- 54ec5ce: Fixes a bug when deploying to dirs other than site root by dynamically generating file exclusion lists on the fly
- 30cdd52: Fixes a bug that caused certain flags in the FLAGS option to be incorrectly parsed by rsync
- f8fa689: Adds wp-cache-memcached to default excludes list
- f1e6867: Bump node version for dev tooling
- 43ebea6: Update base image alpine 3.18 > 3.20 and apply updates
- 504f3db: Update dev tooling npm dependencies
- d8b8469: Bump @changesets/cli > 2.26.2 (resolves semver vulnerability)
- 4283418: Bump alpine 3.17 > 3.18
- 20cff22: Update instrumentisto/rsync-ssh base image to alpine3.17
58eb612: Updates the main script to be more generic, allowing it to be used around different CI/CD Vendors.
In order to use this image, each CI/CD vendor implementation will need to set the environment variables accordingly:
WPE_ENV # The target WP Engine install name REMOTE_PATH # Default is empty SRC_PATH # Default is the current directory FLAGS # Default is -azvr --inplace --exclude=".*" PHP_LINT # Default is "FALSE" CACHE_CLEAR # Default is "TRUE" SCRIPT # Default is empty
Example of how to run this image:
docker run --rm \ -e "WPE_SSHG_KEY_PRIVATE" \ --env-file ./.env \ -v <full_path_of_site>:/site \ --workdir=/site \ wpengine/site-deploy:latest