module "llm_service" {
source = "./modules/ollama-service-multi-servers"
azs = var.azs
vpc_id = "vpc-xxxxxx"
vpc_cidr_block = ""
subnet_ids = ["subnet-1111", "subnet-2222"]
llm_ec2_configs = [
llm_model = "llama3:8b"
instance_type = "g5g.xlarge"
ami_id = "" # if empty string, fall back to default DL AMI by AWS
ebs_volume_gb = 200
app_port = 11434
llm_model = "qwen2:7b"
instance_type = "g5g.xlarge"
ami_id = "" # if empty string, fall back to default DL AMI by AWS
ebs_volume_gb = 200
app_port = 11434
open_webui_port = 8080
create_api_gw = true
api_gw_disable_execute_endpoint = true
api_gw_domain = ""
api_gw_domain_route53_zone = "xxxx"
api_gw_domain_ssl_cert_arn = "arn:aws:acm:ap-southeast-1:xxx:certificate/xxxxx"
- After TF apply finish, please check all AWS SSM Run Command
run to completion with success. - Please refer to Ollama Documentation for details about its API usage
- EC2 VRAM Spec quick reference:
- g4dn.xlarge, x86, VRAM=1*16GB
- g4dn.12xlarge, x86, VRAM=4*16GB
- g5g.xlarge, arm, VRAM=1*16GB
- g5g.16xlarge, arm, VRAM=2*16GB
AWS has limited EC2 types and VRAM sizing that are suitable to run LLM
Ollama offers convenient way to deploy multiple different LLM models
However, VRAM size limits the number of LLM that can be loaded into VRAM at the same time. Request to different LLM leads requires model loading/unloading from VRAM, which causes significant delays.
Hence, the architecture design allows us to deploy a single model per EC2 (instance type may vary) so that the LLM can fully fit into the EC2 VRAM for quick response.
The design includes additional infra & logic to redirect model-specific API request to respective EC2
- Generate a completion -
POST /api/generate
- Generate a chat completion -
POST /api/chat
- Generate Embeddings -
POST /api/embeddings
- Generate a completion -
Require one of the EC2 to be main, so as to handle non-model-specific API requests. Main server needs to pull all the LLM models, although only one is used for inference.
- List running model -
GET /api/ps
- List Local Models -
GET /api/tags
- Show Model Information -
POST /api/show
- List running model -
Some API not supported, requires manual administration
- Create a Model -
POST /api/create
- Copy a Model -
POST /api/copy
- Delete a Model -
DELETE /api/delete
- Pull a Model -
POST /api/pull
- Push a Model -
POST /api/push
- Create a Model -
List of EC2 (one per LLM)
- arm/x86 instance with GPU (e.g.
) and the corresponding Deep learning AMI - hosted in the provided private subnets
- Ollama installed and exposed over${app_port}
- GPU monitoring setup to CW custom metrics
- necessary IAM roles, policy and sg
- arm/x86 instance with GPU (e.g.
An Internal facing ALB
- hosted in private subnets
- listener for port 80
- one target group for each LLM EC2s
- listener rules to forward model-specific requests to respective target groups (i.e. EC2s)
- default listener rule to forward non-model-specific requests to the main EC2
- with vpc links to the VPC hosting llm EC2
- including an auto-deploy stage
- (Optional) expose/disable the default api endpoint
- (Optional) custom domain name setup to replace the API Gw default endpoint
- based on POST request body, add model info to query string
- forward POST, GET, DELETE api to the ALB at port 80
- A VPC with private subnets (NAT Gateway needed for outgoing traffic)
- SSL cert and Route53 host zone if need to expose Ollama endpoint
- Resource created
- URL to access Ollama service
- How to host a larger model in singapore? e.g. 70b. Use instance with multiple GPU? Use other CSP?
- How to make LLM server more scalable for high number of user requests?
- Deploy using Vllm VS Ollama
- How to better manage downloaded model, always download fresh from internet can be slow and expensive?