Last update: Please see below for date of last update.
Date started: 7 May 2020 Language: C++
- Adam Rehman
- Brandon Cann
- Xin Wang
- Project repo established.
- Research into Circuit Simulators begun.
- Tech Specifications document published.
- First version of Project Management Guideline document published.
- v1.0 Parser module implemented.
- Features:
- R, C and L element recognised but C and L not yet supported.
- Node numbering relies on input to start from 1.
- Ground node needs to be inputted in form: N0
- Still to do:
- Automatic node ID assignment.
- Recognise ground node as 0 instead of N0.
- Recognise comments denoted by '*' char
- Features:
- Program modified to use OOP
- Features:
- Only R and independent sources supported.
- Still to do:
- C and L elements support.
- Features:
- C and L components supported.
- Repo corrupted, reported 'BAD OBJECT'
- New repo established and components pushed there