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.. cpp:namespace:: nanobind

Creating your first extension

This section assumes that you have followed the instructions to :ref:`install <installing>` nanobind and set up a basic :ref:`build system <building>`.

We are now ready to define a first basic extension that wraps a function to add two numbers. Create a new file my_ext.cpp with the following contents (the meaning of this code will be explained shortly):

#include <nanobind/nanobind.h>

int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }

NB_MODULE(my_ext, m) {
    m.def("add", &add);

Afterwards, you should be able to compile and run the extension.

Building using CMake

Launch cmake in the project directory to set up a build system that will write all output into a separate build subdirectory.

cmake -S . -B build


If this step fails with an error message saying that Python cannot be found, you will need to install a suitable Python 3 development package.

For example, on Ubuntu you would run:

apt install libpython3-dev

On Windows, you we recommend downloading and running one of the installers provided by the Python foundation.


If you have multiple versions of Python on your system, the CMake build system may not find the specific version you had in mind. This is problematic: extension built for one version of Python usually won't run on another version. You can provide a hint to the build system to help it find a specific version.

In this case, delete the build folder (if you already created one) and re-run cmake while specifying the command line parameter -DPython_EXECUTABLE=<path to python executable>.

rm -Rf build
cmake -S . -B build -DPython_EXECUTABLE=<path to python executable>

Assuming the cmake ran without issues, you can now compile the extension using the following command:

cmake --build build

Finally, navigate into the build directory and launch an interactive Python session:

cd build

(The default build output directory is different on Windows: use cd build\Debug and python instead of the above.)

You should be able to import the extension and call the newly defined function my_ext.add().

Python 3.11.1 (main, Dec 23 2022, 09:28:24) [Clang 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import my_ext
>>> my_ext.add(1, 2)

Binding functions

Let's step through the example binding code to understand what each line does. The directive on the first line includes the core parts of nanobind:

#include <nanobind/nanobind.h>

nanobind also provides many optional add-on components that are aren't included by default. They are discussed throughout this documentation along with pointers to the header files that must be included when using them.

Next is the function to be exposed in Python, followed by the mysterious-looking :c:macro:`NB_MODULE` macro.

int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }

NB_MODULE(my_ext, m) {
    m.def("add", &add);

:c:macro:`NB_MODULE(my_ext, m) <NB_MODULE>` declares the extension with the name my_ext. This name must match the extension name provided to the nanobind_add_module() function in the CMake build system---otherwise, importing the extension will fail with an obscure error about a missing symbol. The second argument (m) names a variable of type :cpp:class:`nanobind::module_` that represents the created module.

The part within curly braces ({, }) consists of a sequence of statements that initialize the desired function and class bindings. It is best thought of as the main() function that will run when a user imports the extension into a running Python session.

In this case, there is only one binding declaration that wraps the add referenced using the ampersand (&) operator. nanobind determines the function's type signature and generates the necessary binding code. All of this happens automatically at compile time.


Notice how little code was needed to expose our function to Python: all details regarding the function’s parameters and return value were automatically inferred using template metaprogramming. This overall approach and the used syntax go back to Boost.Python, though the implementation in nanobind is very different.

Keyword and default arguments

There are limits to what nanobind can determine at compile time. For example, the argument names were lost and calling add() in Python using keyword arguments fails:

>>> my_ext.add(a=1, b=2)
TypeError: add(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:
    1. add(arg0: int, arg1: int, /) -> int

Invoked with types: kwargs = { a: int, b: int }

Let's improve the bindings to fix this. We will also add a docstring and a default b argument so that add() increments when only one value is provided. The modified binding code looks as follows:

#include <nanobind/nanobind.h>

namespace nb = nanobind;
using namespace nb::literals;

int add(int a, int b = 1) { return a + b; }

NB_MODULE(my_ext, m) {
    m.def("add", &add, "a"_a, "b"_a = 1,
          "This function adds two numbers and increments if only one is provided.");

Let's go through all of the changed lines. The first sets up a short namespace alias named nb:

namespace nb = nanobind;

This is convenient because binding code usually ends up referencing many classes and functions from this namespace. The subsequent using declaration is optional and enables a convenient syntax for annotating function arguments:

using namespace nb::literals;

Without it, you would have to change every occurrence of the pattern "..."_a to the more verbose nb::arg("...").

The function binding declaration includes several changes. It is common to pile on a few attributes and modifiers in :cpp:func:`.def(...) <module_::def()>` binding declarations, which can be specified in any order.

m.def("add", &add, "a"_a, "b"_a = 1,
      "This function adds two numbers and increments if only one is provided.");

The string at the end is a docstring that will later show up in generated documentation. The argument annotations ("a"_a, "b"_a) associate parameters with names for keyword-based argument passing.

Besides argument names, nanobind also cannot infer default arguments---you must repeat them in the binding declaration. In the above snippet, the "b"_a = 1 annotation informs nanobind about the value of the default argument.

Exporting values

To export a value, use the :cpp:func:`attr() <nanobind::detail::api::attr>` function to register it in the module as shown below. Bound classes and built-in types are automatically converted when they are assigned in this way.

m.attr("the_answer") = 42;


Let's add one more bit of flourish by assigning a docstring to the extension module itself. Include the following line anywhere in the body of the NB_MODULE() {...} declaration:

m.doc() = "A simple example python extension";

After recompiling the extension, you should be able to view the associated documentation using the help() builtin or the ? operator in IPython.

