diff --git a/netlify.toml b/netlify.toml
index 0843f1dfac07a..e4174d26a996d 100644
--- a/netlify.toml
+++ b/netlify.toml
@@ -83,6 +83,14 @@
from = "/:lang/guides/client-side-routing"
to = "/:lang/guides/view-transitions"
+ [[redirects]]
+ from = "/:lang/guides/assets"
+ to = "/:lang/guides/images"
+ [[redirects]]
+ from = "/:lang/guides/integrations-guide/image"
+ to = "/:lang/guides/images"
from = "/:lang/migration/0.21.0"
to = "/:lang/guides/upgrade-to/v1"
diff --git a/src/content/docs/de/guides/images.mdx b/old-translations/de/guides/images.mdx
similarity index 99%
rename from src/content/docs/de/guides/images.mdx
rename to old-translations/de/guides/images.mdx
index e561b6b44b20c..693194dc9210e 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/de/guides/images.mdx
+++ b/old-translations/de/guides/images.mdx
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Since from '~/components/Since.astro';
Astro bietet dir verschiedene Möglichkeiten, Bilder auf deiner Website zu verwenden, ganz gleich, ob sie lokal in deinem Projekt gespeichert sind, auf anderen Quellen verlinkt werden oder in einem CMS oder CDN gespeichert sind!
:::note[Assets verwenden (Experimentell)]
-Die experimentelle Asset-Unterstützung wurde in `astro@2.1.0` hinzugefügt. Wenn du die Unterstützung für Assets aktiviert hast, findest du weitere Informationen in der [Asset-Anleitung (Experimentell)](/de/guides/assets/).
+Die experimentelle Asset-Unterstützung wurde in `astro@2.1.0` hinzugefügt. Wenn du die Unterstützung für Assets aktiviert hast, findest du weitere Informationen in der [Asset-Anleitung (Experimentell)](/de/guides/images/).
**Einige der folgenden Ratschläge sind nicht mit der experimentellen Flag kompatibel.**
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import rocket from '../images/rocket.svg';
Du kannst die Standard Markdown `![]()` Syntax oder die Standard HTML ``-Tags in deinen `.md`-Dateien für Bilder verwenden, die sich in deinem `public/`-Ordner befinden, oder für Remote-Bilder auf einem anderen Server.
-Wenn du deine Bilder nicht in `public/` speichern kannst, empfehlen wir, die [experimentelle Unterstützung für Assets](/de/guides/assets/) zu aktivieren oder das Dateiformat `.mdx` zu verwenden, mit dem du importierte Komponenten mit einer Markdown-ähnlichen Syntax kombinieren kannst. Verwende die [MDX-Integration](/de/guides/integrations-guide/mdx/), um Astro-Unterstützung für MDX hinzuzufügen.
+Wenn du deine Bilder nicht in `public/` speichern kannst, empfehlen wir, die [experimentelle Unterstützung für Assets](/de/guides/images/) zu aktivieren oder das Dateiformat `.mdx` zu verwenden, mit dem du importierte Komponenten mit einer Markdown-ähnlichen Syntax kombinieren kannst. Verwende die [MDX-Integration](/de/guides/integrations-guide/mdx/), um Astro-Unterstützung für MDX hinzuzufügen.
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Das Attribut `src` ist **relativ zum öffentlichen Ordner**. In Markdown kannst
### `src/assets/` (experimentell)
-In der Anleitung [Assets (Experimentell)](/de/guides/assets/) kannst du nachlesen, wie du den Ordner `/assets/` experimentell nutzen kannst.
+In der Anleitung [Assets (Experimentell)](/de/guides/images/) kannst du nachlesen, wie du den Ordner `/assets/` experimentell nutzen kannst.
Dazu musst du deine bestehenden Bilder aktualisieren, die aktuelle Astro-Bildintegration entfernen und zusätzliche manuelle Änderungen vornehmen, um einige der neuen Funktionen zu nutzen.
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Die offizielle Bild-Integration von Astro bietet zwei verschiedene Astro-Kompone
Nach der [Installation von `@astrojs/image`](/de/guides/integrations-guide/image/#installation) kannst du diese beiden Komponenten überall dort verwenden, wo du Astro-Komponenten verwenden kannst: in `.astro`- und `.mdx`-Dateien.
