diff --git a/.changeset/lucky-apes-yell.md b/.changeset/lucky-apes-yell.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ea244403e574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.changeset/lucky-apes-yell.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+'astro': patch
+Update "astro add" output to remove confusing multi-select prompt.
diff --git a/.changeset/perfect-drinks-fold.md b/.changeset/perfect-drinks-fold.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2af9edabaf61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.changeset/perfect-drinks-fold.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+'astro': patch
+Update the help output to improve formatting
diff --git a/packages/astro/src/cli/index.ts b/packages/astro/src/cli/index.ts
index 7fd3b25728c2..ab38daa0945e 100644
--- a/packages/astro/src/cli/index.ts
+++ b/packages/astro/src/cli/index.ts
@@ -37,26 +37,27 @@ type CLICommand =
 function printAstroHelp() {
 		commandName: 'astro',
+		usage: '[command] [...flags]',
 		headline: 'Futuristic web development tool.',
-		commands: [
-			['add', 'Add an integration to your configuration.'],
-			['docs', "Launch Astro's Doc site directly from the terminal. "],
-			['dev', 'Run Astro in development mode.'],
-			['build', 'Build a pre-compiled production-ready site.'],
-			['preview', 'Preview your build locally before deploying.'],
-			['check', 'Check your project for errors.'],
-			['telemetry', 'Enable/disable anonymous data collection.'],
-			['--version', 'Show the version number and exit.'],
-			['--help', 'Show this help message.'],
-		],
-		flags: [
-			['--host [optional IP]', 'Expose server on network'],
-			['--config <path>', 'Specify the path to the Astro config file.'],
-			['--root <path>', 'Specify the path to the project root folder.'],
-			['--drafts', 'Include markdown draft pages in the build.'],
-			['--verbose', 'Enable verbose logging'],
-			['--silent', 'Disable logging'],
-		],
+		tables: {
+			Commands: [
+				['add', 'Add an integration.'],
+				['build', 'Build your project and write it to disk.'],
+				['check', 'Check your project for errors.'],
+				['dev', 'Start the development server.'],
+				['docs', "Open documentation in your web browser."],
+				['preview', 'Preview your build locally.'],
+				['telemetry', 'Configure telemetry settings.'],
+			],
+			'Global Flags': [
+				['--config <path>', 'Specify your config file.'],
+				['--root <path>', 'Specify your project root folder.'],
+				['--verbose', 'Enable verbose logging.'],
+				['--silent', 'Disable all logging.'],
+				['--version', 'Show the version number and exit.'],
+				['--help', 'Show this help message.'],
+			],
+		},
diff --git a/packages/astro/src/cli/telemetry.ts b/packages/astro/src/cli/telemetry.ts
index 8247b459dac0..ded7bc7a15d6 100644
--- a/packages/astro/src/cli/telemetry.ts
+++ b/packages/astro/src/cli/telemetry.ts
@@ -15,12 +15,14 @@ export async function update(subcommand: string, { flags, telemetry }: Telemetry
 	if (flags.help || !isValid) {
 			commandName: 'astro telemetry',
-			usage: '<enable|disable|reset>',
-			commands: [
-				['enable', 'Enable anonymous data collection.'],
-				['disable', 'Disable anonymous data collection.'],
-				['reset', 'Reset anonymous data collection settings.'],
-			],
+			usage: '[command]',
+			tables: {
+				Commands: [
+					['enable', 'Enable anonymous data collection.'],
+					['disable', 'Disable anonymous data collection.'],
+					['reset', 'Reset anonymous data collection settings.'],
+				],
+			},
diff --git a/packages/astro/src/core/add/consts.ts b/packages/astro/src/core/add/consts.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index e17d704d5947..000000000000
--- a/packages/astro/src/core/add/consts.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-export const FIRST_PARTY_FRAMEWORKS = [
-	{ value: 'react', title: 'React' },
