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File metadata and controls

346 lines (259 loc) · 11 KB





  • 1 个线圈 = 1
  • 1 个寄存器地址 = 2 个字节;
  • [ 寄存器起始地址 = 0001 ] 相当于 [ 访问地址 = 0 ],存在 1 位地址偏移;
  • 4 字节数据的编码格式 = BA_DC; (大端模式 = DC_BA,小端模式 = AB_CD)
  • 支持自动重连


Modbus协议 对应的类 备注
Tcp ModbusTcp, ModbusTcpServer 网口
Rtu ModbusRtuOverTcp 需要串口转网口
Ascii ModbusAsciiOverTcp 需要串口转网口


区号 名称 读写 地址范围 对应方法
0区 输出线圈 可读可写布尔量 00001-09999 readCoil / writeCoil
1区 输入线圈 只读布尔量 10001-19999 readDiscreteInput
3区 输入寄存器 只读寄存器 30001-39999 readInputRegister
4区 保持寄存器 可读可写寄存器 40001-49999 readHoldRegister / writeHoldRegister


根据 Modbus 通信协议,Modbus 数据的地址使用 0xxxx、1xxxx、3xxxx 和 4xxxx 的形式。

案例地址 数据区 地址前缀 剩余地址 对应方法地址 使用示例
00001 输出线圈 0 0001 0 readCoil(0, 1)
10003 输入线圈 1 0003 2 readDiscreteInput(2, 1)
30020 输入寄存器 3 0020 19 readInputRegister(19, 1)
40100 保持寄存器 4 0100 99 readHoldRegister(99, 1)


序号 功能码 功能说明 对应方法
1 01H 读取输出线圈 readCoil
2 02H 读取输入线圈 readDiscreteInput
3 03H 读取保持寄存器 readHoldRegister
4 04H 读取输入寄存器 readInputRegister
5 05H 写入单线圈 writeCoil
6 06H 写入单寄存器 writeHoldRegister
7 0FH 写入多线圈 writeCoil
8 10H 写入多寄存器 writeHoldRegister


序号 方法 寄存器数量 字节大小 位大小 含义 寄存器
1 readBoolean 1 1/8 1 读取boolean 保持寄存器
2 readInt16 1 2 16 读取Int16 保持寄存器
3 readUInt16 1 2 16 读取UInt16 保持寄存器
4 readInt32 2 4 32 读取Int32 保持寄存器
5 readUInt32 2 4 32 读取UInt32 保持寄存器
6 readFloat32 2 4 32 读取Float32 保持寄存器
7 readFloat64 4 8 64 读取Float64 保持寄存器
8 readString n 2n 16n 读取字符串 保持寄存器
9 writeInt16 1 2 16 写入Int16 保持寄存器
10 writeUInt16 1 2 16 写入UInt16 保持寄存器
11 writeInt32 2 4 32 写入Int32 保持寄存器
12 writeUInt32 2 4 32 写入UInt32 保持寄存器
13 writeFloat32 2 4 32 写入Float32 保持寄存器
14 writeFloat64 4 8 64 写入Float32 保持寄存器
15 writeString n 2n 16n 写入字符串 保持寄存器



class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ModbusTcp plc = new ModbusTcp("");
        // 报文输出设置
        plc.setComCallback((tag, bytes) -> System.out.printf("%s[%d] %s%n", tag, bytes.length, HexUtil.toHexString(bytes)));
        plc.writeInt16(2, (short) 10);


  • 默认采用长连接的方式,不用的时候需要手动关闭;
  • 若需要短连接,则需要手动设置;

1. 长连接方式

class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // 长连接方式,即持久化为true
        ModbusTcp plc = new ModbusTcp("");
        plc.writeInt16(2, (short) 10);
        short data = plc.readInt16(2);
        // 需要手动关闭

2. 短连接方式

class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // 短连接
        ModbusTcp plc = new ModbusTcp("");
        // 设置短连接模式,即持久化为false
        plc.writeInt16(2, (short) 10);
        short data = plc.readInt16(2);


1. 读取数据

class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ModbusTcp plc = new ModbusTcp("");

        // read coil
        List<Boolean> readCoil = plc.readCoil(0, 2);

        // read discrete input
        List<Boolean> readDiscreteInput = plc.readDiscreteInput(0, 4);

        // read hold register
        byte[] readHoldRegister = plc.readHoldRegister(0, 4);

        // read input register
        byte[] readInputRegister = plc.readInputRegister(0, 2);

        // hold register read Boolean
        boolean readBoolean = plc.readBoolean(2, 1);

        // hold register read Int16
        short readInt16 = plc.readInt16(2);

        // hold register read UInt16
        int readUInt16 = plc.readUInt16(2);

        // hold register read Int32
        int readInt32 = plc.readInt32(2);