:::note[Inkompatibel mit Assets]
-Wenn du die experimentelle Asset-Unterstützung aktiviert hast, musst du die offizielle Integration deinstallieren. Weitere Informationen findest du im [Assets (Experimental) Guide](/de/guides/assets/).
+Wenn du die experimentelle Asset-Unterstützung aktiviert hast, musst du die offizielle Integration deinstallieren. Weitere Informationen findest du im [Assets (Experimental) Guide](/de/guides/images/).
### ``
diff --git a/src/content/docs/fr/guides/images.mdx b/old-translations/fr/images.mdx
similarity index 100%
rename from src/content/docs/fr/guides/images.mdx
rename to old-translations/fr/images.mdx
diff --git a/old-translations/ja/images.mdx b/old-translations/ja/images.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..54c53602c96e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old-translations/ja/images.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+title: 画像
+description: Astroでの画像の取り扱いを学びます
+i18nReady: true
+import Since from '~/components/Since.astro';
+:::note[アセットの活用 (実験的)]
+実験的なアセットサポートが`astro@2.1.0`に追加されました。アセットサポートを有効にした場合、追加情報については [アセット (実験的) ガイド](/ja/guides/images/) を参照してください。
+### `.astro`ファイル内
+`src` 属性は必須で、その書式は画像の保存場所や、アセットの実験的なサポートを有効にしているかどうかによって異なります:
+```astro title="src/pages/index.astro"
+import rocket from '../images/rocket.svg';
+### Markdownファイル内
+もし`public/`に画像を保存できない場合、[アセットの実験的なサポート](/ja/guides/images/)を有効にするか、インポートされたコンポーネントをMarkdownのような構文と組み合わせて使える`.mdx`ファイルフォーマットを利用することをお勧めします。AstroにMDXのサポートを追加するには[MDX インテグレーション](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/mdx/)を利用します。
+# Markdownページ
+![A starry night sky.](/assets/stars.png)
+### MDXファイル内
+```mdx title="src/pages/post-1.mdx"
+import rocket from '../images/rocket.svg';
+# MDXページ
+// src/images/rocket.svgに保存されたローカル画像
+// public/assets/stars.pngに保存されたローカル画像
+![A starry night sky.](/assets/stars.png)
+// 他サーバー上にあるリモート画像
+### UIフレームワークコンポーネント内
+## 画像の保存場所
+### `src/`
+// src/pages/index.astro
+// `src/images/`内の画像へアクセスします。
+import logo from '../images/logo.png';
+### `public/`
+```astro title="src/pages/index.astro"
+// `public/images/`内の画像へアクセスします。
+### `src/assets/` (実験的)
+`/assets/` フォルダの実験的な使用を有効にするには、[アセット(実験的)](/ja/guides/images/)ガイドを参照してください。
+## Astro画像インテグレーション
+アセットの実験的なサポートを有効にしている場合は、公式インテグレーションをアンインストールする必要があります。詳細については、[アセット (実験的) ガイド](/ja/guides/images/) を参照してください。
+### ``
+#### リモート画像
+(必須属性: [`src`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#src)・[`alt`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#alt)・[`format`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#format)・サイズ)
+#### `src/`のローカル画像
+(必須属性: [`src`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#src)・[`alt`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#alt))
+#### `public/`のローカル画像
+(必須属性: [`src`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#src)・[`alt`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#alt)・[`format`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#format)・サイズ)
+#### 例
+// src/pages/index.astro
+import { Image } from '@astrojs/image/components';
+import localImage from "../assets/logo.png";
+const remoteImage = "https://picsum.photos/id/957/300/200.jpg";
+const localAlt = "The Astro Logo";
+const remoteAlt = "A low-angle view of a forest during the daytime";
+### ` `
+#### リモート画像
