- 1. Import VGG19
- 2. Create List of Convolution Layer names
- 3. Create Model who outputs list of Feature maps
- 4 . Import and Preprocess Image
- 5. Plot one filter for each Feature map
def load_vgg19()-> Model:
vgg = VGG19(include_top=False, weights='imagenet')
return vgg
vgg19 = load_vgg19()
Total params: 143,667,240
Trainable params: 143,667,240
Non-trainable params: 0
def create_list_of_vgg_layer():
layers_name = ['block1_conv1',
return (layers_name)
- iterate in list of layers name
- get output shape of each layer in vgg19
- append in list of outputs
- define the New Model with a list of Feature maps as output
def create_multi_output_model(layer_name : list)-> Model:
vgg19 = load_vgg19()
list_of_features_map = list()
for name in layers_name:
layer = vgg19.get_layer(name)
output = layer.output
model = Model([vgg19.input], list_of_features_map)
model.trainable = False
return (model)
Load image
- Keras- Preprocess array with the special function of the VGG19 model
- Recover the list of Feature maps
img = load_img('waves.jpg')
img = img_to_array(img)
img = expand_dims(img, axis=0)
input = preprocess_input(img)
feature_maps = model.predict(input)
- Define the size of
- Iterate in list of Feature maps
- Plot one filter in Feature maps
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 5, figsize=(20, 15))
i = 0
for f in feature_maps :
ax[i].imshow(f[0, :, :, 4], cmap='gray')
i += 1
- 1. Create Custom Model to Generate One Feature map
- 2. Compute Error With Feature maps
- 3. Recreate Content with Feature maps
- To recreate an image we will base it on the production of Feature maps.
- We pass 2 image in the model :
- One with random pixels $\large G$
- One with a content $\large C$
- We get the output of one convolution of the model and we compare The value of the Pixel in all Filter for the 2 images by :
- calculating the difference between the 2 Tensor of Feature maps
$F$ and$P$
- calculating the difference between the 2 Tensor of Feature maps
- From the VGG19 Network we recreate a Model that outputs 1 Feature maps of a given image
- Load the VGG Network without the Fully Connected Layer (FC) and without the Output Layer
- Define the output of the New Model as a Convolution Layer
- Set the Un-trainaible parameters
content_layers = ['block2_conv2']
def load_vgg19()-> Model:
vgg = VGG19(include_top=False, weights='imagenet')
return vgg
def create_model(content_layers : list)-> Model:
vgg19 = load_vgg19()
name = content_layers[0]
layer = vgg19.get_layer(name)
output = layer.output
model = Model([vgg19.input], output)
model.trainable = False
return (model)
model = create_model(content_layers)
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
input_5 (InputLayer) [(None, None, None, 3)] 0
block1_conv1 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 64) 1792
block1_conv2 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 64) 36928
block1_pool (MaxPooling2D) (None, None, None, 64) 0
block2_conv1 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 128) 73856
block2_conv2 (Conv2D) (None, None, None, 128) 147584
Total params: 260,160
Trainable params: 0
Non-trainable params: 260,160
- Preprocessing image for Custom Model
- Get Output of Custom Model ->
Feature maps
def get_features_map(model : Model, img : Tensor)->list:
process_img = preprocessing_img(img)
features_map = model(process_img)
return (features_map)
- For the Model can compare 2 images we give it Feature maps
- We can calculate the pixel difference between the 2 Feature maps with a Square Error MSE
def compute_content_loss(content_generated : Tensor, content_target : Tensor):
content_loss = tf.reduce_mean((content_generated - content_target)**2)
return (content_loss)
For each Iteration :
- Extract Content Feature maps
- Compute Error with
Target Content
- Update
Generated Image
- 1. Create Custom Model that outputs "list of Feature maps"
- 2. Extract Style
- 3. Compute Error Between 2 Lists of Gram Matrix
- 4. Recreate Style