-	{ value: 'preact', title: 'Preact' },
-	{ value: 'vue', title: 'Vue' },
-	{ value: 'svelte', title: 'Svelte' },
-	{ value: 'solid-js', title: 'Solid' },
-	{ value: 'lit', title: 'Lit' },
-export const FIRST_PARTY_ADDONS = [
-	{ value: 'tailwind', title: 'Tailwind' },
-	{ value: 'turbolinks', title: 'Turbolinks' },
-	{ value: 'partytown', title: 'Partytown' },
-	{ value: 'sitemap', title: 'Sitemap' },
-export const ALIASES = new Map([
-	['solid', 'solid-js'],
-	['tailwindcss', 'tailwind'],
-export const CONFIG_STUB = `import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';\n\nexport default defineConfig({});`;
-export const TAILWIND_CONFIG_STUB = `/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
-module.exports = {
-	content: ['./src/**/*.{astro,html,js,jsx,md,svelte,ts,tsx,vue}'],
-	theme: {
-		extend: {},
-	},
-	plugins: [],
diff --git a/packages/astro/src/core/add/index.ts b/packages/astro/src/core/add/index.ts
index f66a2006d0e0..2e5e5315a2bd 100644
--- a/packages/astro/src/core/add/index.ts
+++ b/packages/astro/src/core/add/index.ts
@@ -11,14 +11,13 @@ import prompts from 'prompts';
 import { fileURLToPath, pathToFileURL } from 'url';
 import type yargs from 'yargs-parser';
 import { resolveConfigURL } from '../config.js';
-import { debug, error, info, LogOptions } from '../logger/core.js';
+import { debug, info, LogOptions } from '../logger/core.js';
 import * as msg from '../messages.js';
 import { printHelp } from '../messages.js';
 import { appendForwardSlash } from '../path.js';
 import { apply as applyPolyfill } from '../polyfill.js';
 import { parseNpmName } from '../util.js';
 import { generate, parse, t, visit } from './babel.js';
-import * as CONSTS from './consts.js';
 import { ensureImport } from './imports.js';
 import { wrapDefaultExport } from './wrapper.js';
@@ -34,71 +33,71 @@ export interface IntegrationInfo {
 	packageName: string;
 	dependencies: [name: string, version: string][];
+const ALIASES = new Map([
+	['solid', 'solid-js'],
+	['tailwindcss', 'tailwind'],
+const ASTRO_CONFIG_STUB = `import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';\n\ndefault defineConfig({});`;
+const TAILWIND_CONFIG_STUB = `/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
+module.exports = {
+	content: ['./src/**/*.{astro,html,js,jsx,md,svelte,ts,tsx,vue}'],
+	theme: {
+		extend: {},
+	},
+	plugins: [],
 export default async function add(names: string[], { cwd, flags, logging, telemetry }: AddOptions) {
-	if (flags.help) {
+	if (flags.help || names.length === 0) {
 			commandName: 'astro add',
-			usage: '[FLAGS] [INTEGRATIONS...]',
-			flags: [
-				['--yes', 'Add the integration without user interaction.'],
-				['--help', 'Show this help message.'],
-			],
+			usage: '[...integrations]',
+			tables: {
+				Flags: [
+					['--yes', 'Accept all prompts.'],
+					['--help', 'Show this help message.'],
+				],
+				'Example: Add a UI Framework': [
+					['react', 'astro add react'],
+					['preact', 'astro add preact'],
+					['vue', 'astro add vue'],
+					['svelte', 'astro add svelte'],
+					['solid-js', 'astro add solid-js'],
+					['lit', 'astro add lit'],
+				],
+				'Example: Add an Integration': [
+					['tailwind', 'astro add tailwind'],
+					['partytown', 'astro add partytown'],
+					['sitemap', 'astro add sitemap'],
+				],
+			},
+			description: `Check out the full integration catalog: ${cyan('https://astro.build/integrations')}`,
 	let configURL: URL | undefined;
 	const root = pathToFileURL(cwd ? path.resolve(cwd) : process.cwd());
-	// TODO: improve error handling for invalid configs
 	configURL = await resolveConfigURL({ cwd, flags });
-	if (configURL?.pathname.endsWith('package.json')) {
-		throw new Error(
-			`Unable to use astro add with package.json#astro configuration! Try migrating to \`astro.config.mjs\` and try again.`
-		);
-	}
-	// If no integrations were given, prompt the user for some popular ones.
