Shade.js is a material description language and a compiler framework. It compiles procedural material descriptions based on s subset of JavaScript to GLSL and OSL. The aim of shade.js is to simplify creating new materials and being able to share materials between different rendering frameworks. Here, we have a strong focus on WebGL frameworks. That's why we have chosen JavaScript as the base language and why the whole compiler framework is written in JavaScript as well.
shade.js is integrated into xml3d.js. For the some scientific background and technical details refer to our paper. The whole project is still in an early alpha phase, so please have some patient until everything works as expected.
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Install all dependencies with npm
npm install
from the root directory
Using the node environment, just include index.js from the src directory:
To built a version to run in the browser, run the build script from the build directory:
grunt build
The entry of a material description is the shade
function shade(env) {
this; // the system environment object
env; // the execution environment object
Shade; // global object that provides closures
Math; // extended JavaScript Math object
return new Vec3(1, 0.5, 0); // either return a RGB color
return new Vec4(1, 0.5, 0, 1); // or return a RGBA color
return; // or discard the pixel
// or return a color closure
return Shade.diffuse(...);
The Shade
object provides a set of color closures and the mix
method to blend multiple color closures.
Returns a closure that represents specular reflectance of the surface based on the Cool-Torrance microfacet model.
Shade.cookTorrance(color, normal, ior, roughness) {
color; // specular RGB color
normal; // Unit length surface normal
ior; // Index of refraction, used for the fresnel term of the Cook-Torrance model
roughness; // [0-1], rms slope of the surface microfacets (the roughness of the material)
Returns a closure that represents the Lambertian diffuse reflectance of a smooth surface, or of a rough surface implementing the Oren-Nayar reflection model if sigma
is defined.
Shade.diffuse(color, normal, roughness) {
color; // diffuse RGB color
normal; // Unit length surface normal
roughness; // 0 or undefined => Lambertian,
// roughness > 0 => roughness of the surface based on Oren-Nayar
Returns a closure color that represents an emissive material.
Shade.emissive(intensity) {
intensity; // emissive RGB intensity
Linearily interpolate between two closures: c1 ∗ (1−α) + c2 ∗ (α)
Shade.mix(c1, c2, alpha) {
c1; // First color closure
c2; // Second color closure
alpha; // value to use to interpolate between c1 and c2
Returns a closure that represents specular reflectance of the surface using the Blinn-Phong BRDF.
Shade.phong(color, normal, exponent) {
color; // specular RGB color
normal; // Unit length surface normal
exponent; // [0-1], a higher exponent indicates a smoother surface
Returns a closure color that represents the ideal reflection (mirror) from the surface.
Shade.reflect(normal, factor) {
normal; // Unit length surface normal
factor; // RGB scale factor of reflection
Returns a closure color that represents the ideal refraction (glass-like) of objects behind the surface.
Shade.reflect(normal, eta, factor) {
normal; // Unit length surface normal
eta; // The ratio of indices of refraction
factor; // RGB scale factor of reflection
Returns a closure color that represents a (semi-)transparent material. In general, this is implemented using alpha-blending (with all its known issues).
Shade.transparent(factor) {
factor; // transparent RGB factor
Returns a closure that represents the anisotropic specular reflectance of the surface based on the Ward BRDF.
Shade.ward(color, normal, tangent, ax, ay) {
color; // specular RGB color
normal; // Unit length surface normal
tangent; // Vector to determinate a direction for the anisotropic effects
ax; // [0-1], Amount of roughness along the tangent
ay; // [0-1], Amount of roughness along the binormal (normal x tangent)
shade.js has built-in 2, 3 and 4 component vectors. All vectors are immutable.
var a = new Vec2(); // Construct new vector with 2 components
assert(a.x () == a.y() == 0);
var b = new Vec2(1, 2); // Construct vector and initialize components
assert(a.x() == 1);
assert(a.y() == 2);
var c = new Vec3(1); // Construct vector and initialize with single value
assert(a.x() == a.y() == a.z() == 1);
Accessing the components of the vectors is very similar to GLSL:
var a = new Vec4(1, 2, 3, 4); // Components can be accessed using sets x/y/z/w or r/g/b/a, s/t/p/q
assert(a.x() == a.r() == a.s() == 1);
assert(a.y() == a.g() == a.t() == 2);
assert(a.z() == a.b() == a.p() == 3);
assert(a.w() == a.a() == a.q() == 4);
// Access subsets of the vector
a.x(); // == 1
a.xy(); // == Vec2(1, 2);; // == Vec3(1, 2, 3);
a.xyzw(); // == Vec4(1, 2, 3, 4);
// Mix access; // == Vec3(1, 1, 1);
a.xyxy(); // == Vec4(1, 2, 1, 2);
a.xyxy(); // == Vec4(1, 2, 1, 2);
a.bgr(); // == Vec4(3, 2, 1);
a.xr(); // fails: Do not mix access sets
// Chain access
a.abgr().abgr(); // Vec4(1, 2, 3, 4);
We use the mocha test framework for testing.
npm install -g mocha
from the root directory
grunt test