diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 76fb70be..a97e2714 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -7133,7 +7133,7 @@ to its caller, and so on.
Consider the following algorithm:
1. Let |x| be the ECMAScript value passed in to this algorithm.
- 1. Let |y| be the result of calling ToString(|x|).
+ 1. Let |y| be the result of calling [=?=] ToString(|x|).
1. Return |y|.
@@ -7529,7 +7529,7 @@ In effect, where x is a Number value,
the [{{EnforceRange}}] [=extended attribute=], then:
1. If |x| is NaN, +∞, or −∞,
then [=ECMAScript/throw=] a {{ECMAScript/TypeError}}.
- 1. Set |x| to [=!=] IntegerPart(|x|).
+ 1. Set |x| to IntegerPart(|x|).
1. If |x| < |lowerBound| or |x| > |upperBound|,
then [=ECMAScript/throw=] a {{ECMAScript/TypeError}}.
1. Return |x|.
@@ -7542,7 +7542,7 @@ In effect, where x is a Number value,
1. Return |x|.
1. If |x| is NaN, +0, +∞, or −∞,
then return +0.
- 1. Set |x| to [=!=] IntegerPart(|x|).
+ 1. Set |x| to IntegerPart(|x|).
1. Set |x| to |x| [=modulo=] 2|bitLength|.
1. If |signedness| is "signed
" and |x| ≥ 2|bitLength| − 1,
then return |x| − 2|bitLength|.
@@ -7721,7 +7721,7 @@ value when its bit pattern is interpreted as an unsigned 64 bit integer.
1. If |V| is null and the conversion is to an IDL type
[=extended attribute associated with|associated with=] the [{{LegacyNullToEmptyString}}] extended
attribute, then return the {{DOMString}} value that represents the empty string.
- 1. Let |x| be ToString(|V|).
+ 1. Let |x| be [=?=] ToString(|V|).
1. Return the IDL {{DOMString}} value that represents the same sequence of code units as the one the ECMAScript String value |x| represents.
@@ -7741,7 +7741,7 @@ value when its bit pattern is interpreted as an unsigned 64 bit integer.
An ECMAScript value |V| is [=converted to an IDL value|converted=]
to an IDL {{ByteString}} value by running the following algorithm:
- 1. Let |x| be ToString(|V|).
+ 1. Let |x| be [=?=] ToString(|V|).
1. If the value of any [=ECMAScript String/element=]
of |x| is greater than 255, then [=ECMAScript/throw=] a {{ECMAScript/TypeError}}.
1. Return an IDL {{ByteString}} value
@@ -7918,7 +7918,7 @@ up on the ECMAScript object are not necessarily the same as the object’s prope
to an ECMAScript Object value by
running the following algorithm (where |D| is the [=dictionary=]):
- 1. Let |O| be [=!=] [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$]({{%Object.prototype%}}).
+ 1. Let |O| be [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$]({{%Object.prototype%}}).
1. Let |dictionaries| be a list consisting of |D| and all of |D|’s [=inherited dictionaries=],
in order from least to most derived.
1. For each dictionary |dictionary| in |dictionaries|, in order:
@@ -7946,7 +7946,7 @@ values.
to an IDL [=enumeration|enumeration type=] value as follows
(where |E| is the [=enumeration=]):
- 1. Let |S| be the result of calling ToString(|V|).
+ 1. Let |S| be the result of calling [=?=] ToString(|V|).
1. If |S| is not one of |E|’s [=enumeration values=],
then [=ECMAScript/throw=] a {{ECMAScript/TypeError}}.
1. Return the enumeration value of type |E| that is equal to |S|.
@@ -8072,8 +8072,8 @@ ECMAScript Array values.
1. Let |V| be the value in |S| at index |i|.
1. Let |E| be the result of [=converted to an ECMAScript value|converting=]
|V| to an ECMAScript value.
- 1. Let |P| be the result of calling ToString(|i|).
- 1. Call CreateDataProperty(|A|, |P|, |E|).
+ 1. Let |P| be the result of calling [=!=] ToString(|i|).
+ 1. Call [=!=] CreateDataProperty(|A|, |P|, |E|).
1. Set |i| to |i| + 1.
1. Return |A|.
@@ -8215,7 +8215,7 @@ ECMAScript Object values.
[=converted to an ECMAScript value|converted=]
to an ECMAScript value as follows:
- 1. Let |result| be [=!=] [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$]({{%Object.prototype%}}).
+ 1. Let |result| be [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$]({{%Object.prototype%}}).
1. [=map/For each=] |key| → |value| of |D|:
1. Let |esKey| be |key| [=converted to an ECMAScript value=].
1. Let |esValue| be |value| [=converted to an ECMAScript value=].
@@ -8372,7 +8372,7 @@ IDL [=promise type=] values are represented by ECMAScript [=PromiseCapability=]
the result of performing them, given |value| if |T| is not {{undefined}}. Otherwise, let
|result| be |value|.
1. Return |result|, [=converted to an ECMAScript value=].
- 1. Let |onFulfilled| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|onFulfilledSteps|, « »):
+ 1. Let |onFulfilled| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|onFulfilledSteps|, « »):
1. Let |onRejectedSteps| be the following steps given argument |R|:
1. Let |reason| be the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
|R| to an IDL value of type {{any}}.
@@ -8380,13 +8380,13 @@ IDL [=promise type=] values are represented by ECMAScript [=PromiseCapability=]
the result of performing them, given |reason|. Otherwise, let |result| be
[=a promise rejected with=] |reason|.
1. Return |result|, [=converted to an ECMAScript value=].
- 1. Let |onRejected| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|onRejectedSteps|, « »):
+ 1. Let |onRejected| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|onRejectedSteps|, « »):
1. Let |constructor| be |promise|.\[[Promise]].\[[Realm]].\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%Promise%}}]].
1. Let |newCapability| be [=?=] [$NewPromiseCapability$](|constructor|).
Note: Not all callers will use the returned {{Promise}}. Implementations might wish to
avoid creating |newCapability| in those cases.