-	if (names.length === 0) {
-		const response = await prompts([
-			{
-				type: 'multiselect',
-				name: 'frameworks',
-				message: 'What frameworks would you like to enable?',
-				instructions: '\n  Space to select. Return to submit',
-			},
-			{
-				type: 'multiselect',
-				name: 'addons',
-				message: 'What additional integrations would you like to enable?',
-				instructions: '\n  Space to select. Return to submit',
-			},
-		]);
-		names = [...(response.frameworks ?? []), ...(response.addons ?? [])];
-	}
-	// If still empty after prompting, exit gracefully.
-	if (names.length === 0) {
-		error(logging, null, `No integrations specified.`);
-		return;
-	}
-	// Some packages might have a common alias! We normalize those here.
-	names = names.map((name) => (CONSTS.ALIASES.has(name) ? CONSTS.ALIASES.get(name)! : name));
 	if (configURL) {
 		debug('add', `Found config at ${configURL}`);
 	} else {
 		info(logging, 'add', `Unable to locate a config file, generating one for you.`);
 		configURL = new URL('./astro.config.mjs', appendForwardSlash(root.href));
-		await fs.writeFile(fileURLToPath(configURL), CONSTS.CONFIG_STUB, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
+		await fs.writeFile(fileURLToPath(configURL), ASTRO_CONFIG_STUB, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
+	}
+	// TODO: improve error handling for invalid configs
+	if (configURL?.pathname.endsWith('package.json')) {
+		throw new Error(
+			`Unable to use "astro add" with package.json configuration. Try migrating to \`astro.config.mjs\` and try again.`
+		);
-	const integrations = await validateIntegrations(names);
+	// Some packages might have a common alias! We normalize those here.
+	const integrationNames = names.map((name) => (ALIASES.has(name) ? ALIASES.get(name)! : name));
+	const integrations = await validateIntegrations(integrationNames);
 	let ast: t.File | null = null;
 	try {
@@ -194,7 +193,7 @@ export default async function add(names: string[], { cwd, flags, logging, teleme
 					if (await askToContinue({ flags })) {
 						await fs.writeFile(
 							fileURLToPath(new URL('./tailwind.config.cjs', configURL)),
 							{ encoding: 'utf-8' }
 						debug('add', `Generated default ./tailwind.config.cjs file`);
diff --git a/packages/astro/src/core/messages.ts b/packages/astro/src/core/messages.ts
index 7da96d696176..561457368c3e 100644
--- a/packages/astro/src/core/messages.ts
+++ b/packages/astro/src/core/messages.ts
@@ -248,29 +248,28 @@ export function printHelp({
-	commands,
-	flags,
+	tables,
+	description,
 }: {
 	commandName: string;
 	headline?: string;
 	usage?: string;
-	commands?: [command: string, help: string][];
-	flags?: [flag: string, help: string][];
+	tables?: Record<string, [command: string, help: string][]>;
+	description?: string,
 }) {
 	const linebreak = () => '';
 	const title = (label: string) => `  ${bgWhite(black(` ${label} `))}`;
-	const table = (rows: [string, string][], opts: { padding: number; prefix: string }) => {
-		const split = rows.some((row) => {
-			const message = `${opts.prefix}${' '.repeat(opts.padding)}${row[1]}`;
-			return message.length > process.stdout.columns;
-		});
+	const table = (rows: [string, string][], { padding }: { padding: number }) => {
+		const split = process.stdout.columns < 60;
 		let raw = '';
 		for (const row of rows) {
-			raw += `${opts.prefix}${bold(`${row[0]}`.padStart(opts.padding - opts.prefix.length))}`;
-			if (split) raw += '\n    ';
-			raw += ' ' + dim(row[1]) + '\n';
+			if (split) {
+				raw += `    ${row[0]}\n    `;
+			} else {
+				raw += `${(`${row[0]}`.padStart(padding))}`;
+			}
+			raw += '  ' + dim(row[1]) + '\n';
