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File metadata and controls

170 lines (144 loc) · 9.25 KB


Monitors couchbase by using the couchbase collectd Python plugin, which collects metrics from couchbase instances

Sample YAML configuration with custom query:

- type: collectd/couchbase
  port: 8091
  collectTarget: "NODE"
  clusterName: "my-cluster"
  username: "user"
  password: "password"

Monitor Type: collectd/couchbase

Monitor Source Code

Accepts Endpoints: Yes

Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes


Config option Required Type Description
host yes string
port yes integer
collectTarget yes string Define what this Module block will monitor: "NODE", for a Couchbase node, or "BUCKET" for a Couchbase bucket.
collectBucket no string If CollectTarget is "BUCKET", CollectBucket specifies the name of the bucket that this will monitor.
clusterName no string Name of this Couchbase cluster. (default:"default")
collectMode no string Change to "detailed" to collect all available metrics from Couchbase stats API. Defaults to "default", collecting a curated set that works well with SignalFx. See for more information.
username no string Username to authenticate with
password no string Password to authenticate with


The following table lists the metrics available for this monitor. Metrics that are marked as Included are standard metrics and are monitored by default.

Name Type Included Description
gauge.bucket.basic.dataUsed gauge Size of user data within buckets of the specified state that are resident in RAM (%)
gauge.bucket.basic.diskFetches gauge Number of disk fetches
gauge.bucket.basic.diskUsed gauge Amount of disk used (bytes)
gauge.bucket.basic.itemCount gauge Number of items associated with the bucket
gauge.bucket.basic.memUsed gauge Amount of memory used by the bucket (bytes)
gauge.bucket.basic.opsPerSec gauge Number of operations per second
gauge.bucket.basic.quotaPercentUsed gauge Percentage of RAM used (for active objects) against the configure bucket size (%)
gauge.bucket.op.cmd_get gauge requested objects
gauge.bucket.op.couch_docs_fragmentation gauge Percent fragmentation of documents in this bucket.
gauge.bucket.op.couch_views_ops gauge view operations per second
gauge.bucket.op.curr_connections gauge open connection per bucket
gauge.bucket.op.curr_items gauge total number of stored items per bucket
gauge.bucket.op.disk_write_queue gauge number of items waiting to be written to disk
gauge.bucket.op.ep_bg_fetched gauge number of items fetched from disk
gauge.bucket.op.ep_cache_miss_rate gauge ratio of requested objects found in cache vs retrieved from disk
gauge.bucket.op.ep_diskqueue_drain gauge items removed from disk queue
gauge.bucket.op.ep_diskqueue_fill gauge enqueued items on disk queue
gauge.bucket.op.ep_mem_high_wat gauge memory high water mark - point at which active objects begin to be ejected from bucket
gauge.bucket.op.ep_mem_low_wat gauge memory low water mark
gauge.bucket.op.ep_num_value_ejects gauge number of objects ejected out of the bucket
gauge.bucket.op.ep_oom_errors gauge request rejected - bucket is at quota, panic
gauge.bucket.op.ep_queue_size gauge number of items queued for storage
gauge.bucket.op.ep_tmp_oom_errors gauge request rejected - couchbase is making room by ejecting objects, try again later
gauge.bucket.op.mem_used gauge memory used
gauge.bucket.op.ops gauge total of gets, sets, increment and decrement
gauge.bucket.op.vb_active_resident_items_ratio gauge ratio of items kept in memory vs stored on disk
gauge.bucket.quota.ram gauge Amount of RAM used by the bucket (bytes).
gauge.bucket.quota.rawRAM gauge Amount of raw RAM used by the bucket (bytes).
gauge.nodes.cmd_get gauge Number of get commands
gauge.nodes.couch_docs_actual_disk_size gauge Amount of disk space used by Couch docs.(bytes)
gauge.nodes.couch_docs_data_size gauge Data size of couch documents associated with a node (bytes)
gauge.nodes.couch_spatial_data_size gauge Size of object data for spatial views (bytes)
gauge.nodes.couch_spatial_disk_size gauge Amount of disk space occupied by spatial views, in bytes.
gauge.nodes.couch_views_actual_disk_size gauge Amount of disk space occupied by Couch views (bytes).
gauge.nodes.couch_views_data_size gauge Size of object data for Couch views (bytes).
gauge.nodes.curr_items gauge Number of current items
gauge.nodes.curr_items_tot gauge Total number of items associated with node
gauge.nodes.ep_bg_fetched gauge Number of disk fetches performed since server was started
gauge.nodes.get_hits gauge Number of get hits
gauge.nodes.mcdMemoryAllocated gauge Amount of memcached memory allocated (bytes).
gauge.nodes.mcdMemoryReserved gauge Amount of memcached memory reserved (bytes).
gauge.nodes.mem_used gauge Memory used by the node (bytes)
gauge.nodes.memoryFree gauge Amount of memory free for the node (bytes).
gauge.nodes.memoryTotal gauge Total memory available to the node (bytes).
gauge.nodes.ops gauge Number of operations performed on Couchbase
gauge.nodes.system.cpu_utilization_rate gauge The CPU utilization rate (%)
gauge.nodes.system.mem_free gauge Free memory available to the node (bytes)
gauge.nodes.system.mem_total gauge Total memory available to the node (bytes)
gauge.nodes.system.swap_total gauge Total swap size allocated (bytes)
gauge.nodes.system.swap_used gauge Amount of swap space used (bytes)
gauge.nodes.vb_replica_curr_items gauge Number of items/documents that are replicas gauge Free harddrive space in the cluster (bytes) gauge Harddrive quota total for the cluster (bytes) gauge Total harddrive space available to cluster (bytes) gauge Harddrive space used by the cluster (bytes) gauge Harddrive use by the data in the cluster(bytes) gauge Ram quota total for the cluster (bytes) gauge Ram quota total per node (bytes) gauge Ram quota used by the cluster (bytes) gauge Ram quota used per node (bytes) gauge Total ram available to cluster (bytes) gauge Ram used by the cluster (bytes) gauge Ram used by the data in the cluster (bytes)

To specify custom metrics you want to monitor, add a metricsToInclude filter to the agent configuration, as shown in the code snippet below. The snippet lists all available custom metrics. You can copy and paste the snippet into your configuration file, then delete any custom metrics that you do not want sent.

Note that some of the custom metrics require you to set a flag as well as add them to the list. Check the monitor configuration file to see if a flag is required for gathering additional metrics.

  - metricNames:
    - gauge.bucket.basic.dataUsed
    - gauge.bucket.basic.diskFetches
    - gauge.bucket.basic.memUsed
    - gauge.bucket.op.curr_items
    - gauge.bucket.op.disk_write_queue
    - gauge.bucket.op.ep_mem_low_wat
    - gauge.bucket.op.ops
    - gauge.bucket.quota.ram
    - gauge.bucket.quota.rawRAM
    - gauge.nodes.couch_spatial_data_size
    - gauge.nodes.couch_spatial_disk_size
    - gauge.nodes.couch_views_actual_disk_size
    - gauge.nodes.couch_views_data_size
    - gauge.nodes.curr_items
    - gauge.nodes.get_hits
    - gauge.nodes.mcdMemoryAllocated
    - gauge.nodes.mcdMemoryReserved
    - gauge.nodes.memoryFree
    - gauge.nodes.memoryTotal
    - gauge.nodes.vb_replica_curr_items
    monitorType: collectd/couchbase