Thanks for contributing to Django Data Wizard! Here are some guidelines to help you get started.
Questions and ideas can be submitted to the Django Data Wizard discussion board.
Bug reports can be submitted to either IterTable issues or Django Data Wizard issues. Reports can take any form as long as there is enough information to diagnose the problem. To speed up response time, try to include the following whenever possible:
- Versions of Django and Django REST Framework
- Expected (or ideal) behavior
- Actual behavior
Pull requests are very welcome and will be reviewed and merged as time allows. To speed up reviews, try to include the following whenever possible:
- Reference the issue that the PR fixes (e.g. #6)
- Failing test case fixed by the PR
- If the PR provides new functionality, update the documentation in
- Ensure the PR passes lint and unit tests. This happens automatically, but you can also run these locally with the following commands:
python -m unittest discover -s tests -t . -v # run the test suite
flake8 # run code style checking