Crate is written in Java 7, so a JDK needs to be installed. On OS X we recommend using Oracle's Java and OpenJDK on Linux Systems.
The documentation is built using Sphinx which requires Python 2.7 to be
installed in addition to Java. Make sure that there is a python executable
called python2.7
in the global system $PATH
. (Most distributions do that
by default if python is installed)
Clone the repository and initialize the submodule:
$ git clone && cd crate $ git submodule update --init
This project uses Gradle as build tool. It can be invoked by executing
. The first time this command is executed it is bootstrapped
automatically, therefore there is no need to install gradle on the system.
The documentation is maintained under the docs
directory and
written in ReStructuredText and processed with Sphinx.
Normally the documentation is built by Read the Docs and isn't part of the
Crate distribution. However if you work on the documentation you can run
sphinx directly, which can be done by just running bin/sphinx
in the
directory. The output can then be found in the out/html
Before you can run bin/sphinx
you need to setup a development environment
by running inside the docs
And afterwards run buildout:
./bin/buildout -N
To test that all examples in the documentation execute correctly run:
Or if you want to test that a specific file executes correctly run:
./bin/test -1vt <filename>
There is also a gradle task called itest
which will execute all of the
above steps.
To run the tests your network connection should be up and running, else some of the tests will fail, because crate needs to bind to a network interface that is capable of handling ip multicast requests. This is not possible on localhost.
The most convenient way to run build and run Crate during development is directly within the IDE. See the section further down for more information.
Regardless, it is possible to compile and run crate using gradle.
To compile run:
./gradlew compileJava
And to run:
./gradlew runDebug
(And attach a remote debugger on port 5555)
Or install the distribution locally:
./gradlew installDist
And start crate:
Other common tasks are:
Running tests during development:
./gradlew --parallel :sql:test -PtestForks=2 itestRun a single test:
./gradlew test -Dtest.single='YourTestClass'Building a tarball (which will be under
):./gradlew distTar
To get a full list of all available tasks run:
./gradlew tasks
Getting familiar with a foreign code base is often a daunting task. Especially if it is a distributed data store.
This little section won't do justice to explain the whole architecture. This should only give you an idea on where to start reading.
If a SQL statement is sent to Crate the work-flow is roughly as follows:
- HTTP Request processing
- Parse request body and create SQLRequest (happens in
- Process SQLRequest (see
- Statement is parsed, resulting in an abstract syntax tree
- AST is analyzed, basically using meta data like schema information to add information.
- Some statements (mostly DDL) are executed directly
- Planner creates plan for other statements (select, update, delete...)
- Executor executes statement
We recommend IntelliJ to develop Crate. Gradle can be used to generate project files that can be opened in IntelliJ:
./gradlew idea
It is also possible to run Crate Data nodes directly from within IntelliJ. But before that can be done a bit of preparation is necessary.
First create the folders for the configuration and data:
for i in {1..2}; do mkdir -p sandbox/crate_$i/{config,data,plugins}; done
In order for the admin interface to work an additional folder and symbolic links are necessary:
for i in {1..2}; do mkdir -p sandbox/crate_$i/plugins/crate-admin/; done ln -s ../../../../app/plugins/crate-admin/_site sandbox/crate_1/plugins/crate-admin/_site ln -s ../../../../app/plugins/crate-admin/_site sandbox/crate_2/plugins/crate-admin/_site
Then create the configuration files for both nodes:
touch sandbox/crate_1/config/crate.yml touch sandbox/crate_2/config/crate.yml
And add the following settings: local1 http.port: 19201 transport.tcp.port: 19301 localhost multicast.enabled: false - -
In the second files the port number and node name has to be changed. 19201 to 19202 and 19301 to 19302.
In addition to the crate.yml file it is also recommended to create a logging configuration file for both nodes. To do so create the files sandbox/crate_1/config/logging.yml and sandbox/crate_2/config/logging.yml.
A minimal example for the logging configuration looks like this:
rootLogger: INFO, console logger: # log action execution errors for easier debugging action: DEBUG crate.elasticsearch.blob: TRACE appender: console: type: console layout: type: consolePattern conversionPattern: "[%d{ISO8601}][%-5p][%-25c] %m%n"
After that the Run/Debug Configurations can be added within IntelliJ. Go to the Run/Debug Configurations window and add a new Application configuration (one for each node) with the following settings:
Main class | io.crate.bootstrap.CrateF |
VM Options | -Des.path.home=/full/path/to/sandbox/crate_1/ |
Use classpath of module: | app |
Create test coverage reports with jacoco. The HTML report will be in
./gradlew jacocoReport
Running FindBugs against our code base:
./gradlew findBugsMain
the findbugs check will also be executed when running:
./gradlew check
A Benchmark for our SQL Interface can be run by calling:
$ ./gradlew bench
It will output some results to stdout (read between the lines) and finally you will receive information where more detailed benchmark-results got stored.
Before creating a new distribution, a new version and tag should be created:
- Update the CURRENT version in
.- Add a note for the new version at the
file.- Commit e.g. using message 'prepare release x.x.x'.
- Push to origin
- Create a tag using the
script (run./devtools/
Now everything is ready for building a new distribution, either manually or let Jenkins do the job as usual :-)
Building a release tarball is done via the release
task. This task
actually only runs the distTar
task but additionally checks that
the output of git describe --tag
matches the current version of
$ ./gradlew release
The resulting tarball and zip will reside in the folder
If you just pulled some new commits using git and get strange compile errors in the SQL parser code it is probably necessary to re-generate the parser code as the grammer changed:
./gradlew :sql-parser:compileJava