The Javascript Game/Multimedia engine.
- Support for multi-threading.
- Support inter-thread messaging.
- The text uses UTF-8 encoding.
- Data sharing between threads without replication.
- The underlying function and the advanced function coexist.
- Unsafe high performance.
- Console output garbled
- Start a new thread
- Thread data sharing (no replication)
- Passing messages between threads
- Share buffers between threads
- Sharing objects between threads
- Js objects are mapped to binary buffers (passed between threads)
- Graphics API
- Integrated 3D a renderer, cross-platform (OpenGL/glfw/glew)
- Integrate a video decoder
- Integrate a user interface library
- skeletal animation
- Audio API
- Play music and sound effects
- 3D sound
- control/input api
- AI logic lib
- physics engine
- document
- Basic api
- timer
- Startup parameters
- YAML parsing
- current file path __dirname/__filename
- compression/decompression