT FULL");
When the HTML is:
<input type="text" class="wof" data-pattern="[2,3,2]" />
<div id="result_demo"></div>
In order to destroy the plugin from a specific input you can call