+(必須属性: [`src`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#src-1)・[`widths`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#widths)・[`sizes`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#sizes)・[`alt`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#alt-1)・[`aspectRatio`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#aspectratio-1))
+#### ローカル画像
+(必須属性: [`src`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#src-1)・[`widths`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#widths)・[`sizes`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#sizes)・[`alt`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#alt-1))
+#### `public/`の画像
+(必須属性: [`src`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#src-1)・[`widths`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#widths)・[`sizes`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#sizes)・[`alt`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#alt-1)・[`aspectRatio`](/ja/guides/integrations-guide/image/#aspectratio-1))
+#### 例
+import { Picture } from '@astrojs/image/components';
+import localImage from '../assets/logo.png';
+const remoteImage = 'https://docs.astro.build/assets/full-logo-light.png';
+### MDXでの利用
+// src/pages/index.mdx
+import { Image, Picture } from '@astrojs/image/components';
+import rocket from '../assets/rocket.png';
+export const logo = 'https://docs.astro.build/assets/full-logo-light.png';
+### デフォルト値を設定する
+```astro title="src/components/BlogPostImage.astro"
+import { Picture } from '@astrojs/image/components';
+const {src, ...attrs} = Astro.props;
+### 画像インテグレーションで``を使う
+ src: string;
+ width: number;
+ height: number;
+ format: 'avif' | 'gif' | 'heic' | 'heif' | 'jpeg' | 'jpg' | 'png' | 'tiff' | 'webp';
+```astro ".src"
+import rocket from '../images/rocket.svg';
+```astro "?url"
+import rocket from '../images/rocket.svg?url';
+## CMSやCDN上の画像利用
+代わりに、もしCDNがNode.js SDKを提供している場合はプロジェクトでSDKを利用できます。例えば、[CloudinaryのSDK](https://cloudinary.com/documentation/node_integration)は適切な`src`を利用して``タグを生成できます。
+## Altテキスト
+## コミュニテーインテグレーション
diff --git a/old-translations/zh-CN/guides/images.mdx b/old-translations/zh-CN/guides/images.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..a71300741771a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old-translations/zh-CN/guides/images.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+title: 图片
+description: 学习如何在 Astro 项目中包含图片。
+i18nReady: true
+import Since from '~/components/Since.astro';
+在 Astro 项目中,有很多种在网站中使用图片的方式。无论是用存储在项目中的图片,还是链接外部图片,亦或从像 CMS(内容管理系统)或 CDN(内容分发网络)这样的地方加载图片,都没问题!
+:::note[`astro:assets` (Experimental - coming in v3.0)]
+实验性 `astro:assets` 模块将在 `astro@3.0` 中默认启用.
+请按照 [资源(实验性)使用指南](/zh-cn/guides/images/) 开始使用新的图片解决方案!
+**下面的一些建议可能与实验性标志不兼容。如果你正在使用 `astro:assets` 请参考资源页面。**
+### 在 `.astro` 文件中
+你可以在 `.astro` 文件中使用标准的 HTML `` 或 `` 元素来展示图片,同时也支持所有 HTML 图片属性。
+src 属性是必需的,其格式取决于图像的存储位置以及你是否启用了对资源的实验性支持:
+// src/pages/index.astro
+import rocket from '../images/rocket.svg';
+### 在 Markdown 文件中
+可以在 `.md` 文件中使用 Markdown 标准语法 `![]()`,或 HTML 标准语法 `` 标签,来调用位于 `public/` 文件夹下或其它服务器上的图片。
+如果你无法将图片保留在 `public/` 中,我们建议启用 [资源的实验性支持](/zh-cn/guides/images/), 或使用 `.mdx` 文件格式,该格式允许你将导入的组件与类似 Markdown 的语法结合起来。使用 [MDX 集成](/zh-cn/guides/integrations-guide/mdx/) 向 Astro 添加对 MDX 的支持。
+# 我的 Markdown 页面
+### 在 MDX 文件中
+你可以在 .mdx 文件中使用标准 Markdown `![]()` 语法或 JSX 的 `` 标签来显示 `public/ ` 文件夹或远程服务器中的图片。