 		return raw.slice(0, -1); // remove latest \n
@@ -291,18 +290,21 @@ export function printHelp({
 		message.push(linebreak(), `  ${green(commandName)} ${bold(usage)}`);
-	if (commands) {
-		message.push(
-			linebreak(),
-			title('Commands'),
-			table(commands, { padding: 28, prefix: `  ${commandName || 'astro'} ` })
-		);
+	if (tables) {
+		function calculateTablePadding(rows: [string, string][]) {
+			return rows.reduce((val, [first]) => Math.max(val, first.length), 0) + 2;
+		};
+		const tableEntries = Object.entries(tables);
+		const padding = Math.max(...tableEntries.map(([, rows]) => calculateTablePadding(rows)));
+		for (const [tableTitle, tableRows] of tableEntries) {
+			message.push(linebreak(), title(tableTitle), table(tableRows, { padding }));
+		}
-	if (flags) {
-		message.push(linebreak(), title('Flags'), table(flags, { padding: 28, prefix: '  ' }));
+	if (description) {
+		message.push(linebreak(), `${description}`);
 	// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
-	console.log(message.join('\n'));
+	console.log(message.join('\n') + '\n');
diff --git a/packages/create-astro/create-astro.mjs b/packages/create-astro/create-astro.mjs
index be032f3c2c09..7f09ba70086c 100755
--- a/packages/create-astro/create-astro.mjs
+++ b/packages/create-astro/create-astro.mjs
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 const currentVersion = process.versions.node;
 const requiredMajorVersion = parseInt(currentVersion.split('.')[0], 10);
-const minimumMajorVersion = 12;
+const minimumMajorVersion = 14;
 if (requiredMajorVersion < minimumMajorVersion) {
 	console.error(`Node.js v${currentVersion} is out of date and unsupported!`);
diff --git a/packages/create-astro/src/index.ts b/packages/create-astro/src/index.ts
index 08396a4e8246..4960062cb84d 100644
--- a/packages/create-astro/src/index.ts
+++ b/packages/create-astro/src/index.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import degit from 'degit';
 import { execa, execaCommand } from 'execa';
 import fs from 'fs';
-import { bgCyan, black, bold, cyan, gray, green, red, yellow } from 'kleur/colors';
+import { bgCyan, black, bold, cyan, dim, gray, green, red, yellow } from 'kleur/colors';
 import ora from 'ora';
 import path from 'path';
 import prompts from 'prompts';
@@ -11,6 +11,13 @@ import { loadWithRocketGradient, rocketAscii } from './gradient.js';
 import { defaultLogLevel, logger } from './logger.js';
 import { TEMPLATES } from './templates.js';
+function wait(ms: number) {
+	return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
+function logAndWait(message: string, ms: number = 100) {
+	console.log(message);
+	return wait(ms);
 // NOTE: In the v7.x version of npm, the default behavior of `npm init` was changed
 // to no longer require `--` to pass args and instead pass `--` directly to us. This
 // broke our arg parser, since `--` is a special kind of flag. Filtering for `--` here
@@ -43,6 +50,7 @@ export async function main() {
 	logger.debug('Verbose logging turned on');
 	console.log(`\n${bold('Welcome to Astro!')} ${gray(`(create-astro v${version})`)}`);
+	console.log(`Lets walk through setting up your new Astro project.\n`);
 	let cwd = args['_'][2] as string;
@@ -64,7 +72,7 @@ export async function main() {
 		const dirResponse = await prompts({
 			type: 'text',
 			name: 'directory',
-			message: 'Where would you like to create your app?',
+			message: 'Where would you like to create your new project?',
 			initial: './my-astro-site',
 			validate(value) {
 				if (!isEmpty(value)) {
@@ -84,7 +92,7 @@ export async function main() {
 			type: 'select',
 			name: 'template',