- 1. Return [=!=] [$PerformPromiseThen$](|promise|.\[[Promise]], |onFulfilled|, |onRejected|,
+ 1. Return [$PerformPromiseThen$](|promise|.\[[Promise]], |onFulfilled|, |onRejected|,
Note: This algorithm will behave in a very similar way to the
@@ -8431,7 +8431,7 @@ IDL [=promise type=] values are represented by ECMAScript [=PromiseCapability=]
1. If |rejected| is true, abort these steps.
1. Set |rejected| to true.
1. Perform |failureSteps| given |arg|.
- 1. Let |rejectionHandler| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|rejectionHandlerSteps|, « »):
+ 1. Let |rejectionHandler| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|rejectionHandlerSteps|, « »):
1. Let |total| be |promises|'s [=list/size=].
1. If |total| is 0, then:
1. [=Queue a microtask=] to perform |successSteps| given « ».
@@ -8444,7 +8444,7 @@ IDL [=promise type=] values are represented by ECMAScript [=PromiseCapability=]
1. Set |result|[|promiseIndex|] to |arg|.
1. Set |fullfilledCount| to |fullfilledCount| + 1.
1. If |fullfilledCount| equals |total|, then perform |successSteps| given |result|.
- 1. Let |fulfillmentHandler| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|fulfillmentHandler|, « »):
+ 1. Let |fulfillmentHandler| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|fulfillmentHandler|, « »):
1. Perform [$PerformPromiseThen$](|promise|, |fulfillmentHandler|, |rejectionHandler|).
1. Set |index| to |index| + 1.
@@ -8943,11 +8943,11 @@ a reference to the same object that the IDL value represents.
1. Assert: |esBufferSource| is an {{ECMAScript/ArrayBuffer}} or
{{ECMAScript/SharedArrayBuffer}} object.
1. Set |length| to |esBufferSource|.\[[ArrayBufferByteLength]].
- 1. If [=!=] [$IsDetachedBuffer$](|esArrayBuffer|) is true, then return the empty
+ 1. If [$IsDetachedBuffer$](|esArrayBuffer|) is true, then return the empty
[=byte sequence=].
1. Let |bytes| be a new [=byte sequence=] of [=byte sequence/length=] equal to |length|.
1. For |i| in [=the range=] |offset| to |offset| + |length| − 1, inclusive, set
- |bytes|[|i| − |offset|] to [=!=] [$GetValueFromBuffer$](|esArrayBuffer|, |i|, Uint8,
+ |bytes|[|i| − |offset|] to [$GetValueFromBuffer$](|esArrayBuffer|, |i|, Uint8,
true, Unordered).
1. Return |bytes|.
@@ -8984,7 +8984,7 @@ a reference to the same object that the IDL value represents.
1. Assert: |bytes|'s [=byte sequence/length=] ≤ |esArrayBuffer|.\[[ArrayBufferByteLength]]
− |startingOffset|.
1. For |i| in [=the range=] |startingOffset| to |startingOffset| + |bytes|'s [=byte
- sequence/length=] − 1, inclusive, perform [=!=] [$SetValueInBuffer$](|esArrayBuffer|,
+ sequence/length=] − 1, inclusive, perform [$SetValueInBuffer$](|esArrayBuffer|,
|i|, Uint8, |bytes|[|i| - |startingOffset|], true, Unordered).
@@ -9024,7 +9024,7 @@ a reference to the same object that the IDL value represents.
1. Let |esArrayBuffer| be the result of [=converted to an ECMAScript value|converting=]
|arrayBuffer| to an ECMAScript value.
- 1. Assert: [=!=] [$IsSharedArrayBuffer$](|esArrayBuffer|) is false.
+ 1. Assert: [$IsSharedArrayBuffer$](|esArrayBuffer|) is false.
1. Perform [=?=] [$DetachArrayBuffer$](|esArrayBuffer|).
This will throw an exception if |esArrayBuffer| has an \[[ArrayBufferDetachKey]]
@@ -9042,7 +9042,7 @@ a reference to the same object that the IDL value represents.
|bufferSource| to an ECMAScript value.
1. If |esArrayBuffer| has a \[[ViewedArrayBuffer]] internal slot, then set |esArrayBuffer| to
- 1. Return [=!=] [$IsDetachedBuffer$](|esArrayBuffer|).
+ 1. Return [$IsDetachedBuffer$](|esArrayBuffer|).
@@ -9051,8 +9051,8 @@ a reference to the same object that the IDL value represents.
1. Let |esArrayBuffer| be the result of [=converted to an ECMAScript value|converting=]
|arrayBuffer| to an ECMAScript value.
- 1. Assert: [=!=] [$IsSharedArrayBuffer$](|esArrayBuffer|) is false.
- 1. Assert: [=!=] [$IsDetachedBuffer$](|esArrayBuffer|) is false.
+ 1. Assert: [$IsSharedArrayBuffer$](|esArrayBuffer|) is false.
+ 1. Assert: [$IsDetachedBuffer$](|esArrayBuffer|) is false.
1. Let |arrayBufferData| be |esArrayBuffer|.\[[ArrayBufferData]].
1. Let |arrayBufferByteLength| be |esArrayBuffer|.\[[ArrayBufferByteLength]].
1. Perform [=?=] [$DetachArrayBuffer$](|esArrayBuffer|).
@@ -9095,7 +9095,7 @@ Array object references.
1. Let |array| be the result of
[=converted to an ECMAScript value|converting=]
the sequence of values of type |T| to an ECMAScript value.
- 1. Perform
SetIntegrityLevel(|array|, "
+ 1. Perform [=!=]
SetIntegrityLevel(|array|, "
1. Return |array|.
@@ -11478,9 +11478,9 @@ default interfaces do not have such steps.
1. Let |constructorProto| be |realm|.\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%Function.prototype%}}]].
1. If |I| inherits from some other interface |P|,
then set |constructorProto| to the [=interface object=] of |P| in |realm|.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « \[[Unforgeables]] »,
+ 1. Let |F| be CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « \[[Unforgeables]] »,
|realm|, |constructorProto|).