- To recreate Style we need to have multiple Feature maps for one image
- Compute the Correlation Between Filter of all Feature maps for understand the paterns in style (List of Gram Matrix)
- Initialise Image with Random PIxel
Generated Image
- Set the
Target Style
with the List of Gram Matrix ofStyle Image
- Compute the Difference of 2 list of Gram Matrix (
Style Image
andGenerated Image
) - For each update of
Generated Image
:- get the List of Gram Matrix of
Generated Image
- Compare with
Style Target
- Update
Generated Image
- get the List of Gram Matrix of
- List all Convolution Layer that we want to return
def create_list_of_vgg_layer():
style_layer_names = ['block1_conv1',
return (style_layer_names)
- Load the VGG Network without the Fully Connected Layer and without Output Layer
def load_vgg19()-> Model:
vgg = VGG19(include_top=False, weights='imagenet')
return vgg
- iterate in list of layers name
- get output shape of each layer in vgg19
- append in list of outputs
- define the New Model with a list of Feature maps as output
def create_multi_output_model(layer_name : list)-> Model:
vgg19 = load_vgg19()
list_of_features_map = list()
for name in layers_name:
layer = vgg19.get_layer(name)
output = layer.output
model = Model([vgg19.input], list_of_features_map)
model.trainable = False
return (model)
model = create_multi_output_model(layers_name)
Total params: 12,944,960
Trainable params: 0
Non-trainable params: 12,944,960
- (Optional) Gram Matrix
- 1. Filter Map to Matrix of Pixels
- 2. Create Gram Style Matrix
- 3. Get Entire Style Of Image
Dot Product with
$\large n$ Vector
def gram_matrix(F):
Gram = tf.matmul(F, F, transpose_a=True)
return Gram
- Flatten each Filter in Feature maps to Vector of Pixel
- Create Matrix with
Vector of Pixel
def flatten_filters(Filters):
batch = int(Filters.shape[0])
vector_pixels = int(Filters.shape[1] * Filters.shape[2])
nbr_filter = int(Filters.shape[3])
matrix_pixels = tf.reshape(Filters, (batch, vector_pixels, nbr_filter))
return (matrix_pixels)
- Compute the Correlation between each Filter
Get the Transpose of
$\large F$ $(\large F^{T})$ -
Make the Dot Product between each Vector in
$\large F \text{ with } F^{T}$ - Normalize Value with the number of pixel
def gram_matrix(Filters):
F = flatten_filters(Filters)
Gram = tf.matmul(F, F, transpose_a=True)
Gram = normalize_matrix(Gram, Filters)
return Gram
def normalize_matrix(G, Filters):
height = tf.cast(Filters.shape[1], tf.float32)
width = tf.cast(Filters.shape[2], tf.float32)
number_pixels = height * width
G = G / number_pixels
return (G)
- Get List of Feature maps
- Convert each Filters to Vector of Pixel
- Compute Gram Matrix for Each Feature Map
- Save List of Gram Matrix
The list of Gram matrices will become our target
def extract_style(features_map):
Grams_styles = list()
for style in features_map:
Gram = gram_matrix(style)
return Grams_styles
- Get List of Feature maps for Style Image and Generated Image
- Compute Gram Style Matrix for Each Feature maps for the 2 Image
- Calculate the difference between the 2 Gram Matrix lists
def compute_style_loss(style_generated : Tensor,
style_target : Tensor):
all_style_loss = list()
for generated, target in zip(style_generated, style_target):
style_layer_loss = tf.reduce_mean((generated - target)**2)
num_style_layers = len(all_style_loss)
style_loss = tf.add_n(all_style_loss) / num_style_layers
return (style_loss)
For each iteration
- Get List of Feature maps of
Generated Image
- Compute The Gram Style Matrix for each Feature maps
- Compute Loss With :
- Gram Style Matrix of Generated Image
- Gram Style Matrix of Style Image (Target)
- Update Pixel of Image
- Extract Content and Style for Generated Image and the Target Image
- Compute Total Loss With the Addition between Style Loss and Content Loss
- Weighting each Loss to prioritize the style or the content
Extract Style in
Generated Image
Extract Content
Generated Image
Compute Total loss With
Target Style
$\Large S$ andTarget Content
$\Large C$ - Minimize the Error