-			message: 'Which app template would you like to use?',
+			message: 'Which template would you like to use?',
 			choices: TEMPLATES,
@@ -112,7 +120,7 @@ export async function main() {
 	// Copy
-	if (!args.dryrun) {
+	if (!args.dryRun) {
 		try {
 			emitter.on('info', (info) => {
@@ -175,11 +183,9 @@ export async function main() {
 		initial: true,
-	if (!installResponse) {
-		process.exit(0);
-	}
-	if (installResponse.install && !args.dryrun) {
+	if (args.dryRun) {
+		ora().info(dim(`--dry-run enabled, skipping.`));
+	} else if (installResponse.install) {
 		const installExec = execa(pkgManager, ['install'], { cwd });
 		const installingPackagesMsg = `Installing packages${emojiWithFallback(' 📦', '...')}`;
 		const installSpinner = await loadWithRocketGradient(installingPackagesMsg);
@@ -194,69 +200,51 @@ export async function main() {
 		installSpinner.text = green('Packages installed!');
-	}
-	const astroAddCommand = installResponse.install
-		? 'astro add --yes'
-		: `${pkgManagerExecCommand(pkgManager)} astro@latest add --yes`;
-	const astroAddResponse = await prompts({
-		type: 'confirm',
-		name: 'astroAdd',
-		message: `Run "${astroAddCommand}?" This lets you optionally add component frameworks (ex. React), CSS frameworks (ex. Tailwind), and more.`,
-		initial: true,
-	});
-	if (!astroAddResponse) {
-		process.exit(0);
-	}
-	if (!astroAddResponse.astroAdd) {
-		ora().info(
-			`No problem. You can always run "${pkgManagerExecCommand(pkgManager)} astro add" later!`
-		);
-	}
-	if (astroAddResponse.astroAdd && !args.dryrun) {
-		await execaCommand(
-			astroAddCommand,
-			astroAddCommand === 'astro add --yes'
-				? { cwd, stdio: 'inherit', localDir: cwd, preferLocal: true }
-				: { cwd, stdio: 'inherit' }
-		);
+	} else {
+		ora().info(dim(`No problem! You can install dependencies yourself after setup.`));
 	const gitResponse = await prompts({
 		type: 'confirm',
 		name: 'git',
-		message: 'Initialize a git repository?',
+		message: `Initialize a new git repository? ${dim('This can be useful to track changes.')}`,
 		initial: true,
-	if (!gitResponse) {
-		process.exit(0);
-	}
-	if (gitResponse.git && !args.dryrun) {
+	if (args.dryRun) {
+		ora().info(dim(`--dry-run enabled, skipping.`));
+	} else if (gitResponse.git) {
 		await execaCommand('git init', { cwd });
+	} else {
+		ora().info(
+			dim(`Sounds good! You can come back and run ${cyan(`git init`)} later.`)
+		);
-	ora({ text: green('Done. Ready for liftoff!') }).succeed();
+	ora().succeed('Setup complete.');
+	ora({ text: green('Ready for liftoff!') }).succeed();
+	await wait(300);
 	console.log(`\n${bgCyan(black(' Next steps '))}\n`);
-	const projectDir = path.relative(process.cwd(), cwd);
+	let projectDir = path.relative(process.cwd(), cwd);
 	const devCmd = pkgManager === 'npm' ? 'npm run dev' : `${pkgManager} dev`;
-	console.log(
+	await logAndWait(
 		`You can now ${bold(cyan('cd'))} into the ${bold(cyan(projectDir))} project directory.`
-	console.log(
+	await logAndWait(
 		`Run ${bold(cyan(devCmd))} to start the Astro dev server. ${bold(cyan('CTRL-C'))} to close.`
-	if (!installResponse.install) {
-		console.log(yellow(`Remember to install dependencies first!`));
-	}
-	console.log(`\nStuck? Come join us at ${bold(cyan('https://astro.build/chat'))}`);
+	await logAndWait(
+		`Add frameworks like ${bold(cyan('react'))} and ${bold(
+			cyan('tailwind')
+		)} to your project using ${bold(cyan('astro add'))}`
+	);
+	await logAndWait('');
+	await logAndWait(`Stuck? Come join us at ${bold(cyan('https://astro.build/chat'))}`, 1000);
+	await logAndWait(dim('Good luck out there, astronaut.'));
+	await logAndWait('', 300);
 function emojiWithFallback(char: string, fallback: string) {