- 1. Let |unforgeables| be [=!=] [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$](null).
+ 1. Let |unforgeables| be [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$](null).
1. [=Define the unforgeable regular operations=] of |I| on |unforgeables|, given |realm|.
1. [=Define the unforgeable regular attributes=] of |I| on |unforgeables|, given |realm|.
1. Set |F|.\[[Unforgeables]] to |unforgeables|.
@@ -11489,14 +11489,14 @@ default interfaces do not have such steps.
of an interface with an unforgeable member use the same JavaScript function objects for
[=attribute getters=], [=attribute setters=] and [=creating an operation
function|operation functions=].
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionName(|F|, |id|).
+ 1. Perform SetFunctionName(|F|, |id|).
1. Let |length| be 0.
1. If |I| was declared with a [=constructor operation=], then
1. [=Compute the effective overload set=] for constructors with [=identifier=] |id| on
[=interface=] |I| and with argument count 0, and let |S| be the result.
1. Set |length| to the length of the
shortest argument list of the entries in |S|.
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionLength(|F|, |length|).
+ 1. Perform SetFunctionLength(|F|, |length|).
1. Let |proto| be the result of [=create an interface prototype object|creating an interface
prototype object=] of [=interface=] |I| in |realm|.
1. Perform [=!=] DefinePropertyOrThrow(|F|, "prototype
@@ -11542,12 +11542,12 @@ implement the interface on which the
1. Assert: |O| is an object that [=implements=] |I|.
1. Assert: |O|.\[[Realm]] is |realm|.
1. Return |O|.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionName(|F|, |id|).
+ 1. Let |F| be CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform SetFunctionName(|F|, |id|).
1. [=Compute the effective overload set=] for legacy factory functions with [=identifier=] |id|
on [=interface=] |I| and with argument count 0, and let |S| be the result.
1. Let |length| be the length of the shortest argument list of the entries in |S|.
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionLength(|F|, |length|).
+ 1. Perform SetFunctionLength(|F|, |length|).
1. Let |proto| be the [=interface prototype object=] of [=interface=] |I| in |realm|.
1. Perform [=!=] DefinePropertyOrThrow(|F|, "prototype
PropertyDescriptor{\[[Value]]: |proto|, \[[Writable]]: false, \[[Enumerable]]: false, \[[Configurable]]: false}).
@@ -11583,20 +11583,20 @@ with the [{{LegacyNoInterfaceObject}}] [=extended attribute=].
1. If |interface| is declared with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=], or
|interface| is in the set of [=inherited interfaces=] of an interface
that is declared with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=], then:
- 1. Set |interfaceProtoObj| to [=!=] [$MakeBasicObject$](« \[[Prototype]], \[[Extensible]] »).
+ 1. Set |interfaceProtoObj| to [$MakeBasicObject$](« \[[Prototype]], \[[Extensible]] »).
1. Set |interfaceProtoObj|.\[[Prototype]] to |proto|.
1. Set the internal methods of |interfaceProtoObj|
which are specific to [=immutable prototype exotic objects=]
to the definitions specified in
[=ECMA-262 Immutable prototype exotic objects=].
- 1. Otherwise, set |interfaceProtoObj| to [=!=] [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$](|proto|).
+ 1. Otherwise, set |interfaceProtoObj| to [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$](|proto|).
1. If |interface| has any [=member=] declared with the [{{Unscopable}}] [=extended attribute=],
Issue: Should an {{@@unscopables}} property also be defined if |interface| is
declared with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=]?
This is discussed in issue #544.
- 1. Let |unscopableObject| be [=!=] [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$](null).
+ 1. Let |unscopableObject| be [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$](null).
1. [=list/For each=] [=exposed=] [=member=] |member| of |interface|
that is declared with the [{{Unscopable}}] [=extended attribute=]:
1. Let |id| be |member|'s [=identifier=].
@@ -11680,7 +11680,7 @@ for that interface on which named properties are exposed.
1. If |interface| is declared to inherit from another interface,
then set |proto| to the [=interface prototype object=] in |realm| for the [=inherited interface=].
1. Otherwise, set |proto| to |realm|.\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%Object.prototype%}}]].
- 1. Let |obj| be [=!=] [$MakeBasicObject$](« \[[Prototype]], \[[Extensible]] »).
+ 1. Let |obj| be [$MakeBasicObject$](« \[[Prototype]], \[[Extensible]] »).
1. Set |obj|.\[[GetOwnProperty]] as specified in [[#named-properties-object-getownproperty]].
1. Set |obj|.\[[DefineOwnProperty]] as specified in [[#named-properties-object-defineownproperty]].
1. Set |obj|.\[[Delete]] as specified in [[#named-properties-object-delete]].
@@ -11896,10 +11896,10 @@ in which case they are exposed on every object that [=implements=] the interface
1. If |attribute|'s type is a [=promise type=], then return
[=!=] Call({{%Promise.reject%}}, {{%Promise%}}, «|E|»).
1. Otherwise, end these steps and allow the exception to propagate.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |F| be CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
1. Let |name| be the string "get
" prepended to |attribute|'s [=identifier=].
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionName(|F|, |name|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionLength(|F|, 0).
+ 1. Perform SetFunctionName(|F|, |name|).
+ 1. Perform SetFunctionLength(|F|, 0).
1. Return |F|.
@@ -11982,10 +11982,10 @@ in which case they are exposed on every object that [=implements=] the interface
1. Perform the [=setter steps=] of |attribute|,
with |idlObject| as [=this=] and |idlValue| as [=the given value=].
1. Return undefined
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |F| be CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
1. Let |name| be the string "set
" prepended to |id|.
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionName(|F|, |name|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionLength(|F|, 1).
+ 1. Perform SetFunctionName(|F|, |name|).
+ 1. Perform SetFunctionLength(|F|, 1).
1. Return |F|.
@@ -12100,13 +12100,13 @@ in which case they are exposed on every object that [=implements=] the interface
that is a [=promise type=], then return
[=!=] Call({{%Promise.reject%}}, {{%Promise%}}, «|E|»).