+此外,你也可以导入和使用位于项目 `src/` 目录中的图像,就像在 Astro 组件中一样。
+```mdx title="src/pages/post-1.mdx"
+import rocket from '../images/rocket.svg';
+# My MDX Page
+// 存放在项目中 src/images/rocket.svg 路径的图片
+// 存放在项目中 public/assets/stars.png 路径的图片
+// 位于其它服务器上的图片
+### UI 框架中的组件
+当在 [UI 框架组件](/zh-cn/core-concepts/framework-components/)(例如 React、Svelte)中添加图像时,请使用适合该框架的图像语法。
+## 存放图片的位置
+### `src/`
+存储在 `src/`中的图像可以由组件(`.astro`,`.mdx`和其他 UI 框架)使用,但不能在 Markdown 文档中使用。
+如果您必须使用 Markdown 文档,我们建议你将图像保存在 ['public/'](#public) 中或 [远程](#使用-cms-或-cdn-上的图片) 存储他们。
+从任何组件文档中的 **相对文档路径** 或 [导入别名](/zh-cn/guides/aliases/) 导入它们,然后像使用 `src`属性一样使用。
+// src/pages/index.astro
+// Access images in `src/images/`
+import logo from '../images/logo.png';
+### `public/`
+存储在 `public/` 中的图像可以被组件(`.astro`,`.mdx`和其他UI框架)和Markdown文档使用。
+然而,位于 `/public` 目录中的文件始终按原样提供或复制,不进行任何处理。如果你在 Markdown 文件之外使用图像,我们建议尽可能将本地图像保存在 `src/` 中,以便 Astro 对其进行转换、优化和打包。
+`src` 属性是 **相对于 public 文件夹的**。在 Markdown 中,你可以使用 `![]()` 表示。
+// src/pages/index.astro
+// 存取放在 `public/images/` 里的图片
+### `src/assets/` (实验性)
+请参阅 [资源(实验性)](/zh-cn/guides/images/) 指南,了解如何启用 `/assets/` 文件夹的实验性用法。
+这将需要你更新现有图片,删除当前的 Astro 图片集成,并且还需要额外的手动更改以利用其某些新功能。
+## Astro 的图片集成
+:::note[将在 v3.0 中弃用]
+Astro v3 将不再主动支持 [`@astrojs/image`](https://github.com/withastro/astro/tree/main/packages/integrations/image) 集成
+我们建议你尽早删除它,并使用将内置在 `astro@3.0` 中的实验性 `astro:assets` 模块。
+请按照 [资源(实验性)使用指南](/zh-cn/guides/images/) 开始使用新的图片解决方案!
+**`astro:assets` 目前还不能完全替代 `@astrojs/image` ,但它正在被积极开发中。**
+有关在 Astro v2 中使用 `@astrojs/image` 的文档,请参阅 [`@astrojs/image` 文档](https://github.com/withastro/astro/blob/main/packages/integrations/image/README.md)
+## 使用 CMS 或 CDN 上的图片
+Image CDN 可与 Astro 配合使用,可将图片的完整网址作为 `` 标签中的 `src` 属性或 Markdown 标记
+如果 CDN 提供了 Node.js SDK ,则可以在项目中使用它。例如,[Cloudinary 的 SDK](https://cloudinary.com/documentation/node_integration) 可以生成带有相应 `src` 属性 的 ` ` 标签。
+## Alt Text
+并非所有用户都能以相同的方式查看图片,因此在使用图片时可访问性是一个特别重要的问题。使用 `alt` 属性为图片提供 [描述性替代文本](https://www.w3.org/WAI/tutorials/images/)。
+此属性对于映像集成的 `` 和 `` 组件是必需的,如果未提供替代文本,这些组件将引发错误。
+如果图像只是装饰性的(即无助于理解页面)请设置 `alt=""`,以便屏幕阅读器知道忽略该图像。
+## 社区开发的集成
+除了官方的 [`@astrojs/image`](/zh-cn/guides/integrations-guid/image/) 集成外,社区还开发了[社区图片集成](https://astro.build/integrations?search=images),用于处理和优化 Astro 项目中的图片。
diff --git a/src/content/docs/ar/core-concepts/astro-components.mdx b/src/content/docs/ar/core-concepts/astro-components.mdx
index f980a01ee1565..a1de3495cf2ed 100644
--- a/src/content/docs/ar/core-concepts/astro-components.mdx
+++ b/src/content/docs/ar/core-concepts/astro-components.mdx
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ const { title } = Astro.props
- لا يدعمون frontmatter، أو الإستيراد على جانب الخادم (Server-side imports)، أو التعابير الديناميكية.
- أي وسوم `
-```astro title="src/pages/index.astro"
-// Access images in `public/images/`
-### `src/assets/` (experimental)
+#### Passing the Image component
-See the [Assets (Experimental)](/en/guides/assets/) guide for enabling experimental use of the `/assets/` folder.
+The `` component, like any other Astro component, **is unavailable to UI framework components**.
-This will require you to update your existing images, remove the current Astro image integration, and will also require additional manual changes to take advantage of some of its new features.
