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TA Network API

node tests npm version

An open interface for fetching data from the Tribes: Ascend servers.

Please see the wiki for a detailed breakdown of TA's network protocol.

API includes functionality for:

  • Fetching basic player data (clan tag, XP, Gold, etc).
  • Fetching status data:
    • Players online.
    • Servers online.
  • (Coming soon) Fetching player statistics (midairs, caps, accolades, etc).



Version 1 is about to be deprecated. Please migrate to the Version 2 Alpha with npm install ta-network-api@next.

Install TA Network API into your project with:

npm install ta-network-api@next


To begin, import the LoginServerConnection class into your project:

import { LoginServerConnection } from 'ta-network-api';

Create a new connection instance with:

// Your login credentials:
let credentials = {
    username: '<your-username>',
    passwordHash: '<your-password-hash>',
    salt: new Uint8Array()

// Optional options:
let options = {
    authenticate: true,  // Tells the connection to attempt to automatically authenticate.
    debug: false,        // Tells the connection not to produce debugging output in the terminal.
    timeout: 15000,      // Allow the connection to idle for 15 seconds before timing out. (Set this to `0` to disable the timeout).

    buffer: {            // These options are passed through to the data Buffer.
        debug: false

    decoder: {           // These options are passed through to the data Decoder.
        clean: true,     // Tells the Decoder to produce a clean output (remove empty enumfields, may improve performance).
        debug: false

const connection = new LoginServerConnection('hirez', credentials, options);

Initiate the connection with:

await connection.connect();

The API will connect to the specified login server using your credentials.

Fetching Data

This is done by calling the connection's fetch method, and passing in the name of the dataset's endpoint. Currently available endpoints include:

  • AccountData: Data about the currently authenticated TA account.
  • OnlinePlayerNumber: The number of players who are currently in a match.
  • OnlinePlayerList: A list of all players who are currently in a match.
  • GameServerList: A list of the top 30 online game servers.
  • GameServerInfo: Information about a specific game server (requires one argument).
  • WatchNowList: A list of recommended TA videos and live streams.

The API uses an asynchronous syntax. This allows you to simply await any data that you want to retrieve:

const result = await connection.fetch('OnlinePlayerList');

Some endpoints require extra information in order to fetch the correct data. TypeScript intellisense should tell you what data is required for each endpoint. You can add any extra data as additional arguments to the fetch method:

const serverId = 00000;
const result = await connection.fetch('GameServerInfo', serverId);

Sending Data

Messages can be used to send data to the connected login server. To use this feature, import the Messages object into your project:

import { Messages } from 'ta-network-api';

The API comes with a few handy message presets:

  • AuthenticationMessage
    let credentials = {
        username: '<your-username>',
        passwordHash: '<your-password-hash>',
        salt: new Uint8Array(<your-session-salt>)
    const message = new Messages.AuthenticationMessage(credentials);
  • ServerListMessage
    const message = new Messages.ServerListMessage();
  • ServerInfoMessage
    const serverId = 00000;
    const message = new Messages.ServerInfoMessage(serverId);
  • DirectMessageMessage
    const recipient = 'player-name';
    const content = 'Hello!';
    const message = new Messages.DirectMessageMessage(recipient, content);
  • WatchNowMessage
    const message = new Messages.WatchNowMessage();

Or you can also use the GenericMessage class to send raw data:

// This class accepts an array of number arrays, Uint8Arrays, byte-like strings, or any combination of the three.
const message = new Messages.GenericMessage([
    [1, 23, 8, 74],				// number[]
    new Uint8Array([1, 23, 8, 74]),		// Uint8Array
    '0117084a'				// Byte-like string

To send the message, call the connection's send method, passing in the message instance and a callback function.

void connection.send(message, (data: any) => {
    // Do something awesome.


Fetch a list of all online game servers:

// Import TA Network API.
import { LoginServerConnection } from 'ta-network-api';

// Your account credentials for the login server.
let credentials = {
    username: '<your-username>',
    passwordHash: '<your-password-hash>',
    salt: new Uint8Array()

// Optional configuration for the login server connection.
let options = {
    authenticate: true,
    decoder: {
        clean: true

// Create a new connection instance.
const connection = new LoginServerConnection('hirez', credentials, options);

// Initiate the connection with the server.
await connection.connect();

// Fetch the list of online game servers.
const servers = await connection.fetch('GameServerList');

console.log('Wow, look at all these servers!', servers);

Fetch a list of all players currently in-game:

// Import TA Network API.
import { LoginServerConnection } from 'ta-network-api';

// Your account credentials for the login server.
let credentials = {
    username: '<your-username>',
    passwordHash: '<your-password-hash>',
    salt: new Uint8Array()

// Optional configuration for the login server connection.
let options = {
    authenticate: true,
    decoder: {
        clean: true

// Create a new connection instance.
const connection = new LoginServerConnection('hirez', credentials, options);

// Initiate the connection with the server.
await connection.connect();

// Fetch the list of in-game players.
const players = await connection.fetch('OnlinePlayerList');

console.log('Wow, look at all these players!', players);


If you'd like to contribute to this project, please submit an issue or create a pull request. All contributions are super welcome! 🎉