1. Otherwise, end these steps and allow the exception to propagate.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionName(|F|, |id|).
+ 1. Let |F| be CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform SetFunctionName(|F|, |id|).
1. [=Compute the effective overload set=] for [=regular operations=] (if |op| is a regular
operation) or for [=static operations=] (if |op| is a static operation) with [=identifier=]
|id| on |target| and with argument count 0, and let |S| be the result.
1. Let |length| be the length of the shortest argument list in the entries in |S|.
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionLength(|F|, |length|).
+ 1. Perform SetFunctionLength(|F|, |length|).
1. Return |F|.
@@ -12146,7 +12146,7 @@ A [=regular operation=] that does not [=have default method steps=] must not be
for [=interface=] |I|.
1. Invoke [=collect attribute values of an inheritance stack=] given [=this=], |stack|, and
- 1. Let |result| be [=!=] [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$]({{%Object.prototype%}}).
+ 1. Let |result| be [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$]({{%Object.prototype%}}).
1. [=map/For each=] |key| → |value| of |map|,
1. Let |k| be |key| [=converted to an ECMAScript value=].
1. Let |v| be |value| [=converted to an ECMAScript value=].
@@ -12284,7 +12284,8 @@ then there must exist a property with the following characteristics:
The value of the property is a [=built-in function object=], which behaves as follows:
- 1. Let |O| be the result of calling ToObject on the this value.
+ 1. Let |thisValue| be the this value.
+ 1. Let |O| be [=?=] ToObject(|thisValue|).
1. If |O| [=is a platform object=],
then [=perform a security check=], passing:
* the platform object |O|,
@@ -12335,7 +12336,8 @@ The location of the property is determined as follows:
then the [=function object=] is a [=built-in function object=] that,
when invoked, must behave as follows:
- 1. Let |object| be the result of calling ToObject on the this value.
+ 1. Let |thisValue| be the this value.
+ 1. Let |object| be [=?=] ToObject(|thisValue|).
1. If |object| [=is a platform object=],
then [=perform a security check=], passing:
* the platform object |object|,
@@ -12347,10 +12349,10 @@ The location of the property is determined as follows:
then [=ECMAScript/throw=] a {{ECMAScript/TypeError}}.
1. If the interface has a [=maplike declaration=], then:
1. Let |backing| be the value of the \[[BackingMap]] [=internal slot=] of |object|.
- 1. Return CreateMapIterator(|backing|, "key+value
+ 1. Return [=!=] CreateMapIterator(|backing|, "key+value
1. Otherwise:
1. Let |backing| be the value of the \[[BackingSet]] [=internal slot=] of |object|.
- 1. Return CreateSetIterator(|backing|, "value
+ 1. Return [=!=] CreateSetIterator(|backing|, "value
The value of the {{@@iterator}} [=function object=]’s length
@@ -12381,7 +12383,8 @@ The location of the property is determined as follows:
If the interface has a [=maplike declaration=] or [=setlike declaration=] then
the method, when invoked, must behave as follows:
- 1. Let |object| be the result of calling ToObject on the this value.
+ 1. Let |thisValue| be the this value.
+ 1. Let |object| be [=?=] ToObject(|thisValue|).
1. If |object| [=is a platform object=],
then [=perform a security check=], passing:
* the platform object |object|,
@@ -12431,7 +12434,7 @@ property is the String value "forEach
of [=interface=] |definition| on |target|, given [=Realm=] |realm|, run the following steps:
1. If |definition| has an [=indexed property getter=], then:
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, {{@@iterator}},
+ 1. Perform [$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, {{@@iterator}},
1. If |definition| has a [=value iterator=], then:
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|target|, "entries
@@ -12454,10 +12457,10 @@ property is the String value "forEach
|esValue| as its [=default iterator object/target=], "key+value
as its [=default iterator object/kind=], and [=default iterator object/index=]
set to 0.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "entries
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, {{@@iterator}}, |F|).
+ 1. Let |F| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "entries
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
+ 1. Perform [$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, {{@@iterator}}, |F|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|target|, "entries
", |F|).
1. Define the keys
1. Let |steps| be the following series of steps:
@@ -12469,9 +12472,9 @@ property is the String value "forEach
1. Return a newly created [=default iterator object=] for |definition|, with
|esValue| as its [=default iterator object/target=], "key
" as its
[=default iterator object/kind=], and [=default iterator object/index=] set to 0.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "keys
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
+ 1. Let |F| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "keys
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|target|, "keys
", |F|).
1. Define the values
1. Let |steps| be the following series of steps:
@@ -12483,9 +12486,9 @@ property is the String value "forEach
1. Return a newly created [=default iterator object=] for |definition|, with
|esValue| as its [=default iterator object/target=], "value
" as its
[=default iterator object/kind=], and [=default iterator object/index=] set to 0.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "values
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
+ 1. Let |F| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "values
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|target|, "values
", |F|).
1. Define the forEach
1. Let |steps| be the following series of steps, given function argument values
@@ -12509,9 +12512,9 @@ property is the String value "forEach
1. Set |pairs| to |idlObject|'s current list of
[=value pairs to iterate over=]. (It might have changed.)
1. Set |i| to |i| + 1.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "forEach
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 1).
+ 1. Let |F| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "forEach
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 1).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|target|, "forEach
", |F|).
@@ -12576,9 +12579,9 @@ must be {{%IteratorPrototype%}}.
1. Let |idlValue| be |pair|’s [=value pair/value=].
1. Let |key| be the result of [=converted to an ECMAScript value|converting=] |idlKey| to an ECMAScript value.
1. Let |value| be the result of [=converted to an ECMAScript value|converting=] |idlValue| to an ECMAScript value.
- 1. Let |array| be the result of performing [$ArrayCreate$](2).
- 1. Call [$CreateDataProperty$](|array|, "0
", |key|).
- 1. Call [$CreateDataProperty$](|array|, "1
", |value|).
+ 1. Let |array| be [=!=] [$ArrayCreate$](2).
+ 1. Call [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|array|, "0
", |key|).