diff --git a/packages/create-astro/test/astro-add-step.test.js b/packages/create-astro/test/astro-add-step.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 73d963ed03fc..000000000000
--- a/packages/create-astro/test/astro-add-step.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-import { setup, promiseWithTimeout, timeout, PROMPT_MESSAGES } from './utils.js';
-import { sep } from 'path';
-import fs from 'fs';
-import os from 'os';
-// reset package manager in process.env
-// prevents test issues when running with pnpm
-const FAKE_PACKAGE_MANAGER = 'npm';
-let initialEnvValue = null;
-describe('[create-astro] astro add', function () {
-	this.timeout(timeout);
-	let tempDir = '';
-	beforeEach(async () => {
-		tempDir = await fs.promises.mkdtemp(`${os.tmpdir()}${sep}`);
-	});
-	this.beforeAll(() => {
-		initialEnvValue = process.env.npm_config_user_agent;
-		process.env.npm_config_user_agent = FAKE_PACKAGE_MANAGER;
-	});
-	this.afterAll(() => {
-		process.env.npm_config_user_agent = initialEnvValue;
-	});
-	it('should use "astro add" when user has installed dependencies', function () {
-		const { stdout, stdin } = setup([tempDir]);
-		return promiseWithTimeout((resolve) => {
-			const seen = new Set();
-			const installPrompt = PROMPT_MESSAGES.install('npm');
-			stdout.on('data', (chunk) => {
-				if (!seen.has(PROMPT_MESSAGES.template) && chunk.includes(PROMPT_MESSAGES.template)) {
-					seen.add(PROMPT_MESSAGES.template);
-					// respond with "enter key"
-					stdin.write('\x0D');
-				}
-				if (!seen.has(installPrompt) && chunk.includes(installPrompt)) {
-					seen.add(installPrompt);
-					stdin.write('\x0D');
-				}
-				if (chunk.includes(PROMPT_MESSAGES.astroAdd('astro add --yes'))) {
-					resolve();
-				}
-			});
-		});
-	});
-	it('should use "npx astro@latest add" when use has NOT installed dependencies', function () {
-		const { stdout, stdin } = setup([tempDir]);
-		return promiseWithTimeout((resolve) => {
-			const seen = new Set();
-			const installPrompt = PROMPT_MESSAGES.install('npm');
-			stdout.on('data', (chunk) => {
-				if (!seen.has(PROMPT_MESSAGES.template) && chunk.includes(PROMPT_MESSAGES.template)) {
-					seen.add(PROMPT_MESSAGES.template);
-					// respond with "enter key"
-					stdin.write('\x0D');
-				}
-				if (!seen.has(installPrompt) && chunk.includes(installPrompt)) {
-					seen.add(installPrompt);
-					// respond with "no, then enter key"
-					stdin.write('n\x0D');
-				}
-				if (chunk.includes(PROMPT_MESSAGES.astroAdd('npx astro@latest add --yes'))) {
-					resolve();
-				}
-			});
-		});
-	});
diff --git a/packages/create-astro/test/install-step.test.js b/packages/create-astro/test/install-step.test.js
index d8219b5201a5..3f1dea4a9f9b 100644
--- a/packages/create-astro/test/install-step.test.js
+++ b/packages/create-astro/test/install-step.test.js
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ describe('[create-astro] install', function () {
 		return promiseWithTimeout((resolve) => {
 			const seen = new Set();
 			const installPrompt = PROMPT_MESSAGES.install(FAKE_PACKAGE_MANAGER);
-			const astroAddPrompt = PROMPT_MESSAGES.astroAdd();
 			stdout.on('data', (chunk) => {
 				if (!seen.has(PROMPT_MESSAGES.template) && chunk.includes(PROMPT_MESSAGES.template)) {
@@ -56,10 +55,6 @@ describe('[create-astro] install', function () {
 					// respond with "no, then enter key"
-				if (!seen.has(astroAddPrompt) && chunk.includes(astroAddPrompt)) {
-					seen.add(astroAddPrompt);
-					stdin.write('n\x0D');
-				}
 				if (!seen.has(PROMPT_MESSAGES.git) && chunk.includes(PROMPT_MESSAGES.git)) {
