The Concepts Aggregator collects in-use Concepts by examining Works from the catalogue API.
To build a jar, run sbt:
sbt "project aggregator" assembly
Given a locally running instance of Elasticsearch, you can then run it locally.
APP_CONTEXT=local java -jar target/aggregator.jar
APP_CONTEXT=local head works.json | java -jar target/aggregator.jar
APP_CONTEXT=local java -jar target/aggregator.jar uk4kymkq yn8nshmc
The Docker version of the application runs the [AWS RIE])(
To build in docker, run docker build
from the root of the project.
docker build -f aggregator/Dockerfile -t concepts-aggregator .
Or (better), docker compose build
docker compose build aggregator
You can then run it locally. First start elasticsearch:
docker compose run -d --service-ports elasticsearch
Then start the Lambda emulator
docker compose run -d --service-ports aggregator
Now, you can send requests to the container to mimic a Lambda invocation:
Extract the concepts from one work
sh scripts/ gwdn56yp
The bulk update runs in a different Lambda. This makes it easier for the two modes to have different memory and timeout settings.
docker compose build aggregator-bulk
docker compose run -d --service-ports aggregator-bulk
curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9002/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" -d '{"workId":"all"}'
In Real Life, this can be invoked using:
aws lambda invoke --function-name 2022-08-31-concepts_aggregator_bulk --payload eyJ3b3JrSWQiOiJhbGwifQo= out
(The payload is the same as for a local run, base64 encoded)
Each of these commands will populate the local Elasticsearch, so you can examine the results there:
curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/_search\?pretty
If you want to run the application locally, but connected to the remote ES cluster, you can use the following (so long as you have the ability to assume a catalogue-developer role locally).
./ [pipeline_date] [...application arguments]