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function Poly(state, color, normal){ if(state && 'id' in state && document.pageItems.itemByID(state.id).isValid){ this.shape = state; this.vectors = this.getVectorsFromShape(); try{ color = this.shape.fillColor.colorValue }catch(err){} }else{ this.vectors = state; this.shape = this.getShapeFromVectors(); } this.pathVectors = this.vectors.slice(0); this.normal = normal || new Vector3D(0, 0, -1); this.baseNormal = this.normal; this.matrix = new Matrix3D([1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]); if(color) color.length == 3?this.setColor(color[0], color[1], color[2]):this.setColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]); else this.setColor(0,0,0);}Poly.prototype.setColor = function(r, g, b, k){ this.color = col(r,g,b, k); this.shape.fillColor = this.color;}function col(r,g,b, k){ if(k !== undefined){ var name = "C="+r+" M="+g+" Y="+b+" K="+k; var col = document.colors.itemByName(name); if(col.isValid){ return col; }else{ var col =col = document.colors.add({name:name, space:ColorSpace.CMYK, colorValue:[r,g,b,k]}); return col; } }else{ var name = "R="+r+" G="+g+" B="+b; var col = document.colors.itemByName(name); if(col.isValid){ return col; }else{ var col =col = document.colors.add({name:name, space:ColorSpace.RGB, colorValue:[r,g,b]}); return col; } }}Poly.prototype.toObject3D = function(depth){ if(depth){ return new Object3D(this.get3DPolys(depth)); }else{ return new Object3D([this]); }}Poly.prototype.get3DPolys = function(depth){ var backfaceVecs = this.vectors.slice(0); for(var j = 0; j < backfaceVecs.length; j++){ backfaceVecs[j] = backfaceVecs[j].slice(0); var bfs = backfaceVecs[j]; for(var i = 0; i < bfs.length; i++){ if(bfs[i] instanceof Array){ bfs[i] = bfs[i].slice(0); for(var vi=0; vi < bfs[i].length; vi++){ bfs[i][vi] = bfs[i][vi].clone(); } }else{ bfs[i] = bfs[i].clone(); } } } var backface = new Poly(backfaceVecs, this.color.colorValue, new Vector3D(0, 0, 1)); for(var j = 0; j < backface.vectors.length; j++){ var bf = backface.vectors[j]; bf.reverse(); for(var i = 0; i < bf.length; i++){ var vec = bf[i]; if(vec instanceof Array){ vec[0].setZ(vec[0].z + depth); vec[1].setZ(vec[1].z + depth); vec[2].setZ(vec[2].z + depth); var temp = vec[0]; vec[0] = vec[2]; vec[2] = temp; }else{ vec.setZ(vec.z + depth); } } } return [this, backface].concat(this.getSidePolys(depth));}Poly.prototype.getSidePolys = function(depth){ var polys = []; var paths = this.shape.paths.everyItem().getElements(); var p1, p2; for(var pIdx = 0; pIdx < paths.length; pIdx++){ var path = paths[pIdx]; var points = path.entirePath; var first = null p1 = null; for(var i = 0; i < points.length; i++){ var point = points[i]; var vec; if(point.length == 3){ vec = [ Vector3D(point[0][0], point[0][1],1), Vector3D(point[1][0], point[1][1],1), Vector3D(point[2][0], point[2][1],1) ]; }else{ vec = Vector3D(point[0], point[1], 1); } var temp = p1; p2 = vec; if(temp){ polys.push(this.getPoints(p1, p2, depth)); } p1 = p2; first = first || p1; } polys.push(this.getPoints(p2, first, depth)); } return polys;}Poly.prototype.duplicateVectorArray = function(vec){ var ret; if(vec instanceof Array){ ret = vec.slice(); for(var i = 0; i < ret.length; i++){ ret[i] = ret[i].clone(); } }else{ ret = vec.clone(); } return ret;}Poly.prototype.getPoints = function(vec1, vec2, depth){ var p3 = this.duplicateVectorArray(vec2) var p4 = this.duplicateVectorArray(vec1) var doubles = [p3,p4]; for(var pIdx = 0; pIdx < doubles.length; pIdx++){ var point = doubles[pIdx]; if(point instanceof Array){ point[0].setZ(point[0].z + depth); point[1].setZ(point[1].z + depth); point[2].setZ(point[2].z + depth); }else{ point.setZ(point.z + depth); } } var ap = this.asSimplePoints; var pointsArray = [].concat(ap(p4, true), ap(p3, false), ap(vec2, false, false), ap(vec1, false, false)); normalPoly = new Poly([[p4, p3, vec2, vec1]]); var shapeNormal = normalPoly.calculateNormal(); normalPoly.shape.remove(); var p = new Poly([pointsArray]); p.baseNormal = shapeNormal return p; }Poly.prototype.asSimplePoints = function (vec1, begin, special){ if(vec1 instanceof Array){ var p1 = vec1[0]; var p2 = vec1[1]; var p3 = vec1[2]; if(begin){ return [[p1.clone(),p1.clone(),p1.clone()], [p1,p2,p3]]; } else{ return [[p1,p2,p3], [p1.clone(),p1.clone(),p1.clone()]]; } }else{ return [vec1]; }}Poly.prototype.getVectorsFromShape = function(){ var paths = this.shape.paths.everyItem().getElements(); var Vectors = []; for(var pIdx = 0; pIdx < paths.length; pIdx++){ var path = paths[pIdx]; var vecs = []; Vectors[pIdx] = vecs; var points = path.entirePath; for(var