+ 1. Call [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|array|, "1
", |value|).
1. |result| is |array|.
1. Return [$CreateIterResultObject$](|result|, false).
@@ -12592,7 +12595,8 @@ must be {{%IteratorPrototype%}}.
1. Let |interface| be the [=interface=] for which the
[=iterator prototype object=] exists.
- 1. Let |object| be the result of calling ToObject on the this value.
+ 1. Let |thisValue| be the this value.
+ 1. Let |object| be [=?=] ToObject(|thisValue|).
1. If |object| [=is a platform object=],
then [=perform a security check=], passing:
* the platform object |object|,
@@ -12645,10 +12649,10 @@ and the string " Iterator
1. Run the [=asynchronous iterator initialization steps=] for |definition| with
|idlObject|, |iterator|, and |idlArgs|, if any such steps exist.
1. Return |iterator|.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "entries
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, {{@@asyncIterator}}, |F|).
+ 1. Let |F| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "entries
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
+ 1. Perform [$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, {{@@asyncIterator}}, |F|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|target|, "entries
", |F|).
1. If |definition| has a [=pair asynchronously iterable declaration=], then define the
@@ -12670,9 +12674,9 @@ and the string " Iterator
1. Run the [=asynchronous iterator initialization steps=] for |definition| with
|idlObject|, |iterator|, and |idlArgs|, if any such steps exist.
1. Return |iterator|.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "keys
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
+ 1. Let |F| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "keys
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|target|, "keys
", |F|).
1. Define the values
, and possibly {{@@asyncIterator}}, methods:
1. Let |steps| be the following series of steps, given function argument values |args|:
@@ -12693,9 +12697,9 @@ and the string " Iterator
1. Run the [=asynchronous iterator initialization steps=] for |definition| with
|idlObject|, |iterator|, and |idlArgs|, if any such steps exist.
1. Return |iterator|.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "values
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
+ 1. Let |F| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionName$](|F|, "values
+ 1. Perform [$SetFunctionLength$](|F|, 0).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|target|, "values
", |F|).
1. If |definition| has a [=value asynchronously iterable declaration=], then perform [=!=]
[$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, {{@@asyncIterator}}, |F|).
@@ -12773,8 +12777,8 @@ The \[[Prototype]] [=internal slot=] of an [=asynchronous iterator prototype obj
1. Let |thisValidationPromiseCapability| be [=!=] [$NewPromiseCapability$]({{%Promise%}}).
- 1. Let |object| be the result of calling [$ToObject$] on the
- this value.
+ 1. Let |thisValue| be the this value.
+ 1. Let |object| be [=?=] ToObject(|thisValue|).
1. [$IfAbruptRejectPromise$](|object|, |thisValidationPromiseCapability|).
@@ -12811,7 +12815,7 @@ The \[[Prototype]] [=internal slot=] of an [=asynchronous iterator prototype obj
1. If |next| is [=end of iteration=], then:
1. Set |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/is finished=] to true.
- 1. Return [=!=] [$CreateIterResultObject$](undefined,
+ 1. Return [$CreateIterResultObject$](undefined,
1. Otherwise, if |interface| has a [=pair asynchronously iterable declaration=]:
1. Assert: |next| is a [=value pair=].
@@ -12820,15 +12824,15 @@ The \[[Prototype]] [=internal slot=] of an [=asynchronous iterator prototype obj
1. Assert: |interface| has a [=value asynchronously iterable declaration=].
1. Assert: |next| is a value of the type that appears in the declaration.
1. Let |value| be |next|, [=converted to an ECMAScript value=].
- 1. Return [=!=] [$CreateIterResultObject$](|value|, false).
- 1. Let |onFulfilled| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|fulfillSteps|, « »).
+ 1. Return [$CreateIterResultObject$](|value|, false).
+ 1. Let |onFulfilled| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|fulfillSteps|, « »).
1. Let |rejectSteps| be the following steps, given |reason|:
1. Set |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/ongoing promise=] to
1. Set |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/is finished=] to true.
1. [=ECMAScript/Throw=] |reason|.
- 1. Let |onRejected| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|rejectSteps|, « »).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$PerformPromiseThen$](|nextPromise|, |onFulfilled|, |onRejected|,
+ 1. Let |onRejected| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|rejectSteps|, « »).
+ 1. Perform [$PerformPromiseThen$](|nextPromise|, |onFulfilled|, |onRejected|,
1. Return |nextPromiseCapability|.\[[Promise]].
@@ -12836,8 +12840,8 @@ The \[[Prototype]] [=internal slot=] of an [=asynchronous iterator prototype obj
1. If |ongoingPromise| is not null, then:
1. Let |afterOngoingPromiseCapability| be [=!=] [$NewPromiseCapability$]({{%Promise%}}).
- 1. Let |onSettled| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|nextSteps|, « »).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$PerformPromiseThen$](|ongoingPromise|, |onSettled|, |onSettled|,
+ 1. Let |onSettled| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|nextSteps|, « »).
+ 1. Perform [$PerformPromiseThen$](|ongoingPromise|, |onSettled|, |onSettled|,
1. Set |object|'s [=default asynchronous iterator object/ongoing promise=] to
@@ -12863,8 +12867,8 @@ The \[[Prototype]] [=internal slot=] of an [=asynchronous iterator prototype obj
1. Let |returnPromiseCapability| be [=!=] [$NewPromiseCapability$]({{%Promise%}}).
- 1. Let |object| be the result of calling [$ToObject$] on the
- this value.
+ 1. Let |thisValue| be the this value.
+ 1. Let |object| be [=?=] ToObject(|thisValue|).
1. [$IfAbruptRejectPromise$](|object|, |returnPromiseCapability|).
@@ -12902,8 +12906,8 @@ The \[[Prototype]] [=internal slot=] of an [=asynchronous iterator prototype obj
1. If |ongoingPromise| is not null, then:
1. Let |afterOngoingPromiseCapability| be [=!=] [$NewPromiseCapability$]({{%Promise%}}).
- 1. Let |onSettled| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|returnSteps|, « »).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$PerformPromiseThen$](|ongoingPromise|, |onSettled|, |onSettled|,
+ 1. Let |onSettled| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|returnSteps|, « »).