>>> import my_ext
>>> help(my_ext)

Help on module my_ext:

    my_ext - A simple example python extension

    add = <nanobind.nb_func object>
        add(a: int, b: int = 1) -> int

        This function adds two numbers and increments if only one is provided

    the_answer = 42


The automatically generated documentation covers functions, classes, parameter and return value type information, argument names, and default arguments.

Binding a custom type

Let's now turn to an object oriented example. We will create bindings for a simple C++ type named Dog defined as follows:

#include <string>

struct Dog {
    std::string name;

    std::string bark() const {
        return name + ": woof!";

The Dog bindings look as follows:

#include <nanobind/nanobind.h>
#include <nanobind/stl/string.h>

namespace nb = nanobind;

NB_MODULE(my_ext, m) {
    nb::class_<Dog>(m, "Dog")
        .def(nb::init<const std::string &>())
        .def("bark", &Dog::bark)
        .def_rw("name", &Dog::name);

Let's look at selected lines of this example, starting with the added include directive:

#include <nanobind/stl/string.h>

nanobind has a minimal core and initially doesn't know how to deal with STL types like std::string. This line imports a type caster that realizes a bidirectional conversion (C++ std::string ↔ Python str) to make the example usable. An upcoming :ref:`documentation section <type_casters>` will provide more detail on type casters and other alternatives.

The class binding declaration :class:`nb::class_\<T\>() <class_>` supports both class and struct-style data structures.

nb::class_<Dog>(m, "Dog")

Here, it associates the C++ type Dog with a new Python type named "Dog" and installs it in the :cpp:class:`nb::module_ <module_>` m.

Initially, this type is completely empty---it has no members and cannot be instantiated. The subsequent chain of binding declarations binds two constructor overloads (via :cpp:class:`nb::init\<...\>() <init>`), a method, and the mutable name field (via :cpp:func:`.def_rw(..) <class_::def_rw>`, where rw stands for read/write access).

.def(nb::init<const std::string &>())
.def("bark", &Dog::bark)
.def_rw("name", &Dog::name);

An interactive Python session demonstrating this example is shown below:

Python 3.11.1 (main, Dec 23 2022, 09:28:24) [Clang 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import my_ext
>>> d = my_ext.Dog('Max')
>>> print(d)
<my_ext.Dog object at 0x1044540f0>
>>> = 'Charlie'
>>> d.bark()
'Charlie: woof!'

The example showed how to bind constructors, methods, and mutable fields. Many other things can be bound using analogous :cpp:class:`nb::class_\<...\> <class_>` methods:

Type Method
Methods & constructors :cpp:func:`.def() <class_::def>`
Fields :cpp:func:`.def_ro() <class_::def_ro>`, :cpp:func:`.def_rw() <class_::def_rw>`
Properties :cpp:func:`.def_prop_ro() <class_::def_prop_ro>`, :cpp:func:`.def_prop_rw() <class_::def_prop_rw>`
Static methods :cpp:func:`.def_static() <class_::def_static>`
Static fields :cpp:func:`.def_ro_static() <class_::def_ro_static>`, :cpp:func:`.def_rw_static() <class_::def_rw_static>`
Static properties :cpp:func:`.def_prop_ro_static() <class_::def_prop_ro_static>`, :cpp:func:`.def_prop_rw_static() <class_::def_prop_rw_static>`


All of these binding declarations support :ref:`docstrings <docstrings>`, :ref:`keyword, and default argument <keyword_and_default_args>` annotations as before.

Binding lambda functions

Note how print(d) produced a rather useless summary in the example above:

>>> print(d)
<my_ext.Dog object at 0x1044540f0>

To address this, we can add a special Python method named __repr__ that returns a human-readable summary. Unfortunately, a corresponding function with such functionality does not currently exist in the C++ type, and it would be nice if we did not have to modify it. We can bind a lambda function to achieve both goals:

nb::class_<Dog>(m, "Dog")
    // ... skipped ...
         [](const Dog &p) { return "<my_ext.Dog named '" + + "'>"; });

nanobind supports both stateless [1] and stateful lambda closures.

Higher order functions

nanobind's support for higher-order functions [2] further blurs the language boundary. The snippet below extends the Dog class with higher-order function bark_later() that calls :cpp:func:`nb::cpp_function() <cpp_function>` to convert and return a stateful C++ lambda function (callback) as a Python function object.

nb::class_<Dog>(m, "Dog")
    // ... skipped ...
    .def("bark_later", [](const Dog &p) {
        auto callback = [name =] {
            nb::print(nb::str("{}: woof!").format(name));
        return nb::cpp_function(callback);

The lambda function captures the Dog::name() property (a C++ std::string) and in turn calls Python functions (:cpp:func:`nb::print() <print>`, :cpp:func:`nb::str::format() <str::format>`) to print onto the console. Here is an example use of the binding in Python:

>>> f = d.bark_later()
>>> f
<nanobind.nb_func object at 0x10537c140>
>>> f()
Charlie: woof!


This concludes the basic part of the documentation, which provided a first taste of nanobind and typical steps needed to create a custom extension.

The upcoming intermediate-level material covers performance and safety-critical points:

  • C++ and Python can exchange information in various different ways.

    Which one is best for a particular task?

  • A bound object can simultaneously exist in both C++ and Python.

    Who owns it? When is it safe to delete it?

Following these topics, the documentation revisits function and class bindings in full detail.

[1]Stateless closures are those with an empty pair of brackets [] as the capture object.
[2]Higher-order functions are functions that take functions as arguments and/or return them.