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Releases: witnet/witnet-rust


09 Jul 08:56
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0.9.0-d Pre-release
feat(session): move feeler connection dropping logging to debug level


24 Jun 10:07
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Blocks in 9.0c will NOT be part of the Block Counting Period.
That is, they will NOT be rewarded with Mainnet tokens.

T9.0b — The One Where We Start Counting Blocks

18 Jun 17:23
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T9.0 — The One Where We Failed To Bootstrap Because We Were Too Many Folks

18 Jun 17:17
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This is the binary that was used for the failed T9.0 bootstrapping ceremony. It is kept here only for archival purposes.

The correct T9 binaries are tagged as 0.9.0-b, and available here:


05 Jun 09:19
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0.8.1-next1 Pre-release

This is a pre-release whose only purpose is testing the next version of the docker image.

T8.1 — The One That Solved Ludicrous Memory Usage

20 May 18:02
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Among other improvements and fixes, this version completes the integration of the "Collaterals" feature, and hugely reduces the memory footprint of the node software, which had increased a lot with T8.0.

Remember that the recommended procedure for updating your node is this:

  1. Stop your Docker container: docker stop witnet_node
  2. Pulll the latest Docker image: docker pull witnet/witnet-rust
  3. Start your Docker container again: docker start witnet_node

As usual, you can check that the upgrade went right with this command:

docker exec witnet_node ./witnet node --version

This is a coordinated scheduled network bootstrap: as soon as you run your node, it will start peering with other nodes in the network but it will not mine until the genesis checkpoint (May 21 at 10am UTC).

Operators not using Docker need to update witnet.toml files so they look like this one. Special attention must be given to the new public_addr, which should contain their public IP and port.

This release bootstraps a new network with a fresh genesis block that is totally empty. Operators not using Docker DO need to update the genesis_block.json file this time (download below).

Privacy considerations

This release adds automatic bug reporting (aka "telemetry") using Sentry. Every time a bug happens in your node, the trace of the error and some basic system information will be anonymously reported to the developers.

This helps the community better troubleshoot errors and will hopefully lead to a quicker and more effective improvement of the software (i.e. we'll be mainnet-ready sooner).

This feature can be disabled through the witnet.toml configuration file by setting sentry_telemetry to false or simply deleting the sentry_telemetry line.


Special thanks to everyone in the community for their eagerness and constant support for the advancement of the ecosystem.

T8.0 — The One With Collaterals

29 Apr 09:39
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Among other improvements and fixes, this version introduces the long-awaited "Collaterals" feature, which greatly enhances the security, liveness and fairness of the network.

Remember that the recommended procedure for updating your node is this:

  1. Stop your Docker container: docker stop witnet_node
  2. Pulll the latest Docker image: docker pull witnet/witnet-rust
  3. Start your Docker container again: docker start witnet_node

As usual, you can check that the upgrade went right with this command:

docker exec witnet_node ./witnet node --version

This is a coordinated scheduled network bootstrap: as soon as you run your node, it will start peering with other nodes in the network but it will not mine until the genesis checkpoint (Apr 28 at 9am UTC).

Operators not using Docker need to update witnet.toml files so they look like this one. Special attention must be given to the new public_addr, which should contain their public IP and port.

This release bootstraps a new network with a fresh genesis block that contains a snapshot of the balances in T7.3. Operators not using Docker DO need to update the genesis_block.json file this time (download below).

Special thanks to everyone in the community for their eagerness and constant support for the advancement of the ecosystem.

T7.3 — The One Where Everyone Becomes A Peer

02 Apr 09:31
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Among other improvements and fixes, this version adds every node to a default known peers list, allowing for a much more even spread of connections, and a more stable network.

There's a slightly different recommended process for upgrading your nodes this time:

  1. Stop your Docker container: docker stop witnet_node
  2. Pulll the latest Docker image: docker pull witnet/witnet-rust
  3. Start your Docker container again: docker start witnet_node

As usual, you can check that the upgrade went right with this command:

docker exec witnet_node ./witnet node --version

Operators not using Docker need to update witnet.toml files so they look like this one. Special attention must be given to the new public_addr, which should contain their public IP and port.

This release bootstraps a new network reusing the genesis block from T7.1 and T7.2, which was a snapshot of the final balances in T6.x. Thus the genesis_block.json does not need to be updated this time.

Special thanks to everyone in the community for their eagerness and constant support for the advancement of the ecosystem.

T7.2 — The One Devoted To The Doctors, Nurses And Paramedics

24 Mar 15:02
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Release T7.2 reuses the T7.1 network, and thus upgrading is incredibly easy: simply restart your node or docker container.

As usual, you can check that the upgrade went right with this command:

docker exec witnet_node ./witnet node --version

May a node choose not to upgrade, it will keep witnessing (resolving data requests) but will fail to produce valid block candidates under the consensus rules of any T7.x node.

T7.1 — The One That Came With The Quarantine

20 Mar 22:30
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The Witnet community has taken this quarantine as an opportunity to do some heavy experiments on Testnet 7... and they broke it! At the end of the day, this is what testnets are for, isn't it?

The new T7.1 network is scheduled for bootstrapping at midnight tonight (March 21 at 00:00 UTC).

Joining the T7.1 network is incredibly easy: simply restart your node or docker container. Upon restarting, witnet-rust will reload your keys and stay idle until midnight, when all the nodes in the network will automatically start mining at once.

You can check that the upgrade went right with this command:

docker exec witnet_node ./witnet node --version

Check your (t)Wit balance: let us know if it's still there!

For this T7.1 upgrade, we wanted to try something new: everyone will keep their current balance.

Losing your precious testnet tokens when upgrading is something that annoyed many of you. The devs took notice, did their magic, and poof: whatever your balance was on Testnet 7, you'll now see the same balance on T7.1.

Want to see it with your own eyes? Use this command after upgrading to T7.1:

docker exec witnet_node ./witnet node getBalance