+ 1. Perform [$PerformPromiseThen$](|ongoingPromise|, |onSettled|, |onSettled|,
1. Set |returnStepsPromise| to |afterOngoingPromiseCapability|.\[[Promise]].
@@ -12911,11 +12915,11 @@ The \[[Prototype]] [=internal slot=] of an [=asynchronous iterator prototype obj
1. Set |returnStepsPromise| to the result of running |returnSteps|.
1. Let |fulfillSteps| be the following steps:
- 1. Return [=!=] [$CreateIterResultObject$](|value|, true).
+ 1. Return [$CreateIterResultObject$](|value|, true).
- 1. Let |onFulfilled| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|fulfillSteps|, « »).
+ 1. Let |onFulfilled| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](|fulfillSteps|, « »).
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$PerformPromiseThen$](|returnStepsPromise|, |onFulfilled|,
+ 1. Perform [$PerformPromiseThen$](|returnStepsPromise|, |onFulfilled|,
undefined, |returnPromiseCapability|).
1. Return |returnPromiseCapability|.\[[Promise]].
@@ -12986,7 +12990,7 @@ with the following characteristics:
* the type "getter
1. If |O| does not [=implement=] A, then [=ECMAScript/throw=] a {{ECMAScript/TypeError}}.
1. Let |map| be the {{ECMAScript/Map}} object that is the value of |O|’s \[[BackingMap]] [=internal slot=].
- 1. Return Get(|map|, "size
+ 1. Return [=!=] Get(|map|, "size
The value of the [=function object=]’s length
property is the Number value 0.
@@ -13368,10 +13372,10 @@ the Realm given as an argument.
1. Assert: [$IsCallable$](|newTarget|) is true.
1. Let |prototype| be [=?=] [$Get$](|newTarget|, "prototype").
1. If [$Type$](|prototype|) is not Object, then:
- 1. Let |targetRealm| be [$GetFunctionRealm$](|newTarget|).
+ 1. Let |targetRealm| be [=?=] [$GetFunctionRealm$](|newTarget|).
1. Set |prototype| to the [=interface prototype object=] for |interface| in
- 1. Let |instance| be [=!=] [$MakeBasicObject$](
+ 1. Let |instance| be [$MakeBasicObject$](
« \[[Prototype]], \[[Extensible]], \[[Realm]], \[[PrimaryInterface]] »).
1. Set |instance|.\[[Realm]] to |realm|.
1. Set |instance|.\[[PrimaryInterface]] to |interface|.
@@ -13423,12 +13427,12 @@ the Realm given as an argument.
1. Let |id| be |interface|'s [=identifier=].
1. Let |interfaceObject| be the result of [=create an interface object|creating
an interface object=] for |interface| with |id| in |realm|.
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, |id|, |interfaceObject|).
+ 1. Perform [$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, |id|, |interfaceObject|).
1. If the |interface| is declared with a [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}] [=extended attribute=],
and |target| implements the {{Window}} [=interface=], then:
1. [=list/iterate|For every=] [=LegacyWindowAlias identifier|identifier=] |id| in
[{{LegacyWindowAlias}}]'s [=LegacyWindowAlias identifier|identifiers=]:
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, |id|, |interfaceObject|).
+ 1. Perform [$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, |id|, |interfaceObject|).
1. If the |interface| is declared with a [{{LegacyFactoryFunction}}] [=extended attribute=],
1. [=list/iterate|For every=] [=LegacyFactoryFunction identifier|identifier=] |id| in
@@ -13436,18 +13440,18 @@ the Realm given as an argument.
1. Let |legacyFactoryFunction| be the result of
[=create a legacy factory function|creating a legacy factory function=] with
|id| for |interface| in |realm|.
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, |id|, |legacyFactoryFunction|).
+ 1. Perform [$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, |id|, |legacyFactoryFunction|).
1. [=list/iterate|For every=] [=callback interface=] |interface| that is [=exposed=] in
|realm| and on which [=constants=] are defined:
1. Let |id| be |interface|'s [=identifier=].
1. Let |interfaceObject| be the result of [=create a legacy callback interface
object|creating a legacy callback interface object=] for |interface| with |id| in |realm|.
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, |id|, |interfaceObject|).
+ 1. Perform [$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, |id|, |interfaceObject|).
1. [=list/iterate|For every=] [=namespace=] |namespace| that is [=exposed=] in
1. Let |id| be |namespace|'s [=identifier=].
1. Let |namespaceObject| be the result of [=create a namespace object|creating a namespace object=] for |namespace| in |realm|.
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, |id|, |namespaceObject|).
+ 1. Perform [$CreateMethodProperty$](|target|, |id|, |namespaceObject|).
@@ -13556,7 +13560,7 @@ Additionally, [=legacy platform objects=] have internal methods as defined in:
The \[[GetOwnProperty]] internal method of every [=legacy platform object=] |O|
must behave as follows when called with property name |P|:
- 1. Return
LegacyPlatformObjectGetOwnProperty(|O|, |P|,
+ 1. Return [=?=]
LegacyPlatformObjectGetOwnProperty(|O|, |P|,
@@ -13577,7 +13581,7 @@ Additionally, [=legacy platform objects=] have internal methods as defined in:
and Type(|P|) is String, then:
1. [=Invoke the named property setter=] on |O| with |P| and |V|.
1. Return true.
- 1. Let |ownDesc| be LegacyPlatformObjectGetOwnProperty(|O|, |P|, true).
+ 1. Let |ownDesc| be [=?=] LegacyPlatformObjectGetOwnProperty(|O|, |P|, true).
1. Perform [=?=] OrdinarySetWithOwnDescriptor(|O|, |P|, |V|, |Receiver|, |ownDesc|).
@@ -13619,7 +13623,7 @@ Additionally, [=legacy platform objects=] have internal methods as defined in:
1. Return true.
1. If |O| does not implement an [=interface=] with the [{{Global}}] [=extended attribute=],
then set |Desc|.\[[Configurable]] to true.