        // hold register read Int32
        long readUInt32 = plc.readUInt32(2);

        // hold register read Float32
        float readFloat32 = plc.readFloat32(2);

        // hold register read Float64
        double readFloat64 = plc.readFloat64(2);

        // hold register read String
        String readString = plc.readString(2, 4);


2. 写入数据

class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ModbusTcp plc = new ModbusTcp("");

        // single write coil
        plc.writeCoil(0, true);

        // multiple write coil
        List<Boolean> booleans = Arrays.asList(true, false, true, false);
        plc.writeCoil(0, booleans);

        // single write hold register
        plc.writeHoldRegister(0, 33);
        // multiple write hold register
        plc.writeHoldRegister(3, new byte[]{(byte) 0x11, (byte) 0x12});
        // multiple write hold register
        List<Integer> integers = Arrays.asList(11, 12, 13, 14);
        plc.writeHoldRegister(3, integers);

        // hold register write int16
        plc.writeInt16(2, (short) 10);

        // hold register write uint16
        plc.writeUInt16(2, 20);

        // hold register write int32
        plc.writeInt32(2, 32);

        // hold register write uint32
        plc.writeUInt32(2, 32L);

        // hold register write float32
        plc.writeFloat32(2, 12.12f);

        // hold register write float64
        plc.writeFloat64(2, 33.21);

        // hold register write String,偶数长度
        plc.writeString(2, "1234");



1. 读取数据

class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ModbusTcp plc = new ModbusTcp("");
        // optional
        plc.setComCallback((tag, bytes) -> System.out.printf("%s[%d] %s%n", tag, bytes.length, HexUtil.toHexString(bytes)));

        // read coil
        List<Boolean> readCoil = plc.readCoil(2, 0, 2);

        // read discrete input
        List<Boolean> readDiscreteInput = plc.readDiscreteInput(2, 0, 4);

        // read hold register
        byte[] readHoldRegister = plc.readHoldRegister(2, 0, 4);

        // read input register
        byte[] readInputRegister = plc.readInputRegister(2, 0, 2);

        // hold register read Boolean
        boolean readBoolean = plc.readBoolean(3, 2, 1);

        // hold register read Int16
        short readInt16 = plc.readInt16(3, 2, true);

        // hold register read UInt16
        int readUInt16 = plc.readUInt16(3, 2, false);

        // hold register read Int32
        int readInt32 = plc.readInt32(4, 2, EByteBuffFormat.AB_CD);

        // hold register read Int32
        long readUInt32 = plc.readUInt32(4, 2, EByteBuffFormat.AB_CD);

        // hold register read Float32
        float readFloat32 = plc.readFloat32(4, 2, EByteBuffFormat.AB_CD);

        // hold register read Float64
        double readFloat64 = plc.readFloat64(4, 2, EByteBuffFormat.AB_CD);

        // hold register read String
        String readString = plc.readString(5, 2, 4);


2. 写入数据

class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ModbusTcp plc = new ModbusTcp("");
        // optional
        plc.setComCallback((tag, bytes) -> System.out.printf("%s[%d] %s%n", tag, bytes.length, HexUtil.toHexString(bytes)));

        // single write coil
        plc.writeCoil(2, 0, true);

        // multiple write coil
        List<Boolean> booleans = Arrays.asList(true, false, true, false);
        plc.writeCoil(2, 0, booleans);

        // single write hold register
        plc.writeHoldRegister(2, 0, 33);
        // multiple write hold register
        plc.writeHoldRegister(2, 3, new byte[]{(byte) 0x11, (byte) 0x12});
        // multiple write hold register
        List<Integer> integers = Arrays.asList(11, 12, 13, 14);
        plc.writeHoldRegister(2, 3, integers);

        // hold register write int16
        plc.writeInt16(3, 2, (short) 10, true);

        // hold register write uint16
        plc.writeUInt16(3, 2, 20, false);

        // hold register write int32
        plc.writeInt32(4, 2, 32, EByteBuffFormat.AB_CD);

        // hold register write uint32
        plc.writeUInt32(4, 2, 32L, EByteBuffFormat.AB_CD);

        // hold register write float32
        plc.writeFloat32(4, 2, 12.12f, EByteBuffFormat.AB_CD);

        // hold register write float64
        plc.writeFloat64(4, 2, 33.21, EByteBuffFormat.AB_CD);

        // hold register write String
        plc.writeString(5, 2, "1234");



class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ModbusTcpServer server = new ModbusTcpServer();

        ModbusTcp modbusTcp = new ModbusTcp("");
        // optional
        modbusTcp.setComCallback((tag, bytes) -> System.out.printf("%s[%d] %s%n", tag, bytes.length, HexUtil.toHexString(bytes)));

        modbusTcp.writeInt16(2, (short) 10);
        short data = modbusTcp.readInt16(2);