+But, you can pass the static content generated by `` to a framework component inside a `.astro` file as children or using a [named ``](/en/core-concepts/framework-components/#can-i-use-astro-components-inside-my-framework-components):
-## Astro's Image Integration
-:::note[to be deprecated in v3.0]
-The [`@astrojs/image`](https://github.com/withastro/astro/tree/main/packages/integrations/image) integration will no longer be actively supported in Astro v3.0.
+```astro title="ImageWrapper.astro"
+import ReactComponent from './ReactComponent.jsx';
+import { Image } from "astro:assets"
+import stars from "~/stars/docline.png";
-We suggest removing it at your earliest convenience and using the experimental `astro:assets` module which will be built in to `astro@3.0`.
-Follow the [Assets (Experimental) Guide](/en/guides/assets/) to start using Astro's new image solution today!
+## Generating images with `getImage()`
-**`astro:assets` is not a complete replacement for `@astrojs/image` at this time, but it is under active development.**
+`getImage()` relies on server-only APIs and breaks the build when used on the client.
-For documentation on using `@astrojs/image` in Astro v2, please see the [`@astrojs/image` package documentation](https://github.com/withastro/astro/blob/main/packages/integrations/image/README.md)
+The `getImage()` function is intended for generating images destined to be used somewhere else than directly in HTML, for example in an [API Route](/en/core-concepts/endpoints/#server-endpoints-api-routes). It also allows you to create your own custom `` component.
-## Using Images from a CMS or CDN
+`getImage()` takes an options object with the [same properties as the Image component](#properties) (except `alt`).
-Image CDNs work with Astro. Use an image's full URL as the `src` attribute in an `` tag or Markdown notation.
+import { getImage } from "astro:assets";
+import myBackground from "../background.png"
+const optimizedBackground = await getImage({src: myBackground, format: 'avif'})
-Alternatively, if the CDN provides a Node.js SDK, you can use that in your project. For example, [Cloudinary’s SDK](https://cloudinary.com/documentation/node_integration) can generate the `` tag with the appropriate `src` for you.
+It returns an object with the following properties:
+ options: {...} // Original parameters passed
+ src: "https//..." // Path to the generated image
+ attributes: {...} // Additional HTML attributes needed to render the image (width, height, style, etc..)
## Alt Text
Not all users can see images in the same way, so accessibility is an especially important concern when using images. Use the `alt` attribute to provide [descriptive alt text](https://www.w3.org/WAI/tutorials/images/) for images.
-This attribute is required for the image integration's `` and `` components. These components will throw an error if no alt text is provided.
+This attribute is required for the `` component. `` will throw an error if no alt text is provided.
If the image is merely decorative (i.e. doesn’t contribute to the understanding of the page), set `alt=""` so that screen readers know to ignore the image.
+## Default image service
+[Sharp](https://github.com/lovell/sharp) is the default image service used for `astro:assets`.
+If you would prefer to use [Squoosh](https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/squoosh) to transform your images, update your config with the following:
+```js title="astro.config.mjs" ins={4-6}
+import { defineConfig, squooshImageService } from 'astro/config';
+export default defineConfig({
+ image: {
+ service: squooshImageService(),
+ },
## Community Integrations
-In addition to the official [`@astrojs/image`](/en/guides/integrations-guide/image/) integration, there are several third-party [community image integrations](https://astro.build/integrations?search=images) for optimizing and working with images in your Astro project.
+There are several third-party [community image integrations](https://astro.build/integrations?search=images) for optimizing and working with images in your Astro project.
+## Upgrade to v3.0 from v2.x
+`astro:assets` is no longer behind an experimental flag in Astro v3.0.
+`` is now a built-in component and the previous `@astrojs/image` integration has been removed.
+These and other accompanying changes to using images in Astro may cause some breaking changes when you upgrade your Astro project from an earlier version.
+Please follow the instructions below as appropriate to upgrade an Astro v2.x project to v3.0.
+### Upgrade from `experimental.assets`
+If you had previously enabled the experimental flag for `astro:assets`, you will need to update your project for Astro v3.0 which now includes assets features by default.
+#### Remove `experimental.assets` flag
+Remove the experimental flag:
+```js title="astro.config.mjs" del={4-6}
+import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
+export default defineConfig({
+ experimental: {
+ assets: true
+ }
+If necessary, also update your `src/env.d.ts` file to replace the `astro/client-image` reference with `astro/client`:
+```ts title="src/env.d.ts" del={1} ins={2}
+#### Remove the `~/assets` import alias
+This import alias is no longer included by default with `astro:assets`. If you were using this alias with experimental assets, you must convert them to relative file paths, or [create your own import aliases](/en/guides/aliases/).