- 1. Return OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty(|O|, |P|, |Desc|).
+ 1. Return [=!=] OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty(|O|, |P|, |Desc|).
@@ -13632,7 +13636,7 @@ Additionally, [=legacy platform objects=] have internal methods as defined in:
1. If |O| [=support indexed properties|supports indexed properties=] and
|P| [=is an array index=], then:
- 1. Let |index| be the result of calling ToUint32(|P|).
+ 1. Let |index| be the result of calling [=!=] ToUint32(|P|).
1. If |index| is not a [=supported property indices|supported property index=], then return true.
1. Return false.
1. If |O| [=support named properties|supports named properties=],
@@ -13711,7 +13715,7 @@ internal method as follows.
1. If Type(|P|) is not String, then return false.
- 1. Let |index| be [=!=] CanonicalNumericIndexString(|P|).
+ 1. Let |index| be CanonicalNumericIndexString(|P|).
1. If |index| is undefined, then return false.
1. If IsInteger(|index|) is false,
then return false.
@@ -13768,7 +13772,7 @@ internal method as follows.
To invoke an indexed property setter
on a [=platform object=] |O| with property name |P| and ECMAScript value |V|, the following steps must be performed:
- 1. Let |index| be the result of calling ToUint32(|P|).
+ 1. Let |index| be the result of calling [=?=] ToUint32(|P|).
1. Let |creating| be true if |index| is not a [=supported property indices|supported property index=],
and false otherwise.
1. Let |operation| be the operation used to declare the indexed property setter.
@@ -13813,7 +13817,7 @@ internal method as follows.
1. If |O| [=support indexed properties|supports indexed properties=]
and |P| [=is an array index=], then:
- 1. Let |index| be the result of calling ToUint32(|P|).
+ 1. Let |index| be the result of calling [=!=] ToUint32(|P|).
1. If |index| is a [=supported property indices|supported property index=], then:
1. Let |operation| be the operation used to declare the indexed property getter.
1. Let |value| be an uninitialized variable.
@@ -13889,26 +13893,26 @@ those of normal Array
in a [=Realm=] |realm|, given Web IDL type |T| and algorithms |setAlgorithm| and |deleteAlgorithm|:
1. Let |innerArray| be [=!=] [$ArrayCreate$](0).
- 1. Let |handler| be [=!=] [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$](null,
+ 1. Let |handler| be [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$](null,
« \[[Type]], \[[SetAlgorithm]], \[[DeleteAlgorithm]], \[[BackingList]] »).
1. Set |handler|.\[[Type]] to |T|.
1. Set |handler|.\[[SetAlgorithm]] to |setAlgorithm|.
1. Set |handler|.\[[DeleteAlgorithm]] to |deleteAlgorithm|.
- 1. Let |defineProperty| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-defineProperty]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |defineProperty| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-defineProperty]], « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|handler|, "defineProperty
", |defineProperty|).
- 1. Let |deleteProperty| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-deleteProperty]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |deleteProperty| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-deleteProperty]], « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|handler|, "deleteProperty
", |deleteProperty|).
- 1. Let |get| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-get]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |get| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-get]], « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|handler|, "get
", |get|).
- 1. Let |getOwnPropertyDescriptor| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-getOwnPropertyDescriptor]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |getOwnPropertyDescriptor| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-getOwnPropertyDescriptor]], « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|handler|, "getOwnPropertyDescriptor
", |getOwnPropertyDescriptor|).
- 1. Let |has| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-has]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |has| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-has]], « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|handler|, "has
", |has|).
- 1. Let |ownKeys| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-ownKeys]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |ownKeys| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-ownKeys]], « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|handler|, "ownKeys
", |ownKeys|).
- 1. Let |preventExtensions| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-preventExtensions]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |preventExtensions| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-preventExtensions]], « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|handler|, "preventExtensions
", |preventExtensions|).
- 1. Let |set| be [=!=] [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-set]], « », |realm|).
+ 1. Let |set| be [$CreateBuiltinFunction$](the steps from [[#es-observable-array-set]], « », |realm|).
1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateDataProperty$](|handler|, "set
", |set|).
1. Return [=!=] [$ProxyCreate$](|innerArray|, |handler|).
@@ -13922,7 +13926,7 @@ those of normal Array
1. Let |handler| be the this value.
1. Let |descriptor| be [=!=] [$ToPropertyDescriptor$](|descriptorObj|).
1. If |P| is "length", then:
- 1. If [=!=] [$IsAccessorDescriptor$](|descriptor|) is true, then return
+ 1. If [$IsAccessorDescriptor$](|descriptor|) is true, then return
1. If |descriptor|.\[[Configurable]] is present and has the value true,
then return false.
@@ -13935,7 +13939,7 @@ those of normal Array
1. Return true.
1. If |P| [=is an array index=], then:
- 1. If [=!=] [$IsAccessorDescriptor$](|descriptor|) is true, then return
+ 1. If [$IsAccessorDescriptor$](|descriptor|) is true, then return
1. If |descriptor|.\[[Configurable]] is present and has the value false,
then return false.
@@ -14007,10 +14011,10 @@ those of normal Array
1. Let |esValue| be the result of [=converted to an ECMAScript value|converting=]
|handler|.\[[BackingList]][|index|] to an ECMAScript value.
1. Assert: the above step never throws an exception.
- 1. Return [=!=] [$FromPropertyDescriptor$](PropertyDescriptor{\[[Configurable]]:
+ 1. Return [$FromPropertyDescriptor$](PropertyDescriptor{\[[Configurable]]:
true, \[[Enumerable]]: true, \[[Writable]]:
true, \[[Value]]: |esValue| }).
- 1. Return [=!=] [$FromPropertyDescriptor$]([=?=] |O|.\[[GetOwnProperty]](|P|)).
+ 1. Return [$FromPropertyDescriptor$]([=?=] |O|.\[[GetOwnProperty]](|P|)).
@@ -14043,7 +14047,7 @@ those of normal Array
1. [=list/Append=] [=!=] [$ToString$](|i|) to |keys|.
