- Must have
- hybrid app for phone
- audio normalization
- support licensed audio and video format (wav, etc)
- Play video
- Context menu
- loading indicator on App start
- progress indicator when importing media
- drag and drop files/folder into library
- Should have
- Create playlists/smart playlists
- Drag to select
- Process meta data on import (artist name, etc)
- Display, edit and refresh from source meta data (artist name, etc)
- Workout timer
- Integration with media keys (keyboard, mobile, earphone)
- link on artist and album name to navigate to artist or album
- button to delete all 1 star track
- Server management (start/stop/restart/status)
- Action to restart app
- Could have
- Tag management
- Lyrics integration + sync
- Album cover
- AI radio station
- AI suggestions
- Browse popular content services (YT, etc)
- Download/blacklist content
- Share playlist/file
- Ability to customize shortcuts for rating
- Consolidate library
- Timestamp on long tracks + multi rating
- create clips from videos (might be similar to clipping from long audio?)
- manual start of server
- actions synced between devices
- swipe for next/previous
- incremental fast forward on left/right taps
- Will not have (maybe)
- native app for phone