+```astro title="src/pages/posts/post-1.astro" del={2} ins={3}
+import rocket from '~/assets/rocket.png'
+import rocket from '../../assets/rocket.png';
+#### Add simple asset support for Cloudflare, Deno, Vercel Edge and Netlify Edge
+ Astro v3.0 allows `astro:assets` to work without errors in Cloudflare, Deno, Vercel Edge and Netlify Edge, which do not support Astro's built-in Squoosh and Sharp image optimization. Note that Astro does not perform any image transformation and processing in these environments. However, you can still enjoy the other benefits of using `astro:assets`, including no Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), the enforced `alt` attribute, and a consistent authoring experience.
+ If you previously avoided using `astro:assets` because of these constraints, you can now use them without issues. You can configure the no-op image service to explicitly opt-in to this behavior:
+```js title="astro.config.mjs" ins={4-8}
+import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
+export default defineConfig({
+ image: {
+ service: {
+ entrypoint: 'astro/assets/services/noop'
+ }
+ }
+### Decide where to store your images
+See the Images guide to help you decide [where to store your images](#where-to-store-images). You may wish to take advantage of new options for storing your images with the added flexibility `astro:assets` brings. For example, relative images from your project `src/` can now be referenced in Markdown, MDX, and Markdoc using standard Markdown `![alt](src)` syntax.
+### Update existing `` tags
+Previously, importing an image would return a simple `string` with the path of the image. Now, imported image assets match the following signature:
+interface ImageMetadata {
+ src: string;
+ width: number;
+ height: number;
+ format: string;
+You must update the `src` attribute of any existing `` tags (including any [images in UI framework components](#images-in-ui-framework-components)) and you may also update other attributes that are now available to you from the imported image.
+```astro title="src/components/MyComponent.astro" ".src" ".width" ".height" del={4} ins={6}
+import rocket from '../images/rocket.svg';
+### Update your Markdown, MDX, and Markdoc files
+Relative images from your project `src/` can now be referenced in Markdown, MDX, and Markdoc using standard Markdown `![alt](src)` syntax.
+This allows you to move your images from the `public/` directory to your project `src/` where they will now be processed and optimized. Your existing images in `public/` and remote images are still valid but are not optimized by Astro's build process.
+```md title="src/pages/posts/post-1.md" "/_astro" ".hash" "../../assets/"
+# My Markdown Page
+![A starry night sky.](../../images/stars.png)
+![A starry night sky.](./stars.png)
+If you require more control over your image attributes, we recommend using the `.mdx` file format, which allows you to include Astro's `` component or a JSX `` tag in addition to the Markdown syntax. Use the [MDX integration](/en/guides/integrations-guide/mdx/) to add support for MDX to Astro.
+### Remove `@astrojs/image`
+If you were using the image integration in Astro v2.x, complete the following steps:
+1. Remove the `@astrojs/image` integration.
+ You must [remove the integration](/en/guides/integrations-guide/#removing-an-integration) by uninstalling and then removing it from your `astro.config.mjs` file.
+ ```js del={3,7}
+ // astro.config.mjs
+ import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
+ import image from '@astrojs/image';
+ export default defineConfig({
+ integrations: [
+ image(),
+ ]
+ })
+ ```
+2. Migrate any existing `` components.
+ Change all `import` statements from `@astrojs/image/components` to `astro:assets` in order to use the new built-in `` component.
+ Remove any component attributes that are not [currently supported image asset properties](/en/guides/images/#properties).
+ For example, `aspectRatio` is no longer supported, as it is now automatically inferred from the `width` and `height` attributes.
+ ```astro title="src/components/MyComponent.astro" del= {2,11} ins={3}
+ ---
+ import { Image } from '@astrojs/image/components';
+ import { Image } from 'astro:assets'
+ import localImage from "../assets/logo.png";
+ const localAlt = "The Astro Logo";
+ ---
+ ```
+3. Remove any existing `` components.
+ Currently, the built-in assets feature does not include a `` component.
+ Instead, you can use the HTML image attributes `srcset` and `sizes` or the `