1. Set |i| to |i| + 1.
1. [=list/Extend=] |keys| with [=!=] |O|.\[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
- 1. Return [=!=] [$CreateArrayFromList$](|keys|).
+ 1. Return [$CreateArrayFromList$](|keys|).
@@ -14170,21 +14174,21 @@ the special value “missing”, which represents a missing optional argument.
1. [=Prepare to run script=] with |relevant settings|.
1. [=Prepare to run a callback=] with |stored settings|.
1. Let |X| be |O|.
- 1. If [=!=] IsCallable(|O|) is false, then:
- 1. Let |getResult| be Get(|O|, |opName|).
+ 1. If IsCallable(|O|) is false, then:
+ 1. Let |getResult| be Completion(Get(|O|, |opName|)).
1. If |getResult| is an [=abrupt completion=], set |completion|
to |getResult| and jump to the step labeled return.
1. Set |X| to |getResult|.\[[Value]].
- 1. If [=!=] IsCallable(|X|) is false,
- then set |completion| to a new Completion{\[[Type]]: throw, \[[Value]]: a
- newly created {{ECMAScript/TypeError}} object, \[[Target]]: empty}, and jump
+ 1. If IsCallable(|X|) is false,
+ then set |completion| to [=Completion Record=] { \[[Type]]: throw, \[[Value]]: a
+ newly created {{ECMAScript/TypeError}} object, \[[Target]]: empty }, and jump
to the step labeled return.
1. Set |thisArg| to |O| (overriding the provided value).
1. Let |esArgs| be the result of [=Web IDL arguments list/converting=] |args| to an ECMAScript
arguments list. If this throws an exception, set |completion| to the completion value
representing the thrown exception and jump to the step labeled
- 1. Let |callResult| be Call(|X|, |thisArg|, |esArgs|).
+ 1. Let |callResult| be Completion(Call(|X|, |thisArg|, |esArgs|)).
1. If |callResult| is an [=abrupt completion=], set |completion| to
|callResult| and jump to the step labeled return.
1. Set |completion| to the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
@@ -14231,9 +14235,9 @@ when applied to a [=legacy callback interface object=].
1. Let |steps| be the following steps:
1. [=ECMAScript/Throw=] a {{ECMAScript/TypeError}}.
- 1. Let |F| be [=!=] CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionName(|F|, |id|).
- 1. Perform [=!=] SetFunctionLength(|F|, 0).
+ 1. Let |F| be CreateBuiltinFunction(|steps|, « », |realm|).
+ 1. Perform SetFunctionName(|F|, |id|).
+ 1. Perform SetFunctionLength(|F|, 0).
1. [=Define the constants=] of |interface| on |F| given |realm|.
1. Return |F|.
@@ -14258,7 +14262,7 @@ described in the previous section).
1. Let |completion| be an uninitialized variable.
1. If |thisArg| was not given, let |thisArg| be undefined.
1. Let |F| be the ECMAScript object corresponding to |callable|.
- 1. If [=!=] IsCallable(|F|) is false:
+ 1. If IsCallable(|F|) is false:
1. Note: This is only possible when the [=callback function=] came from an attribute
marked with [{{LegacyTreatNonObjectAsNull}}].
1. Return the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
@@ -14272,7 +14276,7 @@ described in the previous section).
arguments list. If this throws an exception, set |completion| to the completion value
representing the thrown exception and jump to the step labeled
- 1. Let |callResult| be Call(|F|, |thisArg|, |esArgs|).
+ 1. Let |callResult| be Completion(Call(|F|, |thisArg|, |esArgs|)).
1. If |callResult| is an [=abrupt completion=], set |completion| to
|callResult| and jump to the step labeled return.
1. Set |completion| to the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
@@ -14303,7 +14307,7 @@ a return type that is a [=promise type=].
1. Let |completion| be an uninitialized variable.
1. Let |F| be the ECMAScript object corresponding to |callable|.
- 1. If [=!=] IsConstructor(|F|) is false, throw a
+ 1. If IsConstructor(|F|) is false, throw a
{{ECMAScript/TypeError}} exception.
1. Let |realm| be |F|'s [=associated Realm=].
1. Let |relevant settings| be |realm|'s [=Realm/settings object=].
@@ -14314,7 +14318,7 @@ a return type that is a [=promise type=].
arguments list. If this throws an exception, set |completion| to the completion value
representing the thrown exception and jump to the step labeled
- 1. Let |callResult| be Construct(|F|, |esArgs|).
+ 1. Let |callResult| be Completion(Construct(|F|, |esArgs|)).
1. If |callResult| is an [=abrupt completion=], set |completion| to
|callResult| and jump to the step labeled return.
1. Set |completion| to the result of [=converted to an IDL value|converting=]
@@ -14345,7 +14349,7 @@ The characteristics of a namespace object are described in [[#namespace-object]]
The namespace object for a given [=namespace=] |namespace| and [=Realm=] |realm|
is created as follows:
- 1. Let |namespaceObject| be [=!=] [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$](|realm|.\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%Object.prototype%}}]]).
+ 1. Let |namespaceObject| be [$OrdinaryObjectCreate$](|realm|.\[[Intrinsics]].[[{{%Object.prototype%}}]]).
1. [=Define the regular attributes=] of |namespace| on |namespaceObject| given |realm|.
1. [=Define the regular operations=] of |namespace| on |namespaceObject| given |realm|.
1. [=Define the constants=] of |namespace| on |namespaceObject| given |realm|.
@@ -14354,7 +14358,7 @@ The characteristics of a namespace object are described in [[#namespace-object]]
1. Let |id| be |interface|'s [=identifier=].
1. Let |interfaceObject| be the result of [=create an interface object|creating an
interface object=] for |interface| with |id| in |realm|.
- 1. Perform [=!=] [$CreateMethodProperty$](|namespaceObject|, |id|, |interfaceObject|).
+ 1. Perform [$CreateMethodProperty$](|namespaceObject|, |id|, |interfaceObject|).
1. Return |namespaceObject|.