i = 0; i < points.length; i++){ var point = points[i]; var vec; if(point.length == 3){ vec = [ Vector3D(point[0][0], point[0][1],1), Vector3D(point[1][0], point[1][1],1), Vector3D(point[2][0], point[2][1],1) ]; }else{ vec = Vector3D(point[0], point[1], 1); } vecs.push(vec); } } return Vectors;}Poly.prototype.applyTransform = function(m3){ this.matrix = new Matrix3D(m3 * this.matrix); this.calculateTransformedVectors(); this.transformNormal(this.matrix);}Poly.prototype.transformNormal = function(m3){ var invTrans = new Matrix3D(m3.minor(3,3).inverse().transpose()); var newNormal = invTrans * this.baseNormal; this.normal = new Vector3D(newNormal[0][0], newNormal[1][0], newNormal[2][0]);}Poly.prototype.minZ = function(){ var z = 0; var count = 0; for(var i = 0; i < this.pathVectors[0].length; i++){ var vec = this.pathVectors[0][i]; if(vec instanceof Array) vec = vec[1]; z += vec.z; count ++; } if(this.normal.z >= 0) z += 1000 return (z/count); }Poly.prototype.getCenter = function(){ var x = 0; var y = 0; var z =0; var total = 0; for(var i = 0; i < this.pathVectors[0].length; i++){ var vec = this.pathVectors[0][i]; if(vec instanceof Array) vec = vec[1]; x += vec.x; y += vec.y; z += vec.z; total++; } return new Vector3D(x/total, y/total, z/total);}Poly.prototype.calculateNormal = function(){ var v1 = this.pathVectors[0][0]; var v2 = this.pathVectors[0][1]; var v3 = this.pathVectors[0][2]; if(v1 instanceof Array) v1 = v1[1]; if(v2 instanceof Array) v2 = v2[1]; if(v3 instanceof Array) v3 = v3[1]; var VectorU = v2 - v1; var VectorV = v3 - v1; var NormalX = VectorU.y * VectorV.z - VectorU.z * VectorV.y; var NormalY = VectorU.z * VectorV.x - VectorU.x * VectorV.z; var NormalZ = VectorU.x * VectorV.y - VectorU.y * VectorV.x; return new Vector3D(NormalX, NormalY, NormalZ);}Poly.prototype.getShapeFromVectors = function(){ var shape = document.polygons.add(); shape.strokeWeight = 0; shape.properties = {fillColor:"Black"}; for(var pIdx = 0; pIdx < this.vectors.length; pIdx++){ var pathList = this.vectors[pIdx]; var path = []; var pathItem = shape.paths.item(pIdx); if(!pathItem.isValid) var pathItem = shape.paths.add(); for(var i = 0; i < pathList.length; i++){ var vec = pathList[i]; if(vec instanceof Array){ path.push([[vec[0].x, vec[0].y],[vec[1].x, vec[1].y],[vec[2].x, vec[2].y]]); }else{ path.push([vec.x, vec.y]); } } pathItem.entirePath = path; } return shape;}Poly.prototype.calculateTransformedVectors = function(){ this.pathVectors = []; var vec for(var j = 0; j < this.vectors.length; j++){ var pathVecs = this.vectors[j]; var path = []; this.pathVectors.push(path); for(var i = 0; i < pathVecs.length; i++){ var baseVec = pathVecs[i]; if(baseVec instanceof Array){ vec = [baseVec[0].apply3DMatrix(this.matrix), baseVec[1].apply3DMatrix(this.matrix), baseVec[2].apply3DMatrix(this.matrix)] }else{ vec = baseVec.apply3DMatrix(this.matrix); } path.push(vec); } } }Poly.prototype.setShapePath = function(){ var Xc, yC, zC; var pageBounds =app.activeWindow.activePage.bounds; xC = pageBounds[3]/2; yC = pageBounds[2]/2; zC = -1; for(var pIdx = 0; pIdx < this.pathVectors.length; pIdx++){ var pathList = this.pathVectors[pIdx]; var path = []; var pathItem = this.shape.paths.item(pIdx); if(!pathItem.isValid) var pathItem = this.shape.paths.add(); pathItem.pathType = PathType.CLOSED_PATH; for(var i = 0; i < pathList.length; i++){ var vector = pathList[i]; if(vector instanceof Array){ path.push([ this.getPerspectivePoint (vector[0].x, vector[0].y, vector[0].z, xC, yC, zC), this.getPerspectivePoint (vector[1].x, vector[1].y, vector[1].z, xC, yC, zC), this.getPerspectivePoint (vector[2].x, vector[2].y, vector[2].z, xC, yC, zC), ]); }else{ path.push(this.getPerspectivePoint(vector.x, vector.y, vector.z, xC, yC, zC)); } } pathItem.entirePath = path; }}Poly.prototype.getPerspectivePoint = function(x, y, z, xC, yC, zC){ var diffX = x - xC; var diffY = y - yC; var percent = 1-(z/300); var pX = (x - xC) * percent + xC; var pY = (y - yC)* percent + yC; if(Config.PERSPECTIVE){ return [pX, pY]; }else{ return [x, y]; }}Poly.prototype.drawLine = function(){ var center = this.getCenter(); var normal = [this.normal.x + center.x, this.normal.y +center.y] var line = document.polygons.add(); line.strokeColor = col(255,0,0); line.strokeWeight = 0.05; line.paths.firstItem().entirePath = [[center.x, center.y],[normal[0], normal[1]]]; this.line = line;}Poly.prototype.draw = function(){ this.setShapePath(); if(Config.SHOW_NORMALS){ if(this.line && this.line.isValid){ this.line.remove(); } this.drawLine(); } if(Config.CULL_BACKFACES){ this.shape.visible = this.normal.z <= 0; } }