- 如何创建一个比特币钱包.
- 如何读取比特币钱包的余额.
- 如何支付比特币并即时确认.
- 如何将Mixin Network的比特币提现到你的冷钱包或第三方交易所.
前期准备:你要有一个Mixin Network账户。下面的代码创建一个帐号,并写到csv文件里。
console.log("create wallet ....");
const { generateKeyPairSync } = require('crypto');
const { publicKey, privateKey } = generateKeyPairSync('rsa',
{ modulusLength: 1024, // the length of your key in bits
publicKeyEncoding: {
type: 'spki', // recommended to be 'spki' by the Node.js docs
format: 'pem'
privateKeyEncoding: {
type: 'pkcs1', // recommended to be 'pkcs8' by the Node.js docs
format: 'pem',
//cipher: 'aes-256-cbc', // *optional*
//passphrase: 'top secret' // *optional*
publicKey1 = publicKey.replace("-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----","");
publicKey2 = publicKey1.replace("-----END PUBLIC KEY-----","");
publicKey3 = publicKey2.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, "");
(async () => {
const info = await clientBot.createUser({full_name : "nodejs bitcoin wallet",
session_secret: publicKey3,
上面的语句会在本地创建一个RSA密钥对,然后调用Mixin Network来创建帐号,最后保存帐号信息到csv文件.
let aesKey = '';
const privateKeyBytes = pem.decode(Buffer.from(privateKey));
const aesKeyBuffer = await oaepDecrypt(
Buffer.from(info.pin_token, 'base64'),
aesKey = Buffer.from(aesKeyBuffer).toString('base64');
var csvStream = csv.createWriteStream({headers: false, ignoreEmpty: true}),
writableStream = fs.createWriteStream(WalletName, {flags: 'a'});
writableStream.on("finish", function(){
console.log("Bitcoin wallet DONE!");
csvStream.write({a: privateKey, b: info.pin_token,
c: info.session_id, d: info.user_id,
e: "123456"}
fs.appendFile(WalletName, require("os").EOL, function(){});
const newUserConfig = {clientId: info.user_id, aesKey: aesKey,
privateKey: privateKey, sessionId: info.session_id,
clientSecret: "do not need", assetPin: "123456"};
const newUserClient = new HttpClient(newUserConfig);
var info2 = await newUserClient.updatePin({oldPin : "",
newPin: "123456",
const verifyPin = await newUserClient.verifyPin("123456");
console.log({ verifyPin });
新账号并不默认内置比特币钱包, 现在读一下比特币余额就可以创建一个比特币钱包。
const assetInfo = await newUserClient.getUserAsset(BTC_ASSET_ID);
console.log("Bitcoin address is ", assetInfo.public_key);
console.log("Bitcoin balance is ", assetInfo.balance);
console.log("Bitcoin price is (USD) ", assetInfo.price_usd);
创建的帐号的比特币资产详细信息如下,其中public key就是比特币的存币地址:
Make your choose(select the uuid for open the specified wallet): 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761
You select the : 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761
You select the wallet 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761
Make your choose 1: Read Bitcoin Balance & Address
You choice to : { type: '1: Read Bitcoin Balance & Address' }
You wallet is : 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761
Bitcoin address is 15MySY7UnA827TRMQWuCKGiogCYXUmt21M
Bitcoin balance is 0
Bitcoin price is (USD) 5029.59915767
You select the : 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761
You select the wallet 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761
- 存币地址:[public_key]
- Logo: [icon_url]
- 资产名字:[name]
- 资产在Mixin Network的uuid: [asset_key]
- 对美元的价格(Coinmarketcap.com提供): [price_usd]
- 存币时确认的区块数量:[confirmations]
比特币的私钥呢?这个私钥被Mixin Network通过多重签名保护,所以对用户来说是不可见的,比特币资产的提现和转账都需要用户提供正确的的RSA签名,PIN代码与会话密钥才能完成.
这个帐号不只支持比特币,还支持以太坊,EOS等, 完整的区块链支持列表. 这个账户同时也支持所有的 ERC20 代币与 EOS 代币.
crypto | uuid in Mixin Network |
EOS | 6cfe566e-4aad-470b-8c9a-2fd35b49c68d |
CNB | 965e5c6e-434c-3fa9-b780-c50f43cd955c |
BTC | c6d0c728-2624-429b-8e0d-d9d19b6592fa |
ETC | 2204c1ee-0ea2-4add-bb9a-b3719cfff93a |
XRP | 23dfb5a5-5d7b-48b6-905f-3970e3176e27 |
XEM | 27921032-f73e-434e-955f-43d55672ee31 |
ETH | 43d61dcd-e413-450d-80b8-101d5e903357 |
DASH | 6472e7e3-75fd-48b6-b1dc-28d294ee1476 |
DOGE | 6770a1e5-6086-44d5-b60f-545f9d9e8ffd |
LTC | 76c802a2-7c88-447f-a93e-c29c9e5dd9c8 |
SC | 990c4c29-57e9-48f6-9819-7d986ea44985 |
ZEN | a2c5d22b-62a2-4c13-b3f0-013290dbac60 |
ZEC | c996abc9-d94e-4494-b1cf-2a3fd3ac5714 |
BCH | fd11b6e3-0b87-41f1-a41f-f0e9b49e5bf0 |
EOS的存币地址与其它的币有些不同,它由两部分组成: account_name and account tag, 如果你向Mixin Network存入EOS,你需要填两项数据: account name 是eoswithmixin,备注里输入你的account_tag,比如0aa2b00fad2c69059ca1b50de2b45569.
