diff --git a/translations/README.ro.md b/translations/README.ro.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..bb5adb1b7b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/translations/README.ro.md @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +[![Open Source Love](https://badges.frapsoft.com/os/v1/open-source.svg?v=103)](https://github.com/ellerbrock/open-source-badges/) +[](https://firstcontributions.herokuapp.com) +[![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-green.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) + + +# Primele Contribuții + +Este greu. Este întotdeauna greu când faci ceva pentru prima dată. Mai ales când colaborezi. A face greșeli nu este un lucru confortabil. Dar cel mai important în open source este colaborarea și lucrul în echipă. Noi am vrut să simplificăm modul în care noii contribuabili în open source învață și contribuie pentru prima dată. + +Citirea articolelor și vizionarea tutorialelor poate ajuta, dar ce este mai bine decât să faci lucrurile fără a strica ceva? Acest proiect își propune să ofere îndrumare și simplificarea modului în care începătorii își fac prima contribuție. Amintește-ți: cu cât ești mai relaxat, cu atât mai bine înveți. Dacă dorești să faci prima ta contribuție, simplu urmați pașii de mai jos. Vă promit că va fi distractiv. + +#### *Citește în [alte limbi](LANGUAGES.md)* + +fork this repository + +Dacă nu ai git instalat, [ instalează-l ]( https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git/ ). + +## Ramifică acest reopozitor(depozit) + + +Fork this repo by clicking on the fork button on the top of this page. +This will create a copy of this repository in your account. + +## Clone the repository + +clone this repository + +Now clone this repo to your machine. Click on the clone button and then click the *copy to clipboard* icon. + +Open a terminal and run the following git command: + +``` +git clone "url you just copied" +``` +where "url you just copied" (without the quote marks) is the url to this repository. See the previous steps to obtain the url. + +copy URL to clipboard + +For example: +``` +git clone https://github.com/this-is-you/first-contributions.git +``` +where `this-is-you` is your GitHub username. Here you're copying the contents of the first-contributions repository in GitHub to your computer. + +## Create a branch + +Change to the repository directory on your computer (if you are not already there): + +``` +cd first-contributions +``` +Now create a branch using the `git checkout` command: +``` +git checkout -b +``` + +For example: +``` +git checkout -b add-alonzo-church +``` +(The name of the branch does not need to have the word *add* in it, but it's a reasonable thing to include because the purpose of this branch is to add your name to a list.) + +## Make necessary changes and commit those changes + +Now open `Contributors.md` file in a text editor, add your name to it, and then save the file. If you go to the project directory and execute the command `git status`, you'll see there are changes. Add those changes to the branch you just created using the `git add` command: +``` +git add Contributors.md +``` + +Now commit those changes using the `git commit` command: +``` +git commit -m "Add to Contributors list" +``` +replacing `` with your name. + +## Push changes to GitHub + +Push your changes using the command `git push`: +``` +git push origin +``` +replacing `` with the name of the branch you created earlier. + +## Submit your changes for review + +If you go to your repository on GitHub, you'll see a `Compare & pull request` button. Click on that button. + +create a pull request + +Now submit the pull request. + +submit pull request + +Soon I'll be merging all your changes into the master branch of this project. You will get a notification email once the changes have been merged. + +## Where to go from here? + +Celebrate your contribution and share it with your friends and followers by going to [web app](https://roshanjossey.github.io/first-contributions/#social-share). + +You could join our slack team in case you need any help or have any questions. [Join slack team](https://firstcontributions.herokuapp.com). + +Now let's get you started with contributing to other projects. We've compiled a list of projects with easy issues you can get started on. Check out [the list of projects in web app](https://roshanjossey.github.io/first-contributions/#project-list). + +### [ Additional material ](additional-material/additional-material.md) + + +## Tutorials Using Other Tools + +|GitHub Desktop|Visual Studio 2017|GitKraken| +|---|---|---| +|[GitHub Desktop](github-desktop-tutorial.md)|[Visual Studio 2017](github-windows-vs2017-tutorial.md)|[GitKraken](gitkraken-tutorial.md)| + +## Self-Promotion + +If you liked this project, star it on [GitHub](https://github.com/Roshanjossey/first-contributions). +If you're feeling especially charitable, follow [Roshan](https://roshanjossey.github.io/) on +[Twitter](https://twitter.com/sudo__bangbang) and +[GitHub](https://github.com/roshanjossey). +