diff --git a/packages/create-astro/test/utils.js b/packages/create-astro/test/utils.js
index 964ae6a2022f..9d227f6b5bc2 100644
--- a/packages/create-astro/test/utils.js
+++ b/packages/create-astro/test/utils.js
@@ -24,12 +24,10 @@ export function promiseWithTimeout(testFn) {
 export const PROMPT_MESSAGES = {
-	directory: 'Where would you like to create your app?',
-	template: 'Which app template would you like to use?',
+	directory: 'Where would you like to create your new project?',
+	template: 'Which template would you like to use?',
 	install: (pkgManager) => `Would you like us to run "${pkgManager} install?"`,
-	astroAdd: (astroAddCommand = 'npx astro@latest add --yes') =>
-		`Run "${astroAddCommand}?" This lets you optionally add component frameworks (ex. React), CSS frameworks (ex. Tailwind), and more.`,
-	git: 'Initialize a git repository?',
+	git: 'Initialize a new git repository?',
 export function setup(args = []) {
diff --git a/packages/webapi/mod.d.ts b/packages/webapi/mod.d.ts
index a3c49dc5c406..b385e82a5e29 100644
--- a/packages/webapi/mod.d.ts
+++ b/packages/webapi/mod.d.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 export { pathToPosix } from './lib/utils';
-export { AbortController, AbortSignal, alert, atob, Blob, btoa, ByteLengthQueuingStrategy, cancelAnimationFrame, cancelIdleCallback, CanvasRenderingContext2D, CharacterData, clearTimeout, Comment, CountQueuingStrategy, CSSStyleSheet, CustomElementRegistry, CustomEvent, Document, DocumentFragment, DOMException, Element, Event, EventTarget, fetch, File, FormData, Headers, HTMLBodyElement, HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLDivElement, HTMLDocument, HTMLElement, HTMLHeadElement, HTMLHtmlElement, HTMLImageElement, HTMLSpanElement, HTMLStyleElement, HTMLTemplateElement, HTMLUnknownElement, Image, ImageData, IntersectionObserver, MediaQueryList, MutationObserver, Node, NodeFilter, NodeIterator, OffscreenCanvas, ReadableByteStreamController, ReadableStream, ReadableStreamBYOBReader, ReadableStreamBYOBRequest, ReadableStreamDefaultController, ReadableStreamDefaultReader, Request, requestAnimationFrame, requestIdleCallback, ResizeObserver, Response, setTimeout, ShadowRoot, structuredClone, StyleSheet, Text, TransformStream, TreeWalker, URLPattern, Window, WritableStream, WritableStreamDefaultController, WritableStreamDefaultWriter } from './mod.js';
+export { AbortController, AbortSignal, alert, atob, Blob, btoa, ByteLengthQueuingStrategy, cancelAnimationFrame, cancelIdleCallback, CanvasRenderingContext2D, CharacterData, clearTimeout, Comment, CountQueuingStrategy, CSSStyleSheet, CustomElementRegistry, CustomEvent, Document, DocumentFragment, DOMException, Element, Event, EventTarget, fetch, File, FormData, Headers, HTMLBodyElement, HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLDivElement, HTMLDocument, HTMLElement, HTMLHeadElement, HTMLHtmlElement, HTMLImageElement, HTMLSpanElement, HTMLStyleElement, HTMLTemplateElement, HTMLUnknownElement, Image, ImageData, IntersectionObserver, MediaQueryList, MutationObserver, Node, NodeFilter, NodeIterator, OffscreenCanvas, ReadableByteStreamController, ReadableStream, ReadableStreamBYOBReader, ReadableStreamBYOBRequest, ReadableStreamDefaultController, ReadableStreamDefaultReader, Request, requestAnimationFrame, requestIdleCallback, ResizeObserver, Response, setTimeout, ShadowRoot, structuredClone, StyleSheet, Text, TransformStream, TreeWalker, URLPattern, Window, WritableStream, WritableStreamDefaultController, WritableStreamDefaultWriter, } from './mod.js';
 export declare const polyfill: {
     (target: any, options?: PolyfillOptions): any;
     internals(target: any, name: string): any;