Make your choose 3: Read EOS Balance & Address
You choice to : { type: '3: Read EOS Balance & Address' }
You wallet is : 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761
EOS account name is eoswithmixin tag is 30f0c36057b9b22151173b309bd0d79c
EOS balance is 0
EOS price is (USD) 5.26225922
You select the : 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761
You select the wallet 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761
当然,在比特币网络里转币,手续费是相当贵的,费用的中位数在0.001BTC,按当前4000美元的价格,在4美元左右,有一个方便的办法,如果你有Mixin Messenger帐号,里面并且有比特币的话,可以直接提现比特币到新创建的帐号的比特币充值地址,它们在同一个Mixin Network网络内,手续费为0,而且1秒到账。
const assetInfo = await newUserClient.getUserAsset(BTC_ASSET_ID);
console.log("Bitcoin address is ", assetInfo.public_key);
console.log("Bitcoin balance is ", assetInfo.balance);
console.log("Bitcoin price is (USD) ", assetInfo.price_usd);
任何币在Mixin Network内部的交易,都是无手续费的,并且立刻到账。 前期准备: 账户设置了PIN
对于新创建的帐号,我们通过updatePin来设置新PIN码, 代码如下:
var info2 = await newUserClient.updatePin({oldPin : "",
newPin: "123456",
const verifyPin = await newUserClient.verifyPin("123456");
console.log({ verifyPin });
通过Mixin Messenger,我们可以先转比特币给机器人,然后让机器人转币给新用户。
const assetInfo = await newUserClient.getUserAsset(EOS_ASSET_ID);
console.log("The Wallet 's EOS balance is ", assetInfo.balance);
if ( assetInfo.balance > 0 ) {
const Obj = {
assetId: BTC_ASSET_ID,
recipientId: MASTER_UUID,
traceId: newUserClient.getUUID(),
amount: assetInfo.balance,
memo: '',
读取Bitcoin的余额,来确认比特币是不是转成功了! 注意newUserClient是新用户的。
const assetInfo = await newUserClient.getUserAsset(BTC_ASSET_ID);
console.log("Bitcoin address is ", assetInfo.public_key);
console.log("Bitcoin balance is ", assetInfo.balance);
如果你希望将币存入你的冷钱包或者第三方交易所, 先要得到冷钱包或者你在第三方交易所的钱包地址,然后将钱包地址提交到Mixin Network.
- 要点提示: 提现是需要支付收续费的,准备好比特币包地址!
调用createAddress API, 将会返回一个address_id,下一步的提现操作会用到这个id。
const withdrawAddress = await newUserClient.createWithdrawAddress({
assetId: BTC_ASSET_ID,
label: 'BTC withdraw',
这里的 14T129GTbXXPGXXvZzVaNLRFPeHXD1C25C 就是一个比特币钱包地址, 如下所示,提现费用是0.0025738 BTC, address_id 是"345855b5-56a5-4f3b-ba9e-d99601ef86c1".
Make your choose 9: BTC withdraw
You choice to : { type: '9: BTC withdraw' }
You wallet is : 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761
{ type: 'address',
address_id: 'a513da38-a18a-4536-abe4-d1c29ca3a1a8',
asset_id: 'c6d0c728-2624-429b-8e0d-d9d19b6592fa',
public_key: '14T129GTbXXPGXXvZzVaNLRFPeHXD1C25C',
label: 'BTC withdraw',
account_name: '',
account_tag: '',
fee: '0.00212232',
reserve: '0',
dust: '0.0001',
updated_at: '2019-04-04T02:20:42.552274992Z' }
? Input you BTC amount:
const addressList = await newUserClient.getWithdrawAddress(BTC_ASSET_ID);
提交提现请求到 Mixin Network, withdrawAddress.address_id 就是createAddress创建的。
const prompts = [
name: 'amount',
type: 'input',
message: "Input you BTC amount: ",
const answers = await inquirer.prompt(prompts);
const withdrawResult = await newUserClient.withdraw({
addressId: withdrawAddress.address_id,
assetId: BTC_ASSET_ID,
amount: answers.amount,
memo: 'withdraw by nodejs',