#agn-group [[arxiv-reading-202208#^cfb98a]]
- Theories of SMBH seeding scenarios: "light" + "heavy" seeds.
- identify low mass and low-lumin AGNs:
- Deep X-ray (time-wise and plagued by contamination from X-ray binaries).
- Radio searches (low detection rates).
- optical emission features in Balmer emission lines (high
$S/N$ spectra, contamination from supernovae and stellar winds).- requires multi-epoch sepctroscopy to ensure the broad emission is persistent
- some accreting IMBHs may fail to produce a BLR region.
- "wandering" BH population?
a forward model to forecast the number density of IMBHs in dwarf galaxies.
- starting from the galaxy stellar mass function and host-galaxy scaling relations to derive the corresponding BH mass and AGN luminosity functions.
- goal:
- estimate the number density of dwarfs with central AGNs in the IMBH mass range that would result from the various proposed seeding mechanisms.
- GSMF, high mass (red galaxies), low mass (blue galaxies) -> determined accretion mode.
$N_{\rm{draw}}$ , occupation fraction (IMBH/SMBH,$\lambda_{\rm{occ}}$ )- Light seeds:
- heavy seeds
- The model includes an inner advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF), and an outer truncated thin accretion disk and a jet (Nemmen et al. 2014; Yuan et al. 2007, 2005). This model provides a reasonable description for low luminosity AGNs, for calculation the disk luminosity, see [[AGN-NGC 4395]].